Just released: Stupid Voters 2024 Election Update.
Author’s note: This post was published on October 19, 2018. It was less than one month before Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party took control of the House of Representatives.
When the July 29, 2020 update was published Democrats were still lying. All their energies were focused on getting rid of Trump. They promised a veritable socialist paradise if only we’d agree to put their candidate in the White House.
Now it’s exactly one year later. Stupid voters did what Democrats asked. What did they get in return? Read the July 29, 2021 update to find out about what may be the biggest lie yet from the Biden-Harris White House.
Summer is over but the lying is not thanks in large part to Joe Biden’s Afghanistan debacle. There is an even bigger lie afoot, though. It’s a Democrat favorite party elites pulled out of their trick bag again to convince voters that spending $3.5 trillion is a good idea. To find out more check out the September 15, 2021 update: “if we spend more, you will pay less.”
The Democrat Party’s fundamental lie about Americans just backfired, big time. If you are a stupid, white, ignorant voter like me, the November 3, 2021 update is for you.
December 24, 2021 update: the single biggest lie of 2021 just came from progressive Democrats.
Is there such a thing as a non-violent, progressive insurrection?
Original post: this is what Democrats lied about in 2018
I don’t care how much Native American blood Elizabeth Warren has sloshing around in her veins. America is supposed to be a place where we focus on who, not what you are. That’s not the way it usually works for Democrats who politically segregate minority groups for as long as they are useful vote-getters. The truth about why minorities are so important to the party is one of the things Democrats lie to stupid voters about, but it’s hardly the only falsehood they’re telling.
Democrats lie about these 10 problems
1. Minorities are suffering because of Trump
America is supposed to be about inclusion, but blacks, Hispanics and Latinos, LGBTQs, and even women become needy, marginalized victims when the party needs to drum up support.
The chair of the Congressional Black Caucus recently remarked:
President Trump has been in office for almost two years and during that time African Americans and other marginalized communities have lost a lot. There is no question that our community – and the country – are worse off now than they were before President Trump took office,” said CBC Chairman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA-02).1
The black unemployment rate has been dropping like a stone.2 Is that one of the losses Congressman Richmond is referring to?

See lie #7
2. Health care, college, and [fill in the blank] should be free for everyone
This covers the gamut of expensive things people have a hard time paying for. College and health care top the list.
Democrats will never admit responsibility for that second one even though they promised us affordable care in 2010 when they decided to fix the system once and for all. Now we’ve got expanding Medicaid, Medicare for All, and promises that health care can be free or at least within easy reach of every American.
The 76-member “Medicare for All” congressional caucus claims:
A health care system like Medicare for All promises to save billions through efficiencies.3
Do you believe this? Are you that stupid?
3. Everything bad in America is Trump’s fault
When Democrats lie to voters this is an easy one because so many Americans want very badly to believe that whatever goes wrong is the president’s fault. They don’t understand why they finally found a job or why their 401(k) put retirement in sight. Instead they believe what they hear, give credit for the economy to Obama, and wait for the economic hammer to fall that Democrats keep warning us about.
Take a moment and think about the election issues we are fighting over: immigration, women’s rights, the deficit, election meddling, racial discrimination, gun crimes.
Name one that is new.
4. Paying lower taxes hurts taxpayers
Less revenue means fewer handouts. That’s bad news for Democrats who lie obsessively year after year about how tax revenue never gets the job done in distressed communities because we still aren’t spending enough.
Why is it that even when the party is in power, when Democrats call the shots every single year like they do in Illinois, the poor stay right where they are most valuable – in poverty?
5. Urban crime is the fault of racist cops and guns
Racist cops and gun stores sell a lot better than the simple fact that black people commit violent crimes against black people a lot more often than the police do, a fact not lost on Kanye West when he met with the president.
Yes, it’s true that we need more jobs and opportunity in some urban communities. Killing isn’t going to create these things. What it will do is draw Democrats like flies who are eager to tell stupid voters that the real problem is racist law enforcement and guns and not violence that is endemic in cities like Chicago.
6. $15 minimum wage will bring prosperity to the working class
This is another promise that keeps coming back even while fast food restaurants turn to automation and Seattle’s experiment shows what can happen to low wage workers when higher mandatory minimum wages are forced on businesses.
The good news about 3.7% unemployment is that if you have skills and deserve more pay you can find a better job.
The bad news is that if you only have minimum wage skills that’s all you are going to get. Even if Democrats have the strength to make $15 an hour a reality they can’t prevent the private sector from making its own adjustment.
7. Today’s immigrants are the same as yesterday’s
Republicans lie about this too, but I’ll blame Democrats because they’re the ones who taught the GOP that it works.
Why do so many Americans fall for this one? If you see the vaguest similarity between Ellis Island, caravans from Latin America, or Mexican nationals sneaking over the border you are either a Democrat or you know nothing about our history.
Yes, we are a nation of immigrants. No, that doesn’t mean we are a nation of lawbreakers and calling these people “migrants” changes nothing.
8. Calling socialism “democratic” makes it acceptable
The Democratic part is correct but that’s about all. No Republican or sane American would suggest that socialism, no matter how democratic, is the path to prosperity. It is, however, a Democratic lie that ingratiates party members with stupid voters who think that the nation can afford to do a whole lot more and that they don’t have to help pay for it.
9. We’re going to impeach Trump
Impeachment? Negativity has its limits even for Democrats so they aren’t talking about it much just yet. That will change very quickly if the House turns over. Will it go anywhere?
The backstory to the plan to oust the president is based on more Democratic lies: insanity, conniving with Russia, abuse of power. Watch what happens when Trump starts cranking out Oval Office orders to get around congressional obstruction. Are they going to impeach him for what he learned from Obama?
10. Taxes will change but I don’t know what the new tax rates will be
This one is special to me because it comes from my state and our likely next governor, J.B. Pritzker.
Mr. Pritzker hasn’t been very forthcoming with his plans for a progressive income tax. He dodged, rolled, and parried during the gubernatorial debates. We never got a straight answer.
We’ll have one in about three months. I don’t expect we’ll like what we hear.
UPDATE July 29, 2020: Democrats are still lying to stupid voters because they have accomplished nothing
A lot of misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies have been spread. Now Elizabeth Warren is out of the picture. So is Bernie Sanders. Russian interference is behind us and we’ve moved on to other things, in particular another presidential election that looks to be the highest stakes, most mean-spirited contest ever.
It’s 2020: Democrats lie to stupid voters about this
We can thank Democrats for the biggest lie of the year. They taught the left that destruction is an acceptable form of political expression as long as it doesn’t come from the far right. That means if Trump wins we will see more looting and burning.
If Biden wins there will also be looting and burning.
Except for the historic failure to press their case to impeach Trump, the 10 issues Democrats lied to voters about have not changed in the two years since Republicans lost the House. If anything, the problems they promised to fix got worse.
1. Minorities are still suffering because of Trump.
A Republican is in the White House. We all know the story. Everyone who isn’t white and wealthy is suffering. Lucky for Democrats we’ve forgotten how well the economy delivered before the virus blindsided us, but they would never acknowledge that a good economy could help their base anyway.
The good news is that if a good economy won’t help, how much can a bad economy hurt?
2. Everything should still be free.
Now the list of freebies includes an unemployment insurance income that pays better than a 9 to 5.
Coronavirus relief is a socialist dreamland for Democrats. If they could ban all work until November for public health reasons they would do it today.
3. Everything bad is because of Trump
Even COVID-19 deaths and rioting insurgents the party’s big city mayors won’t control are Trump’s fault.
Since they blamed Trump for the Charlottesville rally and death, shouldn’t Democrats at least accept the credit for the havoc wreaked by their own base?
4. Paying lower taxes hurts taxpayers
Democrats lie about the scourge of lower tax rates all the time. Taxing more is the only way to help the economy grow.
No one alive will live long enough for this not to be true.
Are voters really stupid enough to believe this?
5. Racist cops and gun laws are still to blame for urban crime
This still holds true even when gun violence is so out of control that the only reason that makes sense is lax liberal law enforcement and the refusal to lock up gun offenders for long enough to protect the public.
With the advent of the George Floyd movement Democrats have a new reason to do nothing about crime. In fact, their base will be happiest if we eliminate law enforcement altogether like we’re seeing in Portland and Seattle.
Meanwhile, the shootings in Chicago continue unabated thanks to a mayor that mistakes press conferences for responsible governing that protects the public. We’re waiting for the outraged protests but the left is too busy attacking the police to worry about dead children.
6. $15 is no longer enough
Now it’s a fight for $20. When this goes nowhere and a few years have passed we can fight for $25.
7. Today’s immigrants are forgotten
Too bad for illegals that Black Americans are important again.
Democrats always knew immigration was a loser even if stupid voters swallowed their lies. Now they don’t have to deal with it.
8. Calling socialism “democratic” makes it acceptable
The good news is that Bernie Sanders is off the radar for the 2020 election. The bad news is we have new socialist crackpots spreading their special brand of whack-brained anti-Americanism.
Please, Fox News, stop putting AOC in the headlines. She has yet to say anything worth printing.
9. Trump impeachment?
They’re still talking about it but the clock has run out. No doubt if Biden wins Democrats will come up with an impeachment in absentia resolution just so they don’t have to admit their failure.
Nancy Pelosi says the president is impeached forever. Sorry Madam Speaker, but you failed forever.
10. Taxes will change?
If the Democratic Party sweeps this election taxes will change. The only thing that’s new for 2020 is that they have drained their Capitol Hill checking account and have promised even more trillions to their base.
Let’s make this simple. Yes, your taxes will change. They will change a lot and if Democrats take over there is nothing you can do to save yourself.
Author’s note April 26, 2021: When the July 29, 2020 update was published things hadn’t improved. Democrats were still lying. They were still trying to get rid of Trump. They promised a veritable socialist paradise if only we’d agree to put their candidate in the White House.
Now it’s 2021. Stupid voters did what Democrats asked. What did they get in return? Read our April 26, 2021 update to find out.
UPDATE April 26, 2021:
Now it’s 2021. Democrats told us what they wanted to do. Stupid voters handed them power anyway.
Democrats promised a lot to regain the White House and take over the Senate. Compared to our July 29, 2020 update what has changed except for a new president who makes no sense when he tries to talk?
1. People of color are routinely murdered by the police
Democrat Party propaganda tells us that people of color are murdered by the police as a matter of course. We can’t blame this on Trump because he’s out, but we don’t need to because systemic racism is to blame for everything wrong with America going back centuries. That will do.
2. Everything should still be free but there are too many things to spend on
Everything should be free in the radical left’s socialist Shangri-La except for one tiny detail. There is too much to spend on. We’ve already spent so many trillions, with trillions more planned, that we’re going to have a hard time giving anything away for nothing. That won’t take the promises off the table, only delivering the goods.
3. Everything bad in America is still Trump’s fault because the Biden administration is responsible for nothing
As far as who gets blamed is concerned we’re still in 2020. When it comes to accountability the White House is a black hole. Every negativity is instantly gobbled alive by Jen Psaki.
4. Paying higher taxes is good for everybody
Higher taxes are good because they give Democrats more money to spend to give us the lives they think we deserve. If everything is free we won’t need money anyway, except for the money we have to give to the government.
5. Urban crime is best ignored
The only crimes Democrats are interested in are the incidents they turn into crimes when word gets out about anything involving the police and a person of color, like the recent shooting of a knife-wielding assailant in Ohio. One police-involved shooting is worth a 1,000 shootings that don’t involve a cop and have no political value.
6. What minimum wage?
Congressional pandemic spending took the $15.00/hr. minimum wage off the table. Besides, with all the promises of free stuff why would anyone bother to work at a job that isn’t one of those high-paying union jobs Joe Biden is going to hand out?
7. Immigrants are back in the spotlight
Today’s illegal immigrants are the same as last year’s but they are back in the spotlight because there are so darn many of them. A whole lot more. In fact, we don’t even know how many because no one in the White House will acknowledge the enormity of the catastrophe bright bulb Biden precipitated by enticing them to come here.
8. Socialism? Who said anything about socialism?
We don’t talk about socialism. The idea didn’t go over very well with Americans who care about their country. Now we call unpopular ideas like socialist economic programs policies to combat systemic racism. The hope is that detractors will be afraid to mount a challenge and risk being called racist. That might have been a good idea, but we’ve been called racists for so many months now who cares?
9. Impeachment? Been there. Done that. Vote Trump in 2024!
We impeached Trump. Again. Now we’re crossing our fingers that he’ll be back in four years to fix the mess the people in the shadows who are really running the country are so hard at work creating.
10. Taxes are only going in one direction and it’s not down
We still don’t know where taxes are going except up. There are threats from the White House of a higher corporate tax rate, higher capital gains rate, and a tax hike on the wealthy. What does that mean for the middle and working classes the president promises won’t see higher taxes? They’ll pay through the nose for everything they touch. Democrats say trickle down doesn’t work for prosperity, but rest assured it works 100% of the time for tax increases.
UPDATE May 19, 2021: all violence matters
Left-wing activists claim that the phrase “all lives matter” is racist. Even though this is false and all lives do matter, there is a political convenience to this viewpoint that keeps it alive. It helps advance the cause of the identity politics that controls our government’s every move.
For just a moment yesterday it sounded like Democrats were pushing back against this hypocritical stance when they pushed for legislation to address anti-Asian hate crimes with more bureaucracy:
An attack on any of us, of course, is an attack on all of us.4
But that’s not at all what they meant.
Some types of crimes are more beneficial to lawmakers than others. On the trending hierarchy of crimes ripe for politicization any instance of violence against Asians tops the list and gives Democrats the opportunity to chant “racist” and “racism” to their empty-headed liberal followers. While they promise to “Act Decisively to Stamp Out Anti-Asian Violence Whenever and Wherever It Is Found,”5 given their failure to do anything about crime in urban black communities we have no reason to believe they will do anything except take credit for more worthless legislation.
Does identity politics skew the motives we assign to alleged hate crimes? Certainly it rules out a broader discussion of violence outside of anti-Asian hate that “shocks the conscience in New York City and throughout the country.”6
Anti-Asian incidents aren’t the only kind of violence that should shock our conscience, but we’re forbidden to confront the reality of black violence in urban communities because it’s deemed racist, a product of white supremacy, and off limits unless we’re discussing dumping more taxpayer cash on Democrat-run cities.
Ignore what you see in social media cell-phone videos and on the news. This sort of anecdotal proof only applies to police officers. The scourge of black violence does not exist despite a bevy of federal data that argues otherwise.
The truth is that people commit crimes against those who live around them. This is not an issue of skin color. It’s a matter of convenience.
It’s May. The weather is warming up. The COVID-19 pandemic is trending positive. People are getting outside. 48 people including two children were shot in Chicago last weekend according to the Chicago Sun-Times.7
“Black Lives Matter” is a radical activist group. “Black lives matter” is not something Democrats are familiar with any more than all lives matter is deemed anything but a hateful slur. While lawmakers weigh their options on what violent crimes carry the most political might they steadfastly deny the truth and lie to the public about the real problem that’s devastating urban communities.
While ideologues in Congress debate which ethnic groups are most important to the Democratic Party criminals will keep shooting people with no regard to their skin color because identity politics means nothing to criminals. They have more important things to worry about.
UPDATE July 29, 2021: anyone who believes this lie proves that Democrat Party voters are stupid
Yesterday the White House released its “Collaborative Migration Management Strategy” to address what Biden and Harris like to call the root causes of migration. We hear a lot about migration. It sounds so much better and is less blameful than what we should call the administration’s strategy: the Biden-Harris plan for more illegal immigration.
In yesterday’s White House briefing on this revelatory immigration scheme Donald Trump was blamed again for our illegal immigration problems:
And you all know the history there, but there were a number of problems that pre-existed the Trump administration, but the Trump administration made them so much worse.8
That was Lie #1, but it’s a lie we expect. This is de rigeur politics for Biden’s teflon White House. The administration knows that few in the media would even think to blame anyone but Trump for this burgeoning catastrophe.
On to Lie #2. It’s a big one, maybe the biggest we’ve heard from the Biden-Harris team. Apparently, the White House believes the American people are so stupid that we can’t see through this falsehood:
So, the blueprint yesterday includes four strategies: One, a humane and well-managed border. This includes strategic use of the $15 billion a year that CBC [CBP] receives and implementing expedited removal for families who do not express fear of return to their home country.9
So let’s get this straight: you trudge across Mexico in the blistering heat from God know where and finally arrive in the promised land. You pay off the cartel that brought you here. You wait to be rounded up by CBP so the Biden-Harris administration can hand you all the glories of being an American and then, when the big moment finally arrives and you get to state your case, you tell officials you don’t have a problem going back. That’s assuming, of course, that you show up for your appearance.
Even Biden voters can’t possibly be stupid enough to swallow this, can they?
UPDATE September 14, 2021: if we spend more, you will pay less
Everything the Democrat Party stands for is based on this very simple lie to stupid voters.
It’s hard to believe anyone still falls for this. Democrats don’t care how much you pay. Their priority is to spend more money to keep their donors fat and happy. If they really wanted to be fiscally responsible and lower the cost of survival they would find ways to cut spending and tax everyone less so businesses can thrive. Instead, we have states like Illinois destroyed by debt that Democrats try to deal with by passing sneaky, regressive taxes their base doesn’t recognize for what they are. If you need an example, look no further than Governor Pritzker’s constantly increasing gas tax that doubled Illinois’ levy for fuel in 2019 and keeps going up.
Economic growth helps people move up. Democrat Party economic growth raises the cost of everything and makes up for the economic damage done to the working and middle classes by funding their dependence.
Pelosi: spending $3.5 trillion means you get all this
Our #2 biggest liar after Joe Biden is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She echoed the president’s claims about what spending $3.5 trillion will do:
The For The People legislation is about creating good-paying jobs, while lowering costs, cutting taxes for America’s families and having the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share.10
Remember when Pelosi called the Affordable Care Act a major accomplishment for “making coverage affordable for families and small businesses”?11 She lied about that, too. Now Democrats can’t get rid of it fast enough with their new plans for even worse, single-payer socialist health care system.
On the Senate side we heard the same nonsense from Chuck Schumer:
There are four main points here: it will cut taxes for American families; it will lower costs for everyone; it’ll create good paying jobs while tackling the climate crisis; and it will be paid for by making our tax code more progressive and more fair, which means asking corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share.12
If spending $3.5 trillion lowers costs for everyone, how can it also raise taxes?
The latest proposal for a fair share corporate tax rate is 26.5%.13 Only the terminally dumb believe that this increase will be borne by the corporations Democrats accuse of evading taxes. That is not how it works any more than taxing the rich will make the poor richer. It only makes Democrats and their special interests wealthier and more powerful while stupid voters cast their ballots thinking next time will be different
UPDATE November 3, 2021: are white Americans ignorant and racist? Democrats’ fundamental lie to voters backfires, big time.
The weeping and moaning started last night and it’s getting louder by the moment. A headline article on MSNBC this morning proclaims “Glenn Youngkin’s victory proves white ignorance is a powerful weapon.”14
That shocking combination of hatred and racism is what we’ve come to expect from the left. What Youngkin’s victory in Virginia proves is that lying to voters because you think they are stupid enough to believe anything you say is a very bad strategy, especially when many of those voters are the target of your party’s agenda.
It’s already obvious from all the things going horribly wrong in America that the Democrat Party’s woke, socialist, green energy-obsessed platform is a big loser for everyone involved except Republicans. We will hear every ridiculous explanation imaginable for what happened in Virginia because Democrats can’t and won’t admit that Americans are tired of being vilified because of their skin color. They’ve put too much effort into constructing an elaborate, hateful anti-American agenda that to McAuliffe’s detriment included denying the takeover of the hearts and minds of our children by liberal race zealots.
Attacking the majority of voters with racist lies is not a sustainable political strategy
It goes without saying that a headline proclaiming black or brown ignorance would be a national scandal and rightfully so. When Democrats lie to their voters about race because they think we’re stupid enough to believe them they disregard the simple fact that white people, both liberal and conservative, are the majority of the electorate and also the majority of U.S. taxpayers. Try as you might, accusing the majority of Americans of being ignorant, racist, terror threats is not a sustainable strategy.
Try as Biden might, he can’t import illegal aliens fast enough to change our voting population by 2022. Democrats are going to get their backsides handed to them one year from now for one simple reason: they lie to their voters in the belief that Americans are stupid enough to believe them. Perhaps Biden should make some sort of effort to do what he promised: unite the country. Calling white voters stupid, ignorant racists is not going to accomplish that.
Update December 24, 2021:
The single biggest lie of 2021 just came from progressive Democrats.
Is there such a thing as a non-violent insurrection? That’s pretty close to what angry, frustrated House progressives suggested this week when it became all too obvious that they aren’t going to get their socialist economic agenda on the books this year:
In the meantime, the White House must continue to act on a parallel track by using the President’s incredibly powerful tool of executive action. The legislative approach, while essential, has no certainty of timing or results — and we simply cannot wait to deliver tangible relief to people that they can feel and will make a difference in their lives and livelihoods.15
What they want to do will certainly make a difference in our lives. Economic upheaval that still doesn’t have a legitimate cost figure will impact every one of us and not in a good way.
Radical House progressives know that their window to wreck the economy is almost closed. The impact of Democrat Party policies is already punishing the country in very tangible ways. Adding more pain is not going to be a popular move even among less extreme congressional Democrats, so the obvious solution is to ram through as much of Build Back Better as possible without the legislature, Constitution, and judging by Biden’s extreme unpopularity, will of the people.
That’s why progressives want to make it perfectly clear that this is for our benefit and not theirs:
Today, the elected leadership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus is calling on the President and all Democrats who believe in the need to Build Back Better for climate, care, immigrants, and those seeking economic dignity and opportunity to come together and deliver for the American people.16
This assumes we can fix the climate overnight, which we can’t. The goals of climate radicals extend many years into the future. Immigrants aren’t the American people, so they don’t count unless we’re putting them on a flight home.
Most important, economic dignity and opportunity come with sinking unemployment and the job creation numbers President Biden boasted after the release of the November 2021 BLS Employment Situation report:
At this point in the year, we’re looking at the sharpest one-year decline in unemployment ever. Simply put, America — America is back to work and our jobs recovery is going very strong.17
So we’re back to work, the recovery is booming, and progressives are still unhappy and grasping at nonexistent straws:
We were sent to Congress to govern, not watch our communities fall deeper into crisis. We must use every tool at our disposal, and we must do so now.18
There are Democrats, there are progressives, there are socialists, and then there are whack job progressive socialist Democrats. We expect economic insanity from the outermost fringes of the radical left, but we have a massive contradiction to reconcile.
Who is telling the biggest lie, Joe Biden who claims economic victory or House progressives who expect him to do what say even though their stance on BBB make him a liar?
2024 Election Update: Harris Lies to Stupid Voters About Everything
Kamala Harris isn’t offering much to those who think it’s smart to vote her into the White House. Instead of solutions to fix what she destroyed by aiding and abetting Joe Biden, her campaign markets lies that have been surprisingly successful if polls are any indication. This says more about our electorate than the quality of the Democrat Party’s last-minute stand-in for Biden, but if she wins in November the difference will be academic.
Which comes first, stupid voters or the stupid lies they believe?
This is a chicken and egg question. Are Democrat voters stupid because they believe Harris’s lies, or are their heads so full of the falsehoods and propaganda spread by her campaign, the president, and leading Democrats that nothing they believe is true, which in essence also makes them stupid?
Harris is a fraud, a candidate bereft of substance who gambles on trusting supporters to believe anything she says.
The Trump bloodbath hoax is a perfect example. For months, Harris and Biden have threatened that Donald Trump will create a bloodbath if he is elected. She repeated the lie during the ABC News debate:
And be clear on that point. Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath, if this — and the outcome of this election is not to his liking.19
Informed voters know that this is not true. Trump was talking about an economic bloodbath for the auto industry if China ships EVs from Mexico. In fact, he threatened Xi Jinping with a 100% tariff on imported vehicles.20 Harris misrepresented this, too during an October 4, 2024 appearance in Flint, Michigan:
And when it came to building the cars of the future, Donald Trump sat on the sidelines and let China dominate.21
Did she mean dominate as in doing nothing while China leisurely flew a spy balloon over a country she refuses to protect?
Harris’s historic failure to win a Teamsters’ endorsement, a Democrat Party given, can’t be whitewashed no matter how many lies she tells about Trump. Unlike her big money liberal base, working Americans increasingly look to Republicans for the better lives denied by Harris’s brand of radical progressivism.

The Kamala Campaign relies on the presumption that voters are too stupid to see through lies that have been repeatedly debunked like the bloodbath hoax and Trump’s Project 2025:
And for anybody watching, you know, if you want to learn more about Donald Trump’s plans, just google Project 2025.23
Obviously, she assumes voters are never going to look this up. If they do, they will see that she is lying.
Harris also lies about a Trump National Sales Tax which he couldn’t pass unilaterally even if he wanted to:
Donald Trump will give billionaires and corporations massive tax cuts, attack unions, cut Social Security and Medicare, and impose a Trump sales tax — a 20 percent tax on everyday basic necessities, which will cost the average pam- — family nearly $4,000 a year.24
A national sales tax sounds scary and it would be if it were true, but she is referring to the impact of tariffs on imported goods.
Paradoxically, Harris’s radical spending priorities that depend on punishing big business by raising the corporate tax rate will accomplish precisely what she threatens. Either she doesn’t understand that higher taxes on businesses will also raise prices or more likely, hopes that her supporters are too uninformed to know that the costs of a Harris government-controlled economy will be passed down to their kitchen tables, just like the costs of Bidenomics that she championed until the president was kicked to the curb and she became the nominee.
And she lies about Trump abortion bans:
And now more than one in three women in America lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions even for rape and incest, which is immoral.24
Democrats threaten that Trump will destroy democracy, but Harris’s furor at returning the abortion decision to we, the people and the fact that she is running for president without being asked by primary voters proves where the real threat to our republic resides.
What’s most notable about her October 4, 2024 appearance in Flint is not the lying. What stood out is what she didn’t say:
Not a word about Hurricane Helena or the status of FEMA relief efforts.
Not a word about Israel and the Harris-Biden war in the Middle East.
Not a word about her border crisis.
Why? When it comes to fixing problems and making America great, all she has is lies about Donald Trump and promises about a Harris “opportunity economy” that sounds great until we realize it’s what we had before she and Biden came along and made life in America too expensive to afford. The question has been asked many times: why can’t the vice president deliver this wonderful opportunity now?
Harris prefaced her Michigan remarks by saying:
We got some business to do. We got some business to do.25
Her business is the job of lying to voters.
Lies won’t rescue those in desperate need whose lives were destroyed days before this campaign stop.
Lies won’t support Israel’s right to survive, nor will they shut down the pro-Hamas terror supporters she covertly panders to by refusing to go all-in on the defense of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Lies won’t fix Harris’s border catastrophe or wash the blood of Americans killed by illegals from her hands.
Lies won’t restore the opportunity economy brought by Trump that was promptly discarded in favor of Bidenomics.
Addressing these crises is the business of being a leader. Harris’s idea of leadership is to do nothing and expect votes in return for promising to fix what she wrecked.
The question is, are Democrats voters so stupid that they prefer the warm comfort of Harris’s reassuring lies to the appalling truth that this is what she stands for and all she has to offer?
1. “CBC: We Have Lost A Lot.” Congressional Black Caucus. October 3, 2018. https://cbc.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=954, retrieved October 18, 2018.
2. “(Seas) Unemployment Rate – Black or African American Unemployment Rate.” Bureau of Labor Statistics. October 18, 2018. https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000006, retrieved October 18, 2018.
3. “Medicare for All Congressional Caucus.” Pramila Jayapal. https://jayapal.house.gov/medicare-for-all, retrieved October 17, 2018.
4“Chairman Jeffries: “We Must Act Decisively to Stamp Out Anti-Asian Violence Whenever and Wherever It Is Found.” Dems.gov. May 18, 2021. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-jeffries-we-must-act-decisively-to-stamp-out-anti-asian-violence-whenever-and-wherever-it-is-found, retrieved May 19, 2021.
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Great article.
Just heard another good one from our president today during his post-Putin press conference. Biden said that January 6 rioters killed a Capitol police officer. Not true, Joe. The only one who was killed was one of the protesters and we still don’t know who did it or why.
Thanks for reading!