Government Ethics
White House Strategy for Antisemitism Has No Credibility
I’m a White Conservative Man and I Don’t Feel Guilty
Little by little, day after day, liberal Democrats collude with America’s left wing elites to shore up the ideological house of cards they built from disinformation and lies. It’s unthinkable that their anti-American construct is still standing, but the Rittenhouse trial proves it’s as strong as ever.
Government Censorship Won’t Make Health Info Trustworthy
There is trustworthy and untrustworthy health information. There is also politically-motivated health information. It’s a liberal myth that we are incapable of discerning the difference between good and bad, like the misleading information disseminated by Kamala Harris when she said she wouldn’t trust a vaccine if Donald Trump told her to take it.
Extremist Threat From Democrats Must Be Stopped Now
There is a problem with Democrats' extremism narrative. They want us to think it's all about us and not them. The hubris from having absolute power over America makes it easy to ignore the truth that the left harbors extremists. Democrats should remember that investigating extremism to attack conservatives is like releasing a biological weapon. You never know when it will turn around and come after you.
Liars Govern America. Why Won’t Democrats Tell the Truth?
NEW: Serial liar and good boy Joey has a new plan to beat Trump: lie about the truth.
Radical Left Politicians Decide Which Hate Crimes to Encourage
Radical left activists still maintain that “all lives matter” is a racist statement. When it comes to Jewish Americans, radical left politicians seem to agree. While they deplore anecdotal accounts of violence towards Asian Americans, elements of the congressional left are actively stirring up hate towards Jewish Americans that will inevitably lead us to a place our country should never go.