Author’s note July 14, 2019: this post was originally published August 29, 2016. In the three years before today’s update much has changed in America but the political discourse has only gotten more damaging and inflammatory. Once thing remains the same. If you are a conservative you are a racist. Live with it, because that Democratic American truism is not going to change anytime soon.
Jump ahead if you want to see where we stand this Sunday morning. Otherwise, start at the top for the whole ugly story.
Have you put your white sheet away yet? If you are a Republican that’s not an easy question to answer. You have been condemned to be a racist and will be part of Hillary’s “radical fringe” no matter what you say, do, or believe. Democrats aren’t wasting time with the truth. They have gotten right to the point and are focusing on one thing: if you don’t agree with what they want and especially if you support Donald Trump, you are a racist. No dispute. End of story.
It’s an easy argument to make. Whether you lean left or right most of us like to hear things that support what we believe. The left has inundated the country with charges of racism and hate directed at anyone who doesn’t agree with the Democratic Party’s plans for the future. It doesn’t matter that minorities who are being threatened with persecution at the hands of the GOP have gone nowhere after eight years of Obama and an early first term Democratic majority that brought them nowhere. Without a doubt that’s because of Republican racism, too.

Courtesy Library of Congress
How to be the racist Democrats expect you to be
You don’t need to join the Klan to meet Democratic Party expectations. You can be a good Republican racist by simply not doing things. Yes, it’s that easy. Here are eight tips:
1. Don’t agree with what Democrats want
They hate that. If you don’t agree, you are a racist.
2. Keep your mouth shut
Nothing you say matters. Nothing will change liberal minds. The fact is that if you are not one of them, you are a racist.
3. Vote
Vote Republican, that is. A vote for the GOP and Trump, in particular, is prima facie evidence of your guilt. Lucky for us it’s not the primaries. We don’t have to declare our racist proclivities out loud.
4. Be conservative
Just keep doing what you’re doing and thinking what you’re thinking. Only a devout racist could believe what you believe.
5. Don’t support spending more than the country can afford or giving away too much of your paycheck
Racists are inherently selfish. The cure is to spend lavishly and take lots of credit for how you helped minorities by punishing the rich. That’s proof you are not a racist.
6. Don’t disrupt Democratic campaign events
If you lean to the right and protest at a Clinton event, you are a racist. Don’t do it. On the other hand, if you are a Democrat and disrupt a Trump appearance your behavior makes you a responsible liberal American. Good for you!
7. Don’t judge the police because of a suspect’s race
Don’t let the cops get away with the same kind of racism you are guilty of. If a suspect is a person of color, the police have undoubtedly crossed the line. Only white people commit crimes.
8. Give people from other countries everything they ask for
Don’t expect them to follow the same rules our citizens do, like paying non-resident college tuition.
Racists forget they used to be immigrants, too.
On the right track: racism is easy
These tips should be enough to get you on track to be a better Republican racist. If you need more guidance, the picture should help with your attire. Don’t feel bad about it. You have already been judged and found guilty. If you want to atone for your racism, there is still time to vote for Clinton. It won’t make things better, but it will keep Democrats from spreading lies about you.
UPDATE July 14, 2019:
9. Support the rule of law
Democrats forget that when you overuse a threat it loses its impact. You can only call Americans racist so many times before we get used to the label and it doesn’t matter anymore.
The Democratic Party hasn’t learned that yet. “Racist” is still the worst word in the liberal lexicon. Not surprisingly they apply it very liberally.
The dividing line between what makes you a racist and what exonerates you is pretty easy to see. If you support immigration enforcement you are a racist because it targets “people of color,” a term that’s also coming under fire for being racist. Nevertheless, this one is a no-brainer for the left because the majority of illegal immigrants come from Mexico and Latin America. That means you can’t enforce the law without going after people of color so if you enforce immigration law you are, by default, a racist.
Not protecting border crossers is racist
We’ve heard from senator and loudmouthed presidential candidate Cory Booker about a weaponized, “racist immigration agenda.”1 Why? Because illegals do anything they can to gain entry into the U.S. and some die trying.
No American should be called a racist because we don’t hold foreign nationals’ hands while they cross the border illegally under the protective cloak of asylum-seeking.
Neither should taxpayers be called racists for being forced to fund social services for immigrants who refuse to follow the law.
It’s racist to protect taxpayers
According to Oregon Senator Ron Wyden a racist agenda is also one that protect taxpayers from illegal immigrants’ access to “education, criminal justice and social services:”2
As Donald Trump continues his racist, extremist immigration agenda, it’s critical to protect access to fundamental services and institutions,” Wyden said. “No one should have to fear deportation while taking their children to school or practicing their faith at their place of worship.3
No taxpayer should have to pay to keep Democrats on their Capitol Hill thrones, but supporting this special interest goldmine is precisely what Wyden advocates. That’s cold comfort for residents in cities like Chicago with ruined budgets and school systems begging for money.
Do Democratic charges of racism end with censorship?
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) echoed recent comments from Florida Rep. Federica Wilson pushing for censorship of social media:
The idea that everybody should be able to post on social media sites no matter how disgusting the content is wrong, in my view. When vicious, racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic hate speech is posted online, social media sites–as private companies–should be able to remove that content.4
Racism is wrong but Schumer’s reference to private companies in his call for censorship is a very scary thing, especially in a climate where the rhetoric is so outrageous and irresponsible that not demanding open borders makes any American a racist.
We’ve already seen the HATE Act from Senator Bob Casey (D-PA):
to address how social media and other forms of electronic communication have helped spread hate speech and fuel the rise in hate crimes against minority groups.5
This opens the door to legislating punishment for the refusal to violate First Amendment rights that will be moderated solely by the Democratic Party. Schemer spoke of the private sectors. We already know how Democrats feel about regulating that.
The problem isn’t tolerating hate speech. The problem is finding the dividing line between what Democrats deem acceptable and what they find offensive. As we’ve seen, almost any words, policies, or deeds that don’t align with the party’s open borders agenda is racist. Immigration is just the tip of this liberal iceberg.
12:35 p.m.:
10. Post stupid, indefensible things to Twitter that sound like racism.
As hard as many of us try to support this president his go back home tweet this morning to freshman troublemaker Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” pals not only crossed the line, it showed remarkably bad timing considering a much-publicized ICE deportation roundup is also on tap for today.
It’s going to take a while to weather the fallout from this one. I don’t believe Trump is a racist. I don’t even consider his remarks racist. They are, however, offensive, unwarranted, and just plain wrong.
Please, Mr. President. Enough. These four congresswomen aren’t worth your time. They certainly aren’t worth damaging your presidency over. Let Pelosi deal with them. You were on the right track last week when you supported her against AOC.
Assuming there was a thought process at play here, what were you thinking??
1. “Booker Blasts Admin’s Metering Policy Amid Increasing Number of Fatal Tragedies at U.S.-Mexico Border.” Cory Booker. June 28, 2019., retrieved July 14, 2019.
2. “Wyden, Merkley Introduce bill to Block Immigration Enforcement at Sensitive Locations.” Jeff Merkley. July 12, 2019., retrieved July 14, 2019.
3. Ibid.
4. “Schumer Floor Remarks On Report Of Sexual Assault And Inhumane Treatment Of Migrant Children At The Border, The White House’s Social Media Summit, Today’s All-Senator Briefing On Election Security, And The Stakes Of The Health Care Lawsuit, Texas V. United States.” Senate Democrats. July 10, 2019., retrieved July 14, 2019.
5. “Congressman Serrano and Senator Casey Introduce the Stop HATE Act to Address the Rise in Hate Crimes Through Social Media.” Jose E. Serrano. March 28, 2019., retrieved July 14, 2019.
Picture credit: “Ku Klux Klan Parade, 9/13/26.” Library of Congress. Originally published September 13, 1926. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA. National Photo Company Collection., retrieved August 28, 2016.
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