The first migrant caravan of 2021 never made it to our border, no thanks to Joe Biden. Thank Guatemala for putting a stop to the would-be asylum seekers who got the welcome message from America loud and clear despite an administration plea that we weren’t ready for them yet.1
What happened? Did Democrats run out of red carpeting?
President Biden made it abundantly clear during the campaign and throughout the transition months that a new day is coming for anyone looking for a better place to live. The illegal immigrant welcome wagon has arrived. Homeland Security Nominee Alejandro Mayorkas backed the promises with his own vow to create:
an immigration system that works for all of us.2
Like we the people, “all of us” does not mean everyone. It means everyone that agrees with wiping out Donald Trump’s legacy of border protection and law enforcement. It also means we the people as a nation of illegal immigrants who suddenly merit more protection than U.S. citizens.

Photo Courtesy of ICE*
Our laws are about to take a tremendous beating. Immigration policy will be the rule and not the exception. Biden has already signed orders to strengthen DACA. He ended construction of the southern border fence, restricted deportations, and revoked Trump Order 13768 so sanctuary cities that won’t hold criminal immigrants for ICE don’t have to worry about their federal funding.
That was just for openers. It’s going to get worse.
Illegal immigrant crimes exist until we cover them up
ICE protects us from illegal immigrant crime. When these crimes are reclassified or not reported by the government because the law is changed or agencies like ICE and CBP are hamstrung, illegal immigrants won’t commit crimes any more. Accusations that Trump racism spread disinformation about criminal aliens will become undisputed fact because the truth will be ignored or covered up.
ICE probably wouldn’t agree that illegal immigrants don’t commit crimes. Citizens who are criminals do terrible things every day. Despite the Democratic Party’s eagerness to condemn America we have no reason to think that illegals don’t also commit crimes no matter how desperately progressives want to ignore the truth. Certainly the illegal immigrant child sexual predator ICE removed on January 12, 2021 doesn’t speak to our values.3 Neither does the woman arrested in Texas for her plans to send a minor overseas for female genital mutilation.4
ICE stands in the way of these people and the atrocities they commit. Unfortunately for law-abiding Americans ideology comes first for dangerously misguided lawmakers like AOC and her Squad who demand that we abolish “radical, criminal agencies” like ICE:
We must be equitable in our outrage. We must abolish ICE. We must invest in community-based alternatives to detention. We must end the system of mass detention and deportation of immigrants. We must create an immigration system that reflects our values and respects the dignity and humanity of all.”5
Now they have a chance to implement their plans to uphold America’s values by keeping illegal immigrants who abuse children and commit other crimes right where they are: in communities that are far removed from the communities where members of Congress live.
ICE’s last chance to stop illegal immigrant crimes?
2020 may be ICE’s swan song. Whether the agency is abolished or chopped down to uselessness acceptable to progressives crimes by illegal immigrants will be hushed or ignored for the sake of ideological convenience. Like abolishing cash bail, this will work until public outrage over crimes explodes and the problem becomes too big to deal with.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement made a difference in 2020. Biden’s policymakers will be forced to minimize or ignore last year’s report on illegal immigrant crime because it does not align with their progressive propaganda. This strategy worked well for last summer’s violent BLM protests. It will work for Biden administration immigration policy as well.
ICE reports crimes by illegals we can’t ignore
The ICE Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020 speaks to the inhumanity the agency protects us from. Despite sanctuary cities’ refusal to work with federal agents ICE issued 122,233 detainers and conducted 103,603 administrative arrests.6
Enforcement successes include:
118,949 aliens removed because of criminal convictions or charges
4,276 gang members were deported7
If we dig down to the kind of criminality most Americans probably don’t associate with ICE we find this:
[ICE] Arrested 31,915 criminal violators.
Seized more than 1.4 million pounds of narcotics, including 6,105 pounds of fentanyl, a 65% increase from FY 2019.
Seized $1.8 billion in criminally derived proceeds and assets.
Confiscated 6,688 weapons.
Conducted 3,671 gang-related criminal arrests.
Identified and rescued 1,012 victims of child exploitation and 418 victims of human trafficking.
Disrupted and dismantled countless transnational criminal organizations.8
On December 30, 2020 ICE announced the arrests of:
Three foreign nationals from Africa implicated in ethnic cleansing, abductions and sexual exploitation of women and children.9
Seven foreign nationals who were arrested or convicted for smuggling or trafficking violations, including state charges involving the solicitation to commit smuggling, smuggling of human beings for profit or commercial purpose and trafficking a person for sexual servitude.10
Stopping these crimes is what extremist Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) demand we put an end11 to by abolishing federal immigration enforcement. The crimes won’t end, but as we’ve seen Democrats are very good at covering up the truth by ignoring what they don’t want us to see.
2021 immigration policy: back to Obama
The Democratic dialogue on immigration hasn’t changed in years so don’t look for anything new from President Biden. The incoming administration is an Obama retread and nothing more. Immigration policy will not be the exception.
In a December 3, 2020 appearance before the American Business Immigration Coalition Mayorkas continued where he and Obama left off:
Today, our immigration system is badly broken — and we all know it. The cost of that broken system is incalculably high. It represents a profound toll not only on families seeking to contribute to our nation and forge their own American dream, but on our economic prosperity and our moral authority as well.12
Sound familiar? Obama tasked Mayorkas with implementing DACA. Like Biden he is a throwback to extend a badly skewed vision of moral authority that impacts working Americans and leaves wealthy, privileged elites like the Bidens and the Obamas unscathed. This means a big departure from Donald Trump’s law and order agenda that will be abolished in favor of decarceration, defunding enforcement, and redefining the meaning of criminal behavior to excuse as many crimes as possible.
Mayorkas vilifies America, spares illegal immigrants
Mayorkas asserts that America treats illegal immigrants badly:
We must stop vilifying these communities. We must bring to an immediate end the inhumane and unjust treatment of immigrants.13
Other countries that take illegal immigration seriously must snicker when our officials accuse America of inhumane and unjust treatment despite policies that are so skewed in favor of illegals that we fight over the size of their pandemic relief benefits and allow them to compete with our citizens for jobs.
Democrats: obstruct and defund
Vice President Harris’ dangerous anti-ICE agenda
The numbers ICE reported for 2020 won’t make Vice President Kamala Harris happy. She put a lot of effort into attacking the agency and discrediting the work that keeps Americans and their children safe.
If Harris has anything to do with Biden’s decision making don’t except any funding windfalls for immigration enforcement. When ICE got involved with 2020’s destructive racial injustice protests Harris joined a long list of Democratic lawmakers who stuck to their fiction of law enforcement brutality against peaceful First Amendment protesters. In a letter to ICE and CBP they asserted:
As both CBP and ICE have acknowledged, the right to peaceful protest is a bedrock principle of our democracy. We write to you today to request information regarding ICE and CBP operations in connection with demonstrations, particularly in light of public reports that law enforcement have used force—including tear gas, spray chemical irritants, non-lethal bullets, and other forms of force.14
Their request consisted of 36 time-wasting questions including:
Are your agencies collecting any personally identifiable information regarding the individuals attending demonstrations, either in person or via other methods of surveillance?15
There is no reason to restrict law enforcement at demonstrations known for violence unless we deny the truth and seek to protect criminals. Surveillance enabled law enforcement to track down and arrest those who looted and destroyed businesses and government buildings during the BLM riots.16
If Democrats can’t connect criminals to white supremacy or Russia and especially if they are illegal immigrants they are best ignored or used to promote decarceration, the elimination of cash bail, closure of detention facilities, abolition of law enforcement agencies, or whatever pro-crime policies are trending with their radical activist base.
Harris boasted about grilling Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf despite his assurance about whom and what his people are after:
“I’m saying that our focus will remain on removing criminals from our community.”17
That wasn’t good enough for Harris, so she blamed ICE for violence against asylum-seekers in Mexico:
But I’m explaining to you that the report indicates after they’ve made the journey north, coming here to seek asylum, we are sending them back to Mexico under a policy that is being administered by your agency, and it is upon that return, that they are being exposed to rape, to murder to kidnap and torture. So I’m asking you, are you investigating those cases and critically evaluating whether this is the intended effect of your policy? Or does it point out a defect in your policy?18
This was no surprise, either. In 2019 Harris opposed border wall funding and hiring more ICE agents.19 Biden gave her what she wanted on his first day in office by putting an end to Trump’s plans to protect the border.
Biden’s signature on an order to protect DACA fulfilled another Harris priority. She joined colleagues in a letter to Senate Appropriations that used Dreamers as an excuse to stymie immigration enforcement spending:
In the letter, the senators highlight the threat that such operations, including an increase in Border Patrol and ICE agents, detention beds, and wall funding pose to Dreamers who are at risk of the Administration’s arbitrary decision to end DACA.20
The vice president is well on her way to getting what she’s wanted for years. The rise of Democratic Party identity politics only makes this deception easier.
“Nation of immigrants” is ethnic identity politics
“Nation of immigrants” is so pervasive in our political discourse that even Republicans use it. They should stop now.
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus issued a statement after Biden put pen to paper with his Day One immigration orders and preview of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021:
President Biden’s policies represent our values as a nation of immigrants.21
We are not a nation of immigrants no matter how badly ethnic identity politics wants us to be. We are a nation of Americans, or at least we were until Biden and his party took over. Now we are a nation of immigrants not because we are descendants of immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants because the narrow vision for U.S. immigration policy sees only the needs of illegal immigrants and their Democratic Party advocates and nothing else.
That means we have an opportunity to allow illegal immigration crimes to flourish.
The same day Biden signed his orders Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) blasted the “darkness and horrors of the four years of a Trump Presidency”22 and applauded the president:
These actions are important first steps to right the cruelty that was the cornerstone of all of Trump’s immigration actions,” continued Rep. Grijalva. “Restoring DACA, ending a racist Muslim Ban, and stopping ICE’s reign of terror in our communities are critical foundations for creating an immigration system that puts families and humanity first.23
Meanwhile ICE was busy protecting Americans. While Democrats were fawning over Biden and Harris and damning Trump the agency reported another victory:
ICE arrests 2 registered sex offenders who preyed on children in neighboring communities24
Officers also removed this individual on Monday:
Montano is wanted in El Salvador for numerous charges stemming from a 2014 incident in which he and two others are alleged to have attacked a Salvadoran police station using firearms, killing a mechanic and wounding local officers.25
While these actions to protect Americans went unnoticed, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) also lauded President Biden’s actions:
President Biden has taken historic steps to repair the damage that border communities and immigrant families have faced these past four years. However, this is only the beginning,” said Congressman Cuellar.26
Sadly, he is right. This is only the beginning.
UPDATE January 24, 2021: no blame for Democrats inciting anti-ICE violence
Rep. Earl Blumenauer represents Portland, Oregon’s congressional district. Blumenauer doesn’t like ICE. He’s never been shy about it:
In 2002, I voted against the formation of ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. After careful reflection, it’s become clear that Trump and his administration have made the agency so toxic that it’s time to abolish ICE, and start over.27
Trump is gone but the violence in Portland and Seattle is still with us. You will be hard-pressed to find a Democrat who has anything to say about it.
Like Portland, Seattle also has a protest problem. The city is in a congressional district represented by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. Jayapal doesn’t like ICE any more than Blumenauer does. She joined Democratic colleagues to sponsor the Establishing a Human Immigration Enforcement System Act. Bill sponsor Mark Pocan (D-WI) didn’t sugarcoat his dislike for the agency:
“… the President is using ICE as a mass-deportation force to rip apart the moral fabric of our nation,” said Pocan. “Sadly, President Trump has so misused ICE that the agency can no longer accomplish its goals effectively. As a result, the best path forward is this legislation, which would end ICE and transfer its critical functions to other executive agencies.”28
Jayapal agrees:
We should eliminate the agency as it stands and start from scratch to restructure its functions.29
In press releases Blumenauer and Jayapal repeatedly referred to the January 6, 2021 Capitol break-in as an insurrection. They blamed Trump for the violence.30, 31 They are strangely quiet on the ongoing destruction of property in Portland and Seattle, where KOMO News reports damage and protesters voicing opposition to ICE.32
A Democratic majority means no accountability and no acknowledging that anything out of the ordinary is happening in these cities, but we can’t separate Democrats’ hatred for ICE from the damage done any more than Blumenauer and Jayapal will let Trump off the hook for what happened on January 6.
The violent leftists these two lawmakers and their colleagues incite are just a preview of what will happen when we have no ICE and no law enforcement. Buildings will come down. Cities will be destroyed. The southern border will be overrun. The illegal immigrant crimes ICE prevents will explode across the nation because no one will be there to say no, especially the Democrats who are behind what looks a lot like an insurrection against federal authority in these cities.
UPDATE January 27, 2021: the dangerous message hiding in Biden’s deportation order
For the moment President’s Biden’s order halting deportations is blocked by a Texas federal court decision. Don’t expect that to last for long. Biden has the full weight of the Democratic machine behind him. As we saw during the Obama Administration that means absolutely nothing is out of reach.
Before the court said no, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) praised Biden’s order. She added it to her list of new presidential actions that address “some of the greatest threats facing our country.”33
It’s stupid and dangerous to argue that allowing non-citizen criminals to stay in America protects us from a threat, but this is the kind of irresponsible nonsense Democrats hope we will believe.
Texas Rep. Chip Roy is not a Democrat. He pointed out the obvious problem with Biden’s action:
The moratorium lacks conditions, and therefore prevents deportations of dangerous criminals.34
Texas Attorney Ken Paxton hailed the Federal Court’s decision to put a stop to blocking the removal of most, if not all criminals who are not terrorists and who have been present in the U.S. for more than three months.
A near-complete suspension of deportations would only serve to endanger Texans and undermine federal law,” said Attorney General Paxton.35
“Endanger” is the important word here. There is a very dangerous message hiding behind Biden’s order. Like DACA and legislative proposals that include a pathway to citizenship the no-deportations order rewards illegal immigrants – in this case illegal immigrant criminals – for the length of time they have evaded federal authorities. The message? Go ahead and commit crimes against Americans. Just make sure you’ve been doing it for a long time.
Before the president submits to the demands of privileged congressional Democrats who live in communities where they don’t have to worry about crime, Biden might consider perusing ICE’s website. He should familiarize himself with the truth and not the hysterical insistence of his irresponsible party that illegals will save the nation.
UPDATE February 10, 2021: bill would force Biden, Dems to admit illegal immigrant crimes
The bad news about the Biden administration’s plans to encourage massive illegal immigration just keeps coming. The worst of it isn’t what we know about. It’s what we don’t know because it won’t be reported.
For Biden and the Democrat Party illegal immigrant crimes are not a law enforcement issue. They are a political spin problem. Not only is enforcement no longer a priority, it’s a stain on America to be avoided at all costs. Illegal immigration is completely in line with policies like decarceration and defunding police departments that ignore the impact of crime on victims because it conflicts with liberal ideology.
Looking at the enforcement reports on ICE’s website before and after Biden took over begs the question of what happened to illegal immigrant crimes. Perhaps it’s coincidence, but it seems they dropped off the radar in mid-January. In fact, the last prominent news release involving an illegal immigrant criminal was on January 19, 2021, one day before the inauguration. The agency reported a man removed to El Salvador for murder and terrorism (see footnote #25).
Biden’s move to stop deportations was halted for the time being but pursuing and prosecuting illegal immigrant crime is another matter entirely.
Yesterday 49 members of Congress worried about the rising numbers of illegals at our Southern border sent a letter to the president insisting:
“The fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to protect America, not to ignore the law and to actively encourage, incentivize, and facilitate illegal migration in ways that empower cartels and endanger both American citizens and migrants wrongly being encouraged to succumb to the perilous journey,” the lawmakers wrote.36
One day prior, Congressman Mike Garcia co-sponsored the “Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act.” He made the commonsense argument that “Cities that refuse to uphold the law should be held accountable for their inactions.”37 We should expect this effort to meet the same fate as Kate’s Law. There will be no tolerance in Democratland for any admission that illegal immigrants commit crimes.
That means we won’t be able to trust the numbers coming from the Biden administration. Rep. Mo Brooks understands this. He proposed the “Arrest Statistics Reporting Act” to include offender immigration status with arrest reports received by the FBI. It also requires figures on illegal immigrant crimes to be included in FBI reporting.38
In Washington it’s all about the spin. Brook’s bill is already dead to a House that will ignore any evidence that runs counter to its pro-illegal immigration stance or the absurdly dangerous policies backed by President Biden. If illegal immigrant crimes are ignored like last summer’s radical left violence then they don’t exist until you or someone you know becomes another victim. When that happens, watch out. The insanity coming from Capitol Hill and the White House could make you the offender and the illegal immigrant criminal who hurts you a hero striking another blow against a xenophobic, white supremacist American.
UPDATE February 19, 2021: Biden brings back Obama’s lax enforcement guidelines
If Joe Biden had an original thought to guide administration policy it would expire from loneliness. Enforcing immigration laws is the rule, not the exception.
Now firmly in the grip of the Democrat Party, ICE just announced new guidelines for removing illegal immigrants:
ICE’s interim guidance will focus the agency’s civil immigration enforcement and removal resources on threats to national security, border security and public safety.39
How does that guidance break down for illegal immigrant criminals?
individuals are presumed to be a threat to public safety if, for example, they have been convicted of an aggravated felony or engaged in certain activity as part of a criminal gang or transnational criminal organization and there is reason to believe they currently pose a threat.40
These sound like pretty serious crimes that take a lot off an enforcement list that is further limited by the Biden administration’s lax enforcement policy for illegal immigrant crime:
In evaluating whether an individual poses a threat to public safety, officers and agents are to consider the extensiveness, seriousness and recency of any criminal activity, as well as mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, personal and family circumstances, health and medical factors, ties to the community, and evidence of rehabilitation.41
That’s a pretty big exceptions list. “Seriousness and recency of any criminal activity” is especially disturbing. Shouldn’t one strike be enough for someone in our country illegally?
Democrats should ask whether American citizens who are not white are allowed the same kind of leniency extended to illegal immigrants. They won’t, but Republicans should.
UPDATE May 19, 2021: illegals are hard to ignore despite “dramatic progress” by Harris, Biden, and Mayorkas
On May 8, 2021 DHS Secretary Mayorkas boasted the “dramatic progress” Biden and Harris have made fixing all of Donald Trump’s cruel immigration mistakes. I don’t know what constitutes “dramatic progress” for Mayorkas or the White House. If it’s a flood of illegal immigrants I think the DHS Secretary is underselling the administration’s dramatic success.
A Customs and Border Protection press release issued today gives us an idea of how well things are going at one location on the Southern border:
Yesterday afternoon, Weslaco Border Patrol Station agents responded to a large group of migrants entering illegally into the United States through Hidalgo, Texas. Agents arrived and took 115 migrants into custody.42
It wasn’t over yet:
Later that day, Weslaco agents returned to the same location in Hidalgo, Texas, and encountered 163 migrants that entered illegally into the United States. One hundred fifteen migrants were identified as families, 35 as unaccompanied children, and 13 single adults. 43
No doubt this kind of news warms Biden and Harris’s hearts, but they don’t have to think about the statement CBP made at the end of the news release:
The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and report suspicious activity …44
I don’t know what kind of crime or suspicious activity the agency is referring to. Any good Democrat knows that illegals don’t commit crimes. That’s the province of white supremacists and Trump supporters. Calling what’s happening “dramatic progress” and allowing it to continue is certainly an ethical crime, but our government doesn’t punish ethical crimes that support policy from the top. It rewards them.
UPDATE June 12, 2021: a very different VOICE for victims of illegal immigrant crimes
If illegal immigrant crime doesn’t exist then we don’t need an office to help Americans who have been victimized by Joe Biden’s incredibly dangerous and irresponsible no-enforcement immigration policies. Nothing hammers that message home like a press release issued by ICE yesterday:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) today announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL). The Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office is terminated. The new program will serve as a more comprehensive and inclusive victim support system offered by ICE that will ensure services are offered to all victims regardless of immigration status of the victim or perpetrator.45
VOICE was a Trump initiative to help Americans victimized by criminal illegals. The name change certainly makes sense for the Biden administration’s open borders policy and insistence that everyone stepping into the promised land is a vulnerable asylum seeker in need of U.S. support.
The VESL promise of “inclusive victim support”46 makes it pretty clear who Biden plans to help:
“Providing assistance to society’s most vulnerable is a core American value. All people, regardless of their immigration status, should be able to access victim services without fear,” said DHS Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “This administration is committed to providing a reliable source of information and guidance for all victims irrespective of their status.”47
That’s not what VOICE was about, but since the name of the program insinuated that criminal immigrants hurt Americans it had to be changed to make way for a program to help illegals who have been victimized in America.
Does the Biden administration think the VESL line will light up with calls from illegals who have been victimized? They haven’t been listening to the “in the shadows” narrative about immigration Democrats have harangued us with going back to the Obama days. If I was in the U.S. illegally I would put up and shut up, especially if I’d committed a few crimes too.
More important and no doubt especially offensive to White House activists was VOICE’s role in keeping the public aware of illegal immigrant crimes. This included a Most Wanted fugitives list.48 This stark admission that illegals commit crimes that hurt Americans is still available on the ICE website. If you want to refresh your memory about the truth you better have a look fast before someone in the Biden White House notices and tells ICE to take it down.
1Ainsley, Julia. “Incoming Biden administration to migrant caravan: Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately.” January 17, 2021., retrieved January 21, 2021.
2“Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Nominee for Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas to the American Business Immigration Coalition.” December 3, 2020., retrieved January 3, 2021.
3“ICE, Department of Corrections cooperation ensures safe removal of child molester from US.” January 15, 2021., retrieved January 20, 2021.
4“Texas woman indicted for transporting minor for female genital mutilation.” January 14, 2021., retrieved January 20, 2021.
5“Progressive Congresswomen Slam ICE and CBP: Not One More Dollar.” June 22, 2019., retrieved January 20, 2021.
6“ICE Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020.” December 23, 2020. p. 4.
7Ibid., p. 4.
8Ibid., p. 8.
9“ICE arrests 21 across the US during Operation No Safe Haven Plus.” December 30, 2020., retrieved January 3, 2021.
11“Progressive Congresswomen Slam ICE and CBP: Not One More Dollar.” June 22, 2019. Op. cit.
12“Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Nominee for Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas to the American Business Immigration Coalition.” December 3, 2020. Op. cit.
14“Harris, Scanlon, Vargas Demand Answers on ICE & CBP Involvement in Policing Ongoing Protests.” June 5, 2020., retrieved January 21, 2021.
16“Looting Seeking to Identify Photos.” Chicago Police Department., retrieved January 3, 2021.
17“Harris Grills DHS Acting Secretary, Secures DHS Commitment to Reveal DACA Contingency Plans.” March 4, 2020., retrieved January 3, 2021.
19“Harris Leads Senators in Opposing Funding for Administration’s Cruel Immigration Policies.” April 17, 2019., retrieved January 3, 2021.
20“Harris, Menendez, Durbin and Hirono Lead Group of Senators in Demanding Rejection of Trump’s Deportation Force Budget Request.” April 27, 2018., retrieved January 3, 2021.
21“Congressional Hispanic Caucus Statement on President Biden’s Day One Immigration Executive Actions and Immigration Bill.” Congressional Hispanic Caucus. January 20, 2021., retrieved January 21, 2021.
22“Rep. Grijalva Statement on President Biden’s Executive Orders: “Not Just Undoing Trump’s Damage, But Moving Our Country Forward.” January 20, 2021., retrieved January 22, 2021.
24“ICE arrests 2 registered sex offenders who preyed on children in neighboring communities.” January 19, 2021., retrieved January 22, 2021.
25“ICE Minnesota removes fugitive wanted in El Salvador.” January 19, 2021., retrieved January 22, 2021.
“Looting Related Arrests.” Chicago Police Department., retrieved January 3, 2021.
26“Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on President Biden’s Day 1 Executive Orders on Immigration Policies.” January 20, 2020., retrieved January 22, 2021.
27“It’s time to abolish ICE.” June 26, 2018., retrieved January 24, 2021.
28“Members of Congress Introduce Legislation to Terminate ICE and Transfer Critical Functions to Other Agencies.” July 12, 2018., retrieved January 24, 2021.
30“Blumenauer Statement on Second Impeachment Vote.” January 13, 2021., retrieved January 24, 2021.
31“Jayapal Votes to Impeach Donald J. Trump For a Second Time.” January 13, 2021., retrieved January 24, 2021.
32Charles, Alfred. “Protesters march through downtown Seattle streets as demonstration turns chaotic.” January 20, 2021., retrieved January 24, 2021.
33“Rep. Ilhan Omar Statement on Biden’s Executive Actions.” January 21, 2021., retrieved January 27, 2021.
34“Rep. Roy issues statement on court ruling against Biden’s deportation freeze.” January 26, 2021., retrieved January 27, 2021.
35” AG Paxton: Texas Lawsuit Results in Court Upholding Federal Law, Halts Biden Administration’s Unlawful Freeze of Deportations.” January 26, 2021., retrieved January 27, 2021.
36“Mike Garcia Sends Letter to President Biden on the Rising Illegal Migration Crisis.” February 9, 2021., retrieved February 10, 2021.
37“Mike Garcia Co-Sponsors a Bill to Hold Sanctuary Cities Accountable.” Mike Garcia. February 8, 2021., retrieved February 10, 2021.
38“Congressman Mo Brooks Introduces Trio of Major Immigration Bills.” February 5, 2021., retrieved February 10, 2021.
39“ICE announces temporary guidelines for its enforcement and removal operations.” February 18, 2021., retrieved February 19, 2021.
42“Two Large Groups of Migrants Enter Near Hidalgo, Texas.” May 19, 2021., retrieved May 19, 2021.
45“ICE launches Victim Engagement and Service Line (VESL).” June 11, 2021., retrieved June 12, 2021.
48“ICE issues VOICE Most Wanted fugitives list.” April 11, 2019., retrieved June 12, 2021.
*Image retrieved from on January 22, 2021.
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