December 30, 2012: Divisiveness, Partisanship, and Self-Interest Trigger U.S. Decline
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December 28, 2012: Anti-Immigration Threats Will Defeat Anti-Terrorism Efforts
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5. Ibid.
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December 27, 2012: Illegal Immigrants Were Waiting for a Year Like 2012
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December 23, 2012: Obama’s Self-Serving Tax Plan Defiles What Makes America Great
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December 21, 2012: Obama Transportation Infrastructure Plan Buys Debt with Revenue
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December 20, 2012: Republicans Disavow Limited Government Pledge at Their Peril
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December 16, 2012: Should Illegals Pay Taxes Like Criminals?
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December 14, 2012: Teachers are Banking on Your Tax Increases
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December 13, 2012: Obama Will Give Supporters the Tax Rates They Deserve
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4. Congressional Budget Office. Estimates for the Insurance Provisions of the Affordable Care Act Updated for the Recent Supreme Court Decision. July 2012. p. 15.
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December 9, 2012: White House Replaces Americanism With Income Inequality
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December 7, 2012: Politicians Use Our Children’s Future to Coerce Budget Reform
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December 6, 2012: Middle America Earns Pity and Contempt From Capitol Hill
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December 2, 2012: Tricks and Myths From the Obama Disinformation and Propaganda Mill
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