June 4, 2015: Security, Protecting Privacy Are Not the Real Problems
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June 6, 2015: Politicians Lie, So Why Do We Believe This?
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June 7, 2016: Campaign Promises for 2016 You Should Never Believe
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June 11, 2015: Killing Radicals is Easier Than Destroying Their Beliefs
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June 13, 2015: Mark Kirk Helps Fight War on Women and Illinois
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June 14, 2015: Workers Losing Jobs to Democrats, Not Trade
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June 19, 2015: Benefits Cheaters Get Government Help
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June 20, 2015: Church Tragedy Will Be Dishonored by Politics
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June 21, 2015: Lead America or Enforce an Agenda?
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June 26, 2015: Racist Symbols? These 5 Are Much Worse Than a Flag
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June 27, 2015: Pride Is Another Chance for Obama to Parade Disrespect
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June 28, 2015: Can By the People, For the People Ever Be Wrong?
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