New update September 10, 2021: attack on Larry Elder is a wake-up call about the growing extremist threat from the left.
There is a problem with Democrats’ extremism narrative. They want us to think it’s all about us and not them. The hubris from having absolute power over America makes it easy to ignore the truth that the left harbors extremists. Democrats should remember that investigating extremism to attack conservatives is like releasing a biological weapon. You never know when it will turn around and come after you.
What’s an extremist? There is a reason why Democrats don’t have a definition.
You can’t stop an extremist threat unless you know what extremism is. The 1964 Supreme Court Jacobellis v. Ohio “know it when I see it” test for pornography won’t work because we don’t always recognize extremism when we see it.
Democrats should have thought this one through before they launched their January 6th Select Committee. Now it’s too late. They want to convince Americans that extremism is about right-wing groups like the Proud Boys. This destroys what scant credibility they have left after refusing to acknowledge the violent riots in our cities last year that were bred from their own brand of extremism.

it’s not coming from the right
Did Democrats radicalize their base to create an extremist threat?
If Donald Trump inspired the January 6 Capitol riot then we must lay the blame for the summer of 2020’s urban insurrections on Democrats whose radical racial justice rhetoric warned that police were murdering black Americans with impunity. The difference in who is guilty is power, not culpability. In the likely event the House turns over after next year’s midterms Democrats could easily find themselves the targets of a GOP investigation focusing on the words and deeds of left-wing lawmakers who should be held responsible for radicalizing their base after the George Floyd incident.
A September 21, 2020 memorandum from their own House hearing on “Mainstreaming Extremism: Social Media’s Role in Radicalizing America” puts this in perspective:
Extremism resulting in violence, terrorism, social division, and oppression is a growing problem in the United States.1
We can lay each one of these problems at the feet of lawmakers pushing racial and economic justice.
Extremists are a moving target
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland four House Democrats warned about the threat of right-wing extremism:
The principle of freedom of speech does not preclude the Proud Boys and other right-wing extremist groups from espousing hateful, repugnant ideologies. However, the Constitution does not provide protection for the criminal behavior that we have seen in Portland such as assault, firearms violations, potential hate crimes, and more – some of which may rise to the level of federal offenses.2
They urged more investigations:
We urge the Department to prioritize investigating the networks that exist across state lines to support and operationalize the violent intent of groups such as the Proud Boys and to radicalize and recruit people into their extremist and hateful ideologies.3
Antifa and other violent, left-wing movements were missing from their letter. There was no mention of the “autonomous zones” in Seattle or Portland. Instead, they used left-wing Portland as an example of right-wing extremism. They did not offer any lip service to the “anti-Semitic ideologies”4 espoused by some of their colleagues despite warning the nation of the rise in hate crimes against Jewish people.
Extremist threat from our government: this isn’t just about violence
There is a misperception that extremism is only about violence. If we’re going to define what extremism means then we should start with politics.
Americans are so familiar with Democrats hiding their socialism behind benign-sounding slogans like “Build Back Better” that we don’t always see them as the extremists they are. That’s a mistake. Consider this plan for the Federal Reserve from members of the Squad:
As news of the possible reappointment of Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell circulates, we urge President Biden to re-imagine a Federal Reserve focused on eliminating climate risk and advancing racial and economic justice.5
“Reimagining” federal agencies to service the Democrat Party fringe is extremism in service to a progressive vision that does not represent the views of mainstream Americans who don’t react well to the word “socialism.”
This is just one example. With Joe Biden at the helm Democrats are inflicting a litany of extremist policies on America. Few, if any are new. The difference is they now have the power to force us to sit back and watch them destroy our country.
Targeting wealthy Americans is extremist behavior
With $3.5 trillion in spending to advance their cause at risk it’s more important than ever for Democrats to alert Americans about who our enemies are. In addition to right-wing extremists we have to contend with “wealthy tax cheats.” The term is ubiquitous among progressives who do not believe that Americans are entitled to own their wealth.
Selecting a group to be enemies of the people is extremism. This tactic has been used throughout history by totalitarian regimes. We should call it out when we see it. Generalizing wealthy people as white collar criminals should not be tolerated any more than Democrats would tolerate labeling underprivileged members of their base lazy and shiftless.
Refusing to protect the border is extremism
The situation the Biden-Harris Administration created at the border is so outrageous it’s impossible to fathom how this homeland security catastrophe could exist outside of Democrat Party extremism that only exists because no one has the power to stop it.
Using climate change to promote socialism is extremism
The Federal Reserve controls America’s financial system. We cannot let this agency fall into the hands of crackpot progressive extremists who are under the delusion that the purpose of the Federal Reserve is to manage climate change and all the liberal socialist accoutrements necessary to save the planet.
Twenty-five Democrat lawmakers sent a letter to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell with their recommendations in support of “economic transition.” They included this snippet of insanity:
Encourage and support bank investment aimed at limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C, with a particular emphasis on lending to low-income communities and communities of color. These communities, historically underinvested due to discriminatory practices, have also been disproportionately harmed by carbon-intensive industries and face extreme climate risks, including climate-related displacement.6
63 people were shot in Chicago over the Labor Day weekend. That figure included multiple children and a four-year old boy who died from his wounds.7
Instead of using climate change to destroy the economy progressives might try stopping the mass killing in cities Democrats control. Climate change is controversial. Bullets killing children is not.
Packing the Supreme Court to guarantee decisions align with Democrats is extremism
If you don’t honor the Constitution and don’t respect America then destroying our historic system of checks and balances by packing the court to benefit Democrats is a good idea. Extremists insist their plan will “Restore Justice and Democracy to [America’s] Judicial System.” At least one of these lawmakers is honest about what’s really on the table:
“Our democracy is hanging by a thread. And the far-right majority on the U.S. Supreme Court is cutting it,” said Representative [Mondaire] Jones.8
Rigging the judicial system to ensure a far-left majority and Democrat Party power in perpetuity is not a way to save our democracy. It is extremism.
Illegal immigration is a threat. Politicians who encourage it are extremists.
How many pounds of fentanyl, how many cases of COVID-19, and how many criminals and potential terrorists need to come across the border to satisfy Democrats that they have stacked the deck and now only need to turn these illegals into voters? When and how this will happen is only a matter of time and maintaining their congressional majority unless enough Americans wake up and see that this isn’t about being a nation of immigrants. It’s about the dangers of an extremist threat from Capitol Hill and the Biden White House.
Brainwashing Americans means radicalizing Americans
Radicalizing Americans by brainwashing them into agreeing with extreme Democrat Party agenda items poses an unacceptable risk to the future of our country. The summer of 2020 showed us what can happen when the timing is right for the left to mobilize their political base. Violence in service to Democrats is not only tolerated, it’s accepted, forgiven, and encouraged.
While Democrats and a few turncoats grind through another tedious investigation instead of dealing with problems they created they should ask themselves what their future looks like when Republicans take over Capitol Hill next year. If there was ever a time for a little right-wing extremism from Republican lawmakers that time is coming soon.
UPDATE September 10, 2021: attack on Larry Elder is a wake-up call about the growing extremist threat from the left
After spending the summer of 2020 trying to burn our cities to the ground the left just gave us further proof that it doesn’t really care about race if the politics don’t line up. It turns out liberals are just as willing to turn a blind eye to an attack on a black Republican as they were to their own looters and arsonists.
I’m hardly the first conservative to speculate what the fallout would be from a monkey-masked right wing protester throwing eggs at a black Democrat candidate for office. Every Republican in America would be blamed by Biden as a racist, white supremacist threat. In Larry Elder’s case we can expect nothing from Democrats in Congress other than a whispered, off mike “he deserves it.” The truth about racism and violence from the left will never be acknowledged.
The monkey mask and egg throwing is a single incident to be sure, but it’s only part of an ugly political contest that shows the willingness of the left to turn full-blown racist when black Americans don’t kowtow to the views Democrats expect them to embrace.
Biden’s “you ain’t black” remark during the last election defines the Democrat Party’s stance on race. As an Orange County Register editorial observes, the LA Times article referring to Elder as “the Black face of white supremacy”9 is just part of the lefty media’s racist campaign to stop Gavin’s recall.
When the left gets angry the left turns to violence. The White House warns about the right-wing extremist threat, but we repeatedly see just the opposite. When it happens often enough the threat never goes away. The result is political intimidation that will give every potential candidate pause to question whether the risks of running for office are worth it when an angry, hateful left is spared judgment and blame by a system that is wholly prejudicial against those with conservative views.
This is an absolute threat to the democracy Democrats pretend to hold dear when it suits them. When it doesn’t, violence and racism are very much on the table.
1“Hearing on “Mainstreaming Extremism: Social Media’s Role in Radicalizing America.” September 21, 2020., retrieved September 5, 2021.
2“Merkley, Wyden, Blumenauer, Bonamici Push Department of Justice to Investigate Hate Group Networks.” August 31, 2021., retrieved September 2, 2021.
5 STATEMENT: Reps. AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, García & Jones Urge Biden to Replace Powell as Federal Reserve Chair.” August 31, 2021., retrieved September 2, 2021.
7D’Onofrio, Jessica. ‘Stay away from children if you want to live that life,’ CPD supt. warns amid Chicago violence.” September 7, 2021., retrieved September 7, 2021.
8“Expand the Supreme Court: Reps. Nadler, Johnson, and Jones and Senator Markey Introduce Legislation to Restore Justice and Democracy to Judicial System.” April 15, 2021., retrieved September 6, 2021.
9Connerly, Ward. “The racist smear campaign against Larry Elder.” August 29, 2021., retrieved September 9, 2021.
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