Tomorrow is the Juneteenth federal holiday. Like most Americans I will be working. I suspect many politicians will also be on the job because more than anything, Juneteenth is a holiday Democrats depend on not as a celebration, but as an indictment of America:
The inequities present in our society today can be traced back to the times of slavery. Black Americans were seen as inferior. Unfortunately, systemic racism has transcended generations. We see this reflected in our education, health, and justice systems, just to name a few. We must all come together to address the deep-rooted racism and hatred that has plagued our nation.1
If we believe this damnation of our country from Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), little has changed since June 19, 1865. Slavery still manifests throughout our society and institutions that oppress Black Americans with racism, hate, economic and social injustice.
Chicago is just a few miles from Schakowsky’s district. She doesn’t mention how the atrocious public schools and unimaginable day-to-day shootings and violence in the city’s depressed Black community addresses these problems that plague Black Americans under Democrat Party ownership. That would mean accepting blame and when it comes to anything racial, blame is something to be pinned on those who disagree with Democrats.
Why did Republicans agree to Juneteenth’s indictment of America?
Democrats will never, ever stop pinning the racist label on Republicans and especially Black Republicans. Throwing off the chains of enslavement to the Democrat agenda is particularly offensive to America’s political left. Racist attacks against prominent Black GOP politicians and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are the inevitable result.

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division.2
14 House Republican cast nay votes to the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act. Senate passage of S.475 was unanimous. Stalwart Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) finally threw in the towel on his opposition to the bill:
While it still seems strange that having taxpayers provide federal employees paid time off is now required to celebrate the end of slavery, it is clear that there is no appetite in Congress to further discuss the matter. Therefore, I do not intend to object.3
I disagree that the Juneteenth day off for government workers celebrates the end of slavery or even that it commemorates the arrival of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation to Galveston Bay, Texas. This is a holiday for Democrats to remind us how much more we have to do and how much money we must hand over to support their party. They don’t confess that nothing we do will atone for America’s racial past because the Democrat Party leans heavily on racism to move its agenda forward. Willing Republican lawmakers who apparently bought into this deception and dreaded the racist label enough to be bullied into supporting Democrats’ indictment of America are equally to blame.
The summer before the Juneteenth holiday legislation passed Congress, Democrats encouraged Black Americans angered by the killing of George Floyd to engage in peaceful protest. This meant a season of rioting, looting, and burning that relied on the First Amendment to excuse the violence. Looting was reparations. No matter what happened, our history of injustice made it politically correct. Anyone who suggested otherwise was appropriately condemned, denounced, and silenced.
Democrat politicians like Maine Rep. Chellie Pingree demanded we stop paying for policing and that we dismantle whatever their party deemed responsible, which was pretty much everything in America:
However, the racial injustices that permeate our country aren’t limited to issues of police brutality. Systemic racism has perpetuated longstanding disparities in education, employment, housing, health care, the justice system, environmental issues, and more. Below you will find a list of some of the bills I support that would help to dismantle these inequities.4
In retrospect, the Floyd incident was a political goldmine for the left, proof positive that we are fundamentally, institutionally, and systemically racist. While Black Lives Matter became the rallying cry for the urban violence Democrats did their best to instigate, few pointed out how much the party was involved with promoting the racial injustice and inequities members condemned for their own self-serving political benefit.
Democrats used the symbol of George Floyd to strengthen their claim of ownership of Black Americans and most important, the Black vote. Joe Biden famously indicated during the 2020 election that skin color and voting for his ticket were inextricably linked. Was it a surprise to Black Americans who didn’t vote for Biden that they “ain’t Black”?
Schiff’s “Reflection on Racism in America” condemns his party.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) took time out from lying about Donald Trump to offer Americans a self-serving “Reflection on Racism in America:”
For more than two decades I have been a legislator. I believe in the power of corrective action through collective action, in the ability of the law to address injustice, and the courts to effectuate it. I believe in the power of oversight in Congress, in our state legislatures, through police commissions and through public inquiry and protest.5
What have Schiff and his party accomplished for Black Americans over these two decades and the years before and since? According to Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s (D-MA) “pre-Juneteenth” address, absolutely nothing:
And when we look at our country as a whole, the racial wealth gap is over ten trillion dollars—that’s trillion with a T. A shameful reality and a damning commentary for the wealthiest nation in our world.
You know, much has been said and written about how America, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, underwent a so-called “reckoning on racial injustice.”
I see no evidence of that.6
Rest assured Democrats never will see that elusive evidence. Their ownership of Black Americans is far too valuable politically both as an agenda item and a weapon to be used against their opponents to ever relent. As long as there is a Democrat Party, America will be a fundamentally, systemically, and inherently racist country. Nothing we can do will change that.
Juneteenth is not a celebration. It is an indictment of America on behalf of the Democrat Party.
The Juneteenth holiday is not a celebration. It is an indictment of Americans who haven’t done enough to further the Democrat Party agenda ideologically and most important, financially. This day off for federal workers is just another excuse to remind Americans of a history we can’t erase and Democrats will never stop using to advance themselves because their party is arbiter of what’s best for their favorite forgotten poster children.
1“Schakowsky Commemorates Juneteenth.” June 19, 2022., retrieved June 18, 2023.
2“Abraham Jones Back Yard” Library of Congress. Retrieved from,0.064,0.269,0.217,0, retrieved June 18, 2023.
3“Senator Johnson Statement on Juneteenth.” June 15, 2021., retrieved June 18, 2023.
4“Racial Justice”, retrieved June 18, 2023.
5“Rep. Schiff Offers Reflection on Racism in America.” June 6, 2020., retrieved June 18, 2023.
6“At National Cathedral, Pressley Delivers Keynote Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” June 16, 2023., retrieved June 18, 2023.
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