Next on the Democrat Party’s chopping block: your freedom to think.
Can Democrats take away your freedom to think what you choose? What we believe shouldn’t require nor does it receive any constitutional protection, but with the newest lawsuit against Donald Trump and the rise of AI it’s time to ask if the embattled former president is a test case to place our freedom of thought on the Democrat Party’s anti-freedom chopping block.
When is protected speech not protected? It depends on who you are and what you believe.
Last week’s Justice Department move to further clear the path for President Biden’s reelection immediately raised First Amendment concerns:
So for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020, the Defendant [Trump] spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won. These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false.388
Despite divisive, angry, hateful speech to arouse the nation’s anger like Biden’s notorious “semi-fascism” indictment of Republicans, Trump’s speech is held to a different standard:
But the Defendant repeated and widely disseminated them anyway—to make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate, create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election.389
The indictment excuses this historic political persecution and potential election interference with the false claim that Trump’s speech was protected:
The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won.390
Trump does not have that freedom. Neither do we. Under Joe Biden, America’s authoritarian “atmosphere of mistrust and anger” is so extreme that if you are a parent speaking at a school board meeting because you object to your child being taught that their genitalia lie, you risk the label “domestic terrorist.”
The three alleged conspiracies Trump is charged with are “built on the widespread mistrust the Defendant was creating through pervasive and destabilizing lies about election fraud …”391

Capitol Dome, Washington, D.C.
Architect of the Capitol
Russia collusion hoaxer Lieu warns about AI, misinformation and fakes.
If making false claims is not protected speech, Joe Biden would be indicted every time he opens his mouth. The vice president wouldn’t fare any better. Neither would Democrats like Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), who demanded a special prosecutor while pushing his party’s Russia collusion fraud:
The bombshell revelation that U.S. officials have information that suggests Trump associates may have colluded with the Russians means we must pause the entire Trump agenda. We may have an illegitimate President of the United States currently occupying the White House.392
Now Lieu wants Democrats to get involved with AI. He joined Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) to introduce the “National AI Commission Act,” warning:
But AI can also produce misinformation, generate deepfakes, exacerbate biases, endanger our safety, and much more. With AI only becoming more powerful, our laws and institutions must be ready to adapt.393
So will a Democrat Party that’s already too proficient at spreading lies.
January 6th Commission was a congressional information atrocity.
We just finished with another national commission: the insanely biased, hyper partisan January 6th Commission complete with its glossy, prime time television production supporting a decision Democrats arrived at long before this congressional atrocity got underway.
Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) remarked about the commission’s integrity:
You know things aren’t right when even people who attempt to cooperate are attacked, and when documents given to the committee are leaked, and in some instances doctored, by the committee.
For instance, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) took to the floor to misquote and take out of context, a communication between Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows so he could suggest a sinister intent.394
Washington’s two-tiered system of justice was also on display:
In the meantime, Democrats who wrongfully claimed there were “reconnaissance tours” of the Capitol led by Republicans, go undisciplined for their defamatory and totally debunked statements.395
When Trump warns “They are coming for you,” he is telling the truth. Biggs correctly observes that we are already there:
Then you must consider the context of the onslaught against American values where kids are arrested or suspended from school simply for messing up someone’s pronouns.396
Everyone who values freedom should pay attention.
AI, Democrats, Big Tech, and the DOJ will create an unacceptable threat to our freedom.
The spoken word is one thing, but what happens when freedom-hating progressives in league with Big Tech get their hands on AI?
The 2002 Spielberg film Minority Report was prescient with its tale of law enforcement using “precogs” who can target and arrest killers before they commit their crime.
America doesn’t have law enforcement clairvoyants. We have power-mad politicians, a would-be autocrat in the White House, and AI.
The First Amendment is under fire more than ever thanks to the Biden administration’s wanton trampling of our rights and freedoms with lies, disinformation, and censorship. AI is not about values or principles or truth or defending democracy or even ethics. It’s thinking technology that places frightening political power in the hands of progressives who repeatedly prove they hate freedom and will stop at nothing to force the American people to submit to their policy agenda.
Rooting out and condemning free speech that Democrats disagree with is nothing new, but the Biden presidency injected steroids into the left’s growing intolerance for political speech that negatively impacts the progressive agenda. Plans for a Disinformation Governance Board were a shot over the bow. Make no mistake: mass censorship of beliefs that challenge the political hegemony of the left is on the minds of idealogues. AI gives them the power to do something about it.
The president expressed his views on the freedom to believe what you choose during the run-up to his historic “Soul of America” rant that was delivered in front of a blood-red background reminiscent of the CCP:
And what we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just — it’s not just Trump. It’s the –it’s the entire philosophy that underpins — it’s — I’m going say something — it’s almost like semi-fascism, the way in which it deals.397
Entire philosophy? Biden’s speech makes AI an unacceptable risk and a weapon in the hands of a Democrat Party that cares only about expanding power and will stamp out freedom wherever it challenges party hegemony.
We know how far Democrats are willing to go to maintain power in the absence of sanction. They repeatedly escape accountability for willfully spreading lies, hoaxes, disinformation, and misinformation. Now they are sufficiently empowered to use their weaponized federal justice system to deny Americans the freedom to choose the Republican presidential candidate of our choice.
Think and believe at your own risk.
AI hands the government technology to profile Americans likely to engage in speech or activities that could undermine the dominant party’s authority, just like Big Tech profiles our purchasing habits.
Trump is a test case for our freedom of thought. How long before our weaponized justice system can charge Americans with a conspiracy simply because we don’t accept the Democrat Party narrative?
388“United States v. Donald J. Trump.”
392“Rep. Lieu Statement on Report of Trump Associates’ Possible Collusion With Russia” March 23, 2017., retrieved August 6, 2023.
393“National AI Commission Act.”, retrieved August 6, 2023.
394“American Greatness: Why I Refuse to Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee.” June 10, 2022. Originally appearing in American Greatness,”
397“Remarks by President Biden at a Reception for the Democratic National Committee.” August 26, 2022., retrieved August 3, 2023.
Continued on next page
People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.