The big problem with a giveaway culture is that you can never give away enough to keep people happy. The bar has to be raised again and again. When being elected to our highest political office is the prize it can be raised to extremes. Candidates call it discussing their positions on the issues. Some of us call it spreading lies. The liberal left is being promised that wealth will be wrested from the big banks, from Wall Street, and from people who make too much money. They have heard the anti-Wall Street rhetoric escalate since 2007 and the cake still isn’t flying into the pockets of the masses. When someone like Donald Trump threatens to stand in the way of government redistributing America’s incomes, what happens? The left swings to the right and we get angry liberal left fascists standing behind a rallying point like Bernie Sanders.
Liberal left fascists? Yes, there is such a thing.
Bernie Sanders calls it democratic socialism. His campaign is trying hard to sugar coat the concept, but the message is that government should take wealth by force of law. You can put a socialist label on that if you wish, but only autocracy will get the job done.
Even Democrats in Congress are going to have a hard time buying into the revolution Sanders is promoting. To deliver to his followers, a President Bernie Sanders would have to be our dictator-in-chief with absolute power to oversee a massive economic reorganization. That’s not going to happen, even if his long shot candidacy pulls off the impossible.
Why is the liberal left so angry? Deep down they have to realize a cause like Sanders’ is doomed. Since they don’t want to be responsible for their own futures, knowing that a free tomorrow not only isn’t coming but is reprehensible to many Americans makes them hostile and angry. Instead of blaming their candidate for not telling the truth about what he can and can’t accomplish, it’s easier to blame a symbol of wealth like Donald Trump.
Liberal left gets angry over impossible promises.
Republicans have been at each other’s throats for months and show no signs of stopping other than to gang up against Trump, but when it comes to sheer mean-spiritedness Democrats have them beat hands down. Why? Because they can never, ever deliver on Clinton and Sanders’ promises. They couldn’t do it with a Democratic majority under Obama and they can’t do it now, even with massive congressional victories and an Oval Office win in November.
Republicans have been afraid of Hillary Clinton ever since her husband left office, but rabble rouser Bernie Sanders is the one to beware. He makes Clinton and Obama sound like RINOs. Turning America into a Sanders-style socialist paradise is a GOP scare story and a Democratic lie, but even if he can’t win he can still cause problems.
Fascists take what they want. Americans work for it.
There are all kinds of have nots in our society. There are the unfortunate few like older unemployed job seekers who don’t have because the economy denies them a chance. There is not having because you have no motivation to do better and are satisfied with your lot in life. Then there is not having because you are waiting for someone to do the dirty work of shepherding you through life. Sanders’ message that people aren’t getting ahead because of the way America distributes its wealth is just more icing on that cake, a perfect way to incite angry protests, disruptions, and even violence.
Perhaps liberal Democrats never considered just how many of their flock need a ready excuse for not getting ahead. That’s a problem when promises prove empty and an even bigger problem when the people get a taste of a free ride like Obamacare, because that little taste is as good as it is likely to get.
The liberal left blames Donald Trump for the anger they have brought to this 2016 race. It is a lot less painful than facing the simple truth that they want something for free and already know they aren’t going to get it. The weekend’s angry, disruptive protests at Republican campaign events over the weekend only point to the extremes liberal fascists might be willing to go to silence rhetoric that runs counter to their demands.
What liberals want turns them into fascists.
There was a time when the left tempered their demands with reality. Not anymore. Now even big ticket items like college tuition and health care are supposed to be free because the role of government is that of a nurturing parent. Like a child demanding a toy his folks can’t afford, today’s liberal left fascist wants to be taken care of and doesn’t feel any reason for sharing in the cost because other people have the money to pay.
Would Sanders’ supporters be so eager to offer their votes if their candidate told them he would use the promised minimum wage bump to go into a government account to help pay for all the free stuff? Not likely. Free things are only free if someone else pays for them. The problem is how to take the money, which is where the fascist part of the equation comes in.
Democratic socialist dream is just liberal left fascism.
As we saw in Chicago and Kansas City, the left won’t accept the responsibility for the anger and violence sparked by their cause. This is no surprise, considering even anti-Trump Republicans are having a hard time laying blame where it’s most deserved.
Calls to stifle political rhetoric usually come from the angry left, though Republicans have done a thorough job of embarrassing themselves trying to quiet the Trump campaign. Cruz, Kasich, and Rubio should have loudly pounced on the liberal fascists disrupting Trump campaign appearances and denying Trump and his supporters their First Amendment rights. Instead, they used the disruption to further their own conservative political ambitions.
Bernie Sanders has tempered his democratic socialist appeals by distancing himself from communism, which is anathema to most Americans. That’s not all he has to worry about. The nation has been watching what the left does when its demands are under attack. Some will approve. Others will see the truth: all these protesters need are jackboots to complete the picture. Silencing free speech during elections is not what this country is about, but then neither is Sanders’ style of socialism.
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