If you’ve been feeling a bit contemptable lately you’re in good company. The Democrat Party hates your guts and is not the least bit shy about proving it.
There are many reasons Democrats hate conservatives like you and me, but these six are absolute standouts and our February 14, 2021 update makes it seven.
1. You are white
Not all conservatives are white, of course, but if you are this is a huge strike against you. The one exception is if you are white and also a member of the Democrat Party willing to spread white guilt to ingratiate yourself with those who are obsessed with finding new examples of systemic racism.
It’s astounding to contemplate that the party that claims to represent liberal views endorses hate based on skin color, but if you are white you are already feeling the contempt for how you were born. We can’t strictly call it racism because whites are not a minority but otherwise, yeah, it’s racism.
White guilt liberals are weak, pathetic, and very fashionable
There is nothing more pathetic than white people who apologize on behalf of other white people who didn’t ask them to and then demand that we atone for a history we had nothing to do with. Democrats do this to make themselves look fashionably woke and at least acceptable to party factions that would otherwise despise them just as much as they hate our conservative guts because of our color.

Why so much hate?
Photo by Phi Nguyen*
Peters panders
Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) made this statement in a press release using systemic racism to promote himself:
Our country is in crisis, exposed recently by the murder of George Floyd. We can’t move forward until we tackle systemic racism in America. Our CBC colleagues reminded us that racism isn’t an issue for Black Americans to fix – it’s incumbent upon white Americans to fix.1
Is Peters excluding black legislators when he says white people have to fix this? He might want to clarify his remarks before he marginalizes his non-white colleagues.
This is a crisis of agenda, not color
The only crisis we are in is the crisis created by a radical left that uses the threat of violent protest to exploit George Floyd’s death for political purposes. Peters and all the white guilt liberals like him can apologize for themselves if it helps their careers, but don’t ask me to beg forgiveness for a system that the Democrat Party spent nearly two centuries legislating and keeping firmly in place.
2. You don’t vote for Democrat Party candidates
This one’s a no brainer. The inclusion-obsessed Democrat Party is really the party of exclusion. If you don’t vote for them not only do Democrats not want you in their embrace, they are determined to drive you away and even declare you a terrorist.
This doesn’t mean Democrats won’t tax away your earnings and use your money to advance their agenda. That’s another issue.
Even if you’re winning elections alienating voters isn’t a good way to grow a political party. That’s one reason why illegal immigrants are so important to Democrats. If you control the government you can give them whatever rights suit your purposes. That means for every illegal who gets the right to vote Democrats can cross one more conservative off their list. If replacing 74 million Republicans with illegals sounds like a lot, just wait. Biden’s doing everything he can to get those numbers higher.
3. You believe in sovereignty and that makes you a nationalist
Which of these things destroy American sovereignty? Open borders. Pandering to China. Sucking up to the European Union. Bending over for Iran. Supporting WHO. Throwing the U.S. under the bus for our climate offenses while overlooking the environmental crimes committed by our competitors.
How about telling the world that the man who stood up for our country more than any president in recent memory is the absolute worst, most despicable person on earth, a man akin to Hitler and a threat to the very existence of America?
If you said yes to all these things, you are a nationalist.
Anti-nationalism is one way the Democrat Party shows how much it despises our country. If you support our national sovereignty Democrats hate your guts because you interfere with an agenda that discards making America great again for making Democrats and their fortunes great again.
The Biden White House will seek approval and validation from the rest of the world. The president will beg forgiveness for Donald Trump and try to cover up the simple fact that Democrats hate America because there are still vestiges of Americanism that don’t promote their decidedly self-interested, anti-American values and policy objectives.
President Trump was the biggest advocate for America we may ever have in the White House. For that he was accused of being a racist and a xenophobe, for not submitting to incredibly politicized European climate policy, for arguing that trade with China should not make America the perennial loser, for not emboldening Iran at the expense of our ally Israel, and for not agreeing that the U.S. should be part of Mexico.
Remember, a fundamental Democrat Party policy is dismantling the borders that make us a sovereign nation. This includes the physical border between the U.S. and Mexico and the regulatory and intelligence border with a dangerously greedy China that seeks to profit at our expense.
When you break down enough borders you are no longer a sovereign nation. Of course, if America has no value other than being a vehicle for leftist politicians to exploit for their own gain then we might as well hand it over to the rest of the world. The Democrat Party’s America is not worth saving.
4. You don’t hate democracy as much as Joe Biden does
How do you defend democracy by instituting an oligarchy of liberal elites? You don’t. You just keep repeating platitudes about protecting our democracy while you attack anyone who opposes you for threatening it.
You also sign executive actions until your arm cramps beyond usability because the duly-elected voice of the people does not matter to you, especially those people your party hates because they voted for someone else. We know having a voice matters to at least 74 million Americans who did not vote for Biden. That’s why anyone who expresses concern about the integrity of the last election is now a conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, and terror suspect.
So Joe will keep signing order after order while Americans die of COVID-19, in-person learning stalls, and the majority Democrat Party House finds better things to do like stopping a candidate they are absolutely terrified of from running four years from now.
5. You are smart enough to know how much of a scam is being played on stupid liberal Americans
It’s really frustrating and sad to listen to people who seem intelligent and probably went to very expensive universities mouth the half-baked nonsense endorsed by the contemporary left.
The Democrat Party’s biggest problem is one-upping its own reckless stupidity. Socialism, decarceration, police defunding, illegal immigrant amnesty, legalizing hard drugs, and the other destructive priorities endorsed by the party faithful are good for headlines and they certainly infuriate conservative Americans hated by the Democrat Party, but even at the most basic level there is not the slightest shred of intelligence in the party’s local, state, and federal agendas.
With progressive extremists in charge spending lots and lots of money is the number one priority after marginalizing white Americans. In a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi radicals led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) called $1.9 trillion a “critical first step” but cautioned:
Given the clear economic consensus and urgent need for government spending, we are deeply concerned that lawmakers – including a handful in our own party – are advocating to scale back the President’s rescue package,” the letter continues. “Deficit-financed investments, especially those targeted toward poor, working-class, and middle-class communities, will drive broad-based economic growth.2
Deficit-financed investments also create deficits and debt. That’s why there is an “urgent need for government spending.” When the money is gone it’s gone, so best to spend it before anyone looks too closely. Another $1.9 trillion means $6 trillion in total COVID spending or $18,000 per American,3 but with this ongoing urgent need why should anyone care? Democrats will worry about the consequences later and demand tax increases to make up for their recklessness with our money.
Does all this spending sound like a bad idea? That brings us to the last reason the Democrat Party hates your guts.
6. Democrats hate your guts because you don’t like being lied to
Questioning stupid policies and irresponsible decision-making is our First Amendment right. That’s why it’s so important to the Democrat Party to marginalize conservatives and find ways to remove our voice online and on Capitol Hill.
Prescient Democrats have more than one fallback after their second impeachment attempt fails. They are already hard at work convincing their gullible liberal base that anyone who might support a Trump run in 2024 is a terrorist.
This is a lie, of course but increasingly lies are what drive our politics. We’ll let Maine Democrat Chellie Pingree close this post with the biggest Democrat Party lie of all:
The impeachment of President Trump is a first step in a long process of healing in America. This President has spent years spreading dangerous lies deliberately designed to erode trust in our institutions. This is what dictators do and how fascists rise – it is not how American Presidents lead. We cannot stand united when our leader is dedicated to tearing us apart.4
This is the Democrat Party’s idea of a unifying message. If you question why this would fail to incite conservatives then you are probably on the Democrat Party bandwagon that hates our guts. The long process of healing Pingree talks about is starting to feel like a purge. Standing united in the face of so much hate is out of the question.
UPDATE February 14, 2021:
7. You might vote for Trump in the next presidential election
Democrats brought shame to themselves again yesterday after another kangaroo court failed to find Donald Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection. Assuming they have exhausted any better ideas at the federal level their only hope to stop him before 2024 is an action from one or more states to bring whatever charges prosecutors beholden to the Democrat Party can dream up. Don’t expect these to go anywhere, either. If they had anything solid they would have pressed their case already. Whatever comes is sheer desperation and automatically suspect.
Trump walked free and clear so that leaves you and me. Democrats are going to focus on anyone who is likely to help put him back in the White House in four years. There are all sorts of subtle ways to go about this that don’t seem like infringements on our liberties. They will sell new measures to shore up a democracy they warn is damaged almost beyond repair by the man they fear above anyone else in politics.
On this Valentines’ Day the Democrat Party hates your guts even more than yesterday because now you might actually get to vote for Trump again. Since most of us haven’t done anything wrong that means spying on social media posts and internet sites and blurring and broadening the definition of terrorist while justifying their acts with alleged threats to the nation. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) knows how it’s done. Before the peaceful transition of power she warned that peace was not an option:
As white nationalists, unhinged conspiracy theorists, and other Trump loyalists continue to plot armed insurrection on social media platforms and the twice-impeached President insists he’s done nothing wrong, we cannot wait and hope a peaceful transition of power happens on January 20th. Trump and his supporters have already displayed that peace is nowhere in their minds. 5
Nothing happened, of course, except the militarization of Washington and a capitol that looks like a fascist stronghold.
Our jobs will be threatened. Political donations, PACs, and fund raisers will be attacked. Democrats will try to throw out our elected representatives from the House and Senate to pump up their numbers so they can pass whatever lunacy they think will help stop a Trump candidacy. In short, with little chance to ban their greatest enemy from running again the next goal will be instilling fear throughout America to justify their attacks on anyone who might back a Trump candidacy. It doesn’t require much imagination to see where their hatred might bring them. With hate for Trump and Trump supporters so intense that it blinded their sensibilities enough to engage in another hopeless impeachment charade there is really nothing out of the realm of possibility for Democrats. That’s a very scary scenario to contemplate.
1“Rep. Peters’ Commitment to Help Address Systemic Racism and Racial Injustice in America.” Peters.house.gov. https://scottpeters.house.gov/rep-peters-commitment-to-help-address-systemic-racism-in-america, retrieved February 11, 2021.
2“Progressive Caucus Leaders Reiterate Urgent Need for an Ambitious Pandemic Relief Package of at Least $1.9 Trillion.” Progressives.house.gov. January 27, 2021. https://progressives.house.gov/press-releases?ID=0E5E7C1B-0FE3-4CF3-871E-C5EE93F651C7, retrieved February 12, 2021.
3“Budget Bill is Backdoor for Unaccountable Spending.” Bill Posey. February 3, 2021. https://posey.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=396868, retrieved February 12, 2021.
4“Pingree Votes to Impeach Donald Trump for Role in Right-Wing Domestic Terror Attack on U.S. Government.” Chellie Pingree. January 13, 2021. https://pingree.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3590, retrieved February 12, 2021.
5“Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Statement on the 2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump.” Tlaib.house.gov. January 13, 2021. https://tlaib.house.gov/media/press-releases/congresswoman-rashida-tlaib-statement-2nd-impeachment-donald-trump, retrieved February 14, 2021.
*Photo by Phi Nguyen. “Members of the 117th Sworn In.” United States House of Representatives. Retrieved from https://www.house.gov/feature-stories/2021-1-5-members-of-the-117th-congress-sworn-in on February 15, 2021.
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