Offending Religion of Killers is a Political Problem
World leaders did what they do best in the wake of the London attacks. They made trite assurances of unity, perseverance, and shared values. The very same remarks will be made after the next attack and the one after that. The war of words over something we know the name for only avoids facing the truth for the sake of not offending the religion of the killers.
Moral High Ground on Refugees: is This a Free Country?
If the crowd of demonstrators at O’Hare Airport last Saturday really wanted to demonstrate against something serious they should have gone into the city. The handful of travelers1 who fell under the net of President Trump’s heightened security restrictions couldn’t compete with the 17 shootings that had already taken place in Chicago since Friday.
Blame Police for Deaths but Forgive Islam?
The terror attack in Nice didn’t blunt or even distract us from growing racial anger in the U.S. Instead, liberal factions continue to blame police for deaths without trial, evidence, or facts except for what they learn from the media and protest ringleaders.
Why Fly? Do You Like Being Humiliated and Profiled?
Every time I hear that a friend is going on a business trip I get confused and have to ask a very simple question: why fly?
Amazing, cheap technology puts people anywhere in the world on top of your desk. Is it really necessary to go through the out of town business ritual?
Majority of Muslims are Good People, Even Terrorists?
America has always been conflicted about what to do with a majority. Should we stand behind our democratic values, or ignore what a majority wants so we can benefit a minority? Politics, not principle usually answers that question. It has a tendency to create majorities when they are needed to make a point.