It used to be poor people, especially poor black people Democrats depended on. Now it’s white supremacy. Democrats need white supremacists, the more the better. They are using white supremacy against the millions of Americans who oppose their radical policies. That’s why Democratic lawmakers keep repeating that white supremacy is behind everything they stand against: systemic racism, economic inequality, domestic terror, bipartisan congressional politics, the Capitol riot and subsequent militarization of Washington, even climate change.
White supremacy is the Democratic Party’s excuse and justification for everyting. If you don’t support a far left agenda you are now America’s biggest problem.
Four years of manipulating the white supremacist threat in a failed effort to unseat a president hated by the Democratic Party left us with a nation of two people: everyone in the party base and white supremacists.
Anyone who doesn’t support woke progressivism is under scrutiny. We are threatened with white supremacists in our legislature. They are in the ranks of our military. They work alongside us and live in the house next door. Democrats will make sure it stays this way because it’s the best thing they’ve got going. They need white supremacists a lot more than they need you if you don’t support their insanely destructive plans for our country. Conservatives will be marginalized, surveilled, and sought out for suppression as long as Democrats can keep this threat alive.
For nearly a year Americans have been living in fear of each other because of COVID-19. Shutdowns sent the message that our lives are at tremendous risk every moment of every day. We can’t even trust our families because they might bring death home with them.
Now President Biden is trying his best to spread more fear about worse times ahead, but his handlers must know that unless the White House public health squad completely bungles vaccine distribution COVID fear will not be useful for much longer. We will either achieve herd immunity or everyone will tire of trying not to catch the virus and give up.
Enter white supremacists.

Architect of the Capitol
White supremacists will replace COVID-19
Democrats want us to believe that white supremacy is spreading like the coronavirus. If we swap right wing extremism for COVID-19 everything falls into place. The threat is part of a package deal Biden talked about when he stumbled through signing his racial equity order:
And they [young Americans] are pulling us toward justice in so many ways, forcing us to confront the huge gap in economi- — excuse me, economic inequity between those at the top and everyone else, forcing us to confront the existential crisis of climate; and, yes, forcing us to confront systemic racism and white supremacy.1
Democrats need white supremacists but that doesn’t make the threat real
The growing hysteria over white supremacy is a misguided partisan charade staged for the Democratic Party’s benefit. Yes, there are white supremacists in America. There are also left wing extremists, transnational gangs, and other threats. Politics decides which ones the nation will be threatened with. That’s why criminal illegal aliens are no longer a concern.
Nancy Pelosi repeatedly questioned Trump’s ability to govern. Her latest paranoid ramblings about enemies within the House should raise a few eyebrows even in her own party about the speaker’s mental fitness. Fortunately she has allies for this new witch hunt. Senators Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CN) didn’t waste time going after our troops:
“The issue of white supremacy and extremist ideology within the ranks of our military is not new, but the attack on the Capitol makes clear this alarming trend must be immediately addressed,” the senators wrote in a letter to Department of Defense Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell.2
The senators cited a Military Times article about a poll that showed one-third of those questioned responded affirmatively about “signs of white supremacist or racist ideology in the ranks.”3 You can read the report and judge for yourself if this is an alarming trend or alarming Democratic Party politics.
Despite their insistence that the threat is here and now Democrats reach back hundreds of years to make their case. Rep. Karen Bass (D-WI) announced a February 6, 2021 virtual get together to discuss America’s historical threat:
Rep. Bass and [terrorism media commentator Malcolm] Mr. Nance will explore the Capitol invasion, its aftermath, its international implications, and why we cannot ignore its deep roots in white supremacy and centuries of domestic terrorism.4
Deep roots and centuries of terror mean we aren’t getting off the hook this or any year if the anti-American left is judging us. The good news is that If you are not a woke progressive extremist you can still be useful to the Democratic Party as America’s most urgent crisis.
Lee: 2020 election victory was about white supremacy
Some of us thought the 2020 election was about a Republican candidate for president vs. a Democratic candidate. We were wrong. The 2020 race was about using white supremacy to justify identity politics, or at least that’s what Congresswoman Barbara Lee seems to think (D-TX):
Against the backdrop of insurrection and white supremacy, amidst a deadly pandemic, we have reason to smile, because our democracy prevailed and white nationalism did not. We will now have the first Black woman and first woman of South Asian descent serving as Vice President.5
Lee pits black Americans against white Americans. I’d be willing to bet that most of us oppose white supremacy regardless of our skin color. Democrats chose a wealthy white guy for president, so presumably Biden is not suspect. The left doesn’t talk much about this hypocritical choice to lead them, probably because Biden just sits and mouths whatever words his radical handlers put on the teleprompter.
The president insists that “now is the time to act.”6 Militarizing Washington certainly sends a strong message that the white supremacist threat is real and not going away. At the very least Americans need to keep their heads down until Democrats can force enough legislation to shut their opponents up forever.
In the meantime expect to hear a lot about urgent threats that demand immediate action. Lawmakers want to act fast before we have time to think about their slippery, anti-American slope. Pelosi set the standard years ago when she implored Congress to pass the Affordable Care Act so they could find out what the bill was all about. Now they can’t get rid of the ACA fast enough. If only they had known that Obama’s signature legislation would result in bad COVID-19 outcomes for minority communities that his worshippers are now trying to blame on systemic racism.
Democrats build their case for a war on white supremacists
In his inaugural address the president warned the nation of:
a rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.7
That sounds a lot like the prelude to a war. In the background congressional Democrats are stoking hatred and fear, including Congresswoman Lee’s inciteful claim that black people are murdered in America “for walking or driving or sleeping …”8
Lee’s attempt to praise police officers after the Capitol riot reeked of identity politics, not to mention her unfounded statement that white supremacists launched the attack:
Black Capitol Police officers told me that they bravely fought, and I know this, to protect us, the building and themselves, and they were in combat with white supremacists. Given America’s deep-rooted history of white supremacy and white nationalism and policing, this is no surprise, quite frankly. 9
Two big lies about white supremacy. Guess who is telling Big Lie #2?
In a January 26, 2021 media interview Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries talked about House and Senate Republicans supporting Trump’s 2020 election “big lie.”10
There is another big lie making the rounds on Capitol Hill. The lie is that Democrats oppose white supremacy. They do not. It’s the best weapon they have. They want to grow it, not get rid of it.
Democrats will find white supremacists wherever they look and that includes you
The witch hunt is beginning to snowball.
On Monday Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) sent a letter to the president and Secretary of Defense asking for a sweeping Biden anti-extremism order that starts her party’s egress into the First Amendment:
identifying white supremacy and violent extremism as a critical threat to national security and directing agencies to screen for violent extremism on social media for all incoming military recruits and those seeking government security clearances.11
Speier wants to ramp up screening for “servicemembers and individuals with sensitive roles for white-supremacist and violent-extremist ties.”.”12
This seems like a commonsense place to start. We can’t hand guns to white supremacists in our military. The problem is that sensitive roles mean different things to different people. I doubt that Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and other lawmakers targeted by Democrats for suppression and removal would agree on the very wide boundaries their opponents will place on this kind of screening. When they are finished with the military, local police departments, our children’s teachers, and then private industry will come next.
We went down this path with the war on drugs. If you oppose their policies, Democrats will label you a white supremacist.
Democrats lay their white supremacy cards on the table
On January 11, 2021 extremist Squad member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) listed eleven proposed congressional actions she supports to “restore our democracy.” The more frightening imperatives include:
Rep. Bush’s resolution to sanction, remove lawmakers who supported insurrection
Rep. Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate ties between white supremacists & Capitol Police
Rep. Payne’s letter calling for investigation into why Capitol Police allowed rioters to enter the Capitol, while peaceful BLM protesters were met with militarized presence
Rep. Tlaib’s letter calling for inquiry into National Guard response
Rep. Beyer’s letter to FBI on the role of online extremism in the extremism13
That’s a lot of investigating and inquiring. Like the Trump-Russia hoax this is the start of a very long, very punishing partisan witch hunt that will arrive at a foregone conclusion: the only Americans we can be certain are not white supremacists are Americans who vote for Democrats.
Will we be required to carry party ID cards, or will we wear a symbol on our clothes so liberal Americans can easily identify their enemies?
Trump’s gone but white supremacy thrives on
On January 12, 2021 freshman Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) quickly picked up the white supremacy threat:
As long as we allow white supremacy to continue to thrive in our society and our institutions, we will continue to suffer the consequences at the hands of its adherents. This is why it is so important that we pass my bill, the Congressional Oversight of Unjust Policing Act.14
Rep. Jeffries followed up with a discussion about the “sickness that seems to have infected the Republican Party.”15 He threatened his opposition:
It’s incredibly important and we’re going to start with the organized crime boss who formerly occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And then we have to work our way down from there and deal with some of the underbosses like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and Kevin McCarthy, who continue to support these QAnon caucus, conspiracy caucus and crackpot caucus Members who’ve taken over the House Republican Conference.16
Addressing Nicki Haley directly, Jeffries responded to calls to move on and be done with the business of impeaching Trump:
Nikki, we are not moving on from insurrection. We’re not moving on from sedition.17
No, we aren’t. Democrats got lucky with the COVID-19 death toll. Now they’re hoping to get even luckier white supremacists. Over 74 million Americans voted for Trump, so the opportunities to attack conservative America are practically limitless.
White supremacy is the future of the Democratic Party. Democrats are correct that white supremacists are a terrible threat, but this threat comes from within their own extremist ranks and not the American people who refuse to support them.
UPDATE February 6, 2021 9:15 a.m.: Jimmy Gomez wants to kick this white supremacist threat out of the House
House Democrats’ white supremacist search and destroy agenda took a dangerous new turn yesterday. Apparently their partisan attack on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that took away her committee assignments wasn’t nearly enough.
Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) sniffed white supremacy. He demanded that she be expelled. Gomez did not accuse Greene of white supremacy outright. Instead, he claimed that she would wield white supremacy “to intimidate other lawmakers.”18
“Other lawmakers” are what makes this liberal version of McCarthyism so dangerous. Democrats did not do nearly as well in last year’s House elections as they’d hoped. White supremacy seems to be their solution.
UPDATE February 6, 2021 9:35 a.m.: Democrats can’t even dismantle 10 years of their white supremacist health care plan
Yesterday Barbara Lee got on her COVID-19 – white supremacy soapbox and made this damning statement:
“The current COVID-19 public health and economic crisis once again illustrates the painful legacy of systemic racism, white supremacy, and inequality in our country,” said Congresswoman Lee. We cannot dismantle 400 year old systems of oppression without a fight.19
She’s right. We can blame ourselves for 400 years but we can’t fix it.
How about the last ten? Democrats fixed our health system a decade ago. If our current public health crisis reflects America’s terrible history of racism and white supremacy does that make Democrats who voted for the Affordable Care Act white supremacists?
1“Remarks by President Biden at Signing of an Executive Order on Racial Equity.” January 26, 2021., retrieved February 2, 2021.
2“Feinstein, Blumenthal, Colleagues Call for Investigation Into White Supremacy, Extremism in the Military.” January 14, 2021., retrieved January 31, 2021.
3Shane, Leo III. “Troops: White nationalism a national security threat equal to ISIS, al-Qaida.” Military Times. September 3, 2020., retrieved January 31, 2021.
4“The Insurrection: Domestic Terrorism and White Supremacy.” February 6, 2021., retrieved January 31, 2021.
5“Congresswoman Barbara Lee Celebrates the Inauguration of the 46th President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.” January 20, 2021., retrieved January 31, 2021.
6“Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. January 20, 2021., retrieved January 28, 2021.
8“ICYMI: Congresswoman Barbara Lee Delivers Remarks in Congressional Black Caucus Hearing on White Supremacy at U.S. Capitol Riots.” January 13, 2021., retrieved January 28, 2021.
10“Chairman Jeffries to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: “We Can’t Allow the Radicalization of These Individuals to Go Without Consequence. The Former President of the United States is Responsible for This Type of Activity.” January 26, 2021., retrieved January 28, 2021.< /p>
11“Chair Speier calls on President Biden, Defense Secretary Austin, and DNI Haines to Review Social Media to Detect White Supremacy and Violent Extremism among Applicants for Security Clearances, Military Enlistees.” Jackie Speier. February 1, 2021., retrieved February 3, 2021.
13“ICYMI: Rep. Omar Introduces Two Articles of Impeachment and Outlines Next Steps.” Ilhan Omar. January 11, 2021., retrieved February 4, 2021.
14“INTRODUCTION OF COUP ACT; Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 7
(Extensions of Remarks – January 12, 2021).” January 12, 2021., retrieved February 4, 2021.
15“Chairman Jeffries to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: “We Can’t Allow the Radicalization of These Individuals to Go Without Consequence. The Former President of the United States is Responsible for This Type of Activity.” January 26, 2021. Op. cit.
18NBC News Think: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Loss of Committee Seats is a Good First Step. But She Deserve Expulsion.” February 5, 2021., retrieved February 6, 2021.
19“Rep. Lee Joins Dingell, Markey in Reintroducing THRIVE Resolution to Build Back Economy Following Coronavirus Pandemic.” Barbara Lee. February 5, 2021., retrieved February 6, 2021.
Author’s note: content revised after February 5, 2021 publish date.
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