While pushing Senate Democrats to do “whatever it takes – including changing their filibuster rules” to drag the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act across the finish line, Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) unwittingly issued a warning to Americans:
Our founding fathers may not have anticipated all the ways our country would change over the centuries and the ways in which our government would need to adapt — but they were really good at anticipating the evil people might do in pursuit of power,” said Rep. Scanlon.1
We have witnessed evil in pursuit of power from the first day that President Biden joined congressional Democrats to indulge their worst extremist cravings. They inflicted an invasion across our southern border, turned a blind eye to flagrant pro-terror antisemitism, advocated chemical and genital mutilation of children, forced a hostile, anti-fossil fuel Bidenomics economy, and engaged in extreme affronts to what many Americans believe is right for our country.
66.8% of Americans citizens 18 and older voted in the 2020 election.2 Polling released by Pew Research on July 2, 2024 revealed that only 53% of those questioned believe the American dream is still attainable. For those under 50, the number drops to 42%.3

This is not encouraging. Unless these Americans are voting against their own best interests, they are not getting what they voted for.
The Bidenomics economy made it more difficult for hard-working families to afford food. Plans to purchase a home or car evaporated. Paradoxically, during a June 28, 2024 campaign appearance in Chicago the president blamed Republican trickle-down economics for the same pain dished out by his namesake agenda:
People working as hard as ever couldn’t get ahead because it’s harder to buy a home, pay for a college education, start a business, retire with dignity.5
Biden unintentionally told on himself, admitting why Americans are suffering from high prices and mortgage rates that strand them in the rental market:
And, folks, it’s no accident. That’s Bidenomics in action.6
When people vote for you to make their lives better and you return their support by hurting them, that’s no accident, either. After three and a half years of rendering the will of the people and their vote meaningless, Democrats can’t go back. They made their ambitions clear by trying to disenfranchise millions of Republican voters by destroying Donald Trump’s candidacy in an unprecedented display of authoritarian election tampering that continues to this day. They can’t reconcile what they have done with their declared allegiance to the sanctity of the ballot, so what comes next?
Voting rights vs. radical Democrat Party rights
A presidential debate that confirmed what responsible media outlets warned about blew up Democrat Party plans to continue their abusive, radical leftist free for all.
There are few options to rescue the 2024 campaign from the downward spiral of Biden’s failing cognition. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) tried flag waving:
The Constitution is sacredly obligatory upon all. That’s what makes America special.7
The problem with this approach is that circumventing the Constitution is what makes Jeffries’ party special. He immediately retracted his phony patriotic appeal with the truth:
House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution. 8
The Supreme Court is the one arm of government Biden, Schumer, Jeffries & Co. are unable to control. This infuriates Capitol Hill radicals who endorse flagrant authoritarianism while assailing the corruption of democracy by anyone who stands in their way. Nods to patriotism, the Constitution, and American greatness have no place at their table. This is the party that turned “Make America Great Again” into a threat. The very idea that Democrats stand behind these things would be hilarious if the consequences of what they have done to America were not so grave.
Submission to party demands is “sacredly obligatory” in the eyes of Jeffries and his colleagues. So is the dependence of Black Americans, the voting bloc they turn to when the chips are down. 2024 is no exception.
It’s time to threaten Black Americans, but if their vote is meaningless will it help?
Race-baiting is also sacredly obligatory upon Democrats. On his coherent days, “back in chains” and vote for me or “you ain’t black” Biden uses the Trump boogeyman to ingratiate himself with Black voters:
Let me ask you, what do you think he [Donald Trump] would’ve done on January the 6th if Black Americans had stormed it — think about this: What do you think would have happened if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol? I don’t think he’d be talking about pardons.9
Despite their habit of calling opponents racists, Democrats’ innate racism is still alive and well. New York Governor Kathy Hochul offered a tepid apology for her claim that black kids don’t know what computers are. There was no need. We are familiar with what happens when Democrats venture into Biden’s “racial jungle.”10
Does the governor agree with the president that poor kids are as smart as white kids?11
Listening to Democrats stumble through their racial minefield is like listening to Republicans talk about abortion. It’s best not to go there, but Biden and his party have little choice. They badly need to convince Black Americans that they are as dependent on Democrats as Democrats are on their votes.
Other victims rose to the top during the president’s first term. Illegals and asylum seekers, LGBTQwhatever Americans, Asian Americans, Muslim Americans, women post-Dobbs, and other identity politics favorites enjoyed new prominence, but the Black victimhood narrative remains a convenient fallback when the chips are down. It springs to life election after election.

Threatening minority voting rights has been a Democrat strategy for decades. It’s still with us in 2024 and was recently given new life thanks to Congresswoman Shontel Brown’s (D-OH) Securing Elections from AI Deception Act:
Fake AI-generated images targeting Black voters, including those showing false images of former President Trump with Black supporters, have received millions of views online. In 2019, the Senate Intelligence Committee’s bipartisan report on Russia’s use of social media interference during the 2016 election concluded that Kremlin efforts “targeted African-Americans more than any other group or demographic. 13
It’s unthinkable that Black voters would choose a Republican who might make their lives better instead of the horrors of Bidenomics, so expect lots of deep fake talk to discount that possibility.
The real fake comes from Democrats who have the power to make a difference but have other mouths to feed, like their big money liberal donors. They spend and spend, legislate and legislate, and never seem to get anywhere. Radical extremist Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) used the new Juneteenth taxpayer-funded federal holiday to remind us how little America has done to advance Black Americans. She echoed Biden’s favorite “never lived up to” criticism of America:
Despite the great progress we have made, Black Americans remain bound by the intergenerational trauma of slavery, systemic racism, and right-wing extremist attacks. The inequities continue to play out in our health, education, and justice systems. Cruel and excessive police violence, unfair prison sentencing, voter suppression, health care deserts, and student achievement gaps are all too common. We must continue to work together to address these inequities and create a more just society for all.14
Schakowsky represents raging blue Illinois where over 100 people were shot in Chicago during the Fourth of July weekend. Every liberal racial equity policy imaginable is on the books including the SAFE-T Act’s no cash bail for criminal offenders, but who benefits? It’s not the city residents dodging bullets and hoping their children live to adulthood.
The congresswoman bangs her party’s Black voter suppression drum, but Democrats rendered the votes of Chicago residents meaningless with policies designed to make liberal activists feel good about themselves while the will of the people who would do anything to make their neighborhoods safe, including increased policing and taking offenders off the streets, is cast aside.
Democrats ignored why the vote matters. Now they can’t go back.
As the 2024 campaign heated up, Democrats directed their best efforts at disenfranchising voters who support the wrong candidate. They tried to exclude Trump from state primary ballots and used their weaponized court system to hamstring his campaign. They lied and threatened that our very existence was under attack by MAGA Republicans and anyone who might cast their vote for the former president.
Biden and the Democrat Party turned the comfortable Trump economy into a haven for penniless illegals and authoritarian climate extremists. They lavished government care and feeding on millions of non-citizens who will compete for jobs with working class Americans denied the chance to buy a home and faced with buying decisions for life’s necessities. This what happens when the vote is meaningless because we, the people don’t matter.
We vote for elected officials who answer to us. The idea of America relies on that paradigm. When it breaks down, the vote becomes a meaningless mockery of our nation, Constitution, and values.
When you show the people that their voice does not matter, you have nowhere to go. That’s the quandary Democrats face going into November.
Democrats deny voting rights by making the vote meaningless.
Voting rights are about a government by and for the people. When the people have no voice, their vote is a futile, meaningless sham.
The Democrat Party backed itself into a corner over voting rights by turning one of their favorite election talking points into a fraud perpetrated against we, the people. If another candidate is swapped for the president because of Biden’s inability to lead or even function, the historic cover-up of his failing will deny a voice to Democrat voters who trusted the party to cast their vote for the candidate of their choice. Now it’s too late to go back.

Hilariously, Democrats still insist that the right to vote is valued by their party:
Voting rights should not be a partisan issue, as Representative [Terri] Sewell [D-AL] said. All we need now is a few Republicans, who believe in democracy and who believe in the promise of America, to join us.15
The vote is a partisan issue first and foremost. Democrat efforts to control election results and render the voice of the people meaningless when it conflicts with their goals is central to their political agenda.
Failing to disenfranchise Republicans during the primary, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is already proposing legislation to circumvent the SCOTUS presidential immunity decision.
House Dems warn Trump can’t go near the Oval Office
Yesterday, the radical House Democrat caucus warned that “Trump cannot be allowed near the Oval Office.”16 Even if the former president does make it back to the White House, and given Democrats efforts to manipulate and control this election that is an enormous IF, efforts to silence the voice of the people will not stop because we who stand behind the vote do not matter. Priorities to advance Democrat power and destroy the American idea come first. This is true evil in pursuit of power.
1“Congresswoman Scanlon Rallies Support for Passage of Voting Rights Legislation.” scanlon.house.gov. January 13, 2022. https://scanlon.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=315, retrieved July 8, 2024.
2“2020 Presidential Election Voting and Registration Tables Now Available.” United States Census Bureau. April 29, 2021. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html, retrieved July 9, 2024.
3Borelli, Gabriel. “Americans are split over the state of the American dream.” July 2, 2024. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/07/02/americans-are-split-over-the-state-of-the-american-dream/, retrieved July 9, 2024.
4“Infographics. Bidenomics Performance.” House Budget Committee. https://budget.house.gov/imo/media/image/F2nx5iCXoAYPIxn_555.jpg, retrieved July 10, 2024.
5“Remarks by President Biden on Bidenomics | Chicago, IL.” The White House. June 28, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/06/28/remarks-by-president-biden-on-bidenomics-chicago-il/, retrieved July 6, 2024.
7“Leader Jeffries Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Immunity.” Hakeem Jeffries. Democratic Leader. July 1, 2024. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-statement-supreme-court-decision-presidential-immunity, retrieved July 4, 2024.
9“Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event | Philadelphia, PA.” The White House. May 29, 2024. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/29/remarks-by-president-biden-and-vice-president-harris-at-a-campaign-event-philadelphia-pa/, retrieved May 30, 2024.
10Murtaugh, Tim. “Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks.” The Heritage Foundation. July 7, 2021. https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/bidens-history-getting-away-racist-remarks, retrieved June 11, 2024.
11“Joe Biden: Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.” CNN. August 19, 2019. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/08/09/joe-biden-poor-kids-bright-white-kids-newday-berman-vpx.cnn, retrieved June 11, 2024.
12“Infographics: Biden’s Border Blunder. House Budget Committee. April 16, 2024. https://budget.house.gov/resources/infographics, retrieved July 10, 2024.
13“Securing Elections from AI Deception Act bars deceptive content, requires disclaimers.” Shontel Brown. June 27, 2024. https://shontelbrown.house.gov/media/press-releases/congresswoman-brown-introduces-legislation-protect-elections-ai-deception, retrieved July 8, 2024.
14“Schakowsky Statement on Juneteenth National Independence Day.” Jan Schakowsky. June 19, 2024. https://schakowsky.house.gov/media/press-releases/schakowsky-statement-juneteenth-national-independence-day, retrieved July 7, 2024.
15“Chairman Aguilar: The Fight for Voting Rights is as Urgent as Ever.” House Democrats. June 26, 2024. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-the-fight-for-voting-rights-is-as-urgent-as-ever, retrieved July 4, 2024.
16“Chairman Aguilar: Donald Trump Cannot be Allowed Near the Oval Office.” House Democrats. July 9, 2024. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-donald-trump-cannot-be-allowed-near-the-oval-office, retrieved July 10, 2024.
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