Best Way to Stop Trump From Destroying Our Democracy?
The best way for Democrats to stop Trump from destroying our democracy is to beat him to it by denying the will of the people whether that means inciting violence, impeaching him for a third, fourth, and fifth time, finding obscure legal vehicles to charge him with non-existent crimes, refusing to confirm his electoral count, placing a padlock on the Oval Office door, or by any other means necessary to ensure they retain the power to further undermine what they hypocritically call “democracy” after kicking their voters’ choice to the curb.
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Seven Thomas Jefferson Quotes Warning Us About Harris
Harris denies our right to self-governance with lies, misinformation, disinformation, and empty promises. Obama’s demand for Black men to vote as they are told is a frank denunciation of everything America’s founders stood for and the racial equality Democrats hypocritically stake their claim to.
Thomas Jefferson warned us there would be leaders like this, but only if we let our guard down.
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Is Harris Real or a Parody Created to Deceive Voters?
Harris is a parody of a presidential candidate, a Democrat Party-media creation who assaults our intelligence every time she opens her mouth to babble another mess of words that seem purposely designed to confuse and deceive. If you are looking for genuine hope and joy or a New Way Forward that makes America better, you aren’t going to get it from the Kamala campaign. She is a vacant, vacuous cartoon Democrats are marketing to voters because they know they can get away with it.
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