UPDATE April 30, 2022:
The threat to your freedom that is much more ominous than Biden’s scary new Disinformation Board.
Despite overwhelming evidence that it’s time to shift gears and start working for mainstream America instead of radical left activists, the Biden administration went in the other direction last week with the announcement of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board.
Citing the Hunter Biden laptop story, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) put our cards on the table in an April 27, 2022 letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas:
The Biden Administration has not proven itself to be a credible arbiter of “disinformation.” Instead, it has taken steps to silence information that is unflattering to this Administration under the guise of “disinformation.”199
During her Friday press conference Jen Psaki resorted to the standard liberal fallback as she tried to explain what the administration is up to:
What I will tell you about the board and what the board is doing: This is a continuation of work that began at the Department of Homeland Security in 2020 under former President Trump.200
Psaki is reportedly bound for MSNBC, which should put her flattering endorsement of board Executive Director Nina Jankowicz as “an expert on online disinformation”201 in proper context.
The joint media-Democrat Party manipulation of information during the 2016 and 2020 elections defines disinformation. Disinformation is anything that contradicts the Democrat Party’s narrative or portrays any Democratic candidate in a negative light. Quashing disinformation is why voters in 2020 didn’t hear about the Hunter Biden laptop story. It’s why we’re having a special counsel investigation of the 2016 election’s Trump-Russia collusion hoax. It’s the reason why an unknown number of conservative Twitter users, including myself, have had our voices cancelled. It’s also why DHS Secretary Mayorkas feels empowered to tell the American people that the southern border is “effectively managed”202 despite all evidence to the contrary including the recent death of a Texas National Guard soldier who tried to rescue migrant drug smugglers from the Rio Grande.
Rest assured none of this would be considered disinformation by those newly in charge of monitoring our free speech. On the other hand, you can be confident that Mayorkas’ Disinformation Board won’t take remarks like this from Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) lightly:
My constituents want you impeached because they believe that you’ve committed treason,” said Rep. Buck following Mayorkas’s testimony. “They believe you are a traitor and compare you to Benedict Arnold.”203
This is scary stuff to be sure, but it’s only part of the big picture. The Biden administration is signing on to a much greater, potentially global threat to our First Amendment freedom to share ideas.
Declaration for the Future of the Internet is a looming threat to beware.
While right and left warred over the Biden administration’s newest threat to freedom, free speech, and democracy, a much greater threat emerged with the announcement that we are joining 60 countries to secure the future of the internet.
Why is this necessary? According to an April 28, 2022 White House Fact Sheet:
Yet it [the internet] has also created serious policy challenges. Globally, we are witnessing a trend of rising digital authoritarianism where some states act to repress freedom of expression, censor independent news sites, interfere with elections, promote disinformation, and deny their citizens other human rights.204
Sound familiar? The only reason our Democrat-controlled federal government has not yet actively censored news and information is that it doesn’t have to. Media corporations dedicated to the party’s leftist narrative actively suppress opposing news and viewpoints while they disseminate disinformation favorable to the left. In so doing they interfere with elections and deny Americans the freedom to be informed and to freely express their views.
The internet declaration sounded deceptively positive during a call by senior White House officials:
But here we’re calling for it — or we’re agreeing on it, politically, more directly and in all kinds of areas, whether it’s unlawful surveillance of your citizens, whether it’s blocking legitimate news sources, whether it’s shutting down the Internet, and whether — or whether it’s, what I would say, interfering with elections of other countries.205
Election interference is a primary concern in this declaration despite the fact that Biden benefitted from anti-Trump disinformation in the 2020 election and continues to reap its benefits. Thanks to a complicit media he didn’t have to worry about any positive news or facts about the Trump administration or the impact of a damning story about his son Hunter’s laptop. Nevertheless, the Biden administration demands that we:
Refrain from using the Internet to undermine the electoral infrastructure, elections and political processes, including through covert information manipulation campaigns. 206
Mayorkas’ Disinformation Board is a short-term threat to our First Amendment freedoms, but any international declaration on the future of the online flow of information is a looming catastrophe for free speech. Consider that Justin Trudeau’s Canada is one of the signers. That alone should make us seriously worried about what this entails for the future of conservatism and our freedom of thought and speech that was already under active attack by America’s media before the announcement of Biden’s new vehicle for federal censorship.
Update May 3, 2022:
Harris’ remarks on Roe v. Wade neglect to mention how Democrats took away your freedom of choice.
Unlike the usual pile of garbled, condescending gibberish we’ve learned to expect from Vice President Kamala Harris her remarks today on the potential Supreme Court overturn of Roe v. Wade were clear and concise. What she failed to do was reconcile the Democrat Party’s oppressive pandemic policies with her appeal to our freedom to make decisions about our bodies.
For most of the COVID-19 pandemic Democrats ran roughshod over Americans’ freedom to decide how to manage our health. The Biden administration went to the extreme of attempting to enforce a vaccine mandate for large employers. Many Democrat-run cities did the same for critical employees like police, health care workers, and teachers because they firmly believed they could get away with it. They followed up with regulations demanding citizens show proof of vaccination to avoid being ostracized from public life. Their actions were unprecedented and of questionable legality. It didn’t matter.
After spending two years justifying the government’s right to take away our freedom because of a virus we heard a completely different argument from Democrat Harris in the wake of the leaked draft SCOTUS decision:
What is clear is that opponents of Roe want to punish women and take away their rights to make decisions about their own bodies.207
She followed up with a threat that Biden’s White House already made good on with its failed vaccine mandate:
The rights of all Americans are at risk. If the right to privacy is weakened, every person could face a future in which the government can potentially interfere in the personal decisions you make about your life.208
Does she include personal decisions like whether you can freely move about your city or travel to another state, whether you have to wear a mask in public, or whether you can be forced to submit to a government vaccine as a condition of employment?
Democrats support personal decisions when those choices fit their liberal narrative. When they do not, they take away your freedom.
Those who oppose the possible Roe decision have already destroyed their argument about the right of women to make personal decisions about their health. Whoever wrote Harris’ remarks – and considering their unusual cogency we’re assuming it wasn’t the vice president – neglected to take this into account. Rest assured you will hear a lot about the freedom to choose in the unpleasant days, weeks, and months ahead. Democrats didn’t leave themselves a rhetorical backdoor after their pandemic oppressions expired. Now they will suffer the political consequences earned from taking away our freedom to make decisions about our lives.
UPDATE May 19, 2022:
Democrat Party attacks on Tucker Carlson are a growing assault on your freedom by politicians who are not responsible for a single word they say.
Most Americans probably didn’t know about replacement theory before last Saturday’s shootings in Buffalo, New York. Democrats are performing a dangerous balancing act by bringing the term to the forefront of their unfounded attacks against conservatives and one personality, in particular.
Replacement theory replaces police brutality and systemic racism in time for midterms.
Replacement theory is a likely candidate to replace policy brutality and systemic racism in time for the midterm campaign season thanks to Democrats who are politicizing a horrendous tragedy committed by one crazed individual. President Biden set the stage:
But, you know, you have folks on television stations talking about the “replacement theory,” scaring the living hell out of people who don’t have a whole lot of emotional stability, taking advantage of — on the Internet and other means by talking about how we’re going to be “overtaken.”209
If Biden is concerned about scaring people he should stop frightening Americans with unfounded threats of right wing extremism that are far less of a threat than an outbreak of 2020’s liberal political violence because of the pending Roe v. Wade decision. Democrats are avidly fanning these flames because they know they will not bear any accountability despite demanding accountability from their opposition for what happened in Buffalo.
Ignoring his own culpability for fear mongering, Biden fired a shot across the bow:
You know, I probably shouldn’t be saying this now, but I’m going to say it anyway: We have to not only talk about how we’re going to end the hate, but who’s responsible for generating it. Who is responsible for generating it.210
When he repeats himself it’s not memory loss. Someone in his administration is serious about what he’s saying. Democrats are engaged in a narrative-driven attack on their political opposition that trespasses into First Amendment territory and would be impossible to take seriously if the threat of an authoritarian crackdown on our freedom wasn’t very real. Remember, in concert with the media party rhetoric successfully turned a death in Charlottesville into a nationwide threat of white supremacy and fascist nationalism.
The killing of George Floyd spurred violent riots for months. Now we’re faced with another racial powder keg and a divisive new narrative to go with it.
Generalizing the unhinged thoughts of a racist mass killer to opponents of the Democrat Party is a vile, irresponsible ploy that becomes truly threatening when specific individuals are targeted. The Buffalo shootings offer an easy excuse to step up attacks on a personality that liberals hate and fear almost as much as Donald Trump:
The rise of racially motivated violent extremism is a serious threat to Americans across the country. Congress can’t stop Tucker Carlson from spewing hateful, dangerous ‘replacement theory’ ideology across the airwaves.211
Nor should it. That was from Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL). He’s correct that Congress can’t stop Carlson, but that doesn’t mean Democrats won’t try. Serial liar Adam Schiff (D-CA) took to Twitter to accuse him of promoting “racist conspiracies like “the great replacement.”” He also issued a veiled threat: “he knows the risks.”212
Schiff knows there are no risks when he spreads conspiracies, spews lies about America’s president colluding with Russia, and deceives the American people to impact an election. As a member of the House congressional majority there is absolutely no accountability for his words and deeds no matter the results.
Pompous Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) attacked Carlson and substituted equivocation about illegals for the truth:
Tucker Carlson is a leading ideologue in the white supremacist movement,” Durbin continued. “He’s even introduced racist terminology into our national discourse—like the phrase ‘Legacy Americans,’ which refers to the idea that immigrants aren’t real Americans…But here’s what’s most shocking to me: the number of elected officials who will jump at any chance to get featured on Tucker Carlson’s show, and who echo his white supremacist blather.213
Leading ideologue in the white supremacist movement? That’s a lot of misplaced credit and I’d hazard a guess that Carlson got a laugh out of it.
Like most Democrats the senator ignores the simple, albeit politically inconvenient truth that the immigrants his party is most concerned with are not real Americans. They are illegal foreign nationals summoned to America in droves by a Democrat administration that refuses to enforce our laws. Democrats don’t like pushback and they especially don’t like being called out for what they are doing by a prominent media voice that talks sense and is not nearly as dishonest as they are. Since honesty is off the table, their solution is to label, condemn, threaten, and cancel.
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also attended the post-Buffalo Tucker bashing party:
To follow up from my remarks yesterday, this morning I sent a letter to Rupert Murdoch, to Fox News executives, and to Tucker Carlson imploring the network and Mr. Carlson to cease their amplification of replacement theory on their network.214
He went so far as to demand self-censorship and an admission of guilt:
Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer released a new letter sent today to Rupert Murdoch and other top Fox News executives urging them to acknowledge their role in the insidious spread of false far-right, white nationalist conspiracy theories like the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ and immediately cease all dissemination of extremist, white supremacist ideology on their network. 215
Mind you, this is from the same Chuck Schumer who helped his party peddle a plethora of anti-Trump conspiracy theories to the American people:
The Republican Party used to be anti-Russia, anti-Putin, anti-communist. But now, all of a sudden, because President Trump has created so many different diversions, because he seems to go along with what Putin wants, these Republicans have become Putin mouthpieces when it comes to these conspiracy theories. 216
Schumer also publicly threatened conservative Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, telling them they would “pay the price” and “won’t know what hit you” if they didn’t support the Democrat Party line on abortion. Does this leave us with any reason to trust Schumer more than we trust Carlson, who to the best of my knowledge has never publicly threatened anyone on his show?
Democrats will never assume accountability for their own inflammatory speech. It’s impossible to take anything they say about any conservative media personality seriously. This is the party that told Americans the arson and riots during the summer of 2020 were peaceful protests and judges the political value of mass killings by the skin color of the assailant.
Democrats have the full support of the media and Big Tech when it comes to making the rules for what you can and can’t believe and what you should or should not be allowed to hear. This takes your freedom away. They would like nothing better than to silence dissenting voices that call them out for what they are and what they are doing just like their social media cohorts cancel users who don’t disseminate the party line.
I’ll be watching Tucker Carlson again tonight. I don’t always agree with what he says, but between the “facts” promoted by the Democrat Party and Carlson’s thoughtful, pro-America observations I’ll place my trust in Tucker, thanks. I’ve never heard him demand that our government suppress any of my freedoms or demand that his media competitors be cancelled. That’s more than I can say for Democrats, who seem to believe that what we see, hear, and believe needs to be vetted by their party first.
Continued on next page
People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.