October 4, 2013: Government Extorts Taxes, Then Threatens Your Public Services
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October 6, 2013: Democrats Are Beating Children with Their Nanny State
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October 11, 2013: Negotiate is Washington’s Newest Political Lie
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October 13, 2013: Bipartisan Agreement: Veterans Are Useful Political Tools
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October 16, 2013: Fixing America’s Debt: Too Dangerous for Congress?
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October 20, 2013: Use Federal Government Waste to Pay Unemployed Americans?
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October 23, 2013: Don’t Let Obama Trade Your Freedom for Dependence
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October 25, 2013: When Will We Get Tired of Funding Needy Special Interests?
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October 26, 2013: Quote of the Week
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October 27, 2013: Immigration Reform Relies on Lies About American Values
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October 30, 2013: Political Promises No Politician Has to Keep
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