UPDATE July 29, 2022:
Democrats stake their future on the freedom to kill and they aren’t taking it away.
With America’s economy in recessionary tatters and no solutions except lies and more spending Democrats are forced to be creative. The Supreme Court dropped a tremendous opportunity in the laps of party apparatchiks with the Dobbs decision. We’ve heard little else from them since and to be honest, Republicans haven’t helped. Lawmakers in states that passed or are considering no-exceptions abortion laws need to screw their heads on straight and consider the ethical consequences of overreaching and the political fallout that will follow.
Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi told a story during a press event about a 13-year old girl who was allegedly sexually assaulted by her mother’s boyfriend:
The doctor looked at this child wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt – a little girl – and later said she could not imagine going through such a trauma, only to be told: ‘You must deliver this baby.’254
Assuming the story is true, Pelosi didn’t say whether the child was actually denied an abortion or whether she traveled to another state. A similar story from Ohio blew up in Democrats’ faces when illegal immigration entered the picture, which is entirely predictable considering violent criminals are free to cross Biden’s open border and won’t go anywhere once they are here because interior enforcement is also impeded by the president.
Pelosi blasts “the GOP’s twisted vision of America,” and a “dark crusade of punishment and control.”255 She lies that Republicans “don’t believe in birth control”256 just like she lies about Republicans planning to end Medicare, Social Security, and raise taxes across the board. She does this because the only other thing Democrats have to run on is protecting that freedom to kill.
The freedom to kill? Yes, that’s a Democrat Party thing.
Life has lost all value for Democrats, so expanding the freedom to kill is a no- brainer for the party.
Abortion is just one part of Democrats’ ugly vision, though promoting killing babies will be the focus of their midterm strategy.
Expanding the freedom to kill is enshrined in numerous party agenda items. For example, liberal criminal justice policies keep dangerous people on the streets so they can do more harm. You won’t find better examples than returning Congressman Lee Zeldin’s (R-NY) assailant back to the street as soon as he was arrested, or refusing to enforce federal law that protects Supreme Court justices despite how close we came to losing Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats don’t care. This is how their freedom to kill works.
Fentanyl travels across Biden’s border and kills Americans every day. Killers, terror watch list suspects, and child molesters like the man who impregnated the girl in Ohio enter America unimpeded because an open border is more important to Democrats and the White House than protecting Americans.
That makes them complicit in stories like this:
Officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Salt Lake City office, removed an unlawfully present Mexican national July 6 who has an outstanding arrest warrant in Mexico for the crime of sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 14.257
Do they think that people like this stop committing crimes when we let them enter America?
The response from Democrat-run cities like Chicago and Los Angeles is to refuse to hold criminals for ICE. The Biden administration backs up these efforts by restricting ICE’s enforcement powers. According to Republicans on the House Committee for Oversight and Reform:
On January 20, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued interim guidance restricting interior immigration enforcement by its component agencies, including ICE. After implementation of the guidance, arrests and removals of illegal aliens plummeted by more than 60 percent. On September 30, 2021, DHS issued an even more restrictive, final memorandum to ICE potentially curtailing the agency’s ability to carry out their duties.258
Denying the impact is like denying the definition of a recession. It serves Democrat Party priorities but we all know what they are telling us is a lie.
Pelosi accuses Republicans of inflicting “unimaginable pain.” Her party can easily be accused of the same thing as children are slaughtered on city streets, Americans overdose in record numbers, and abortion mills get the green light to step up their efforts because politics demands it.
Democrats only support freedom when it benefits them. Unfortunately for us, the freedom to kill is a party priority. This is the one freedom they will protect and hold dear above all others because in their world life is not a political priority. In fact, when it comes to babies they have turned life into a liability because that’s what benefits their party most.
UPDATE August 9, 2022:
Democrats turned our free country into a police state where fear of the government is the prudent choice.
How many times have you heard that we’re blessed to live in a free country? Countless Americans have fought and many have died or suffered life-altering injuries to defend the freedom to live our lives without fear of government oppression, persecution, or worse.
This morning we woke up in a country that is no longer free. Sure, there have been shots over the bow. Parents got the message to shut up about the radical left indoctrinating their kids in our public schools. Democrats hold unprecedented Soviet-style Kangaroo Court hearings on prime time television to target their political opponents while timely footage of FBI raids warn us what can happen to those who don’t support the regime or worse, associate with Donald Trump.
The attacks on our freedom have been relentless since Joe Biden took over. White House plans to threaten the free flow of information with a “Disinformation Board” were put on hold, but we have no reason to think
it won’t be covertly resurrected or that it isn’t in full operation behind the scenes right now.
Supreme Court Justices who failed to fall in line with Biden regime-Democrat Party orthodoxy were denied the freedom to live their lives and the protection of our laws despite a very real threat to their safety and a too-close call with a would-be assassin.
The Biden regime and Democrats are free and clear from the scrutiny and persecution they dish out to their political opposition. The Hunter Biden scandal is a non-issue. The Pelosi’s stock trading is not a subject for discussion. Domestic terrorism from the left is tolerated, encouraged as lawful protest, or ignored outright when it becomes too violent while dissenting views from the right are threatened and in the case of the January 6 riot, severely punished despite the summer of George Floyd’s violent mayhem being brushed under the carpet.
Violent crime in our Democrat-controlled cities is rampant. Despite refusing to protect the safety and lives of their constituents and staking their claim to defunding police departments, Democrats still found room in their massive new “inflation reduction” bill to hire over 85,000 new IRS agents to keep Americans compliant and fearful.
The Democrat Party’s attack on our freedom culminated yesterday with an FBI raid on a former president who Democrats fear and have persecuted since he announced his candidacy many years ago. The lies, disinformation, and outright hoaxes levied against Donald Trump and his family are legion and will not stop as long as Democrats control America.
The raid took place two days after Trump’s speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee, ostensibly because classified documents were in his possession. This immediately brings Hillary Clinton’s server to mind. The difference is that like the server scandal, Hunter Biden scandal, and Pelosi stock scandal, the Democrat Party has the power to decide who is attacked and who goes free.
Americans got the message. Support the regime, or else.
I heard the term “Banana Republic” over and over yesterday evening. The label is apt. This is where the Democrat Party and Biden Regime have brought us. Today we start our new lives as people with every reason to fear our government if we don’t agree and submit.Dissent will not be tolerated. If your voice is too loud, you had better be listening for footsteps at your door.
UPDATE August 26, 2022:
Making America great means reclaiming our fundamental freedoms.
Call me crazy, but using the idea that we should make America great as a symbol for all the things Democrats despise about our country seems like really bad political messaging, even for someone as generally uninformed and clueless as Joe Biden’s Press Secretary:
We have Republicans who are doing extremes. The President calls them “Ultra-MAGA.” They are a part of the Ultra-MAGA wing who are trying to take away the rights of the American people. That’s what they’re trying to do.259
Jean Pierre is wrong, but she’s hardly the first Democrat to focus negativity on the idea that we should make America great. Why would anyone do this or worse, accuse Republicans who want to make America great of being “semi-fascists“?
The too simple answer is the left’s dread of Donald Trump, but the outpouring of anti-Trump hatred isn’t just about our last president. It comes from Democrats’ deep-seated fear, distrust, and resentment of anyone who loves this country and the freedoms we stand for more than the authoritarian, far left agenda endorsed by their party.
You can probably guess what “rights” Jean-Pierre was talking about. There is only one that doesn’t seem to threaten Democrats. Joe Biden defended this false fundamental freedom as part of his Women’s Equality Day commemoration:
We will continue to defend reproductive rights, which are integral to gender equality and the fundamental freedoms Americans hold dear.260
Curiously, he didn’t say anything about the right of women to compete in sports on an equal playing field with other women instead of battling biological men. On the hierarchy of Democrat priorities trans rights must come before women’s rights. That seems like a foolish political move too, but I’m not a Democrat.
This morning Jean-Pierre warned again about the loss of our fundamental rights:
Today marks the latest attack against the fundamental rights of Americans as new abortion bans go into effect in Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.261
She implores Americans to “make their voices heard.” State legislatures are doing exactly that. The problem is they aren’t doing what Democrats want and if there is one thing the left hates, it’s not being able to control every aspect of our lives. That’s why federal mandates will always take precedent over the voice of the people.
Abortion has never been a fundamental American freedom or a basic constitutional right. Democrats have worked overtime to convince Americans that the freedom to kill those without a voice is as important to our American identity as the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is simply not true no matter how important killing babies is to their political fortunes.
There are basic freedoms that make America great. Democrats have attacked one after another including the right to make decisions about our health care that they swear to defend and yet repeatedly took away with their authoritarian COVID vaccination policies.
A free and honest press makes America great. The left took that fundamental freedom away. Instead, we have a media that disseminates propaganda for Democrats and covers up whatever conflicts with the party’s public image like the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the reason the theft of Ashley Biden’s diary ignited such a firestorm.
Freedom of expression makes America great. The Biden administration felt threatened enough about this fundamental right to cook up a disinformation censorship board. This was an incredibly ill-conceived, albeit short-lived plan that did not fare well in the court of public opinion. Frankly, with the flood of disinformation that comes from the
White House and the filters imposed by media sycophants it wasn’t really necessary, anyway.
Americans have the right to petition the government. Many of us will think twice about exercising that freedom after the Biden DOJ’s threat to investigate parents who speak their minds about their schools. The message was loud and clear: unless you agree, shut up in public because the government is watching.
We have the right to free and fair elections. Democrats tried to take that away too, but so far have been largely unsuccessful at passing legislation to eliminate simple protections like voter ID laws. It’s not for want of trying and with midterms coming, rest assured they are not finished yet.
We have the right to be safe and secure where we live. This seems pretty fundamental, but the rights of criminals often come first in Democrat-controlled cities that promptly put offenders back on the street so they can resume hurting people, or worse.
We have the right to a secure border. The Biden administration took that away. Sovereignty is fundamental to any nation’s survival, though it’s clear that the survival of America as we know it is not the Democrat Party’s goal.
We have the right to educate, not indoctrinate our children in the schools we pay dearly for. Democrat-backed unions not only stripped many Americans of that right, they manipulated the government to make sure parents don’t complain too loudly about the progressive mix of anti-American, gender confused, racially inflammatory nonsense that passes for a public education.
Even freedom of religion is under attack. Democrats warn about the threat of “white Christian nationalism” and it’s role in the January 6th riot.262 They shut down churches during the pandemic while liquor stores and pot shops that bring in tax dollars and keep people dazed and confused stayed open. Faith-based reproductive health centers were attacked by domestic terrorists after the Dobbs decision. The Biden administration’s response was to turn a blind eye until public outrage became too great to ignore.
I could go on, but I think you get my point. Now we’re going into the midterm campaign season. Democrats will tell you over and over that your basic American rights were taken away in the name of making America great. This is a lie. The truth is they don’t want America to be great for anyone except Democrats and their elitist donors. This means angrily defending a non-existent constitutional right while relegating our real freedoms to the progressive trash pile in hopes that no one will notice how much they have taken away.
UPDATE August 29, 2022:
Democrats are preparing an assault on the freedom of millions of Americans. Where is the voice of the GOP?
I am outraged, but hardly surprised at the deafening GOP silence over the president’s “semi-fascists” insult. Every Republican House and Senate member should be parroting Biden’s statement, bullhorn in hand, so Americans never forget how much our president despises us and the freedoms conservatives defend.
Raid on Mar-a-Lago is the Pelosi Kangaroo Court fail-safe.
Biden’s insult to Americans came at the end of a week that points to a White House-Justice Department-FBI cover up of the real reasons behind the massive raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home.
This will inevitably turn into a partisan legal proceeding meant to deny Americans the freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice. The question is not whether this will happen. It’s when and whether the GOP will stand up to defend Americans over an issue that’s much larger than Donald Trump.
The Trump raid is the fail-safe for Pelosi’s January 6th Kangaroo Court. We should fully expect the two proceedings to join together in the weeks to come.
This is also the line in the sand Democrats cannot cross. If their intention is to select the candidates we vote for and they succeed, democracy in America is finished.
As reported by the Washington Examiner, Lindsey Graham warned yesterday that there would be rioting in our streets if this attack on Trump leads to an indictment. If the Republican Party fails to defend our freedom to vote for candidates of our choosing, is George Floyd-style disruption the only alternative to submission?
That is precisely what Democrats want. They will pull out all the stops to incite conservative Americans to prove their propaganda about violent white nationalism is true. Joe Biden’s authoritarian security state will be ready and waiting.
I’m placing my bet on an October Surprise that will unveil charges against Trump and anyone vaguely associated with his presidency who hasn’t already been targeted. We know how Democrats and their complicit media willfully interfere with elections by covering up stories like the Hunter Biden laptop and spreading the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Their disinformation assault over the Trump raid is already well underway and we have no reason to think it won’t succeed.
I’m also willing to bet that Republicans will sit on their hands and distance themselves as far as possible from the proceedings because your freedom is far less important than their do-nothing House and Senate seats or voicing their condemnation of a president who calls Americans semi-fascists.
Will you be satisfied voting for Liz Cheney in 2024 because she is the only candidate Democrats will approve? That’s where this is headed unless the GOP steps up, gets the word out that what Biden and the Democrats are doing will not be tolerated, and for once takes a decisive stand to protect the single most fundamental freedom we have: the right to vote for the candidate of our choosing.
UPDATE August 31, 2022:
Biden eviscerated our nation’s soul. He has no right to talk about protecting our freedoms.
Joe Biden delivering a speech about freedom in Independence National Historical Park is American political sacrilege. It’s like going to the Vatican to curse God. This president has no connection whatsoever to the values, freedoms, and founding ideals upon which our great nation was founded. He has no right to talk about protecting our freedoms because he’s dedicated too much effort to taking them away.
The buildup to his Thursday night address guarantees a primetime audience ready to hear about what the president has done to protect the nation from his political opposition:
He will — he will talk about the progress we have made as a nation to protect our democracy but how our rights and freedoms are still under attack and how we will make clear who is fighting for those rights, fighting for those freedoms, and fighting for our democracy.263
He wants you to believe that his adversaries are your adversaries too, so his address is promoted as a “battle of the soul of the nation.”264
This is not the first time the Biden administration has used that phrase. Most recently he trotted it out during a June 15, 2022 Pride Month speech:
Let me close with this: We’re in a battle for the very soul of this nation, and that’s not hyperbole. We’re in a battle for the soul of the nation. But when I look around this room here — and all of you here today, it’s a battle I know we will win. We will win. (Applause.)265
He relied on the same divisive rhetoric for the Pride remarks that we should expect to hear tomorrow:
I don’t have to tell you about the ultra-MAGA agenda attacking families and our freedoms.266
Biden eviscerated America’s soul. He started by taking away our sovereignty and territorial integrity by opening our border to foreign nationals as if America is nothing but cheap real estate ripe to be exploited by anyone who wants a piece.
The president attacked our freedom of speech with his ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board. Meanwhile, his administration spread disinformation to the American people on everything from the reason for high gas prices to the state of the economy to an allegedly secure border that is anything but secure.
The January 6th tribunal and the very public arrests of Trump associates combined with an unprecedented sortie on our last president’s private residence sent a strong message to conservative Americans about what can happen when you anger the Democrat regime. This is the kind of vicious, Banana Republic partisanship that America’s freedoms and values are meant to protect against, not support.
Now we’re hearing more threats about MAGA Republicans that not only emphasize Biden’s dislike for the idea that America should be great, but marginalize Americans as semi-fascists, presumably because calling us neo-Nazis is too extreme even for this president.
Forced vaccinations. Targeting parents who don’t agree with public schools indoctrinating their children with everything from CRT to drag queen shows. A weaponized federal bureaucracy directed at taking down the Democrat Party’s political opponents. Tens of thousands of IRS agents hired for a coercive agency with a past reputation for going after conservative groups. A staged, Soviet-style partisan tribunal with the end goal of denying Americans the right to vote for the Republican candidate of their choice.
Against this backdrop, the White House promises that Thursday night:
He will speak about how the core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our democracy are at stake.267
Even if he’s sincere, which seems highly unlikely, Joe Biden has no right.
UPDATE September 1, 2022:
Freedom and unity are the Soul of the Nation and the biggest threat Democrats face.
If you don’t respect the Constitution, our republic, or the rule of law and a united America doesn’t allow you to force feed an agenda that many Americans disagree with, then you have two options. You can negotiate a compromise, or you can discard freedom and unity and use raw, unbridled political might to get your way. This is the path Joe Biden and the Democrat Party chose in January 2021.
We are no longer the United States of America. We are red states and blue states, white Americans and Americans of color, and whatever trending alphabet soup mixture of gender identities suits the left. The president warns that millions of us are fascists and a threat to democracy, an egregiously hypocritical stance considering how much Biden and his party have done to take away our freedom and make us subservient to the state.
Democrats want you to trade America’s soul for whatever they decide you should have in its place. If power blackouts, drug overdoses, crime, lots of illegal foreign nationals in your town, roaring inflation, high prices, destroyed 401k(s) and most important, hate for anyone who disagrees with prevailing liberal orthodoxy is what you want, then by all means support Democrats this November.
On the other hand, if you truly care about freedom from the tyranny of big government and don’t believe that the Constitution is meaningless trash best ignored whenever it conflicts with what Democrats want, then it’s time to draw a line in the sand and disarm Biden and his party with our vote.
No matter what the president declares in his certain to be historically inflammatory midterm campaign speech tonight, it is the Democrat Party and Joe Biden who chose this divide. They turned us into good Americans and bad Americans, defenders of democracy and conservative enemies of the state.
Targeting national enemies is a timeworn tool of fascist regimes and yet the White House wants us to believe that Republicans are the fascists to beware. America can recover from just about anything except this kind of rot from within our national soul that an angry, hateful president and his anti-American political cohorts are determined to instill in the hearts and minds of the people. Remember that as you listen to the president tonight. The soul he will talk about has nothing to do with our great nation or the wonderful American people.
Continued on next page
People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.