New update June 14, 2021: this is how Pelosi honors Flag Day.
House Speaker pays phony tribute to “One Country, One Destiny”
There aren’t many Democrats left who should not be ashamed to honor the Fourth of July. They made 2020 all about tearing this nation into liberal-sized pieces ripe for exploiting.
No one knows how to do this better than Nancy Pelosi. She paid tribute to Independence Day with a few phony remarks about the American flag to kick off her pre-holiday press conference:
Tomorrow’s a national holiday, getting ready for the Fourth of July. I wear this flag pin quite frequently. I have a couple different flag pins, but this one particularly fraught with meaning. It says on it, ‘One country, one destiny.’ The American flag: ‘One country, one destiny.’ These were the words that were woven into Abraham Lincoln’s coat. It was an imperative then, ‘One country, one destiny.’ It is an imperative now, especially now, when we have such challenges to the well-being of our country.1
Had she been honest, she would have admitted she means “one country, one destiny for Democrats.”

Pelosi’s comments quickly became offensive as she proceeded to attack the Trump administration and Mitch McConnell’s Senate leadership. She could have suggested that for just one short day we put our differences aside and celebrate what we all have in common, but the speaker is savvy enough to know that when you are driving the nation apart you have to be on the ball 24/7.
It took a war to make this country and now a new war is threatening to destroy us. Many of the iconic American figures responsible for our independence are in danger of disappearing as Democrats strive to sanitize our heritage with their newly woke revisionist history. Even Mount Rushmore and an Abraham Lincoln monument at the University of Wisconsin in Madison are under fire as the left’s definition of unacceptable widens to include everything that happened before the killing of George Floyd.
Pelosi’s liberty and justice is an anarchist call to action
Pelosi had the audacity to trot out “liberty and justice for all” as if it is a shared American value instead of a partisan call to action. The reference was about the bills Democrats can’t get through Congress and their hypocritical support for an Affordable Care Act many in the party are more than ready to swap for a single payer socialist health plan:
The pledge to the flag ends with ‘liberty and justice for all.’ And everything that I talked about here, whether it was health care or job security or environmental justice or Justice in Policing or statehood for the District of – we’re talking about liberty and justice for all.2
Passage of these stalled bills and punishment from the anarchic neo-left is just one election away. Justice for all will be a very bad thing when Democrats get the power to settle accounts and attack those who don’t kneel to their increasingly extreme values.
18 Democrats cosponsored resolution supporting flag burning
Last July Minnesota insurgent Rep. Ilhan Omar introduced H.Res.496. Among other acts of protest the resolution affirmed that flag burning is constitutionally-protected free speech. Pelosi had the political sense to not sign on to that one, but eighteen of her fellow party members endorsed Omar’s resolution.
We have come a long way since last year’s Independence Day. Hatred for America, our history, and institutions is at a fever pitch. The left is burning a lot more than American flags and they are getting away with it.
Democrats have worked hard. They are very good at what they do. There is a lot at stake for the party this year and by all appearance they are winning.
This makes Nancy Pelosi’s American flag remarks even more phony and offensive to anyone who cares the least bit about this country. Her party’s endorsement of anti-Americanism is a shrewd calculation that hating our country will bring in enough votes to put Democrats forever in charge of our destiny.
I didn’t see a picture to accompany the speaker’s press conference. For now we’ll assume that the flag pin she is so enamored with was pinned right side up.
UPDATE August 8, 2020: Pelosi wrong again with her one country, one destiny flag remarks
It’s best to stop when you think you’re ahead, but weeks after her July 2, 2020 American flag remarks Pelosi was still talking about her flag pin. This time the occasion was John Lewis’ funeral:
Over the Fourth of July weekend, I had the privilege of visiting with John, and I brought him this flag pin that I wear, one just like it. Why I did so on that Fourth of July weekend was because it is engraved with something that says, ‘One Country, One Destiny.’ Now, wasn’t that what John Lewis was all about? ‘One Country, One Destiny.’4
It might be what John Lewis was about, but it’s not what Nancy Pelosi is about by any stretch of the most distorted imagination.
The speaker mentioned Abraham Lincoln three times and the Lincoln Memorial twice during her remarks.5 Perhaps she is unaware that the left vandalized Lincoln statues nationwide and that Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) and three House colleagues introduced a bill calling for the Emancipation Statue in Lincoln Park to be removed? H.R. 7466, the Emancipation Statue Removal Act, was introduced July 1, 2020, the day before Pelosi’s pre-Independence Day American Flag remarks:
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) announced today that she will introduce legislation to remove the Emancipation Statue from Lincoln Park in the District of Columbia, a federal park, citing its problematic depiction of the fight to achieve emancipation.6
If there is anything we are not, it’s one country with one destiny. We are a hopelessly divided nation with two political ideologies pushing us farther and farther apart.
Did Pelosi also forget that she contributes to this by manipulating the term “systemic racism” to remind us how divided we should be?
Since passage of the [George Floyd Justice in Policing Act] bill, our nation has witnessed Americans continue to speak out and demand action to address the crisis of police brutality and systemic racism while the Trump Administration has taken unprecedented steps to deploy anonymous federal law enforcement agents and silence peaceful protesters with violence.7
Her remarks are not only untrue, they are some of the most flagrantly divisive we have heard from the speaker in years. Thank Pelosi and her party for making one country, one destiny another Democratic lie that we can only hope will go away on November 4, 2020.
UPDATE September 4, 2020: speaker’s flag pin is a hypocritical prop
We should give Pelosi a pass on her beauty salon gaffe. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that Democratic Party royalty holds itself above the common man and woman. Do you think the party elites will hold themselves to the same socialist ideals they want to inflict on the country?
A much better criticism should be leveled at the speaker’s insistence that we always have to remember we are one country:8
I have my Speaker’s pin on today, but many times, I have on the flag pin which said ‘One country, one destiny.’ We have to think in those terms, and we look forward to doing that after the – well, as we go forward. We still have a day here, as we go forward.9
This bit of typical Pelosiesque hypocrisy came from a December 19, 2019 press conference. It was obvious what “after the” referred to. When she finished babbling about her pin and being one nation, the first question from the press was about Trump’s impeachment.
There aren’t too many things in the world of American politics more divisive than trying to remove a president, though we might add abusing the American flag to the list.
Pelosi’s flag pin came up again at the start of 2020:
I wear this pin, it says – on it, it says – the flag, it’s the American flag – on it, it says, ‘one country, one destiny.’ Well, I think that about our two countries too. Two countries, one destiny of peace, cooperation and respect for each other.10
Does she think that if she keeps bringing up her flag pin we’ll think that she respects what it symbolizes? This time the occasion was a lunch with members of Israel’s Knesset where she talked about our strong ties with Israel. Those ties, of course, are jeopardized by the anti-Semitic elements in Pelosi’s party.
In August we were treated to video from Portland of left wing protesters burning an American flag. Just like the simple fact that skin color should not be the decisive element of whether your life matters, the American flag should not be a hated symbol for anyone who benefits from living in our country.
For Pelosi our flag is just a hypocritical prop. From impeaching Trump, to blaming the White House for Americans who died from the coronavirus, to failing to rein in the dangerously radical elements in her House, to lukewarm if any condemnation of violent protests, she doesn’t have the right to decorate herself with the American flag. It should only be worn by Americans who believe in what it stands for. Encouraging divisiveness, disunity, and hate doesn’t put you on the list.
UPDATE September 24, 2020: wearing a flag pin and lying won’t unite America
Pelosi’s American flag pin and her hollow nod to “One Country, One Destiny” returned in a recent media interview. She accused the president of being crazy. Then she made the even more insane claim and uttered a bald-faced lie that One Country, One Destiny is “what we’re about.”11
By now anyone who reads the news knows that being one country is repugnant to Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of their Capitol Hill cadre. Too many people oppose socialism and the now constant insurrection that are emblematic of contemporary Democratic Party values. Instead, tearing the people apart with inflammatory words and holding Americans hostage with the unspoken threat of violence if the institutions in Democrat-run big cities step out of line define their angry, hateful effort to retake the White House.
These politicians are not stupid. Instead of bringing Americans together, their goal is to drive a far left bulldozer over everyone who disagrees.
What Pelosi won’t admit is that if she and Chuck get what they want their time on the Hill is limited. They will be replaced at the next opportunity by far left operatives who better represent a party base they helped to create.
UPDATE November 6, 2020: one party with no destiny and no American flag
There is nothing like an election failure to change a political party’s beliefs. We’re already hearing howls from congressional Democrats fighting over what hit them, though anyone worthy of being called an American could have told them many months ago what the problem is: America sells. Socialism does not. Neither does anti-Americanism.
Despite her divisive gibberish and stonewalling of aid to Americans hurting from the pandemic we can give Pelosi credit for not being a socialist and for at least giving the appearance of holding off the dangerously extreme elements in her party. We can’t give the speaker credit for her vindictive war against Republicans and the White House that culminated in no blue wave, no coronavirus relief, and no unity while she fingered her flag pin and preached about one country, one destiny.
On Wednesday Pelosi made another attempt at being one country, though this one only applied to her fellow politicians. In a “Dear Colleague” statement she fell back on “our American Democracy”12 despite the fact that many in her party staked their claim to power on destroying every vestige of what we recognize as uniquely American.
Pelosi rejected “the special interests”13 and then added a plea for special interests:
Ours will be a government that fights for the people’s interest, not the special interests – championing progress for seniors, veterans, immigrants, LGBTQ Americans, women, young people and frontline communities.14
There may be a time when we can return to one country, one destiny. Maybe we’ll even have a speaker who wears a flag pin and understands that the American flag is more than a prop to sell partisan talking points. In the meantime Democrats should take a lesson from Tuesday’s rout. Americans want to be one country with one destiny, but they don’t want that destiny to be dictated by their party’s socialist elite wannabes. Pelosi isn’t one of these, but she’s not the speaker we need to bring this nation together, either.
UPDATE January 7, 2021: hypocrite Pelosi invokes “one country, one destiny” in wake of Washington violence
Nancy Pelosi never considered or simply doesn’t care that her “one country, one destiny” slogan is the antithesis of where her party delivered America as Democrats prepare to take over.
The speaker resurrected the memory of John Lewis when she used her flag pin to deliver a false message of unity after yesterday’s rioting in Washington:
I wear this pin quite frequently. Actually, I gave it to our beloved John Lewis just the weekend before he – the weekend or so before he left us. And it is the flag of our country, a flag of the United States of America. On it, it says, ‘One country, one destiny.’ ‘One country, one destiny,’ written on the flag. That was also what was embroidered in Abraham Lincoln’s coat that he had on that fateful night. Lincoln’s party, Lincoln’s message: ‘One country, one destiny.’15
She neglected to add that the memory of Abraham Lincoln is also under attack by a radical left fringe that Americans are fearful will dominate Democratic Party policy.
Pelosi’s John Lewis reference only throws more fuel on the fire because it brings back memories of how the speaker and her party characterized the left’s violent meltdown that terrified Americans last year:
‘Firebombing police cars, burning down businesses and ravishing our neighborhoods dishonors the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and will destroy thousands of livelihoods.’
So this is not without concern about what peaceful protest can sometimes lead to by those who would exploit the situation. But it is about how we treat people.16
These events also dishonored America, but after minimizing what was taking place she blamed the police and our history for what happened to George Floyd:
This is not an incident, a single incident. We know it is a pattern of behavior. We also know the history that takes us to this sad place.17
When violent riots broke out and the Capitol was compromised lawmakers and the media called it domestic terrorism. The anger and disunity that afflicted our nation for most of last year finally arrived at their doorstep. When glass broke on Congress’s turf instead of the storefronts of far removed businesses in middle America lawmakers were justifiably outraged, fearful, and unable to excuse it.
Pelosi blamed Trump for the George Floyd protest violence:
But we would hope that the President of the United States would follow the lead of so many other Presidents before him to be a healer in chief and not a fanner of the flame.18
Trump also received the blame for yesterday’s insurrection. The speaker called the events a “shameful assault on our democracy.”19 It was a shameful assault on Washington to be sure, but what makes Pelosi’s repeated comments about her flag pin and “one country, one destiny” so phony and offensive is her refusal to accept the slightest responsibility for the angry divisiveness in America.
For proper perspective she should consider how terrified Americans are of what a Democratic majority means for America. We’ve listened to angry threats from her party’s lawmakers about what they will do to America if they gain the power to enact their left wing agenda. Now they have the opportunity to make good on those threats and there is nothing in Washington to temper their extremism.
Democrats took “one country, one destiny” off the table a long time ago. Sadly, the events of yesterday are likely just the start of a national meltdown created by extremism on both sides. Until we acknowledge this and stop playing partisan rhetorical games with domestic terror of all kinds her flag pin is a joke and so is talking about a united America with one destiny.
UPDATE January 30, 2021: one country with one destiny: creating enemies of the Democratic Party
After a big political power grab the next problem is maintaining your grip. This can be more difficult than lying your way into office, especially if your hubris is so extreme that you do stupid, arrogant things that turn voters against you.
Creating enemies is one way to stay on top. As much as Democrats liked comparing the Trump administration to Nazi Germany they have one thing in common with the Third Reich: they know how to create enemies of the people and use them for political advantage.
Nancy Pelosi did exactly this when she warned that there are enemies within the legislature. Joe McCarthy was not a Democrat but he would have been proud. A few other historical figures we won’t name for the sake of civility would also have offered the speaker a complimentary nod.
The American people, on the other hand, should not tolerate this line of rhetoric from Pelosi or anyone else in power. If we don’t call out this kind of totalitarian anti-Americanism for what it is and the damage it can do the lie that our nation is under siege by enemies of the Democratic Party will gradually be accepted as fact until we reach a place from which we cannot return. That will put a smile on the speaker’s face while she fingers her American flag pin knowing that the unity our flag represents is finally gone.
UPDATE February 6, 2021: one country, one destiny or two countries divided? Hypocritical Pelosi can’t make up her mind which she wants.
Are we one country with one destiny or two irretrievably divided nations? Pelosi wants to have it both ways. She put on her California representative’s hat when she made the outrageous statement that “Biden Brings Hope, Healing, and Unity” and took it upon herself to speak for all Americans:
On Wednesday, our country rejoiced as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took the oath of office and assumed the roles of President and Vice President of the United States. It was a breath of fresh air for our democracy, for America and for our future.20
Perhaps it never occurred to her that the millions of Trump voters her party marginalized as white supremacists are not rejoicing. Instead, we’re waiting for the knock on the door if we dare vote Republican in the next primary or post an unpopular opinion on social media.
After she rejoiced Pelosi put on her speaker’s hat. Everything changed. She let the media speak for her with thirteen quotes attacking Trump’s impeachment defense to prove once and for all that any opposition to this week’s congressional kangaroo court are “demonstrably false,” “absurd,” and “laughable.”21
I don’t think anyone on either side expects the liberal media to offer anything but derision for Trump’s legal arguments. We certainly don’t expect Pelosi to abandon her promise to impeach Trump forever any more than we believe she sincerely wants one country with one destiny, unless that means one country for Democrats whose destiny is to stomp out all opposition forever. If she’d just be honest about it she wouldn’t sound like such a hypocrite.
UPDATE February 14, 2021: the state of one country, one destiny after Pelosi fails again
Nancy Pelosi had two chances to impeach Donald Trump forever. Her failure will go down in history forever. The second attempt was pure foolhardiness. The speaker and her party are so arrogant and power mad that they must never have considered the unpleasant prospect of certain acquittal and how bad they look for trying to deprive Republican voters of the obvious choice to replace Joe Biden in 2024.
Pelosi didn’t mention her flag pin in the remarks she made after Trump’s acquittal. It’s safe to assume if we pull the stars for states that went to Trump in 2020 off the flag we’ll be pretty close to her version of Old Glory.
So how did two time loser Nancy live up to her vision for “one country, one destiny” after citizen Trump was acquitted in the Senate?
First, she applauded her party for their “patriotic presentations” and the “inspiration you have been to so many people.”22 It’s hard to pinpoint who these people are. Trump supporters will be inspired, but not in any way Pelosi will appreciate. Democrats should be furious at another embarrassing failure of Democrat Party leadership watched around the world.
After patting the losers on the back the speaker got down to business:
But what we saw in that Senate today was a cowardly group of Republicans who apparently have no options because they were afraid to defend their job, respect the institution in which they serve.23
She ignored the obvious fact that Republicans exercised their option and defended their seats at the same time. This is completely in line with current party policy to ignore anything Democrats disagree with, especially violence from their radical base.
When a reporter asked Pelosi about censure her anger was obvious:
Oh, these cowardly Senators who couldn’t face up to what the President did and what was at stake for our country are now going to have a chance to give a slap on the wrist?24
So much for one country with one destiny. If the slightest bit of integrity could find its way through all her anger and hate Pelosi would admit that she means one party with one destiny. Since that integrity is either in hiding or wholly nonexistent, we’ll have to judge her by her words and deeds instead.
UPDATE March 7, 2021: when Pelosi mentions the American flag she is lying
Remember the old joke about how you can tell when a lawyer is lying? How can you tell when Nancy Pelosi is lying? She talks about the flag. If the speaker also mentions democracy rest assured she is deceiving us.
Pelosi waves the flag for Democrats
After a Democratic majority forced the H.R. 1 “For the People Act” through the House a jubilant Pelosi announced:
We waved flags in honor of our democracy.25
At least she had the good grace not to mention her flag pin.
The American Rescue Lie was not enough deceit for one week so she added to it with another falsehood about legislating for the people:
What’s exciting about it is that it restores confidence that people have that their vote and their voice is as important as anyone’s.26
Pelosi and company have a very bad habit of confusing “the people” with Democrat Party voters. Conservative voices not only don’t matter, Democrats placed us under suspicion of domestic terrorism and white supremacy, so in addition to being irrelevant we are a threat.
In addition to this bill’s campaign finance provisions that use taxpayer money to kill the SCOTUS Citizen’s United decision, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) observes in an op-ed on The Hill that we’re going to see the same kind of presidential election free-for-all that raised serious doubts about the integrity of the 2020 election that put Democrats in power.
Pelosi might as well be honest. We already know that all of her efforts are focused on retaining a Democratic majority and forcing as much pro-Democrat Party legislation through Congress as possible. It’s not as if we’re going to be surprised that this is another power steal by and for Democrats, especially when she mentions the flag to promote a bill that undermines our democratic republic for the benefit her party and her party alone.
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) gets it:
Despite its title, H.R. 1 has nothing at all to do with the people. It is, instead, a bill about preserving the present Democratic majority. It is a bill by Democrats, for Democrats.27
He’s exactly right.
UPDATE May 23, 2021: Pelosi claims we’re a beacon of democracy, but for whom?
The Democrat Party’s obsession with the word “democracy” hit a new low with Nancy Pelosi pulling “beacon of democracy” from her trick bag while she persuaded the House to vote for her party’s new, sweeping investigation of the January 6 riot.
Her May 14, 2021 “Dear Democratic Colleague” remarks opened with a hopeful sentiment:
The Capitol of the United States has always been a welcoming beacon of democracy for the American people and to the world.28
She also referred to the Capitol as a “Temple of Democracy.” I suspect this has more to do with the regard she holds for herself and her party than anything to do with America. Perhaps that’s why she hasn’t said much about her flag pin lately. Pelosi isn’t stupid. She knows her important role in dismantling American greatness piece by piece.
The speaker’s floor speech backing her party’s January 6 reign of terror is a warning, not a sign of hope:
A failure to deploy the full suite of available tools to fully understand January 6th and address its causes will leave the Capitol and nation vulnerable to future attacks.29
There will be no end to what “available tools” and “fully understand” means just as there was no end to the investigations and impeachment trials of Donald Trump until an election removed him from office. Now that Democrats are in power there will be little left off the table for the January 6 commission as they seek to secure their future once and for all:
The bill gives the commission specified powers, including the authority to hold hearings, receive evidence, and issue subpoenas. The bill also provides for the composition of the commission and the appointment of staff, and it requires the commission to hold public hearings and meetings to the extent that it is appropriate. The commission must also release public versions of its reports.30
The potential for these powers to destroy our democratic values didn’t stop the speaker from using “beacon of democracy” again during her floor speech pushing this legislation:
Let’s talk about where we are. Here we are in the Capitol of the United States. The dome of the U.S. Capitol has always been a beacon of democracy and hope to America and to the world.31
She’s right about one thing. We represent hope to a world where we are well on our way to being subordinate to China and even Russia thanks to a president who seems to have too much on his hands just trying to make sense in his rare public appearances.
As far as hope for America is concerned, Pelosi will grind that under her heel as her party pursues an investigation that is only going to pick up speed and seize more of our rights and liberties as we get closer to the 2022 election and most important, the 2024 vote.
What happened to Pelosi’s flag pin?
A comment made during a May 19, 2021 press appearance was especially disturbing:
This is all important, because this place, this Capitol of the United States, has been a beacon of democracy to the world.32
Why didn’t Pelosi include America or the American people and why has she stopped talking about her flag pin?
UPDATE June 14, 2021: this is how Pelosi honors Flag Day
The one good thing I can say about Nancy Pelosi’s remarks on Flag Day today is that she didn’t lie. She didn’t tell the truth either, but since she’s talking to other Democrats we can’t in all fairness accuse her of lying because her audience believes her nonsense no matter how far she strays from the truth.
It started out well:
Today is Flag Day, a day when we pay our respects to our Flag: a symbol of democratic freedom at home and throughout the world.33
… and then she forgot that the flag is a symbol of unity for all Americans and not just Democrats:
Sadly, the clock is ticking on our democracy with respect to the sanctity of the vote, unless we act to combat the actions taken by Republicans across the country to suppress the vote. This assault on the vote will not only harm our freedom but America’s example of freedom around the world.34
Democrats don’t need Republicans to harm America’s image. They have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do that.
Then it got ridiculous. Pelosi warns of the anti-democracy forces that oppose H.R. 1’s Democrat Party takeover:
Voter suppression has been deepened by the suffocation of the airwaves caused by big dark special interest money. 35
Perhaps she thinks liberals spend their time watching FoxNews. If not, it’s hard to imagine what airwaves she is referring to. Most of our mass media and the platforms controlled by Big Tech are hostile to conservative interests, so it’s not the left that’s being suffocated.
As with all really bad bills the H.R. 1 call to action is “we must pass it now.” 36 When you are destroying the sanctity of the vote and undermining our democratic process the less thought, the better. Even Democrats have to sleep at night.
If there was a shred of honesty in Pelosi’s statement that the American flag is a “symbol of democratic freedom” she would have capitalized “Democratic.” At least we didn’t have to listen to her babble about her flag pin.
1“Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” July 2, 2020., retrieved July 4, 2020.
2“Mount Rushmore National Memorial Announces Flag Day Celebration.” National Park Service. June 12, 2014., retrieved July 4, 2020.
3“Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” Op. cit.
4“Pelosi Remarks at Funeral of Congressman John Robert Lewis.” Nancy Pelosi. July 30, 2020., retrieved August 8, 2020.
5“Pelosi Remarks at Funeral of Congressman John Robert Lewis.” Nancy Pelosi. July 30, 2020., retrieved August 8, 2020.
6“Norton to Introduce Legislation Removing Emancipation Statue from Lincoln Park.” Eleanor Holmes Norton. June 23, 2020., retrieved August 8, 2020.
7“Pelosi, House Democratic Leaders Call for Senate Action on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Four Weeks After House Passage.” Nancy Pelosi. July 23, 2020., retrieved August 8, 2020.
8“Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” Nancy Pelosi. December 19, 2019., retrieved September 4, 2020.
10“Pelosi Remarks at Working Lunch with Members of the Israeli Knesset.” Nancy Pelosi. January 22, 2020., retrieved September 4, 2020.
11“Transcript of Pelosi Interview on CNBC’s Squawk on the Street with Jim Cramer,” September 15, 2020., retrieved September 24, 2020.
12“PELOSI – Dear Colleague on Holding the House.” November 4, 2020., retrieved November 6, 2020.
15“Pelosi Remarks Upon Reconvening of the House of Representatives.” January 6, 2021., retrieved January 7, 2021.
16“Pelosi Remarks on Peaceful Protests and President Trump’s Photo-Op.” June 2, 2020., retrieved January 7, 2021.
19“Pelosi Remarks Upon Reconvening of the House of Representatives.” Op. cit.
20“Biden Brings Hope, Healing, and Unity.” January 25, 2021., retrieved February 6, 2021.
21“What They’re Saying: Trump’s Impeachment Defense Arguments’ ‘Demonstrably False.'” February 5, 2021., retrieved February 6, 2021.
22Pelosi Remarks at Press Availability Following Conclusion of Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial in the Senate.” February 13, 2021., retrieved February 14, 2021.
25“Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” March 4, 2021., retrieved March 7, 2021.
26Tenney, Claudia. “H.R. 1 isn’t for the people, it’s for the politicians.” The Hill. March 3, 2021., retrieved March 7, 2021.
27“Cole Statement on House Passage of H.R. 1.” March 3, 2021., retrieved March 7, 2021.
28“Dear Colleague on Returning the Capitol to a Safe and Secure Temple of Democracy.” May 14, 2021., retrieved May 23, 2021.
29“Floor Speech on H.R. 3233, the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act.” May 19, 2021., retrieved May 20, 2021.
30“H.R.3233 – National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act.”, retrieved May 20, 2021.
31“Floor Speech on H.R. 3233, the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act.” Op. cit.
32“Commission & Emergency Security Supplemental.” May 19, 2021., retrieved May 23, 2021.
33“Dear Colleague on Urgent Need for H.R. 1 to Stop Ongoing GOP Assault on Democracy.” June 14, 2021., retrieved June 14, 2021.
She’s been spouting a lot of that lately.