1. a: the action of polluting
b: the condition of being polluted
2: something that pollutes1
No one really knows how many illegals violated our sovereignty since Biden began his invasion of America. Estimates are as high as 10 million.2 The gotaways are an unknown. So are the criminals, any terrorists hiding in their midst, and the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals our government flew directly into our country.3,4
Republicans call the pollution of America with Biden’s illegals a crisis. They are wrong. This is an enormously successful policy to expand the party’s power in Congress, the electoral college, and at the ballot box while creating budget crises in our cities that demand massive spending.
Over three years into this invasion the damage is done. Democrats polluted America with illegals. Now we have a problem that risks the safety of our citizens and legal residents that can’t be fixed. The numbers are too high. The pushback could make the George Floyd riots look like peaceful protests.
The officials responsible do not care. Given a choice between Americans dead and injured from violent crime and their own political power, power will win every time.
Polluting America with illegals ridicules immigrants, citizens, and our values
Conservative media blasts the president for mispronouncing Laken Riley’s name and apologizing for calling her alleged killer an “illegal.” Considering what this autocratic traitor has done to our country, these are cheap and easy shots that give the president an undeserved break for polluting our population with criminals and placing a burden on taxpayers already overwhelmed by abusive Bidenomics.

Democrats demanded a nation of immigrants, so we got murderers, rapists, sex offenders, and terror suspects
Democrats installed a mindless figurehead in the Oval Office with the power to start an invasion of our country they justify with the liberal myth that a history of responsible, legal, controlled immigration mandates an open border with no security or safeguards.
House and Senate leftists are well on their way to realizing the nation of criminal illegals they celebrated after the State of the Union:
We also will continue to put America’s national security front and center as we stand by our allies in Israel and Ukraine and work to secure our border while reaffirming our longstanding values as a nation of immigrants.6
Calling the invasion “reaffirming our longstanding values” rubs America’s nose in the fact that it’s too late to fix the problem of millions of unvetted, potentially dangerous individuals in cities that have suspended protections against crime with no cash bail and other liberal policing laws.
Democrats reject Laken Riley Act because they got what they wanted
If criminal illegals are just a right-wing fantasy, why did House Democrats vote 170-37 against a bill:
To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to take into custody aliens who have been charged in the United States with theft, and for other purposes.
Had Riley’s suspected killer been held for previous run-ins with the police and deported for living in our country illegally, she would be alive today.
Biden, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and every member of the Democrat Party who supports the suspension of homeland security and American sovereignty and voted against this bill have Laken Riley’s blood dripping from their hands. History should judge them harshly.
Riley is not the only victim. There will be more. Biden and the Democrats do not care. American deaths from this invasion are an inconvenient necessity they sweep under their heartless carpet of lies.
Republicans: stop calling this a crisis. The pollution of America with illegals is an enormously successful Democrat policy.
Congressional Democrats and RINO Senate Republicans are not happy that the “bipartisan deal” they falsely claim will fix Biden’s invasion is stalled.
Let’s be clear: there is no illegal immigrant crisis. There is no crisis at the border, either. The invasion of America is an intentional, flawlessly designed and executed, enormously successful policy by White House officials who placed a ruinously cynical bet for the future of their party.
These are partisans who hate American greatness and our values because they get in the way of growing their wealth and power. They do not care about assaults, robberies, rapes, child sex crimes, and murders committed by illegals. They are not concerned about the potential for terrorist attacks either, except for how to spin whatever happens to their advantage. Anyone who doesn’t see this is either stupid or a party apparatchik like Rep. Marilyn Strickland (D-WA), who spewed this ironically jingoistic propaganda last week:
As Democrats fight to support our allies, Republican lawmakers have cynically used the issue of border security as cover for abandoning our duty to support our allies. In doing so, they put our national security at risk. This hypocrisy is driven by their fear of Donald Trump’s wrath.8
Democrats want Americans to believe that the only national security that matters is Ukraine’s. The national security implications of our proxy war in Europe have absolutely nothing to do with an invasion of the U.S. that threatens our people in the here and now.
Unfortunately for patriots who care about our great nation’s future and decry the pollution of America with unvetted and criminal illegals, even a 100-foot tall concrete barrier erected today won’t make a difference. It’s too late to fix what Democrats have done. The problem is here and living among us.

Call them what they are: these are new Americans
Whether you call them illegal immigrants, illegals, illegal aliens, undocumented immigrants, or “undocumented noncitizens,” the new favorite term to whitewash the invasion, the millions of foreign nationals Democrats welcomed aren’t going anywhere. That’s why the most radical party members call them “new Americans:”
“The United States is a great nation because of its rich and diverse immigrant communities. When we invest in helping new Americans thrive and integrate into our country we are investing in our future generations,” said Congresswoman Meng. “We must fight to protect the principles our nation was founded on and ensure our immigration system is an inclusive and a welcoming safe haven for all who come here. I am proud to once again champion the New Deal for New Americans Act on behalf of the countless people who wish to join, contribute and succeed in the U.S. as New Americans.”9
Whether we’re talking 6, 8, or 10 million illegals posing an existential threat to our citizens and legal residents, the numbers are so jaw-dropping it’s easy to forget that we already had 10 million or more in our midst before Biden took over.
What do 20 million illegals mean for America’s future? We have a problem that’s too large and too late to fix.
1. Mass deportation is a war we can’t win
If you think a mass roundup of illegals under a Republican president will save us, you are wrong. The cost, logistics, and mobilization of the activists and mass media that promoted the invasion of America make this a non-starter very few lawmakers have the spine to risk.
Remember what happened after George Floyd was killed? Mass removals will turn into a war with urban small armies encouraged by Democrats and the activist left that we can’t win.
2. Democrats benefit from crime and illegals fit the bill
Murders, rapes, and assaults are just another opportunity to blame Republicans for not legitimizing this mass attack on our nation. The worse it gets, the more ammunition they have. Don’t forget, these are the same liars who told us police defunding, legalizing drugs, and no cash bail laws were the solution to crime.
What happened? More drugs. More homelessness. More crime. More crime victims.
3. Social spending is even better than illegal immigration
Democrats give lip service to jobs and a booming economy. If they were honest, they would admit they prefer poverty, Americans in debt, homelessness, and destitution because it means more spending. If a problem doesn’t exist, they will create one. That’s why Democrats help addicts access and abuse drugs, hamstring the police, and raise the cost of doing business to eliminate jobs.
California is dumping the cost of illegal immigrant healthcare on state taxpayers. Other ruined blue states will not want to be left out, so kind of this abusive stupidity will spread. It’s just the start.
4. A terrorist attack is the best thing that could happen for the Democrat Party
If Democrats and Biden really wanted to prevent another 9/11 they would not have opened the border, denied our sovereignty, and turned a blind eye to who and what they let through. We can only guess at the real motives whispered behind closed White House doors, but martial law and a crackdown on free speech and political dissent to benefit the left are good bets. Like the pollution of America with illegals, it will be just another opportunity with consequences by design.
1“Pollution.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pollution. Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.
2“Rep. Barry Moore votes to impeach Secretary Mayorkas.” barrymoore.house.gov. February 13, 2024. https://barrymoore.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-barry-moore-votes-impeach-secretary-mayorkas-0, retrieved March 11, 2024.
3“Joe Biden Secretly Flew 320,000 illegal immigrants into the United States.” gop.gov. March 6, 2024. https://www.gop.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=742, retrieved March 10, 2024.
4“SOUTHERN BORDER; Congressional Record Vol. 170, No. 40.”congress.gov. March 6, 2024. https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-170/issue-40/house-section/article/H988-1?s=1&r=88, retrieved March 9, 2024.
5“DHS announces ICE enforcement actions on criminal aliens released due to California sanctuary policies.” Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/us_icegov/50432256648/in/album-72157716489206313/ on March 13, 2024.
6“Chairman Aguilar Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address.” dems.gov. March 7, 2024. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-statement-on-president-bidens-state-of-the-union-address, retrieved March 9, 2024.
7“MS-13 gang member with assault convictions removed to El Salvador.” Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/us_icegov/50044709271/in/album-72157716489206313/ on March 13, 2024.
8“Republicans Neglect the Border, but Can’t Ignore National Security.” strickland.house.gov. March 5, 2024. https://strickland.house.gov/media/op-ed/republicans-neglect-border-cant-ignore-national-security, retrieved March 10, 2024
9“Cong. Meng And Sen. Markey Reintroduce The New Deal For New Americans Act To Welcome Immigrants And Refugees.” meng.house.gov. March 22, 2023. https://meng.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/cong-meng-and-sen-markey-reintroduce-the-new-deal-for-new-americans-act, retrieved March 12, 2024.
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