It doesn’t matter whether the victor is Trump or Harris. We the people lost the 2024 election. The damage is done. America drew battle lines that resulted in two assassination attempts, an outpouring of hate against Republicans, and unprecedented efforts by Democrats to seize control of the ballot and deny the will of voters.
On Tuesday the president called Trump supporters “garbage.” After his divisive September 1, 2022 Battle for the Soul of the Nation speech and Harris’s Hitler-centric campaign tantrums no one should be surprised at this new display of hate directed at voters standing in the Democrat Party’s way by exercising our constitutional right to select our leaders.
Don’t assume for a moment that a Trump win means the Democrat Party’s attack on self-government is over and never underestimate the extremes Democrats will go to as they seek to create a one party state. When they talk about democracy they are not referring to self-government by we the people or the founding principles of our republic. The 2024 election taught them they can control the nominating process for their party and after a few tentative stabs at banning Trump from primary ballots, they came closer than ever to also controlling who Republicans can vote for.

We the Democrats: 2024 election is the beginning of the end for self-government
America’s founders believed so strongly in the virtues of self-government that our Constitution begins with three words: we the people. Thomas Paine famously stated:
The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which all other rights are protected.
The right to vote is about more than casting a ballot. It’s about we the people exercising our right to self-government through a democratic process that selects the representatives we vote for.
When the president who vowed to defend our Constitution labels Trump voters “garbage” while his vice president and presidential candidate no one voted for warns their base that Republican voters are fascists who will destroy America, can we freely exercise that right to self-government without fear when we’ve been labeled a threat? Americans are repeatedly warned what will happen to Trump’s alleged enemies if he is elected, as if we misinterpreted the authoritarian regime and weaponized federal agencies presided over by Biden and Harris that waged partisan war against their enemies and Donald Trump, in particular.
After the use of deadly force was authorized during the raid on Trump’s Florida residence over classified documents that Biden also possessed and the unprecedented judicial efforts to put Harris’s challenger behind bars, we have every reason to fear the lengths the Democrat Party regime will pursue to suppress opposition.
The 2024 election is a watershed moment for self-government. Democrats set a precedent for denying their voters a choice in the nomination process by swapping Harris for Biden. State efforts to deny Trump supporters their voice on Republican primary ballots shows the determination to take away this fundamental right from their opponents as well.
When the decision to choose our candidates is stolen by political elites who place power and self-interest over protecting the founding principles of our nation, self-government by we the people is dead.
Deplorables, fascists, and garbage: Democrats take out the trash
Democrats spent years preparing for a 2024 election that turned into self-government’s last stand. The venom directed at anyone challenging their control of our political institutions has no limits or boundaries. When Trump was grazed by an assassin’s bullet, media misreporting and ridicule was not only permissible, it was expected.
How did we get here?
After the first Trump assassination attempt Harris and Biden didn’t even take a respectable time out for crocodile tears. Failure meant more incitement. Their hateful, divisive rhetoric was nonstop and purposeful.
White House and media messaging are in perfect synch to send progressive voters spiraling down a black hole of lies, delusion, and threats. Democrat leaders excuse what they are doing as safeguarding the same democracy they denied their base by refusing to accept Biden’s primary win.
After the second assassination failure, Trump became Hitler.
Before Hitler, it was Putin
Attacking voters who don’t agree with the goals of progressive elites began long before Barack Obama turned on Black men for not voting as they are told and Biden denounced Trump voters as refuse while Harris made her phony appeal to national unity.
During the 2016 election campaign Hillary Clinton famously slapped her deplorables label on Americans who backed Trump. After she lost, Democrats spread her campaign’s Trump-Russia Steele Dossier revenge hoax. In an MSNBC interview on July 16, 2018 Rep. Adam Schiff insisted that “Trump completely surrendered our values to Putin:”
On Monday, July 16, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined Ali Velshi on MSNBC’s All In to discuss President Trump’s disastrous summit with Russian president Vladimir Putin. During the interview, Schiff stated of the press conference, “This was the Kremlin’s dream come true.” Schiff also says President Trump’s performance with Vladimir Putin today “was a complete surrender of our values.”1
Democrats spread this fraud that defamed Trump and impacted the entirety of his presidency before the first impeachment warned of the attacks to come from the DNC’s weaponized blue state judicial network and Biden’s DOJ. Trump-Putin was accepted as gospel by many Americans who were assured by their trusted political leaders that the president was a traitor.
It was all a lie, of course. Schiff was formally censured in June 2023 with H.Res.521, which detailed his history of deceiving the American people:
Whereas for years, Representative Schiff has spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia;
Whereas on March 20, 2017, Representative Schiff perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record;
Now he’s running for the Senate, boasting his dedication to three fundamental principles:
Right matters. Truth matters. Democracy matters.2
Clinton was unscathed and last month declared that her deplorables slur was too kind.3 She followed up with another demented hoax equating Trump’s Madison Square Garden event with a Nazi rally that paralleled Harris’s Trump-Hitler attacks.
When you are desperate, invoke Adolph Hitler and fail, you have nowhere else to go. This is a problem for Harris and an even bigger problem for Donald Trump and garbage like me who support him.
We the people thought America was special. We were wrong.
Despite Democrats’ determination to besmirch American greatness, many of us believe that being American is special, an exceptional gift manifested in the stunning display of unity and national will that fought the Second World War to victory on two massive fronts.
Surprisingly, in 2010 hoaxer Schiff applauded the men and women of this “Greatest Generation.” The House passed his resolution to “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive” with a day of remembrance.4
The spirit was already dying. It took a beating during the Obama years. First Lady Michelle Obama proclaimed at a Milwaukee rally that she felt proud of America for the first time. Her remark was unprecedented, but taking no pride in our country exemplifies progressive elites’ repugnance at the idea that America serves we the people and not their own goals, ambitions, and demands.
The only solution left to Democrats who are petrified at the groundswell of support for Trump from voters and longtime supporters like the Teamsters Union who used to back their party without question is to deny the will of the people. This isn’t just about kicking Biden off the ticket. An article published by The Guardian argues that “It isn’t ‘anti-democratic to bar Trump from office. It’s needed to protect democracy.”5
A Daily Kos opinion piece suggests Democrats can disqualify Trump before he is inaugurated.6
MSNBC added to the left’s marginalization of Republican voters by claiming our response to Biden’s garbage attack is “absurd.”7 The unfortunate comments made by a comic at the MSG rally are held to an entirely different standard. Why? Because the left really does view Trump supporters as garbage and garbage has no rights or expectation of civility.
Even Christians are fascists according to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who helped spread his party’s Trump-Project 2025 falsehood with this bit of lunacy addressed to “Constitutional patriots and democracy defenders:”
They plan to centralize all power in the presidency, exercise political control over the Justice Department, implant Christian white nationalism throughout the government, strip tens of thousands of professional government workers of their civil service protections, create an army of political loyalists and sycophants in government, ban abortion nationwide, set up immigrant detention camps, deport millions of people, repeal all climate safety regulations and exact criminal revenge against reporters, judges and Democrats.8

Referring to Christians as white nationalists slaps the same fascist label on good Americans exercising their freedom of religion as Democrats lavish on Donald Trump. We hear it more and more as the left’s demand for political hegemony overrides everything our country stands for.
We the people will lose self-government to those we serve
The 2024 turf war waged by politicians and bureaucrats brought us to this very dark place from which there is no guarantee America will return. They destroyed the fundamental principle of self-government and the idea that we the people share a common destiny and purpose that’s more important than our differences. Instead, our leaders made our differences more important than unity and Biden sealed the deal by marginalizing tens of millions of Americans as trash for exercising their constitutional right to vote.
Election year rhetoric is so extreme that our choice is between Trump’s Nazi fascism and Harris’s Marxist communism. With these battle lines drawn, the idea of an “American people” is laughable. We are divided to suit the needs of prominent leftists like the Obamas and Clintons who demand we serve them and if Harris is elected, pay even more fiscal homage to their progressive agenda than we already do.
Whether the winner of this shameful contest is Trump or Harris, whether Democrats or Republicans prevail in the House and Senate, we the people lost the 2024 election. Self-government is at a tipping point. Greed, self-interest, and the riches bestowed by a political system that serves those who control it best will take home the prize and reap the benefits until it’s time to take this insanity to an even higher level in 2028.
1“Rep. Schiff on MSNBC: Trump Completely. Surrendered Our Values to Putin.” Adam Schiff., retrieved October 27, 2024.
2“Adam Schiff for Senate.”, retrieved October 27, 2024.
3Cameron, Hugh. “Hillary Clinton Defends ‘Deplorables’ Comment, Attacks Trump Supporters.” September 26, 2024., retrieved October 28, 2024.
4“House Passes Legislation to “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive.” Adam Schiff. July 27, 2010., retrieved October 27, 2024.
5Greenhouse, Steven. “It isn’t ‘anti-democratic’ to bar Trump from office. It’s needed to protect democracy.” The Guardian. January 18, 2024., retrieved October 28, 2024.
6Rudden, John. “Democrats can disqualify Trump before he could be inaugurated as President on January 20, 2025.” Daily Kos. October 5, 2025., retrieved October 31, 2024.
7Aleem, Zeeshan. “The Republican freakout over Biden’s ‘garbage’ gaffe is absurd.” MSNBC. October 30, 2024., retrieved October 31, 2024.
8“Congressional Leaders Form Task Force to Counter Project 2025 and Defend Democracy.” Jared Huffman. June 11, 2024., retrieved October 31, 2024.
*Tomwsulcer. “Garbage in black bags, in a pile, in front of a “No Dumping” sign, in Brooklyn, New York, near Fulton Street.” Wikimedia Commons.Licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
photos_12_garbage_bags_near_No_Dumping_sign.jpg, retrieved October 31, 2024.
**Photographer: Ogle, Heidi. “Primitive Baptist Church. Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” National Park Service. September 11, 2024., retrieved October 31, 2024.
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