After yesterday’s attempt on Donald Trump’s life, President Biden spoke about political violence:
Look, there is no place in America for this kind of violence. It’s sick. It’s sick. It’s one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this.1
On Day One he wiped Washington clean of everything Trump because Democrats absolutely loathe the idea of Making America Great. All that mattered was making the Democrat Party more powerful than ever. To that end, Biden seemed to believe that a ruined, violent, destitute nation would drive voters into his arms and the waiting embrace of his party.
The anti-Trump harangues and diatribes from Democrats grew stronger. Biden leveled historic, unprecedented hate at his predecessor. The media had his back. They could say things he could not.
Trump’s announcement that he would run for a second term was a catastrophe for the president and his party. They tried to solve it with their weaponized judicial system and threw in an FBI raid on his Florida Mar-a-Lago compound for good measure.
Conservative Americans worried what would be next when the massive effort to stop Trump only made him stronger.
Biden set the stage for political violence, so he can’t tell us it has no place in the America he created
As of yesterday, “we cannot be like this” is not true. We are like this.
The incident we dreaded finally happened after years of lying, disinforming, hoaxing, and threatening that Donald Trump will be the end of America. The nation was promised as much by our president, vice president, congressional Democrats, federal agency heads, their sycophantic mass media, and angry progressive activists.
House Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar declared last week that “Donald Trump cannot be allowed near the Oval Office.”
Democrats almost got what they wanted.

Crocodile tears and new opportunities for Biden
Trump-haters like Illinois Governor JB Pritzker who have a history of proudly declaring their contempt for the former president immediately joined Biden to shed crocodile tears after the shootings. I picture a much different reaction behind closed doors, but the truth is this incident will play into their hands.
Democrats have an uncanny ability to distance themselves from the consequences of their words and deeds. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump will be no different, though it’s safe to say in the days and weeks to come they will eagerly denounce any angry anti-Biden rhetoric from Republicans and blame them for trying to incite the same kind of political bloodshed. If Trump so much as opens his mouth about the shootings, all hell will descend on his campaign for inciting violence Democrats will compare to January 6.
This is how the left operates. When they tell you how unacceptable and un-American yesterday’s incident was, don’t believe a word of it. The violence is not what they find unacceptable. Biden is not Trump’s friend. Any sympathy or pleas for unity are bred from worry that the president’s campaign will be blamed for the contentious, turned violent political atmosphere he helped create.
Biden’s legacy of hate is on the record and it’s here to stay
Until the moment the shooting started, Joe Biden dedicated himself to venting unprecedented vitriol at the former president:
Donald Trump isn’t just a convicted criminal. He’s a one-man crime wave. (Applause.)2
The fact is that Donald Trump is a genuine threat to the nation. And that’s not hyperbole. He’s a genuine threat. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. And he’s literally a threat to America and what we stand for.3
Vice President Kamala Harris echoed the president’s end-of-America-as-we-know-it threats. She resurrected her party’s debunked Trump-Russia hoax for an audience in Greensboro, North Carolina last week, claiming that “Donald Trump has embraced Putin” before moving on to other, even more inflammatory statements:
And consider that in the context of the fact that Donald Trump has openly vowed, if reelected, he will be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country, and even — and I will quote — “terminate” the United States Constitution.4
There is political violence and there is rhetorical violence. Few of us were surprised when we got the news of the assassination attempt. Combined Biden administration-Democrat Party efforts to take out Trump with their weaponized judicial system failed but the incitement and threats did not stop. They escalated. The left compared Trump to Hitler while paradoxically supporting anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters. The latter kind of violence almost paid the dividend we feared most.
Trump’s shooting is a victory for the Biden campaign no one saw coming
The attempt on Trump’s life is a veritable bounty for Democrats and Biden who already have a tenuous relationship with the First Amendment. We immediately heard calls from both sides to tamp down the angry political discourse that characterizes our politics and an angry 2024 campaign made worse by efforts to seize Triump’s assets and throw him in jail. They got a taste of what they wanted. How many times have your heard “convicted felon” and “Donald Trump” in the same breath?
The downside for Biden is blame for the attack, but a few Oval Office speeches about unity should convince his base that years of hateful propaganda are unrelated. He has already made two public statements and plans an Oval Office address for tonight, so obviously the White House wants to seize control of the narrative as quickly as possible.
The president’s autocratic inclinations are a matter of record and so is his habit of doing what he warns others are planning. In a speech celebrating the anniversary of the Democrat Party’s January 6 “Insurrection,” he recited party orthodoxy that the former president is a dictator lording over MAGA semi-fascists:
Look at the authoritarian leaders and dictators Trump says he admires — he, out loud, says he admires. I won’t go through them all. It would take too long.5
His admiration for Putin — I can go on.6
Biden promised to unite America during his first campaign. When he took over, our politics was already dangerously fractured in large part because of his party’s hate for Trump. Instead of bringing the nation together, Biden marginalized Republicans as anti-American MAGA cult members. On September 1, 2022 he delivered his prime-time blood red draped and military-backed Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation address. This was an unprecedented declaration of war against anyone in league with Trump. If there was a dictator for Americans to fear, we watched and listened to him that night.
Nearly two years after that speech we are more angry and divided than ever. The assassination attempt will ultimately play into Biden and the Democrats’ hands, backed by DNC-controlled media hacks who will quickly turn what they arguably had a role in creating to the president’s advantage.
Meanwhile, Biden is doing his best to play the part of America’s Great Unifier. He assured the nation:
Unity is the most elusive goal of all, but nothing is important than that right now — unity.7
By unity, does he mean our willingness to make nice and refusal to hold him, his administration, and the Democrat Party accountable?
There are many reasons that goal is so elusive. Rhetoric like this from the president is one of them:
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.8
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.9
They [MAGA Republicans] promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.10
This is the rhetorical backdrop to yesterday’s assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump, a historic, patriotic figure who has been attacked by the political left from every angle and in every way imaginable. Americans who support him cannot forgive the president for his history of hate. That is God’s job. God can forgive Joe Biden. Our job is to hold him accountable with our vote because the president is absolutely right. Political violence has no place in America.
July 17, 2024:
These are not strong disagreements. This is not rhetoric. These inciteful, inflammatory statements from Biden had a purpose.
After the Trump assassination attempt the president tried to distance himself from his history of inflammatory statements about “lying Donald Trump.”11 He generalized America’s “strong disagreements:”
You know, the political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down. And we all have a responsibility to do that.12
As the individual most responsible for the tone of our politics, Biden should know that his remarks have consequences. When you are the highest authority in our nation and your supporters take you seriously, hateful threats and public attacks like these that are crafted to stir them up are inherently risky:
Folks, let’s focus on what really matters. We’re running against the biggest liar and the biggest threat — no, really — the biggest liar and the biggest threat
to our democracy in American history. That’s not hyperbole.13
Let me close with this. Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. That is not hyperbole. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He is literally a threat to the America that we stand for.14
Biden is correct. This is not hyperbole. These are lies. Trump is a bigger threat to America than Xi’s China? A greater threat than the potential for nuclear escalation over Ukraine, or the threat of Iran developing a nuclear weapon? A greater threat than an attack from terrorists hidden among the millions of illegals this president allowed into our country?
If you are a liberal, is he a bigger threat than the extinction of humanity because of the “existential threat of climate change?”
Biden’s angry rhetorical legacy is as indefensible as his policy record. One day before the shooting he continued to demonize his opponent with despicable, inciting propaganda and ad hominem attacks because that’s the only ammunition he has. This doesn’t make it right, responsible, or any less dangerous.
After Saturday’s shootings we should remember every hateful comment our president directed at Trump. He does not deserve our forgiveness. We must hold him accountable in November at what he called the “battle box” on Sunday night.
The day before the assassination attempt, Biden mentioned Trump 61 times in a campaign speech
The day before Trump was shot the president made a campaign stop in Detroit, Michigan. He mentioned “Trump” 61 times.
There were ad hominem attacks:
I know him. Donald Trump is a loser.15
Folks, Donald Trump is a — Donald Trump is a convicted criminal. (Applause.) He is convicted.16
Folks, Donald Trump is a business fraud. (Applause.) He lost his license to do business in New York state — (applause) — has been fined over $400 million for giving false information to banks. (Applause.) And he still is facing charges for mishandling classified information, which is a criminal offense.17
He even went — he went bankrupt — even went bankrupt running a casino. I didn’t think that was possible.18
There was the old, tired lie that Trump led the January 6th rioters despite his instructions to “peacefully and patriotically protest:”
He led a violent mob on January 6th to overturn the 2020 election, to hold onto power. That I — the election that I won by 7 million votes. (Applause.) 19
Biden continued the ad hominem attacks:
But Trump is even more dangerous now. No, I’m serious. He’s unhinged. He snapped.20
There were false threats taken out of context:
Look, he says, if he loses, there will be a “bloodbath” when he loses.21
This is another popular lie. Trump spoke of the economic catastrophe of China flooding the U.S. market with electric cars built in Mexico, which he opposes.
And the United States Supreme Court said there’s virtually no limit on the power of a president. Trump said if he wins, he’ll be a dictator on day one. He means it, folks.22
Yet another out of context lie, though to be entirely fair it’s a suitable complement to those who make Hitler less of a monster by comparing him to our former president. Trump was referring to two things: building a border wall and drilling for oil. This is no different from the orders Biden signed as soon as he took over, but we frequently hear this dangerous threat repeated to anyone willing to listen.
Trump himself calls his campaign — the campaign — this is what he calls it, “revenge” and “retribution.” That’s what he said.23
Not against Americans, he didn’t. All presidents clean house when they take over. Trump, inexperienced in the machinations of partisan politics, could have done a better job. By all accounts federal agencies were less than 100% loyal during his first term. General Mark Milley’s call to China promising a warning in advance of a U.S. strike is emblematic of why a second Trump term requires a very thorough scrubbing.
And then there’s the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 hoax. The president falsely calls this “Trump Project 2025,” claiming this is about harnessing the DOJ:
Project 2025 will deploy the Department of Justice to prosecute Trump’s energy — Trump e- — Trump’s en- — Trump’s enemies, and that’s a real deal. Trump’s enemies.24
Did Biden mean prosecute as in the dangerous armed raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate over a court case that was just thrown out, an offense that he is arguably also guilty of?
Hilariously, thin-skinned Biden expects Americans to believe that the press is on Trump’s side:
Today we’re going to shine a spotlight on Donald Trump. We’re going to do what the press, so far, hasn’t, but I think they’re going to soon. We’re going to say who he is, what he intends to do.25
Is this the same press that has backed his every move, word, and deed, helped cover up Hunter’s laptop story, spread the Trump-Russia hoax, and recited that Trump is a criminal and a threat nearly as many times as Biden and Harris? Does the president believe it’s the job of America’s press to support his presidency and failing campaign?
Of course he does. Liberal media hacks have done precisely that. Until the first presidential debate made their collusion unsustainable they had his back on everything. When it came to Trump, truth was not an option and as far as Biden is concerned nothing has changed:
Most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation. (Applause.)26
The day after Biden issued this warning a lone gunman shot his opponent, killed a supporter, and wounded two more Americans who committed the offense of supporting the candidate of their choice. He says political violence has no place in America. Neither does ignoring the risks of waging a war of lies, threats, and hate against your political challenger because your own record is indefensible and it’s your only path to retaining power.
July 19, 2024:
Knives out already? Biden and Harris tell four more inflammatory lies about Trump just days after assassination attempt.
When Biden spoke on Sunday night, he didn’t mention that the cooling off period for our red-hot political rhetoric was only two days. The president was back at it on Tuesday, lying and race baiting to an NAACP audience in overheated Las Vegas despite a promise to tell the truth:
Now, just because we must lower the temperature in our politics as it relates to violence, it doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth. (Applause.) Who you are, what you’ve done, what you’ll do — that’s fair game.27
Lies are fair game, too:
Post-assassination attempt Lie #1: Trump wanted to cancel health insurance for Blacks
Well, here’s the truth about why Donald Trump’s presidency was hell for Black America. He tried to repeal Obamacare to kick millions — I mean millions of Black Americans off their health insurance.28
Not only is this a lie, it’s a stupid lie. First, Biden says Trump “tried,” which means nothing happened. How did that make life hell for Blacks?
More important, no president would purposely try to target Black Americans to cancel their health insurance even if he or she was a rabid, card carrying, white supremacist racist. Such an act would be political suicide and given the atmosphere while Trump was president probably grounds for another contrived impeachment.
The truth is that the individual mandate, a tax for not buying health insurance, was cancelled. This has nothing to do with trying to cancel health care for minorities. The comment is inflammatory and racist because Biden presumes that Blacks will believe whatever lies he tells them.
Post-assassination attempt Lie #2: Trump attacked Black Americans
This one is a Biden favorite:
And you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder; Donald Trump called for the National Guard to go after you. What in the hell is the matter with this man? (Applause.) No, I’m serious.29
Democrats still obscure the violent 2020 race riots their rhetoric helped inspire while parroting their ‘peaceful protest’ label, just like they turned a blind eye to the anti-Israel protests that quickly turned antisemitic.
As NBC News reported, the truth is that Biden’s “peaceful protest” violence in Washington, D.C. came within blocks of the White House.30
Had Nancy Pelosi done the same on January 6th it’s possible that the “Insurrection” could have been avoided. In the aftermath of that riot Democrats were so fearful they erected barriers around the Capitol in the absence of an ongoing threat, but Biden still feels justified criticizing Trump for protecting the White House from a violent mob.
Biden’s race-baiting is unconscionable. His disrespect for his Black audience, who he assumes either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about facts or hates Trump as much as he does, is another example of the “back in chains,” vote for me or “you ain’t Black” racism that he desperately hopes he can pin on his opponent.
Post-assassination attempt Lie #3: Project 2025 just won’t go away
Biden had a hard time getting the words out, but a lie is a lie:
In this Project 2024, Trump’s — 2025, Trump’s deal — you know, he talks about education.31
Again, Project 2025 is not “Trump’s deal.” This is a lie, just like the lie Kamala Harris told about “Trump abortion bans” the day after Biden handed these falsehoods to the NAACP.
Post-assassination attempt Lie #4: Harris claims Trump passed state abortion bans
Like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris’ disrespect for the intelligence of her base is shocking and offensive. Even if Trump was in favor of abortion bans with no exceptions, as president he did not have the power to pass legislation in individual states.
Harris must assume her audience is unaware of this:
“Well, the way I look at it is then let’s look at all the — I think it’s now 21 or 22 Trump abortion bans in those 21, 22 states, which again make no exception, some, for rape or incest;”32
This is propaganda for the ignorant. The Supreme Court returned the abortion question to states after Dobbs when Trump was already long gone from office. He has no control over what state legislatures do and in contrast to Democrats’ democracy hypocrisy, doesn’t have a problem with voters making their own decisions. After all, that’s how the democracy he’s supposed to be determined to destroy works.
1“Remarks by President Biden | Rehoboth Beach, DE.” The White House. July 13, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
2“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Madison, WI.” July 5, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
3“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Red Bank, NJ.” June 29, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
4“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event.” July 11, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
5“Remarks by President Biden on the Third Anniversary of the January 6th Attack and Defending the Sacred Cause of American Democracy | Blue Bell, PA.” The White House. January 5, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
7“Remarks by President Biden.” The White House. July 14, 2024., retrieved July 14, 2024.
8 Remarks by President Biden on the Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation.” The White House. September 1, 2022., retrieved May 31, 2024.
11“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Raleigh, NC.” The White House. June 28, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
12“Remarks by President Biden in Address to the Nation.” The White House. July 14, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
13“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Political Event.” The White House. July 13, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
14“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Madison, WI.” The White House. July 5, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
15“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | East Hampton, NY.” The White House. June 29, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
16“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Detroit, MI.” The White House. July 12, 2024., retrieved July 16, 2024.
27“Remarks by President Biden at the 115th NAACP National Convention | Las Vegas, NV.” The White House. July 16, 2024., retrieved July 19, 2024.
30Lauren Egan, Allan Smith and Garrett Haake. “Police tear gas protesters gathered near White House after George Floyd’s death.” NBC News. May 30, 2020., retrieved July 19, 2024.
31“Remarks by President Biden at the 115th NAACP National Convention | Las Vegas, NV.” The White House. Op. cit.
32“Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Moderated Conversation with Amanda Stratton and Olivia Troye at a Political Event.” The White House. July 17, 2024., retrieved July 19, 2024.
Image: “Chisos Mountains Sunset.” National Park Service., retrieved July 14, 2024.
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