Someone wiser than me confided that the secret to college is understanding that you are persevering against nothing. The only thing you are fighting is yourself as you acquire lots of debt to attend classes you will never use and study long, lonely hours while living like a pauper.
Equity in Education is Not What School Taxes Pay For
The Department of Education is giving its all to turn the failure to achieve equity in education into a civil rights problem. Tossing the race card on the table was a shamelessly transparent follow-up to the release of civil rights data on inequality in school discipline (see: Universal Preschool: Civil Rights and Race, or Bad Kids?
Government Control by Threats is Liberal Hypocrisy at its Best
What better deception to enforce government control than convincing the people that tightening the screws on states is for their protection? The pursuit of government control over states is liberal hypocrisy at its best. We have created a vicious spiral of spending and dependence by making sure that everything begins and ends in Washington, especially when it comes to providing education and health care.
Universal Preschool: Civil Rights or Bad Kids?
Do Arne Duncan and Eric Holder understand what they are suggesting when they talk up civil rights and race as part of the push for universal preschool?
The newest release of the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection is turning the argument for universal preschool into a dialogue about civil rights, race, and opportunity.