UPDATE July 23, 2021: freedom to not fear our government
Let’s not waste each other’s time debating whether Thomas Jefferson gets credit for the quote about the difference between liberty and tyranny. What’s important is that our government should fear the people. It should not be the other way around.
Until January Washington was something to resent at worst, applaud on occasion, and relegate to the backwaters of the evening news most of the time. That has changed. Now our government is something to fear.
200 days of Biden and the Democrats. The news is very, very bad
Democrats have spent the past 200 days ruining America. They threaten “we’re not going back to normal” and pat themselves on the back for what they have done:
In just 200 days, we’ve accomplished so much, and we won’t be taking our foot off the gas pedal anytime soon.131
We can only hope their car breaks down before they finish what they started.
This is what Democrats have accomplished in just 200 days:
1. They have divided the country to an extreme we haven’t seen since the Civil War. Biden promised he would unite us. He lied. Exploiting our divisions is fundamental to the White House policy agenda.
2. Taxpayers are losing control of the schools we pay for and the minds of our children. As schools reopen unions will use teachers as Democrat Party activists spreading critical race theory, alternative American history, and whatever liberal lies they think will best indoctrinate our kids into the radical left mindset.
3. Our border is overrun with people from all over the world who got the message to come in NOW and will be spread across America as a reward for breaking our immigration laws. We don’t know who or what they are and we can’t stop it, but we can be very afraid of the consequences for public safety, public health, our tax dollars, and the Democrat Party’s goal of permanent hegemony over our nation.
4. Violent crime is out of control in our cities. The solution is to pander to criminals, suspend cash bail, find reasons to release felons from incarceration, and attack gun dealers as a prelude to taking away our Second Amendment freedoms. Democrats on Capitol Hill don’t care because they don’t live in these war zones, though it’s ironic they are incapable of empathy given the absolute terror they expressed after their own turf was violated on January 6.
5. The Democrat Party’s pick for president is a public relations nightmare at best not only on the domestic front, but in foreign policy where Biden’s worsening mental confusion risks precipitating everything from economic destruction to nuclear war. Democrats warned us about Trump and the nuclear button. That was a lie. This is very real and something to be very afraid of, just like we should fear the very real possibility that Kamala Harris could sit in the Oval Office.
6. The spending hasn’t stopped and it’s not going to because spending too much is the point. The Congressional Budget Office predicts a $3 trillion budget deficit this year. This is the second largest since 1945. Democrats don’t care. They will keep spending until the time is right to take their money back.
7. Free speech? What’s that?
Killing free speech is the end of the road. This is the freedom that defines America. Democrats are preparing to take it away once and for all.
Jen Psaki’s unabashed admission that the Biden is administration is “flagging” misinformation led to a much broader discussion on how to crack down on free speech, including banning users across all social media platforms and pursuing “robust enforcement strategies” for information protocol violators.132
Last week Biden publicly accused Facebook of killing people. COVID vaccines were the excuse, but it’s easy to apply the same excuse to Democrat Party agenda items like climate change, social spending, and stamping out the white supremacy boogeyman.
That’s before we get to Pelosi’s January 6 witch hunt. This will be the death of conservative free speech. Democrats have set the stage. They insist this is about saving our democracy and preventing one of the worst things that ever happened to this country, 9/11 included. Nothing will be out of the realm of possibility. The narrative is about protecting American democracy and the freedoms we cherish from white supremacy and anyone who doesn’t condemn the man Democrats fear more than anyone else. The price for that protection will be eliminating First Amendment freedoms for anyone not enslaved to the Democrat Party’s cause.
UPDATE July 30, 2021: freedom from the best pandemic ever
What would Democrats do without the COVID-19 pandemic? The left still tries to score points with Obama’s Great Recession, but that can’t even begin to compare to a virus that is constantly changing and keeps offering new opportunities to simultaneously take away our freedom and spend lots of money. The liberal dinosaurs who control the House and Senate will never have another opportunity like this to spend, regulate, and control us, and they know it.
This pandemic infests every aspect of a ruinous Democrat Party agenda that demands massive spending for everything from guaranteed incomes masquerading as economic relief to child care passed off as infrastructure. Everything is about the pandemic. When an issue has nothing to do with COVID-19 just adding the word “pandemic” gets the point across:
For people of color across our country, we are addressing a pandemic within a pandemic, namely racism and bias in law enforcement, delivery of health care, housing and economic opportunity. The U.S. House took the first step this week in passing the Justice in Policing Act. Next week, I will roll out our “Opportunity and Justice for All” Agenda.133
Racism + COVID-19 = Democrat Party ecstasy. It doesn’t get better than this.
Best of all, the pandemic forces Americans to pay breathless attention to every word that comes from Democrat Party officials because we don’t know what kind of restrictions, penalties, and sanctions will be handed down next. Will it be a state mask mandate? Federal? Another lockdown and months of working from home? How about union school closings while children in the rest of the world outlearn American kids being taught anti-whiteness and self-hate instead of science and math?
By now you’ve probably figured out that this pandemic is not going away if our authoritarian leaders have any say in the matter. The virus is not going to just disappear and since it shows quite a proclivity for mutating, public officials who value power over freedom can use it to scare the bejesus out of the public and persuade the vulnerable to give up their liberty.
That’s a sad state of affairs. There are only two solutions. We can either vote in responsible politicians who value the Constitution and our individual freedoms, or hope that the virus mutates into a form that spares conservatives and drives the left into hiding once and for all.
UPDATE August 10, 2021: freedom from our congressional fiduciaries
I laughed when I first saw the title of Congress’s new pre-spending spree. When you hear something like “Invest in America” you know taxpayers are about to get screwed. Democrats are not fiduciaries. They are mean-spirited, irresponsible children at best and thieves more often than not. Republicans who voted for the Biden-Schumer infrastructure bill are even worse because we expect some measure of responsibility from the GOP.
Republicans who drank the Jim Jones brew on behalf of taxpayers and then prostrated themselves in front of the Democratic machine might as well drop the charade and join the other side. Some of the names on the list are expected: Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Portman, even Mitch McConnell. Lindsey Graham? That’s disappointing. His wiser South Carolina colleague Tim Scott knows better:
Rather than taking a common sense approach to investing in infrastructure, this bill has been rushed through so Democrats can spend trillions more dollars we don’t have on liberal policies we don’t need—all amid record inflation. American families cannot afford to foot the bill for this ‘spend now, tax later’ plan, which is why I voted no.134
As Scott observes, “trillions more” is what this bill is really about. Today’s Senate vote was just prelude.
Today’s historic achievement is so long that the bill kept crashing in my browser as I wrote this, but last time I checked “greenhouse gas” appeared 121 times, “pollution” 122 times, and “green” 187 times. There is a program for wildlife-vehicle collision and “habitat connectivity improvement” that sounds like broadband for critters. There is a safe routes to school program to encourage kids to bicycle or walk to school. If this applies to Chicago I hope Kevlar vests will also be provided at taxpayer expense, of course. For those who have had enough of Washington and the direction America is headed, Sec. 1632 funds a study on the effectiveness of suicide prevention nets for structures other than bridges.
In a floor speech Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) laid out the steps in the Democrat Party strategy to divest us of so much more than what is tucked into this bill. For example:
Step One, change the conversation to trillions. Make billions sound small. Condition the Congress. Condition the Media. Condition the people. 135
Step Two, tell everyone that the United States needs infrastructure. 136
Step Five, negotiate as much of your socialist wish list into the infrastructure track as you can. They got some of it in this bill, but not all of it. They will then put the rest of the wish list into the government-dependency bill.137
That dependency bill is what matters most. Nancy Pelosi is already rubbing her hands together as today’s meager down payment on $3.5 trillion more makes its way to the House:
The House will continue to work with the Senate to ensure that our priorities For The People are included in the final infrastructure and reconciliation packages, in a way that is resilient and will Build Back Better.138
The reconciliation bill is the package to fear. Democrats are not fiduciaries. They are more like ticks. Once they get their hooks in us they are hard to remove and the sickness they leave behind lasts for a very long time. Their reconciliation package will fundamentally change everything about America and no, once the deed is done we will never be free of it or the multitude of supporting legislation yet to come.
UPDATE August 14, 2021: freedom from terrorism because Democrats trust the Taliban
It turns out there was precedent for Jen Psaki’s insanely naive remark that the Taliban has to consider its standing with the international community in the wake of President Biden’s mass U.S. exodus:
I understand bringing our remaining troops home will entail risk, as the Taliban will be required to uphold its commitment not to allow groups like al-Qaeda to operate on Afghan soil. However, the time has come to test the Taliban’s commitment to these conditions and its ability to uphold its promises.139
That was from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory Meeks (D-NY). Despite prescient warnings from Republicans about plans for joint Taliban-Afghan control of the country, the administration knew better. Biden forged ahead and created another historic catastrophe. It’s not as if the outcome could not be predicted:
Al Qaeda will thrive in the vacuum created by a Taliban-led government and an American withdrawal, posing a threat to our diplomats and the homeland. The U.S. military may then be faced with the contingency of returning to Afghanistan.140
Returning to Afghanistan is precisely what we are doing in a move that instantly recalled the fall of Saigon.
In an August 12, 2021 call between Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III, and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani the U.S. affirmed:
the United States remains invested in the security and stability of Afghanistan in the face of violence by the Taliban.141
Yes, we are invested because the Afghan terrorist haven Biden created in less than one week creates a very real threat to the U.S. Since the administration’s focus is on rooting out Republican terrorists in the homeland this is likely a minor concern for the president, at best.
The 20th anniversary of 9/11 is less than a month away. Assuming the White House hasn’t made a decision to downplay the remembrance because it conflicts with Biden’s remark that January 6th is the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War, how will he gauge our progress against international terrorism?
Best not to say anything, Mr. President. You just showed the world it doesn’t matter.
UPDATE August 26, 2021: freedom of choice
It’s so simple you might not even think about it, but choice is a freedom. The more freedom you have the more choices you have and the more decisions you can make for the benefit of you and your family.
Democrats don’t like this. There is a reason authoritarians restrict the freedom of choice. The more we make our own decisions the less control they have over our lives. Loss of control over the American people is what Democrats fear more than anything.
Here are four examples of how Democrats are taking away your freedom of choice.
You can choose private schools, but it won’t help you
This isn’t just about denying taxpayers the public education they pay for by allowing teachers unions to impose remote learning on your district. If you want your kids to have a real education you have the freedom of choice to send your children to private school.
We used to think of private schools as untouchable. COVID-19 changed that. Illinois Policy reports that private schools in Illinois are being forced to kowtow to Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s newest school mask mandate despite his promise to leave this choice to schools and families.142 Now Illinois is attacking private schools that don’t comply by refusing to recognize them and denying their students the right to participate in state athletics.
That’s not much of a choice for parents who seek a better option for their kids and pay a lot of money for a private school education, but not much choice is how Democrats like it.
You can choose to live in a safe neighborhood. Democrats can take that freedom away.
Whether it’s because Democrats refuse to enforce the law, let criminals out of jail, or transfer migrants who may also be criminals to your community, you have little say in how safe your neighborhood is. If you object to radical policies that make your community less safe the left will label you racist and xenophobic. Depending on your circumstances you may be able to move, but more than likely you will be stuck with a dangerous choice that radical left politics made for you.
Be woke. It’s not a choice.
It’s no longer acceptable to be a good American who believes in equality and accepts all people as equal. If you are white you probably don’t even realize that you are a racist. That means Chinese communist-style reeducation at the hands of woke corporate cowards at your place of work or indoctrinating your kids in public schools run by teachers unions. This is not a choice you get to make. That choice was taken away by the radical left and authoritarian Democrats.
If you are not white you will be fine if you keep your head down. Just don’t run for office as anything but a Democrat. If you do you will be just as guilty and as much of a threat to democracy as any racist, white supremacist Trump supporter.
Vote for the candidate of your choice and hope it matters
Marking a ballot is a quintessentially American exercise of the freedom of choice. A lot of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump because we didn’t protect the vote. We never had enough evidence to prove it, but the damage from anecdotal accounts of fraud coupled with House Democrats’ angry determination to strip away any and all protections against illegal voting casts a very dark shadow over election fairness and legitimacy.
Remember, the no voting protections agenda comes from the same radical mindset that insists looting stores is a justifiable form of reparations. Looting and other kinds of criminal behavior are also a consequence of America’s freedom of choice. Unlike my other examples they are still protected by Democrats.
Continued on next page
People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.