UPATE April 25, 2023:
The end of our “Freedom” begins with a video from America’s president.
The pandemic is over but our aging, cognitively impaired president is not finished yet. Joe Biden’s segue to a presidential campaign conducted from his COVID bunker is a no-appearance video released this morning that starts with a word he doesn’t understand and has no respect for: freedom.
We the people were silenced.
Biden’s pre-recorded announcement insults Americans with his lie that “we the people will not be silenced.” We know the extremes his administration went to in efforts to suppress and censor disagreement. We listened to this president use divisive identity politics to end any semblance of “we the people.” The White House security bureaucracy even threatened to target parents who speak out for their children as domestic terror threats.
Biden speaks of “dictating health care decisions” as if those he forced into unemployment for not following his autocratic health care dictates don’t exist. He continues to lie about suppressing the vote despite the 2022 midterm victories his party enjoyed while helping their president inflict historic pain and suffering on our nation.
This is a leader who invites an invasion of foreign nationals unknown while America’s greatest adversary spies on us from above, undeterred. The word treason comes to mind. Biden will never be held accountable for what he’s done.
America’s president lives in a fishbowl of lies and illusion, propaganda and fabrication.
Perhaps the most reprehensible thing about Biden’s 2024 reelection screed is his refusal to honor the American people with a personal, public appearance. Is he too frail, too senile, too fearful of making a fool of himself, as if we’re not already overfamiliar with his mistakes, fumbles, stumbles, gaffes, and mental meltdowns, or does he have so little respect for we, the people that we’re simply not worth the effort?
This is a man who places so little value on the freedoms that make America the greatest nation on earth that he has the audacity to insult who we are with a “Soul of America” speech in front of a bloody-red backdrop with members of the military to back him up, who accuses those who resist him of semi-fascism, and now wants us to believe that he thinks we are a good and decent people so he can win four more years.
Republicans are well on their way to proving how good and decent this lying, possibly corrupt and comprised president is not. His refusal to ask in person for the vote of the American people speaks to elitism, autocracy, the rejection of transparency, and his comfort in knowing the Democrat machine will get the job done.
Betraying our freedoms will be the end of America.
Biden warns that nuclear Armageddon could be just around the corner because of the war in Ukraine he seems determined to escalate. If America votes for this man again, we have so betrayed the promise of America that we invite our own destruction.
The end of America will not come from atomic weapons. We will be destroyed because we betrayed the values and freedoms that made us great by giving Biden another four years.
UPDATE May 15, 2023:
Your money is your freedom and Democrats want you to have less of it.
Blue states used the historic opportunity offered by the COVID-19 pandemic to take away freedom by restricting the income of their residents. Democrats were in a veritable paradise of control. Here in Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker quickly passed a “shelter in place” order that shut down workplaces, closed businesses deemed “non-essential,” kept children out of school, and relied on Washington to replace paychecks with government handouts.
COVID-19 was about as good as it gets for the Democrat Party. Americans who could not work from home were suddenly unemployed. The government was their only resource. It vacillated between economic solicitude and hostility to freedom with mask mandates, restrictions on movement and travel, and vaccine mandates that denied the same individual liberty to make health care decisions that Democrats demand for abortions.
The political left learned a lot during the two years or so that the pandemic raged. In retrospect, we know that many, if not most of the policies that restricted our freedom were unnecessary, unjustified, and abusive. This was political suppression of the worst kind. The restrictions on our liberty were a travesty for a nation that once prided itself on the freedom of the individual.
The COVID pandemic is effectively over, but the loss of our economic freedom did not end with it. Instead, the left’s spending priorities shifted as Joe Biden took over. Taxpayers are forced to pay for a massively expensive infrastructure spending package that was followed up by an over $700 billion climate bill falsely called an Inflation Reduction Act. Now, while the presidents boasts a 3.4% unemployment rate and the unparalleled success of his economic agenda, Democrats are reinvigorating anti-poverty spending:
“America’s prosperity depends on making sure everyone has the opportunity to succeed,” said Chairman Aguilar. “House Democrats are committed to protecting and expanding safety net programs that have long helped us reduce poverty among families, seniors and people with disabilities.350
Considering the decades Democrats have fleeced taxpayers and kept us on the hook to reduce poverty, shouldn’t it be gone by now?
Nothing restricts freedom like not having any money. This seems to be the goal of a party that wants us to believe that Republican efforts to control out of control spending and massive federal debt are an extremist threat:
We are here today with a warning for Senate Republicans. Because, once again, it appears that folks on the other side of the Capitol are underestimating how reckless and extreme this group of House Republicans is. 351
Not only does Biden refuse to entertain any notion of cuts to his proposed budget, he uses his party’s devastating COVID-19 policies to justify not reigning in spending:
Under the Republican plan, nationwide, 100,000 teachers and support staff would lose their jobs at the very time we’re attempting to overcome the sufficient — the incredible deficiencies that occurred as a consequence of what happened with the pandemic. So many kids — the average student out there is about a year and a half behind. We don’t need fewer teachers; we need more teachers. (Applause.)352
Assuming that 100,000 figure is true – and that’s a tremendous if considering this administration’s subservience to teachers’ unions and Biden’s tendency to lie – children in Democrat cities aren’t learning and have been failing for years. This is nothing new. Even if it is, Democrats are the ones responsible.
The world is watching as America loudly and publicly tackles another debt ceiling circus accompanied by politicized threats of doom by a default that will be resolved moments before the clock runs out. As our nation’s debt escalates, the freedom afforded by being an economic superpower slips away as we become increasingly vulnerable to the growing strength of China’s economy.
The previously unquestioned economic freedom of the individual is also under attack because of Democrats’ insistence on spending us over a cliff. When wages are worth less because of inflation, we are restricted. When we approach retirement age with a sagging 401(k), our plans change. Unfortunates who live in blue states that fritter away taxpayer dollars like so much worthless change and subject their residents to burdensome taxation to make up the difference have less freedom than Americans living in states that manage their budgeting fairly and responsible.
None of this matters to Joe Biden:
When asked recently if he would do anything differently while saddling our nation with five trillion dollars in debt over the past two years, President Biden quickly responded, “nothing.”353
The national debt and the burden it inflicts on taxpayers is irrelevant to Washington’s political left:
Under the President’s FY 2023 budget, the debt would grow be allowed to grow [sic] by $16 trillion over ten years, or $50,000 of debt per American citizen.
By 2032, the total federal debt would be $135,000 per American citizen, or $330,000 per household.354
Power and politics are what count for Democrats. That means selling more spending and ignoring skyrocketing debt. It’s a very simple equation. The less money we have, the less we can do and the more dependent we are on local, state, and federal government decisions about taxes and spending or worse, social insurance and public safety nets. When those in charge only care about power and votes like the lunatics in California demanding hundreds of billions in reparations, the taxpayer is in a very bad place.
Joe Biden speaks the truth from the wrong side of the aisle:
It’s important for the American people to know what’s at stake. This isn’t just a theoretical debate going on in Washington. The decisions we make are going to have real impact on real people’s lives. And that’s what I’m here to talk about today.355
No, he’s not talking about the freedom to live in a nation that’s not riddled with dependence and debt. He’s talking about making our lives worse so he can take credit for making them better.
350“Chairman Aguilar Announces House Democratic Caucus Poverty Task Force” dems.gov. May 12, 2023. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-announces-house-democratic-caucus-poverty-task-force, retrieved May 15, 2023.
351”Chairman Aguilar: MAGA Republicans are Driving the Country to Default.” dems.gov. May 10, 2023. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-maga-republicans-are-driving-the-country-to-default, retrieved May 15, 2023.
352“Remarks by President Biden on Why Congress Must Avoid Default Immediately and Without Conditions.” whitehouse.gov. May 10, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/10/remarks-by-president-biden-on-why-congress-must-avoid-default-immediately-and-without-conditions/, retrieved May 15, 2023.
353“The Past is Prologue: A Tragic, Shakespearean Spending Story Authored by the Biden Administration.” budget.house.gov. March 6, 2023. https://budget.house.gov/press-release/the-past-is-prologue-a-tragic-shakespearean-spending-story-authored-by-the-biden-administration/, retrieved May 15, 2023.
354“The Past is Prologue: Biden’s Deficit Spending Record.” budget.house.gov. March 7, 2023. https://budget.house.gov/press-release/the-past-is-prologue-bidens-deficit-spending-record/, retrieved May 15, 2023.
355“Remarks by President Biden on Why Congress Must Avoid Default Immediately and Without Conditions.” whitehouse.gov. Op. cit.
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People do not understand how the Democrats and the Obama administration are slowly strangling the very freedoms that the Revolution was fought for. The facts are clear when you see the Constitution being trampled on by Obama, and then realize that he could not pass a gun owner background check, which is why he has sealed “ALL” of his records.
If congress were to pass any new legislation on background checking it must include the requirement that “ALL” politicians running for public office must “PASS” those requirements or be disqualified.
As it stands right now, Obama could not ” PASS” a standard FBI check from the details that were written in his book, which is why his certification was challenged. The judges that had cases before them refused to hear the arguments and thusly dismissed those cases. What gutless wonders we have in the justice system including the Supreme Court.
Obama is tearing our nation apart. and he is banking on the ignorant that don’t pay attention. obama has a shady past and i am not convinced that he is a true citizen of the united states. If you vote democrat you are voting to end america as a freedom country. Obama is taking it all away and people are not paying attention. when it’s gone and you are under the control of a dictator you will wish you had paid attention. but this country has been under attack before obama but now it’s speeded up so much it will be a miracle if we can keep it
We’ll find out next week how well people are paying attention, won’t we, Sandy? I agree, it’s pretty amazing that no matter how bad things are or how misguided the actions of public officials, they still manage to convince people to support what they do. Watch what happens in the Illinois governor’s race next week. If Pat Quinn wins, it’s a pretty good sign that we are truly lost.
freedom from harm is not a reasonable freedom. Freedom from unjust aggression is reasonable, and the primary reason for government.
Thanks for your remarks, Ed. Interesting how some of what’s happening now at the hands of government could be considered unjust aggression, like the searches they conducted in Rhode Island looking for New Yorkers. It’s difficult to know where to draw the line between government overreach and the public interest, but that was quite a line to cross.
Obama signed a bill to allow the media to profess false narratives for the peoples ow good HR4310
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.
I don’t know if the intention was to turn lies into the sole means of communicating with the people to the complete exclusion of the truth, but it has certainly paid off for Democrats and the White House.
Wow, the RWNJ is strong with this one.
I’m listening, John.