Whiteness was the worst word of 2016.
We are about to find out that whiteness is the cause of every problem afflicting our nation. The nasty thing about it is that whiteness can be spun to apply to just about any domestic issue the country wants to be angry about whether it is police conduct, fair wages, immigration, education, or government spending.
Resentment over whiteness will explode in 2017. We got a taste of that last year. You are going to hear about whiteness a lot more and it will never be a compliment.
Whiteness means resentment
Thanks to Democrats being banished from power whiteness will permeate our national consciousness. Scare stories about Donald Trump’s agenda are creating resentment over whiteness that will boil over as we navigate the changes spearheaded by that most detestable of things, a wealthy white man in charge.
Whiteness will become the reason for society’s ills. At least the money it brings in will still be good.

New York gang arrest
Courtesy FBI
It’s all about money
If everyone in the nation was wealthy, whiteness wouldn’t be a problem. We would not question the advantages created by skin color or the motives and beliefs it creates. There would be no need to excuse failure. Being white simply wouldn’t matter because the economic challenges that drive much of the discord between socioeconomic groups wouldn’t exist.
We keep ignoring the truth because it is too hot to handle. Whiteness in 2017 will have little or nothing to do with skin color. It will be about people who have money the left wants that is more out of reach than ever. Insinuations of racism, discrimination, profiling, xenophobia, and all the other favorites of the anti-whiteness crowd will flourish.
Who is whiteness most important to?
One big problem with whiteness is that we are stuck with it. It’s not going away. No matter what society does, the majority population in this country is white and will be for many years to come.
Now more than ever the left needs an enemy. It’s hard to hate most of the nation and still be credible, but easy to focus on a successful white businessman who represents everything America’s less fortunate have been told they should despise.
Whiteness makes it harder to pin blame for not providing enough money for the needy, the unfortunate, and the downright lazy because like it or not, white people make up the majority of workers and taxpayers. Without their money we can’t fund programs, entitlements, federal initiatives, and social support vehicles meant to prop up the less fortunate.
How do you blame those who are funding what you want? You tell them they are refusing to pay enough because of who and what their money is going to.
Resent the hand that feeds you? The ugly truth.
If you represent the majority of taxpayers then you also fund much of the agenda that pays for the problems whiteness gets blamed for. White Americans are 77.1% of the U.S. population,1 so they are going to foot much of the tab for what we do.
A federal report released in July 2016 showed that from 1979 – 2013 government assistance to households in the bottom income bracket created growth in income that was higher than for households in the next three brackets.2 Whiteness had a big role in paying for that. In 2013 those at the bottom paid 3.3% of their income in taxes. Those at the top 26.3% and the very top 34%.3
34% will never be enough because biting the hand that feeds you is a Democratic Party mainstay.
Diversity shouldn’t mean discrimination
Diversity is a good thing, but the fact is that population dynamics for years to come means that whiteness will continue to have a large role in propping up the economy. It will even pay to help support those who will blame whiteness as the reason we don’t do enough.
That doesn’t mean we should discriminate. It doesn’t mean rights should be applied unequally or that job opportunities should be based on skin color. Policing and law enforcement should be fair and equal. That should include not receiving preferential treatment because of your color or the crime you committed, whether that means selling crack cocaine or committing an immigration violation.
Most important, we can’t allow society to demonize one group of people and turn their skin color into a pejorative because other groups don’t have enough. That’s what happened in 2016. We’re going to see a lot more of it in 2017. Instead of wringing our hands over Russian hacking destroying the republic, we should think a lot harder about how the respect we demand for minorities is also deserved by the majority despite its whiteness.
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