The RNC showed up in my mailbox with its hand out. The solicitation for political donations to the Republican Party came disguised as a survey with a vaguely threatening "FINAL NOTICE” at the top of the page. An offer to contribute $1,000 or more was at the bottom. In between were a lot of questions that solidified my decision that donating to the party is a waste of … [Read more...] about Political Donations to the Republican Party are a Waste
Donald Trump
Authoritarian Trump a Threat to Totalitarian Democrats
April 24, 2021: it's time we call Joe Biden's border holding pens what they are: concentration camps. His ethnic detainment policy reeks of totalitarian rule. In lieu of any information from the Biden administration about what's really going on at the border you can read this update about our new, progressive government's border facility cover-up. Authoritarian sounds less … [Read more...] about Authoritarian Trump a Threat to Totalitarian Democrats
America First Policy Is Not What Republicans are Fighting For
The Republican National Committee came knocking again. The envelope was personally addressed. “Trump Pence Victory” was emblazoned on the contents. So was the request for a handout of $100, $150, $200 or more. If you were generous and hungry an invitation from the president was enclosed to a special dinner in Milwaukee with other loyal Republicans for only $2,700 per couple. … [Read more...] about America First Policy Is Not What Republicans are Fighting For
Hondurans TPS Protection Ends, War of Words Begins
Hondurans TPS (Temporary Protected Status) in the U.S. was cancelled earlier this month but the war of words and disinformation is just starting. Even though TPS is meant to be exactly what it sounds like, we learned from DACA that temporary means different things to different parties. TPS for Hondurans lasted twenty years, but even two decades of temporary isn’t long … [Read more...] about Hondurans TPS Protection Ends, War of Words Begins
Trump Bluffs: Chaos Government Too Simple for Critics
When Donald Trump bluffs things happen. It’s a ploy too simple for critics so busy digging up new things to attack that they miss the obvious: bluffs and threats force policy changes. They also take legislating out of the Oval Office and put it back on Capitol Hill where it belongs. Trump bluffs or incompetent chaos? When Trump bluffs he stirs things up. Democrats call … [Read more...] about Trump Bluffs: Chaos Government Too Simple for Critics