Speaking to hope that’s always just out of reach doesn’t turn failure into accomplishment. That’s a mistake we heard more than once during Tuesday night’s State of the Union. Getting your party elected doesn’t create greatness just because you don’t like what the current administration has done, either.
Emotions That Win Votes by Tricking People
The man that perfected divisive “us and them” politics claimed to reject one of his favorite political weapons in a speech on policing in Chicago.1 Calling it “shocking” that candidates would resort to his own brand of divisiveness, President Obama blamed others for stirring up the same negative emotions that he is still using to bring in money and win votes by tricking people with their feelings.
What You Believe Is Not Your Opinion, So Whose Is It?
Who decides what you believe about politics and current events? Is your opinion yours, or someone else’s creation? More often than not, the controversies we obsess over aren’t nearly as big as they sound. They seem important, but they don’t affect a lot of people.
America is Great, but How Do We Make it Good?
No presidential candidate will claim that America isn’t great. That kind of heresy would be political suicide. No matter what party they have pledged allegiance to, anyone running for our nation’s highest office will proudly proclaim that America is great and always has been.
Campaign Promises for 2016 You Should Never Believe
21st century politics does not mean the Federal Government has entered a new, high-tech era of responsiveness, transparency, and accountability. Just the opposite is true. It means our sprawling bureaucracy’s inability to keep up with the times will become more glaring.
Seven Issues That Hold You Hostage to Politics
Rubio is wrong. The problem is not that we don’t have the right people running America. The problem is that the people pulling the strings hold us hostage to politics. No matter who wins the presidency next year, if that person is savvy enough to pull off an election victory then they also know they will have to play the same game that every president plays.
Everyday Average American Won’t Fight for 15
Who plans to grow up to be an everyday, average American? This country has always looked down on average, or at least we did until the word stopped meaning what it sounds like. That’s because politicians lowered the bar on average so they can claim that more Americans need help.