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January 3, 2015: When are Lower Taxes a Bad Thing? Ask Bruce Rauner.
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January 4, 2015: House GOP Leadership Should Promise Real Trust
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January 8, 2015: Religion Kills While a Plane Crash Brings Unity
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January 11, 2015: Poor Students Learn Lesson About Being Needy
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January 15, 2015: Legacy of the Left Destroyed by Tyranny, Not Empathy
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January 17, 2015: Worst State in the U.S. Just Got Better?
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January 18, 2015: Why Working Families Must Suffer
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January 22, 2015: Did Obama Apologize? No, but the GOP Might.
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January 24, 2015: Ernst Speech, Blackburn Vote: Trouble for Conservatives
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January 25, 2015: 2016 Election: Conservative Candidates Won’t Win This Battle
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January 29, 2015: Lazy, Weak Americans Ready to Give Up Self-Government?
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January 31, 2015: Vaccine Refusal Too Dangerous to be a Right
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