13 American service members died at Abbey Gate during President Biden’s calamitous retreat from Afghanistan that gave the green light to our adversaries that their time had arrived.
Illegal immigration took the lives of Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Debrina Kawam, who was burned to death on a sanctuary city subway.
Fentanyl flowing from China and Mexico attacked every community in our country, rich and poor, and took more lives indiscriminately.
Untold others are lost to us forever thanks to policies imposed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that are still aggressively defended by radical blue state governors as Trump gears up to end the lethal, pro-sanctuary madness.
Like a hit and run driver, Biden is about to flee the scene of death and destruction he caused. The president will be gone from office in 19 days, leaving behind a legacy of death that will be with us forever.

Biden set the stage for American deaths the day he took office and was incredibly successful
The president was never shy about the actions he took on Day One to cancel Trump’s border protections. The administration blamed the consequences of his senseless radical stupidity on congressional Republicans without bothering to explain why Biden couldn’t simply reinstate what was working so well.
In a September 25, 2024 letter to Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories in the U.S. on Biden and Harris’s watch. House Homeland Security Chairman Dr. Mark Green (R-TN) broke down the numbers for the most heinous crimes:
Homicide: 14,944
Sexual Assault: 20,061
Assault: 105,146
Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
Traffic Offenses: 126,343
Weapon Offenses: 16,820
Kidnapping: 3,372
Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,9711
The letter also cites 23,591 ICE detainers declined by non-federal law enforcement at the state and local levels but did not specify why.
The Biden administration ushered in illegals at breakneck speed that strained Customs and Border Protection resources. White House radicals were so obsessed with their pro-illegal immigration agenda that the president condemned members of the border patrol after a misconstrued incident in which Haitian migrants were allegedly whipped by agents on horseback:
I promise you, those people will pay. They will be — an investigation is underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. But beyond an embarrassment, it’s dangerous; it’s wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world. It sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not who we are. Thank you.2
It was not who Border Patrol agents are. Instead, it was a lie typical of White House “illegals first” policies that placed Americans at risk for the sake of radical orthodoxy.
Gotaway trespassers and terror suspects bypassed the administration’s welcome wagon in numbers we worry about but can only estimate. The crisis quickly became insurmountable. Illegal immigrant crime exploded. Biden responded with stubborn insistence that “securing the border is essential”3 and that the catastrophe he created was the fault of Republicans who refused to agree to a massive grant of amnesty the administration called “the toughest and fairest set of reforms in decades.”4
Whether this is true and what a “secure border” means depends on your perspective. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) set the record straight:
The Senate’s $118 billion, 370-page amnesty bill is complete rubbish. Not only does it not close the southern border, but it makes it worse by permitting 5,000 illegal aliens to cross the border each day, greenlighting more than 1.85 million more lawbreakers into the United States annually. What it does, however, is makes 1.85 million illegal aliens legal. Meaning if they are among the first 5,000 to cross on any given day, they get a path to citizenship. Don’t take my word for it, liberal Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy noted in a recent tweet that under the Senate legislation the “border never closes.”5
The bill provides $1.4 billion to provide housing, transportation and lawyers – yes, lawyers, to give legal advice and counsel to illegal aliens on how best to skirt our immigration laws.6
If your idea of securing the border is granting illegals preferential treatment and processing migrants en masse while tolerating dangerous, inevitable vetting slip-ups, then you can agree with the ridiculous assertions of administration officials that the border under Biden was secure. The rhetorical nonsense over what most Americans know is fundamentally dangerous and wrong won’t bring back the dead.
In December, a Texas court halted Joe’s effort to sell off parts of Trump’s border wall to obstruct our new president’s plans to make our country safe again. Americans received some much-needed clarity as to who our border was secured against. To no one’s surprise, we were the enemy.
Americans dead and damage done: hit and run Biden has left the scene
Joe Biden left office at some undisclosed time after he was forced to hang up his bid for another four years. Though he suggested recently that he could have defeated Donald Trump and to be fair we will never know for certain, a Biden election win would have depended on astounding anti-Americanism from voters willing to tolerate murder, rape, sex crimes against children, assault, and other offenses as part of his mission to destroy our country.
Harris’s lazy incompetence and Joe’s cognitive deterioration questions whether they are the ones responsible for the policies of the past four years that abandoned our values and hurt our people. Regardless, in 2020 they asked for the trust of Americans and they returned that trust with death. Hit and run Biden didn’t even have the common decency to pronounce Laken Riley’s name correctly during his 2024 State of the Union.
The 13 dead in Afghanistan didn’t fare any better. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) blasted the president’s self-congratulations and failure to acknowledge the loss of our service members:
President Biden said last night, “Truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any – this decade – that didn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [President Trump] did.”
That is a lie, Mr. President.7
The president ended his final month in office in the same fashion as the rest of his presidency. He went from a luxury vacation in St. Croix to more rest in Delaware. With the world imploding on his watch and violence breaking out across our country including a New Year’s attack in New Orleans that claimed 15* lives, we await a leader who will restore some sense of sanity after years of unrestrained far left madness.
When the history books have their way with Joe, he should be remembered as the hit and run president. Americans are dead because of his incompetence and refusal to back down from policies that killed people. While you watch the inevitable New Year’s commemorations of the famous Americans we lost in 2024, take a moment to remember the not so famous casualties of the Biden and Harris White House. Every one of them deserves a place in our history. After Trump takes over, I have no doubt the memory of their deaths and the tragic loss of potential they represent will return.
January 3, 2025: Biden passes on redemption. Why that’s a good thing.
It’s never too late to be redeemed. We hear about criminals released from prison who turn their lives around and start successful businesses. Even death row inmates can, on occasion, turn towards the good before their sentences are carried out.
President Biden was offered a chance at redemption after the New Orleans terrorist massacre. Even though he is just days away from exiting the Oval Office, this was a final chance to talk to Americans like a real leader after a history-making tragedy on his watch. He passed.
Instead, we listened to a figurehead stumble through canned remarks with scripted hand gestures before turning his back on America and shuffling away without honoring a single question.
This was nothing new for the president. Biden’s disdain for anyone with the effrontery to do anything except nod in adoring agreement is a hallmark of his presidency. During his term we saw at least as much of the president’s back as we did his face. Now at the end, while the nation grieves Biden turned his back one last time.**
Even in the throes of mental and physical decline, the president is still capable of reading simple sentences off a teleprompter. If the perpetrator had been wearing a Trump MAGA hat he would have found new vigor and spewed anger and hate that would have made yesterday’s Presidential Citizens Medal recipient Liz Cheney proud.
Instead, the killer appears to be a radicalized Muslim. Islam is treacherous ground for Washington’s political left. Christians were fair game while Joe was president, but pro-Hamas terror protesters wreaking havoc across America got a pass while administration support for our ally Israel was halting and tentative, at best.
It’s also very possible that Biden simply doesn’t care. The attack had no political value for Democrats. It wasn’t a white supremacist or racially motivated incident. Instead, it raises too many questions about what federal security agencies have been doing for the past four years.
Nevertheless, a heartfelt conversation before Biden fades into history would have been in order. Instead, earlier in the day the White House released a statement that was patently false:
There is no justification for violence of any kind, and we will not tolerate any attack on any of our nation’s communities.8
The White House justified violence against Americans every day Biden was in office. It started immediately with his denial of American sovereignty, cancellation of any semblance of border security, and the beginning of the Biden-Harris Illegal Immigrant Invasion.
The president’s radical immigration agenda not only tolerated, but incited violence against vulnerable foreign nationals trafficked by cartels and Americans targeted as easy prey by foreign gangs. Progressive orthodoxy was more important than protecting lives.
Partisanship and anger over four years of the Biden autocracy makes it easy to lay blame for the New Orleans attack on the president. It’s true that woke policies that infected federal defense and security agencies diverted attention from the mission of keeping America safe and secure, but this is a numbers game. The perpetrator was a citizen and former service member. Would we have spotted the threat if Trump was in the White House? Maybe, maybe not.
On the other hand, Biden is absolutely responsible for the death, destruction, and cost of his illegal immigrant invasion. He bears the blame for every murder, every rape, every robbery, every assault, and every child molestation committed by an illegal on his watch even if the perpetrators entered before he took office because he did nothing to prevent this violence. Instead, his administration diverted resources to processing migrants that should have been used to enforce the law and keep Americans safe.
The Biden legacy of violence against America and our people will be with us long after he flees the scene. Damage done, now it’s Trump’s job to clean up the debris. The families of loved ones lost to illegal immigrant violence have nowhere to turn and no one to bear responsibility after Biden’s hit and run attack on our nation. Only the pain he caused and whatever memories they can salvage will remain.
*News outlets are reporting 15 killed, 14 killed, and at least 14 killed.
**Today we got word from the White House that Biden will visit New Orleans next week. It’s a little late for redemption after his scripted remarks to a nation that needed to hear genuine empathy from a leader, but in 17 days it will no longer matter. After four terrible years America will have a president again and for that, at least, we can be thankful.
1“Chairman Green on New “Shocking” Numbers of Criminal Illegal Aliens Roaming Free in U.S. – “Defies All Common Sense.” Homeland Security Republicans. September 27, 2024. https://homeland.house.gov/2024/09/27/chairman-green-on-new-shocking-numbers-of-criminal-illegal-aliens-roaming-free-in-u-s-defies-all-common-sense/, retrieved January 1, 2025.
2“Remarks by President Biden on the COVID-?19 Response and the Vaccination Program.” The White House. September 24, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/09/24/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-covid-19-response-and-the-vaccination-program-8/, retrieved January 1, 2025.
3”FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families Together.” The White House. June 18, 2024. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/06/18/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-new-actions-to-keep-families-together/, retrieved January 1, 2025.
5“Gosar Statement on Senate Amnesty Bill.” Paul Gosar D.D.S. February 5, 2024. https://gosar.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=7227, retrieved January 1, 2025.
7“Chairman McCaul Speaks on the House Floor in Support of the Fallen Soldiers in Afghanistan.” Foreign Affairs Committee. June 28, 2024. https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/press-release/chairman-mccaul-speaks-on-the-house-floor-in-support-of-the-fallen-soldiers-in-afghanistan/, retrieved January 1, 2025.
8“Statement from President Joe Biden.” The White House. January 1, 2025. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2025/01/01/statement-from-president-joe-biden-12/, retrieved January 2, 2025.
*Image: “NTSB Calls for Alcohol Detection Systems in All New Vehicles. NTSB. September 20, 2022. https://www.ntsb.gov/news/press-releases/Pages/NR20220920.aspx, retrieved January 3, 2025.
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