Little by little, day after day, liberal Democrats collude with America’s left wing elites to shore up the ideological house of cards they built from disinformation and lies. It’s unthinkable that their anti-American construct is still standing, but the Rittenhouse trial proves it’s as strong as ever. Falsehoods in service to the left’s narrative are facts. When facts emerge that contradict what the left wants us to believe they are ignored, distorted, or crushed.
How dangerous are white conservatives like me?

Americans hear media “facts” like “There’s nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man.”1 We are warned that the “Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.”2 Is this true? Does being a white conservative turn me into a bloodthirsty killer? It doesn’t matter if enough Americans believe it.
Incoming House members take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. As a white conservative patriot living in Joe Biden’s America I fit the latter profile, though I am by no means an enemy of the people.
Pitting America against white conservatives is the last line of defense for Democrats who know that America doesn’t need their party or their lies. Trump proved that. So do the new unemployment and jobs numbers that beg us to ask why Biden is pushing legislation to bail out working class Americans whose biggest problems are caused by his incompetent leadership and destructive left-wing economics.
Without the left’s bleak, self-fulfilling economic prophecy not much remains for the left to attack. They’ve already gone after our institutions, monuments, holidays, and laws. Buildings and highways were renamed. Our history is rewritten to fit a narrative that is more about socialism than ethics. Left-wing propaganda passed off as diversity, inclusion, and racial re-education infiltrates our schools and businesses. The narrative on how to fix America means dangerous criminals are given a pass, illegal immigrants are welcomed with open arms, and our institutions are corrupted and destroyed.
What stands in Democrats’ way? Our country’s last line of defense is Americans who don’t support our downfall.
Who is left for liberals to attack? White conservatives, of course.
The left has done an exemplary job of turning white men into a racist institution. White women are spared to some extent, unless they show up at school board meetings to advocate for their kids. When that happens they cross the line from good citizen to domestic terrorist. Otherwise, Democrats hedge their bet that they can exploit women as another needy minority in need of their party’s help.
“White” is a liberal dog whistle. White conservative is a threat.
“White” is the liberal left’s favorite dog whistle. As a white male I’m deemed guilty of a list of offenses triggered by a word that describes the color of my skin. Add conservative politics to the mix and I’m liberal America’s worst nightmare and Public Enemy #1 despite not being guilty of anything except voicing my opinion. Democrats hate that. The only thoughts they want us to have are the ones they deem necessary and proper.
I was born white. There isn’t much I can do about that. It wasn’t a liability until Democrats realized the future looked bleak and decided that race-baiting was their ticket. It’s typical of the left’s unique ability to ignore the truth that they use the image of the racist, white supremacist male to arouse anger in their base despite picking an elderly white man for president, an elderly white man to lead the Senate, a white woman to lead the House, a white man as House majority leader, and a white woman as assistant House Democratic leader.*
That’s a lot of whiteness for a party that stakes its claim to equity, inclusion, and highlighting every conceivable permutation of the systemic racism they claim people like me keep firmly entrenched.
So let’s cut to the chase. I’m a white conservative. I vote Republican not because I’m enamored with the GOP but because I don’t have much of a choice. I’m not a socialist or a communist and certainly not a Democrat. I don’t believe our Constitution was meant to establish a Bidenesque autocracy, so for now the GOP is as good as it gets.
So what don’t I feel guilty for?
I don’t feel guilty about anything that happened before I was born
I had nothing to do with slavery, colonial imperialism, the Civil War, Jim Crow, or anything else the activist left wants to blame me for so they can extract more money from my paycheck and restrict my freedom. Racism and robbery are not the same things.
What I am guilty of is paying the salaries of politicians who want to use my money to atone for things no living American had anything to do with so they can take credit for fixing a problem they created with a massive, anti-American propaganda campaign.
I’m don’t feel guilty because I don’t want to give Democrats more money
I’m not a corporate elitist, wealthy white Democrat like Biden or Pelosi or Schumer or Warren, or one of those fat cats allegedly sitting on vast piles of cash that should be going to the government. Instead, I’m a solidly middle class American who pays too many taxes that don’t benefit me. I’m forced to watch my money fund activist political priorities like Biden’s climate change agenda and open door immigration policies, and liberal demands to be nicer to dangerous criminals.
Liberal politicians have my fair share and then some. When they use our hard-earned cash in ways that hurt people they cross the line.
I don’t feel guilty for being a xenophobe because I don’t welcome illegals with open arms
A baffling statement in the Biden administration’s “Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration” precisely describes the problem the president created with open borders immigration:
Inadequate policy frameworks to manage large migration flows may exacerbate resource inequalities, stress public budgets, and contribute to xenophobia that increases political tensions.3
Americans suffering from the Biden economy hear about proposed $450,000 payouts to illegals who are angry over how they were treated when they trespassed our border. The enormous migrant surges that were under control when Trump was in charge just keep coming along with Democrat demands that we accommodate the foreign nationals Biden plants across the nation. The result is that public resources are stretched in areas with massive illegal populations, taxes go up with no perceived increase in value, and competition
increases for working class jobs the administration’s spending priorities claim are in short supply.
Resenting what Biden has done by ignoring the rule of law as it applies to immigration is not xenophobia. It’s common sense. Nevertheless, conservative Republicans are targeted by liberals like Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum:
Republicans across the country remain entrenched in their opposition to immigration reform and outright rejection of immigrants. The critical contributions immigrants make to our economy and society are denied by Republicans. With millions of jobs unfilled in all sectors of our economy, immigration reform is part of the solution that is consistently blocked by xenophobic Trump Republicans.4
Democrats demand that we spend fantastic sums to create jobs for Americans while at the same time they are determined to put illegals on U.S. payrolls. Making the job market work for our citizens and excluding people who have no respect for our society’s laws isn’t xenophobia. It’s patriotism.
I don’t feel like a racist because I believe criminal justice should be based on facts instead of political narratives
Car jackings. Smash and grabs. Shootings out of control. A violent felon who should never have been released from jail kills and maims innocent Americans at a Christmas parade in Wisconsin. This is what the Democrat Party’s plans for law enforcement offers Americans. Anything that challenges their narrative that tackling white supremacy is our biggest law enforcement challenge is reinterpreted, miscast, suppressed, or ignored outright.
The foundation of our justice system came under attack when the Rittenhouse jury didn’t deliver the decision the left demanded to match its disinformation about the shootings. Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) blamed the jury for encouraging murder:
The verdict in this trial gives a green light to people throughout the country who want to bring weapons to protests and murder people. It emboldens vigilantism. Where this jury had an opportunity to address this danger and hold a person who killed two people accountable for his actions, it failed. 5
She also issued a statement after the trial for Ahmaud Arbery’s killers.
Inexplicably, I could find no comment on Rep. Bass’ congressional website about the tragedy in Waukesha.
After the March 2021 Atlanta spa shootings Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) declared “The Only Promise of White Supremacy Is That None of Us Are Safe.”6
I couldn’t find a Waters’ statement about Darrell Brooks or Waukesha, either.
Democrats have been unusually silent about the massacre in Wisconsin. What happened doesn’t fit the racist vision they project on white America. Admitting that some people should be locked up and not let out also endangers priorities like eliminating cash bail and emptying our prisons onto the streets.
Acknowledging the truth about crime doesn’t make me a racist. It makes me a realist.
I don’t feel guilty for being a toxic white male because your political views require predators and victims
This is America. If you’re concerned about victimhood you should think more about equality and less about government-moderated equity that relies on winners and losers, predators and victims.
My whiteness is important to liberal racists. As far as my conservative politics is concerned, I don’t feel guilty about what I believe or anything I am blamed for. This is America. If you are unhappy here there are plenty of other countries to ruin, though to be fair there aren’t many with so much cash in play for greedy, irresponsible politicians who believe attacking people for the sake of consolidating power is beneficial for the nation.
*No, I didn’t forget that Kamala Harris is vice president. Democrats selected an incompetent career bureaucrat to parade to voters as some sort of historic accomplishment. They ticked off a few boxes on their diversity and inclusion chart while the skin color of their party leadership represents everything they want us to hate.
1“There’s nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man.” 2“Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.” MSNBC. November 19, 2021., retrieved November 20, 2021. 3“Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration.” October 2021. p. 8, retrieved November 28, 2021. 4“McCollum: Congress Must Act to Create a Pathway to Citizenship for All Immigrants.” September 20, 2021., retrieved November 28, 2021. 5“Rep. Bass Reacts To Verdict Delivered In Rittenhouse Trial.” November 19, 2021., retrieved November 21, 2021. 6“Waters on Atlanta Spa Shootings: The Only Promise of White Supremacy Is That None of Us Are Safe.” March 18, 2021., retrieved November 24, 2021.
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