The exuberance of the completely unnecessary, anti-democracy DNC is over. Few asked why Democrats bothered after they sidestepped the most important part of the nominating process: the voice of the people. Was their deposit for the convention site nonrefundable? The celebration of everything not Trump denied voters the right to choose. Instead, party elites imposed a failed vice president with hazy policy positions and values that change with the time of day.
Kamala Harris’s campaign relies on a cynical calculation that Americans are too dumb to intuit her priorities from her past and disastrous stint as Biden’s marginally coherent, do-nothing sidekick. She tapped a running mate with a record of promoting illegal immigration and violent protests who revoked the freedoms of his state’s residents and equates socialism and “neighborliness.”
Walz is already being investigated by House Oversight and Accountability Chair James Comer (R-KY) for his activities in China. The congressman warns in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray:
It has come to the Committee’s attention that Governor Walz has longstanding connections to CCP-connected entities and officials that make him susceptible to the Party’s strategy of elite capture, which seeks to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural, and academic circles to influence the United States to the benefit of the communist regime and the detriment of Americans.1
Like North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and elites in the CCP, Democrat Party nobility enjoy very different lives from the masses Harris lures with vague promises of an egalitarian, socialist economy. No matter how much suffering she and Walz will inflict, be assured they will not feel our pain any more than they were impacted by the high prices and inflation that exploded during Harris’s time in the White House.
Kamala isn’t saying much, but we can safely assume that her version of Making America Great will reward illegals at taxpayer expense, model the economy on dullard AOC’s socialist Green New Deal economic pipe dream, censor free speech and other freedoms, and turn our global superpower into a weak international stupid power.

That’s before we get to progressive insanity like genital mutilation of minors, a Third World horror America used to oppose. Tim Walz endorsed this radical barbarism when he signed HF 4146 and turned Minnesota into a transgender refuge that placed the government between parents and their confused children and helped deliver vulnerable kids into the hands of “gender-affirming” health care providers.
Harris-Walz will be the worst of the Biden presidency on crack, but don’t despair. When Kamala wins, there are seven important things you can stop worrying about.
7 things to stop worrying about when Kamala takes over
If Republicans lose another election and Democrats seize control of Congress, look forward to crushing taxes and kiss the filibuster and our independent Supreme Court goodbye. We can only guess at the plans Kamala isn’t talking about. No matter how foolish and destructive the scheme, look to a Democrat majority to turn it into law.
The end of American greatness is too terrible to contemplate, but there are silver linings if we look hard enough. Here are seven things to stop worrying about if forced to confront President Harris’s New Way Forward.
Stop worrying about high prices
If you are still optimistic that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Harris and Biden ransacked for political purposes might still be replenished, Kamala’s past endorsement of the Green New Deal stamps out that hope once and for all.
Even better, her hazy plan to punish corporate “gaging” with price controls will offer climate doomsayers the added bonus of fossil fuel shortages:
Price controls during the 1970s caused shortages, especially of oil and gasoline. Rapid inflation followed the repeal of price controls.3
The Biden-Harris White House track record for hurting Americans with high prices and inflation and then gaslighting us about how much they improved our lives warns that price controls will not be repealed no matter what happens. Instead, we can look forward to more lies and a bevy of socialist economic benefits:
These include shortages, rationing, worsening product quality, reduction in investment, misallocation of resources, and significant overall welfare losses.4
Remember, Harris and Walz will be living off your money. What they do to you and your family will not hurt them. When Kamala wants food and barks at a lacky to order a sandwich and a cocktail, no one is going to ask for her credit card. She will not be impacted by the pain she causes until the 2028 election. At that point, it will be too late to undo what she’s done even if voters wise up to what they elected in 2024.
The good news is that a President Harris means you can finally stop worrying about rising prices. The economy can only sustain so many attacks before there is no looking back. Biden started the process. Kamala is the perfect tool to push it over the finish line.
Like the old joke about getting used to hanging, resignation will be our new, enlightened mindset as Americans learn to suck it up, navigate the new socialist normal, and swap grace at the dinner table for thanking Washington that we have soy burgers and bug protein.
Best to invest in a grocery cart now so you can load up enough cash to buy bread, assuming there is any to be had. If not, remember inflationary post-war Germany? This is an opportunity to save money on heat.

Stop worrying your investments
America’s New Way Forward will not be cheap, so it’s time to embrace selflessness, stop worrying about your portfolio, and start paying for the needs of the many.
If you are uber wealthy, taxing unrealized capital gains sounds like a terrible idea and a decidedly un-American scheme to punish wealth. The concept is sketchy, at best and will surely stay that way until the votes are counted in November. If Democrats manage to prevail and pass this socialist wealth divestment scheme, does anyone honestly believe they will stop at the wealthiest Americans? It’s only a matter of time.
Democrats tend to be grabby when it comes to other people’s money. Just think of the taxing possibilities if they control Congress. They will need a lot of money to keep the activists Kamala answers to fat and happy, so promises will be forgotten. Urgency will drive Congress, albeit urgency to fix a self-inflicted problem.
This is where you can stop worrying. If we elect Harris, you won’t have to vex over the ups and downs of the stock market. You probably won’t have any extra cash on hand to invest after you do your part and pay your new fair share. As the Washington Examiner points out, she’s already promising no middle class tax hike while proposing a public health plan estimated to cost tens of trillions. That’s before we get to that pesky Green New Deal.
Trust me, no matter what your income or circumstances your fair share is going to go up. Democrats mock trickle down economics, but there is a different kind of trickle down that dictates lower and middle income Americans will fund the new fair share of the super rich in the form of higher prices, job losses, stock market downturns, and other economic punishments.
As prices rise and our newly radicalized economy deteriorates, whatever you have in the market will be slowly cashed in to pay for groceries or will be taxed away to pay for illegals, AOC’s climate fantasy, bribes for Iran and other adversaries so they won’t hurt us, the Ukraine war that never ended, and whatever else the White House dreams up to drain taxpayer reserves.
A comfortable retirement will be off the table so you can stop worrying about that, too.
Another silver lining: staying active is good for your health as you get older. This includes rollating to the bus stop so you can greet customers at your local big box store. You may not want to live longer, but with all that exercise you just might.
Stop worrying about the climate
I don’t know if Kamala Harris is a member of MENSA or if her IQ score is in the genius range, but I’m guessing not. One clue is her stunning inability to express herself despite years in the public eye. Another is her endorsement of Green New Deal legislation dreamed up by avowed socialist dullard Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
Americans already made a downpayment on this far left attack on American capitalism with the Inflation Reduction Act. Families hurt by the Harris and Biden price hikes were offered this lie instead of the truth that pandering to hysterical climate activists is more important than feeding their kids.
Harris calls this bill the “single largest climate investment in American history” and takes credit for “lowering utility bills for families …”6
Only the first statement is true:

She helped end American energy independence, jump-started massive inflation, and misrepresented legislation that was never intended to fix the problem. With hundreds of billions of dollars in this phony inflation bill already dedicated to financing the left’s climate Armageddon hysteria, count on Kamala to start massive progress payments financed by punishing tax rates enforced by a weaponized, AI-enhanced Internal Revenue Service.
At long last, we can finally stop worrying that we aren’t doing enough to save the globe from climate destruction. Don’t be concerned that halting environmental Armageddon also means economic apocalypse.
Better to focus on something you can control, like mapping your bus route to work. Like the new house you can’t afford, the electric car Americans will be required to buy will be far out of reach. At least you won’t have to pay for auto insurance. Those prices are already up.
Stop worrying about the costs of raising a family
Raising children is expensive. Thanks to Biden and Harris this cost can last a long time because life outside of mom and dad’s house costs too much.
Kamala has a solution for anyone thinking about starting a family: don’t. Just kill your kids before they are born. According to RedState,8 this Democrat priority was extraordinarily effective in Black communities, so why not everywhere else?
Abortion is cheap, effective, and will save you piles of cash to hand over for whatever Kamala and Tim want to spend it on.
Kamala will help you stop worrying about your kids
Not ready to hop on the Harris abortion bus? Worrying about your children?
You already pay taxes to fund a public school system that teaches the liberal values our next generation needs to navigate the New Way Forward. CRT was just an experiment. It got things started. Democrats and their unions learned a lot during the Biden-Harris years. The importance of teaching students to be ashamed of America is paramout. If they haven’t learned to be ashamed yet, give Harris a few months in the White House. That should do it.
Hating our country is just the start. There is more good news about what the government can do for your kids when adolescent angst meets public school gender dysphoria. If Walz’s actions in Minnesota are any indication, everything will be taken care of and you won’t even need to be included. Gender activists know better and they might even foot the bill for turning your son Johnny into your daughter Joanna.
Stop worrying about the neighbors
When the moving van pulls up next door we worry if our new neighbors will have a dog that messes on our lawn, kids who are brats, or a fondness for loud, drunken parties.
A New Way Forward means you can stop worrying about the neighbors and embrace the opportunities for inclusion and multiculturalism offered by Kamala’s open border.
Just think. The new tenants of your apartment building may belong to a South American gang. This is a great opportunity to learn about a subculture most of us know nothing about.
If the men who purchased the house next door with help from a $25,000 Harris down payment check are selling fentanyl and meth, think of the boon to your neighborhood’s economy from all that cash. They might even hire neighborhood kids to help them out.
Tim Walz’s comment about buying a ladder factory if Trump builds his border wall should give you confidence in these great chances to learn about people from other places. Best of all, the distractions will help you stop worrying about picking up after the neighbor’s dog.
Bonus benefit of a Kamala presidency: you can stop worrying about Armageddon
Close your eyes and imagine giggling President Harris with her hands on the nuclear football.
President Biden already warned that nuclear doomsday was staring us in the face. Few in the administration would admit that we’re fighting an undeclared proxy war against another nuclear power with equally unimaginable capabilities. That’s precisely what this White House is doing by escalating support for Ukraine’s military with no end game in sight. End games are only for allies that fall out of political favor, like Israel.
Don’t look to Kamala to do any better than Joe at ending the conflict with Putin despite his endorsement of her candidacy. Look to her to drag this conflict out interminably while China giggles alongside her and takes over Taiwan knowing she’s off the hook for Biden’s promise.
Stop worrying. With Kamala in charge of navigating the hostile global climate she helped create, our adversaries will dictate your future. Threats of nuclear doomsday will vanish. America’s job will be to shut up and obey. I have no doubt President Harris will be up to the task.
September 23, 2024:
Stop Worrying About Your Union Job: Hypocrite Harris Reaches Out to Teamsters After No Confidence Statement, but She Still Doesn’t Get It
After last week’s stunning, historic no confidence refusal by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to endorse Green New Deal Fanatic Kamala Harris, it was time to get back on the horse this morning and promote a $9.1 million grant from the Treasury Dept. for a Michigan Auto Supplier Transition Program.
This is pocket change for Harris and Biden, but she wants auto workers and their union to know that this is spending as usual for her priorities:
For example, under the Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grant Program, the Department of Energy announced a $500 million award to General Motors in Lansing and a $158 million award to ZF North America in Marysville to support the conversion of these legacy ICE facilities to EV production—retaining or creating over 1,000 combined jobs. Both of these facilities are UAW unionized. The Department of Energy also announced that the State of Michigan is eligible to receive over $18 million in funding to provide grants to small- and medium-sized auto suppliers converting their facilities to electric vehicle production.9
In case there is any doubt about Harris’s dedication to autoworkers:
The American auto industry has driven the U.S. manufacturing base for generations, and the Biden-Harris Administration is ensuring that the future of the auto industry is made in America by American union workers.10
Don’t accuse Kamala of pandering after the Teamsters’ rejection:
Today’s announcement builds on the actions that Vice President Harris announced in May to support small- and medium-sized auto manufacturers with access to capital to expand or retool manufacturing facilities, new workforce training resources, and new technical assistance programs.11
Nineteen critical mistakes in Harris’s Auto Worker Fact Sheet
A White House Fact Sheet that few, if any autoworkers or anyone else will read drones on and on about plans to bolster Michigan’s auto industry workforce, but it makes nineteen critical mistakes.
“Taking Action to Support Auto Workers and Manufacturers, Including in Michigan” mentions electric vehicle six times and “EV” thirteen times. That’s nineteen knives in the backs of workers who have good reason to be concerned about layoffs as progressives like Harris summon the political might to force America’s transition to electric vehicles.
Democrats reject bill to protect autoworkers from Chinese competition
Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV) introduced H.R. 7980, the End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act of 2024. Michigan Republican Rep. Lisa McClain supported the bill:
to stop the Chinese Communist Party from receiving American taxpayer dollars from electric vehicle subsidies created by the ironically named Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act.”12
210 Republicans voted in favor of the legislation, which passed on September 12, 2024.
192 Democrats voted against the measure.
Don’t worry, a vote for Harris will protect your union job
Radical Harris stubbornly adheres to progressive electric vehicle orthodoxy, but union workers who chose Trump instead know what her EPA electric vehicle mandate means for their future.
Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) warns:
As the CEO of Ford Motor Company Jim Farley said last year, ‘electric vehicles will require 40 percent less labor to make than the typical, traditional gas-powered vehicle.’
According to one estimate, the transition to EV production will kill about 117,000 auto jobs in the United States. Another estimate puts that number much, much higher.13
McClain, whose state is ground zero for the hearts and minds of autoworkers, agrees:
The Administration’s disastrous EV mandates and policies are costing auto workers their jobs and we cannot continue to allow foreign nations to earn subsidies while threatening the American auto industry.14
This assumes, of course, that Americans want to buy electric vehicles. If we did, there would be no reason for the government to deny our freedom of choice by forcing EV mandates.
It also assumes that Harris is telling the truth about growing an Opportunity Economy. Her efforts as vice president denied economic opportunity to the same Americans progressives plan to force feed electric cars with cash that’s already stretched just to pay utility bills and put food on the table. Thank Harris and Biden and their attacks on the fossil fuel industry for that, too.
1Letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray cited in “Comer Launches Probe into Governor Walz’s Extensive Engagement with China and CCP Entities.” August 16, 2024., retrieved September 1, 2024.
2“Green New Deal: Nonsense on Stilts.” Senate RPC. March 5, 2019., retrieved September 6, 2024.
3“The Economics of Price Controls.” JEC Republicans | September 2022. p. 1., retrieved August 28, 2024.
5“Inflation. In Germany after the last war, it was possible to pay 50 million dollars for a nickel cup of coffee, and 35 million dollars for a $35 suit of clothes. This Berlin woman, realizing that fuel costs money, is starting the morning fire with marks “not worth the paper they are printed on.” Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)., retrieved September 4, 2024.
6“Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on the Inflation Reduction Act Anniversary.” The White House. August 16, 2024., retrieved August 31, 2024.
7“Consumer prices up 29 percent from July 2023 to July 2024.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. August 21, 2024., retrieved August 31, 2024.
8O’Connell, Jennifer Oliver. “Kamala Harris ‘Reproductive Rights’ Bus Your Will Be a Non-Starter for Black Religious Southerners.” RedState. September 2, 2024., retrieved September 3, 2024.
9FACT SHEET: Taking Action to Support Auto Workers and Manufacturers, Including in Michigan.” The White House. September 23, 2024., retrieved September 23, 2024.
12“McClain Votes to End Tax Subsidies to Chinese Car Companies.” Lisa McClain. September 12, 2024., retrieved September 23, 2024.
13“Barrasso: Biden’s EV Mandate is Left-Wing Lunacy.” John Barrasso. March 22, 2024.“As%20the%20CEO%20of%20Ford, jobs%20in%20the%20United%20States, retrieved September 23, 2024.
14“McClain Votes to End Tax Subsidies to Chinese Car Companies.” Lisa McClain. September 12, 2024. Op. cit.
Thank you for the truth,Almighty God help our country.
Thanks, Stanley. I couldn’t agree more. God help us if Harris’s progressive insanity makes it to the Oval Office.