UPDATE May 20, 2022:
Biden’s press secretary is right. We should not take our freedoms for granted. So why are Democrats so eager to take them away?
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is no Jen Psaki, but she does have some positive features that make her useful to the White House. She has tremendous identity politics value. More important, she is just as adept at disinformation and lies as her predecessor whether it’s the myth that Republicans are planning a tax increase on the middle class,217 or that Vladimir Putin is the one behind our soaring gas prices:
Look, when we talk about Putin’s price hike, it is a fact. It is a fact that we want to make sure that we’re communicating very clearly with the American public as what they are seeing at the — at the pumps and why we’re in this situation.218
Poll numbers show that the American people are smarter than that. We’re also too smart to believe for a moment that anyone in Biden’s White House cares about our fundamental freedoms. Jean-Pierre’s statement on the new Oklahoma abortion bill gave her a chance to use the president’s “ultra MAGA” slur to remind us of the importance of our liberties:
This is part of a growing effort by ultra MAGA officials across the country to roll back the freedoms we should not take for granted in this country.219
It’s possible that with the stress of her new job she forgot how Democrats spent the pandemic rolling back our cherished freedoms. More likely, she’s adopted the party line that freedom is an evolving partisan construct to be doled out in whatever small doses best serve Democrats. The role of the American people is to be compliant, mindless subjects, thankful for whatever measure of freedom we are granted.
This is the thinking that gave us the Biden administration’s disinformation board, a First Amendment violation so extreme that the White House was forced to place it on the backburner until it can either be hidden from public view or sold with a less threatening PR campaign and minus one far left crackpot spreader of disinformation.
Jean-Pierre reminded us which freedoms we should not take for granted:
They [“ultra MAGA officials”] are starting with reproductive rights, but the American people need to know that other fundamental rights, including the right to contraception and marriage equality, are at risk.220
That’s a pretty narrow view of our freedoms, but she also promised that the president is committed to “protecting Americans’ fundamental freedoms.”221
We have good reason to question just what “fundamental freedoms” means to this White House. The First Amendment is already deep in jeopardy. So is the Second Amendment, which we’re warned empowers white supremacist terrorist ultra MAGA Republicans.
Biden tried to use his pandemic vaccine mandate to prove that our government has the ultimate decision about our bodies, so the argument that reproductive health is an exception to a rule endorsed by a Democrat president is hypocritical, at best. Even though Biden’s efforts to force employers to penalize anyone who didn’t comply with his vaccine mandate failed, Democrat-run state and local governments had his back. They promptly turned the unvaccinated into pariahs with restrictions on their freedoms and like Biden, tried to take away their livelihoods.
This is what Democrats do when they seize power. They take away fundamental freedoms enshrined since our founding to punish, silence, and intimidate their opponents while allowing outrageous abuses from their own angry, often violent radical base. When conservatives use the First Amendment to publicly voice opinions unpopular with the left we have to worry about being cancelled and targeted by our government as domestic terrorists. When the left uses the First Amendment to burn down cities, loot businesses, and assault innocent people they are exercising their constitutional right to protest.
Jean-Pierre warns that rights other than the right to contraception and marriage equality are at risk. She Is correct about that, but I don’t see any sign that anyone in this administration is concerned about the loss of the freedoms that make America great. When our fundamental freedoms get in the way of what the Democrat Party wants they will be cancelled as quickly as Donald Trump’s Twitter account.
UPDATE June 11, 2022:
Agree or die? Freedom to not be murdered for your political beliefs was a basic American right before Democrats took over.
Democrat Party authoritarianism has done unbelievable damage to the freedoms Americans take for granted. Party apparatchiks learned far too much about what they can get away with during the George Floyd violence, the COVID pandemic shut downs, and the successful dissemination of their hoax about Donald Trump colluding with Russia.
The same Democrats who backed White House demands that we give up the right to make decisions about our bodies and get vaccinated or lose our jobs stand idly by while Supreme Court justices’ lives are jeopardized because of a yet to be announced decision the party alleges will take away the same freedom Biden asked us to relinquish to stop the virus. It doesn’t make sense, but this is how the left does business.
Conservatives are losing their freedom to be good, patriotic Americans.
Conservatives are the enemy of the people thanks to left wing, authoritarian propaganda that portrays us as our nation’s greatest terrorist threat. Biden’s weaponized presidency used us as a propaganda tool to justify its Stalinist Disinformation Board to restrict the free flow of ideas that counter the prevailing Democrat Party narrative. We will continue to be the excuse for Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Kangaroo Court to cast a wider net in preparation for whatever surprise, pre-election hoax Democrats will concoct for the fall campaign season.
This is all bad, but the worst is yet come.
Fear for our lives is the new Democrat Party policy tool.
Democrats’ latest strategy to kill our fundamental freedoms and stifle disagreement, dissent, and ultimately conservatism is precisely that: murder. If nothing else works to frighten Americans into submission, fear for our lives might get the job done.
When a Supreme Court justice’s life means nothing to the White House, the Senate majority leader, or the official third in line for the presidency, how much value do you think these ruling liberal elites place on yours?
The message sent by the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce federal law to protect SCOTUS justices from left-wing domestic terrorism and Nancy Pelosi’s stonewalling of legislation to increase their security sends a very clear message: violence and murder are acceptable policy tools if they accomplish what Democrats want.
Weeks before their angry rhetoric bore fruit and culminated in an assassination threat against Brett Kavanaugh, Pelosi failed to act to protect justices despite growing threats to their safety:
Threats against Supreme Court justices and their families are on the rise while left-wing activists are marching on their homes. Speaker Pelosi needs to immediately have a vote on the Senate-passed bill to increase security. Every day she does not act she is leaving the justices and their families vulnerable to violence,” said Congressman John Moolenaar. “The entire Senate agreed to this bill nine days ago to meet an urgent need, and now the House should pass it too.”222
That was from a May 18 press release. Nothing has changed except the domestic terror arm of the Democrat Party base now has added Justice Barrett, her home and family to its list.
Reps. Mary Miller (R-IL) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) joined fellow Republicans to propose a resolution condemning Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) dangerous threat to the justices on our highest court. They reiterated the refusal of Democrats to take simple, commonsense measures to prevent a national tragedy:
House Democrats speak about ‘attacks on our Democracy,’ but they refused to protect Supreme Court Justices from violent left-wing terrorists trying to assassinate them to prevent court decisions they don’t like.223
The Democrat Party stance is that there is no such thing as left-wing terrorism. That’s a dangerous threat not only to our democracy, but to our very lives.
Submit or die? Democrats will look the other way while you lose the most important freedom of all.
It’s defies credulity that Democrats can hijack the airwaves to broadcast their left-wing wet dream about a violent, Trump-led conservative insurrection while they ignore their duty to enforce laws that protect American lives.
The summer of 2020 is a preview of what we should expect after the release of the Roe v. Wade decision. Left-wing terrorists learned that they can do whatever they want and Democrat Party elites will protect them and put Americans who disagree in harms’ way. If you think disarming the nation is just about protecting kids, you are already a victim of party propaganda. Who will protect Americans from the Democrat Party’s violent foot soldiers? It won’t be the members of Congress who celebrated the George Floyd riots.
No matter what Democrats insist, threats are not peaceful protest and neither is arson, looting, intimidation, or murder. Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi would no doubt agree that American democracy would be well served if the unthinkable happens and Democrats get to appoint another justice. They don’t have the courage to say it, but their words and deeds are more than sufficient to get their message out.
UPDATE June 21, 2022:
Instead of attacking your Second Amendment freedom, if Democrats really want to protect your kids and your community they can do eight things that Republicans will support.
For just a moment let’s ignore the fact that Democrats are chronic liars. Let’s pretend when they craft a bill like H.R. 7910, the Protecting Our Kids Act, that they are dedicated to solving a problem and not just scoring political points.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) wants you to know that this time his party is sincere:
Let us rise above party and partisanship and special interests, as we seek to do what is right and what is necessary and what an overwhelming majority of the American people are looking to Congress to achieve. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Represent the people?224
He assures us that Congress is doing everything in its power to make America safer:
The American people care that their Congress is doing everything possible to keep them safe, to keep our children safe. The American people care. Each of us today has a chance to show that we care. God’s work on Earth must truly be our own. Vote for this bill. Make our kids and communities and people safer. And I yield back.”225
Hoyer is wrong. Congress is not doing everything possible to keep our kids and our communities safe. Neither is our president. In fact, they have taken concrete steps to put everyone at risk.
We all know that Democrats want a foot in the door for anti-Second Amendment legislation and that some shooting tragedies are more worthy of being politicized than others. The day to day gunplay in cities like Chicago is so familiar it isn’t of much use and besides, it makes Democrats who are in complete control of some of our worst urban slaughterhouses look bad.
If Democrats really cared about making America safe and protecting our kids they would adopt a nationwide party agenda beginning with these eight things that their Republican opposition would support:
Stop passing no cash bail and no pretrial detention laws.
Stop punishing violent crime with woke, criminal-friendly sentences.
Secure the border. Stop allowing deadly fentanyl and dangerous criminals into our country.
Stop driving people to desperation by ruining our economy and denying Americans the use of our abundant fossil fuel resources. Desperate people with nothing to lose are inherently dangerous.
Stop telling Americans our people and our country are hateful and racist and always have been. It’s risky and inciteful.
As far as protecting our kids is concerned, other than securing our schools with some of their unspent cash Democrats can:
Stop exposing kids to sexual perversity. They don’t need to know about drag queens before they learn their ABCs.
Stop using schools to each angry, divisive woke imperatives like CRT with the express purpose of radicalizing our students.
Have I missed anything? Come to think of it:
Stop pushing gun control legislation with false promises that don’t address the day to day mayhem behind most of America’s shootings. When Democrats have cleaned up their cities and prove they have an answer to violence, then they have earned some credibility to stand on.
If congressional Democrats care about making America safer for anyone other than themselves and their party, this is where they should start.
Any takers?
UPDATE June 24, 2022:
Republicans hand Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer a big win against your freedom while fentanyl and child molesters pour over the Democrat Party’s border.
On the same day that fifteen Republican senators handed Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer a desperately-needed win, Nancy Pelosi lied that the Supreme Court promotes gun violence. On the Senate side Chuck Schumer blasted the “extremist, right-wing Roberts Court”226 and then took credit for congressional action on gun control without a single mention of bipartisanship or the GOP:
For the first time in nearly 30 years, Congress is finally taking steps today to loosen the gun lobby’s vice-like grip which has held back meaningful legislative action to address the gun violence epidemic. Now more than ever – especially given today’s awful decision – more must be done to address gun violence and we Democrats will continue to fight to keep our communities safe.227
Did these GOP senators expect something different?
The RINO sellout list includes familiar names: Romney, Collins, Murkowski. This is the big win and the foot in the door Democrats needed. If these Republicans think that it ends here and the GOP will be applauded for cowering to Democrats’ demands, they are sadly mistaken.
That’s not the worst part.
Passing this bill was an opportunity for the Republican Party to display a little backbone and loudly, publicly demand that in exchange the Biden administration and Democrat Party leaders protect our kids by stopping the flood of illegal drugs, child molesters, and god knows what else coming over their open border. How many times do we have to hear reports like this June 22, 2022 news release about an ICE roundup of illegal re-entrants?
Among those arrested, 110 have convictions for crimes including, but not limited to, aggravated assault with a gun, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, hit and run, drug trafficking, and child molestation.228
This was a chance for responsible Republicans to draw a line in the sand over illegal immigration instead of cowering in fear that they might look bad for not agreeing with Democrats to erode our constitutionally-protected freedom. They didn’t take that chance. Now Democrats have a prize to hand their base, Biden emerges a winner, and the GOP proves again that it is a party of sycophants and cowards.
If these sellouts think they are going to get credit for taking a knee to Democrats on gun control, this morning’s announcement on the fate of Roe v. Wade just flushed those hopes along with the Second Amendment freedoms they agreed to take away.
UPDATE June 27, 2022:
Squad’s Rashida Tlaib launches un-American anti-Christian attack that proves why we need conservative justices to protect our freedoms from crazed radical Democrats.
In the past we’ve heard anti-Semitism spew from Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) angry, hateful lips. Having learned from her Democrat Party colleagues that she can get away with these kinds of comments, on Friday she added Christianity to her hit list with some censure-worthy attacks against the religion of the Dobbs decision justices.
Tlaib’s remarks are offensive to anyone who believes that Americans should not be verbally assaulted because of their religious beliefs. Freedom of religion is one of the bedrock principles of our nation. Exercising that freedom without fear of attack – especially attacks from our government – is fundamental to being American, though likely a vastly different America from whatever oppressive, anti-religious, socialist Shangri-La Tlaib dreams of.
The congresswoman began her rant with this discriminatory remark that assumes religion and politics and not the Constitution guided the justices’ decision:
Today is an extremely dark day for our country. With this corrupt, unjustifiable decision by six unelected, conservative fundamentalist Republican Justices on the United States Supreme Court, the lives of millions of people across the nation who need access to abortion are in danger.229
Presuming to know what the justices’ theological beliefs are, Tlaib pressed further. She called them “religious zealots” in a stupidly nonsensical remark that implies corporations and Christianity are in bed together:
There is no limit on how far back in time the religious zealots on the Supreme Court want to take our country. Their decision today is not about law, precedent, or principle, it is about creating a society without any separation of church and state, where corporations have more rights than you do.230
Her blatant contempt for religion in a society that values its free expression should not be a big surprise considering her past anti-Semitic comments. Neither should we be surprised at the threat that ended her rant:
I will see you in the streets.231
More likely in the gutter. That’s where radical leftists seem to find their inspiration when they become frustrated with the workings of our constitutional republic and the freedoms America enshrines.
Most Americans abhor the use of hate and discrimination as a means to accomplish political goals. This raises a question: at what point is your departure from our social and political norms and values so extreme and even dangerous that you no longer merit being called an American and instead become a threat to our society?
As long as Democrats rule Congress we’ll never know the answer to that question. Next year?
Continued on next page
People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.