Before he was executed, Nathan Hale regretted not that he was about to lose his young life, but that he only had “one life to give for my country.”
John F. Kennedy implored Americans to “ask what you can do for your country.”
Despite relentless judicial persecution by a nation he did great things for, Donald Trump still asks us to let him Make America Great Again.
Our leaders, history, values, and traditions demand that we love America.

If you love America, I wrote this to convince you to stop.
The freedom-loving nation that generations of Americans laid down their lives for is a husk, an incredible idea taken for granted and dying because of foolhardy decisions by our own people. We put the final nail in the coffin of American greatness by electing Joe Biden to the presidency in 2020 and mirroring that very dangerous choice in our state and local contests.
It’s not as if Biden, governors like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and JB Pritzker, or blue city mayors like Brandon Johnson in Chicago, Muriel Bowser in D.C., and Karen Bass in Los Angeles didn’t tell voters what they would do if elected. We, the people made conscious decisions and are suffering the consequences regardless of who we voted for.
Those choices make it very difficult to love an America reenvisioned to serve a political ideology instead of a people.
The radical Biden White House cost us the idea of America
It’s not just the open borders, foreign policy catastrophes, inflated grocery bills, or the end of the middle-class dream of home ownership. These are just symptoms of horrendous leadership in service to its own ambitions. The real tragedy is the destruction of our faith and trust in a nation the world looked up to as the best example yet of what unfettered freedom and democracy can bring.
Now we live in another country and a different world. The idea of America is a memory replaced by a borderless autocracy increasingly hostile to what many of us were taught to value before indoctrination with woke, neo-Marxist critical race theory spread through public schools and taught children to be ashamed of their country for sins that built the radical, post-George Floyd Democrat Party.
When parents objected at school board meetings, the Biden administration’s weaponized security apparatus targeted them as domestic terrorists.
Is this an America we can love?
10 good reasons not to love America
There was a time to love our country.
Now is a time to stop, reassess, and ask a simple question:
If you still love America, why?
Imagine how Biden’s base would react if he expressed JFK’s conviction that we should do something for a nation that is greater than ourselves.
Patriotism is now an anachronism propagandized by our political left as a symptom of white nationalism to be shut down by the government before it spreads.
Even religion is under fire, as the phrase “Christian nationalism” becomes a favorite among the intolerant left.
This can’t continue. Do we still have the national will to save a country that has done so much for so many not only on our own soil, but for nations around the world?
Here are 10 good reasons not to love America and what we must reject to restore what so many generations were willing to suffer and die for because they believed in a national purpose based on our founding values and not the self-interested demands of a single political party.
1. We can’t love a country that doesn’t exist
If you think you live in a country called America, you are wrong. There is no such thing. No border and no sovereignty mean no country. Thanks to Joe Biden, we are just a scenic tract of real estate that begs to be plundered and offers room, board, and financial benefits to anyone who accepts our invitation.
Democrats will use these illegal foreign nationals instead of Americans to build their political might. They dream of congressional reapportionment, an Electoral College shift in their favor, and a path to citizenship that includes the right to vote already being handed out in some local elections.
Our president didn’t request his invaders to pay fair market value for their piece of the American dream. He didn’t even ask those the left erroneously calls “new arrivals” for allegiance to their new country or even whether they came here to hurt us, which they most certainly are. Just ask Laken Riley’s family or blue city taxpayers forced to pay the tab for the care and feeding of the Democrat Party’s future.
2. You can’t have a country without citizens
Radical left Democrats erased American citizenship as easily as they stamped out gender. States easily circumvented 8 U.S. Code § 1623 that prohibits illegals from receiving benefits like preferential resident college tuition rates when Barack Obama was president.
Now it’s Joe Biden’s turn. Blue cities claiming illegal sanctuary status whine about the costly influx of invaders they asked for while simultaneously offering tax free incentives like prepaid debit cards, hotel rooms, meals, and health care not available to citizens who just added their April 15 tax bill to their credit card debt.
If Democrats regain control of Congress in November, look to these cities to deliver massively inflated bills to be paid by taxpayers in every state, including those responsible enough to say no to illegal immigrants.
Instead of protecting America, the Department of Homeland Security endorses this preferential treatment:
Today, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a final rule applicable to noncitizens who receive or wish to apply for benefits provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and States that support low-income families and adults. The rule, which details how DHS will interpret the “public charge” ground of inadmissibility, will help ensure that noncitizens can access health-related benefits and other supplemental government services to which they are entitled by law, without triggering harmful immigration consequences.2
Harmful consequences to American citizens like murder, robbery, rape, assault, drug trafficking, the risk of terrorism, and the depletion of taxpayer resources are not what DHS is referring to. Our government is focused on empowering Biden’s invaders and blurring the distinction between citizenship and illegal status. This is why Democrats call illegals “new arrivals.” “Undocumented” was still too close to the truth.
3. Right and wrong no longer exist
No one seems to know where “my country right or wrong” came from. It no longer matters. Like reinterpreting American history to match the left’s radical systemic racism narrative, right and wrong have nothing to do with morality or ethics. They are political tools that weaponize government.
We used to know crime when we saw it. Now it’s a relative concept thanks to blue city no cash bail laws, permitted retail theft, the suspension of the rule of law for illegal immigrants, government-sanctioned drug abuse, and the outrageous disavowal of property rights to empower squatting. These are symptoms of societal rot that uses right and wrong not as a moral compass, but as tools to pander and punish.
Tax Day was Monday. We know what happens if we don’t file and pay up.
We also know that having the last name “Biden” means you don’t necessarily have to worry:
Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) asked witnesses about Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes on income from Burisma in 2014, which he attempted to categorize as a loan. Both whistleblowers testified that Hunter Biden owes $145,000 in unpaid taxes on $400,000 of income from 2014. Due to DOJ’s slow walking, the statute of limitations expired, allowing Hunter Biden to get away with this tax evasion.3
If your last name is Trump you need to worry very much, even if no one can say for certain what you did wrong.
4. Corrupt and vicious? America’s masters don’t believe in freedom.
Benjamin Franklin observed:
Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
The Biden White House talks a good game when it waves the flag, but let’s be honest. America is gone. Democrats are our masters. They are vicious when their power is challenged and regard freedom as a reward for endorsing their radical vision.
With no opposition, the left steamrolls over our rights and freedoms. Republicans repeatedly reveal themselves to be feckless, colluding cowards afraid to use the same tactics that reliably score big wins for their Democrat opponents like the massive $60 billion spending package Mike Johnson’ House approved for Ukraine yesterday while our unprotected border is invaded and overrun.
Granted, their House majority is slim. The GOP should have considered this before they booted George Santos in a self-destructive act no Democrat would every endorse for one of their own, like Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ).
Those who run afoul of Democrat edicts or threaten their dominance are ineligible for the liberties once enjoyed by all Americans. Most famously this applies to Donald Trump and any Republican who supports him, but also a bevy of other conservative offenders including Christian nationalists, the new leftist propaganda target that strikes at the very heart of the freedom America’s founding was based on.
5. Equal justice is not for everyone
There is an old Richard Pryor joke about justice: it’s “just us.”
The left likes nothing more than to pontificate about equal justice. Even Attorney General Merrick Garland’s agency, one of the greatest threats yet to this core American value, swears allegiance to fair and equal treatment under the law:
Every day, the 40 components and more than 115,000 employees of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) work to fulfill its mission to uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights. Embedded within that mission is a core principle of advancing equal justice under law.4
Advancing in what direction? Squarely into the Democrat Party’s lap with a weaponized network determined to control the outcome of the 2024 presidential election to remove Biden’s opponent from the contest.
As far as Democrats are concerned, equal justice is just us. Americans see what is happening. Those of us who love our country can’t stop it because too many voters support the politics of the banana that make us little different from the autocratic Third World hellholes the Biden administration uses as a model for justice.
6. We can’t love a country that hates the Jewish people and our friend and ally Israel
When Israel needed us, our president bowed to his radical, anti-Semitic base. This is an election year. Votes are more important than friends, allies, and Jewish Americans subjected to racist threats and protests that would be aggressively shut down and prosecuted if they came from right wing groups.
Since they come from left wing, pro-terror activists who might vote for Biden, the administration takes a more tolerant approach.
Few of us would ever imagine that standing behind Israel would take second place to supporting pro-terror activism or that our president would issue ultimatums to our ally that favor Israel’s adversaries, but here we are.
America must never forgive or forget the willingness of our political left, the president, and Democrat Party to shun Israel and tolerate racism against Jews and protesters calling for Death to America because it benefits them politically.
Joe Biden’s legacy also includes enabling Iran by freeing up billions that will be used against our friends.
These are evil people history should remember for who and what they are. Redemption is not an option.
7. A country that makes it impossible to just scrape by does not deserve our love
Most Americans have similar needs and interests. We enjoy a comfortable, if not affluent middle-class lifestyle. Low prices are good for us. High prices are not. We like to work and expect to be paid fairly for our efforts. Living in a place free of worry about crime is important. So are good schools for our kids.
These things don’t matter to the lobbyists, activists, political donors, and influential politicians who control what it takes to scrape by. They don’t profit from what they condescendingly call kitchen table concerns of hardworking Americans who worry about their tax bill, filling the car with gas, keeping their job, putting food on the table, and keeping a roof over their family’s head. They profit from pushing special interest demands at any cost.
Franklin’s masters turned against our good, hardworking people. The president and his cadre of ideologues are determined to enforce purchases dictated by ideology like electric cars most Americans cannot afford and don’t want. This is an unprecedented attack on the freedom of the individual by a government weaponized against us for the benefit of those who enjoy power and have no intention of ever giving it up.
8. In 1962 a Democrat made America proud. In 2024 a Democrat makes us weak and ashamed.

On October 23, 1962 President Kennedy signed a proclamation that created a blockade around Cuba to prevent Russia from establishing a nuclear beachhead off our coast. He was willing to risk global annihilation to ensure America’s survival.
Would Biden do the same?
The president brags about a domestic and foreign policy record that says NO. Instead of empowering American strength, he invites aggression and shames us on the global stage.
The result? A foreign proxy war in Ukraine, violent unrest and a genocidal assault on Israel in the Middle East, and overwhelming aggression from Xi’s China that crosses America’s border with shipments of fentanyl and Chinese illegals.
A president who invites the invasion of our country from every nation on earth and refuses to protect us also welcomes our adversaries to do what they want outside of our borders. They can be assured there will be no interference from Biden. If they are lucky like Iran, they may even profit.
This incredibly destructive domestic and foreign policy agenda defines a president who is a traitor to his people and should be held accountable for treason.
Biden’s equally culpable party will justify his every move and ensure accountability is never an option. Until this changes, loving America is a very difficult challenge.
9. Hate is a defense of democracy
If you are still reading this, you probably understand that your president despises you and the values that founded the country you love.
Biden has never been timid about expressing how he feels about conservatives. We are a threat, enemies of the people, and domestic terrorists targeted because we want to Make America Great.
That message was delivered with his frighteningly autocratic, dictatorial September 1, 2022 Battle for the Soul of the Nation address that was broadcast during prime time for every American to hear.
Hate for your political opposition is not a defense of democracy. Marginalizing Americans to target those deserving of surveillance or attack by our weaponized federal government is the antithesis of the values we were founded on.
How do we love a country that deems us a threat for disagreeing with our government?
We can’t. The president lies repeatedly about bringing America together. His ideological civil war achieved the opposite beyond our wildest fears.
10. A radical left socialist myth was all it took to destroy our economy
Al Gore published his Inconvenient Truth climate change screed in May 2006.
It is inconvenient for America’s left that we are still waiting for his existential threat of climate change to wipe humanity off the face of the planet. While we wonder when the benchmark rise in the earth’s temperature will finish us off, Democrats and the Biden administration are kick-starting the process by using climate change to destroy our economy and to collude with global elites who could care less whether America survives the years to come.
You’ve heard it many times. Massive polluter China is off the hook. Xi knows better than to swallow this Kool-Aid of economic destruction.
America does not. Instead, our leaders parrot climate science perverted to a doomsday hoax to justify a socialist transition to Democrat Party dominance exemplified by dimwitted New York Congresswoman Alejandro Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.
Consider the source and then ask why your gas prices are so high. Hint: it’s not really Putin’s fault.
America’s president doesn’t want you to love America

Joe Biden hates the idea of Making America Great Again as much as he hates Donald Trump and anyone else who opposes the goals of his autocracy.
To that end, the president made America a country we can no longer love, a nation completely divorced from the values, ethics, morality, and patriotism that made us the envy of the world.
We can’t love America until things change, because loving Biden and the radical Democrat Party’s America endorses our destruction for the benefit of leaders who don’t care.
1“A New Nation’s First Spies.” Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Retrieved from on April 10, 2024.
2“New Rule Makes Clear that Noncitizens Who Receive Health or Other Benefits to which they are Entitled Will Not Suffer Harmful Immigration Consequences.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. September 8, 2022., retrieved April 14, 2024.
3“Hearing Wrap Ups: IRS Whistleblowers Expose How Bidens Were Treated Differently.” House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. July 19, 2023., retrieved April 14, 2024.
4”2023 Equity Action Plan Summary.”, p. 1. Retrieved April 15, 2024.
5Image: “Proclamation signing, Interdiction of the Delivery of Offensive Weapons to Cuba, 7:05PM.” Cecil Stoughton. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. Retrieved from on April 15, 2024.
6Photo By: Air Force Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders. “Biden Remarks.” May 30, 2022. U.S. Department of Defense. VIRIN: 220530-D-XI929-1034A.JPG retrieved from on April 21, 2024.
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