After torturing Americans with policies that made life’s necessities unaffordable, placed home ownership out of reach, and incentivized millions of foreign nationals to invade our country, Vice President Kamala Harris stumbles when asked to name a few signature accomplishments.
She’s not giving herself enough credit. Let’s help her out.
Historic Harris Accomplishment #1:
The Teamsters declined to endorse her for president.
Historic Harris Accomplishment #2:
She is losing support from Black men.
How bad does a Democrat candidate have to be to achieve even one of these feats?
Bad enough to also be so out of touch that she skipped the Al Smith Dinner, shunned Catholic voters, and insulted them with a video that elevates bad taste to heights that probably made Gretchen Whitmer envious.

National Gallery of Art
All men are created equal unless you’re Black and it’s an election year
Thomas Jefferson and the founding patriots who crafted America’s independence famously declared that “all men are created equal.” No matter how you interpret this phrase, the idea of equality permeates the idea of America unless it’s an election year.
Harris’s transparent pandering to a group to which her party claims ownership rights every four years has little to do with equality. Neither does legal weed and her desperate, poorly imagined, arguably racist, and likely unconstitutional and illegal entrepreneur forgivable loan handout scheme for Black Americans.1
Does Harris believe that selling drugs is the business Black men are best at, that they will transition from street corner crack sales to legitimate cannabis dispensaries if the federal government changes our drug laws?
Blatant, easy to disprove lies presume ignorance and are emblematic of the Democrat Party’s patronizing elitism:
Donald Trump spent four years making Black men’s lives harder. On his watch, millions of Black men lost their jobs, thousands closed their businesses, and hundreds of thousands lost their health insurance. As thousands of Black men lost their lives to COVID-19, Donald Trump denied the severity of the crisis and made millions more unsafe. Crime in Black neighborhoods soared while Donald Trump tried to cut funding for public safety and made Black communities less secure.2
Despite having Trump’s COVID vaccine, more Americans died on Harris and Biden’s watch. The virus emerged near the end of the Trump presidency, so this should not be a surprise and not an issue we can reasonably blame Harris for aside from her determination to wrongfully pin these deaths on the former president whose Operation Warp Speed gave her administration the shot.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics just proved ABC News’ debate moderation wrong with revised figures that show crime rose after Trump left office. Harris doesn’t talk about her past support for defunding law enforcement, which is a confusing contradiction for someone who voices concerns about crime rates. She also brushes aside the Americans killed and assaulted by a “less secure” country thanks to the illegal immigrants she welcomed across our open border.
Her messaging takes advantage of what she presumes is an uninformed electorate. Unfortunately for the Harris campaign, Black men are neither ignorant nor enslaved to the Democrat Party. While not a majority by any means, figures reported last week by the Washington Examiner show considerable slippage compared to their support for Biden in 2020.
As far as party elites are concerned, the problem has nothing to do with Harris. Instead, it’s time for Black Americans to shuffle up and show their love for a party that won’t deliver after the votes are counted. Criminal illegals fared better on Kamala’s watch and yet Barack Obama still feels entitled to echo Biden’s vote for me or “you ain’t Black” command by demanding subservience at the polls from his “brothers.”
Thomas Jefferson warned there would be politicians like Harris
Jefferson emphasized the importance of preserving history:
I agree with you that it is the duty of every good citizen to use all the opportunities, which occur to him, for preserving documents relating to the history of our country.3
Jefferson was a wise man who warned about the dangers of leaders who threaten the survival of our republic. His words are timely and relevant two and half centuries after we declared our independence.
It’s no surprise that the progressive fringe of the Democrat Party demands we wash our Founders’ wisdom from American history, tear down their monuments, and rename schools that honor their memory. The nation envisioned by these wise men is inimical to everything radicals like Kamala Harris stand for.
Jefferson: “lying becomes habitual”
Like Biden, Kamala Harris is a shameless serial liar who will say whatever pops into her empty head that might be worth a few votes.
Jefferson had no fondness for liars, warning:
There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual, he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s beleiving [sic] him. This falshood [sic] of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all it’s good dispositions.4
Obama’s brand of elitist, shut up and listen to your betters arrogance is a perfect complement to the Harris campaign’s assumption that voters will believe anything she says because they don’t know any better. If any errant truths slip past her, the media is there to stop them.
Jefferson also warned about the information manipulation and censorship engaged in by Harris, Biden, and their corporate media sycophants that imperils the free discussion of ideas:
bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both.5
The former president stressed the importance of a free press that is now an American anachronism:
our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”6
He warned about the media’s propensity to lie:
nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”7
Jefferson would have been appalled but not surprised at CBS News’ editing of Harris’s 60 Minutes remarks, the censorship of scientific discussion of White House COVID policies, and the silencing of the Hunter Biden laptop story in advance of the 2020 Election that begs the question of how Harris is being helped along behind the scenes in 2024:
Notably, the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story directly impacted voting results, according to a poll of Biden voters in seven swing states that found 17 percent of them would have switched their votes had they been aware of the story. Four years on, the Nation cannot afford a repeat of this scenario,” continued Subcommittee Chairwoman Mace.8
Informed voters make prudent, educated choices at the polls based on facts and the truth. Censorship and disinformation deny us this fundamental right. Jefferson addressed the problem with timely advice about an educated electorate:
Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”9
Harris corrupts our right to self-governance with lies, misinformation, disinformation, and empty promises. Obama’s demand for Black men to vote as they are told is a frank denunciation of everything Jefferson and America’s founders stood for and the racial equality Democrats hypocritically stake their claim to.
In an opinion piece on The Hill, Donald Earl Collins10 explores this expectation expressed by the former president that “total” Black voter support is guaranteed for any Democrat irrespective of what they endorse or represent. Despite Harris’s hollow promise to protect democracy from Trump, Obama’s remarks are an absolute rejection of self-governance and Jefferson’s belief in the responsibilities of an informed people.
A Harris presidency will threaten the survival of the American idea first envisioned by Jefferson. Before voters make the self-destructive decision to cast their ballot in her favor, they should take these words to heart:
What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man! Who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment & death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the next moment . . . inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose.”11
1“Vice President Harris Will Deliver for Black Men.” Harris Walz., retrieved October 20, 2024.
3“Selected Quotations from the Thomas Jefferson Papers.” Library of Congress., retrieved October 17, 2024.
4“From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr, 19 August 1785.” Founders Online., retrieved October 20, 2024.
5“Selected Quotations from the Thomas Jefferson Papers.” Library of Congress., retrieved October 17, 2024.
8“Mace Calls on Biden-Harris Administration to Provide Transparency on Current Censorship Efforts to Interfere in the 2024 Election. Committee on Oversight and Accountability. September 11, 2024., retrieved October 20, 2024.
9“Selected Quotations from the Thomas Jefferson Papers.” Library of Congress. Op. cit.
10“Obama’s comments reveal what the Democratic Party thinks about the Black electorate.” The Hill. October 20, 2024., retrieved October 22, 2024.
11“Selected Quotations from the Thomas Jefferson Papers.” Library of Congress. Op. cit.
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