February 1, 2015: New Report Confirms Illegal Immigrants Cost Too Much
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February 5, 2015: Working Class War: How Obama Will Fight It
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February 7, 2015: Measles, the Disease Obamacare Forgot
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February 8, 2015: How Liberal Values Encourage Terror
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February 12, 2015: Obama’s Latino Lie: Accountability and the Border
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February 14, 2015: Muslims Murdered, but Why Does Hate Matter?
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February 15, 2015: Balanced Federal Budget? We the People Say No
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February 19, 2015: America Doesn’t Want More Cowards
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February 21, 2015: Will Islamic Extremism Turn Us All Into Extremists?
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February 22, 2015: Love Your Country, Not Our President
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February 27, 2015: Federal Scam Denies Opportunity to Kids
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February 28, 2015: Last Stand for Broken GOP Leaders?
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