Two days before the polls opened on Election Day, a woman being interviewed by a local news channel warned that fascism is at our door. I assumed this meant she was not a fan of Donald Trump. That was OK by me. This is America. Everyone has the right to their opinion and I support that right.
According to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) echoed the same fear before the 2022 midterms.1 The congresswoman labors under the popular left-wing delusion that fascism is the purview of the political right:
No democracy is perfect, and indeed America herself is at one of the most challenging moments of preserving our fundamental institutions of democracy against insurrectionists, White supremacists and fascists.2
If the Democratic Party cared about protecting democracy, Joe Biden would have been on the ballot last week. The voice of we the people would have mattered more to the party than the left’s fear of an election loss that was guaranteed by Harris’s backroom appointment.
Hitler and fascism didn’t sell. Trump’s promise to make our nation greater than ever did.
Americans rejected Harris, Biden, and radical progressive insanity despite Democrats throwing every vile label, baseless threat, and outrageous lie they could dream up at Trump. As their hopes to keep the White House swirled down the drain, progressives weeped and moaned about leather clad, jack booted Make America Great stormtroopers patrolling our streets if Harris lost.
Legacy media sycophants eschewed factual reporting for internment camps and political retribution. Democracy was important until they could drag Harris over the finish line so things could get back to normal.
A little self-reflection is in order. All Democrats have to do is look in the mirror to see who the real fascists are.
Fascism is essential Democratic Party policy
The stormtrooper analogy was popular during the first Trump administration. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned about stormtroopers on our streets while cities burned during the summer of 2020 and Democrats ignored the violent anarchy while praising the “peaceful protests.” Trump restoring order was anathema to their goal of punishing America. Democrats preferred chaos.
When President Biden delivered his televised, red draped September 1, 2022 Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation address flanked by the military and declared Trump and MAGA Republicans a national threat, the setting and his inflammatory remarks threatened a nation that values free thinking and democracy above all things.
Fascism was back, courtesy of the Democratic Party and its president.

Democrats flee to Hitler, spare China
Democrats didn’t compare Trump to Mao Zedong, whose democidal Great Leap Forward was responsible for an estimated 30 million deaths. They don’t mention China’s repressive, fascistic policies and the repression of the Uyghurs, either.
Instead, they focused on a fascist symbol whose genocide against Jews is brought into the present by pro-Hamas sympathizers and members of the Democratic Party like Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who was censured for her “from the river to the sea” dog whistle and refused to endorse Kamala Harris for president because of the White House stance on Gaza.
Fascism is essential policy, but it’s not Trump’s
How many times during the 2024 election did you hear Democrats plead with us to save democracy while ignoring their complicity in the Biden-Harris legacy of totalitarian oppression?
Centralized, autocratic control of a country and people defines fascism. The Biden-Harris regime colluded with the Democratic Party to control every aspect of our lives. Dissent was censored. Their agencies tried to dictate our buying decisions. Free and fair elections meant weaponizing the justice system against politial opponent Trump, raiding his private residence, and circumventing the primary process to nominate Kamala Harris.
Even our bodies wound up on the Democratic Party’s fascist chopping block.
While she promoted abortion during her campaign, Harris repeatedly warned about Trump controlling women’s bodies with a ban he never endorsed. What is true is the Biden-Harris White House legacy of forcing COVID vaccinations by threatening to take away federal and contractor jobs for non-compliance.
The vice president endorsed nationalized health care which relegates decisions about our bodies to government bureaucrats. Children’s bodies were also placed under government control by a weaponized public school system that targeted disagreement as domestic terrorism and promoted radical gender transition procedures backed by state legislation to deny parental rights.
No one asked Americans if they wanted Biden and Harris’s illegals in their community. They flew them around the country and deposited them where they wished for purposes we can only suspect. For the first time in our history, our government weaponized non-citizens who committed crimes and raped, assaulted, and murdered Americans while raising the specter of terrorism and another 9/11.
The totalitarian urgency of progressive Democratic Party policies combined with complicit, do as you are told figureheads in the White House made it all possible. Democracy was reinvented along the way with the hope that no one would notice it was gone.
When are the internment camps going up?
It’s much easier to confront nonexistent threats than real ones. What’s so astounding about the Hitler-Trump rhetoric is that so many Americans willingly submitted to progressive brainwashing while their lives deteriorated thanks to Biden, Harris, and radical bureaucrats who made a mess of America on our dime.
The shamelessly complicit liberal media isn’t through with Trump. His election victory is a gift that will serve their brand of “journalism” much better than four years of Harris.
Whether it’s election denial or political violence, the Democratic Party has an uncanny ability to ignore what we so plainly see. When Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were barred from making an official visit to Israel, Trump remarked:
Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone where they’re defending these two people over the State of Israel?” Trump asked. “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”4
Democrats were outraged. Trump was attacked for anti-Semitism. Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) got the word out:
Our president has no business trying to divide people based upon their religion or politicizing people’s religion, and trying to tell them that they have to vote in one way if they are of a certain religion,” she said.5
Obama took a similar stance with Black men who preferred Trump to Harris. Democrats didn’t object. Instead, they resorted to fascist propaganda and warned of Christian white nationalism.
When the internment camps don’t go up and the raids don’t start on January 20, 2025, Americans on both sides of the political divide deserve an explanation from those who threatened Hitler, fascism, and hate. Progressives were deceived. They fell for the left’s Hitler propaganda and lost. Conservatives knew the truth all along despite the Democratic Party’s best efforts to sell another big, fat lie that Goebbels would have praised.
1Dovere, Edward-Isaac. “This is the late message some Democrats believe could make a difference in close elections.” CNN. October 30, 2022., retrieved November 11, 2024.
2“Jayapal Statement on Prime Minister Modi State Visit.” Pramila Jayapal. June 23, 2023., retrieved November 11, 2024.
3“Remarks by President Biden on the Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation.” The White House. September 1, 2022., retrieved November 11, 2024.
4 “Brown Statement on President Trump’s Calling Jewish Voters ‘Disloyal.’” Sherrod Brown. August 21, 2019., retrieved November 7, 2024.
5“U.S. Rep. Susan Wild Responds to President Trump Accusing American Jews of ‘Great Disloyalty’ In Supporting Democrats.” Susan Wild. August 21, 2019., retrieved November 7, 2024.
Image: President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the soul of the nation, Thursday, September 1, 2022, at Independence Square in Philadelphia. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)., retrieved November 11, 2024.
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