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August 2, 2015: Medicaid Expands at 50, Obama Lauds Government Support
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August 7, 2015: 10 Ways to Win the 2016 Election Without Running
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August 9, 2015: Theocracy Means Death to America, Deal or No Deal
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August 14, 2015: Tax the Rich So a Teachers Union Can Feast
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August 16, 2015: Worst Woman in History of U.S. Politics is Mocking You
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August 21, 2015: Deport Immigrants by the Millions? We Don’t Have To.
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August 23, 2015: Conflict Minerals Compliance: Is Your Business Guilty?
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August 28, 2015: Greed Makes Us Great: Two Stories About the Left
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August 30, 2015: Gaming Problem? Gambling Ethics Conflict With Government
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