Congressional Democrats deserve a breather to nurse their big, dark bruises after a week of hyperbolic chest beating. Instead of rethinking what they stand for, they behave as if their very existence is threatened by a return to a more limited government that serves and is accountable to the people who pay for it.
It’s shocking to see just how much Democrats hate the idea of saving taxpayers a few dollars here and there. Why? They think our government is theirs. The bigger and less accountable, the better it works for their party’s party.
Last stand? Dems create a new symbol of resistance that makes them look really bad
On Friday we watched what looked like the last stand for Democrats determined to hang onto their bloated federal monstrosity. Lawmakers led by Maxine Waters (D-CA) tried to trespass into the Department of Education building and were denied entrance by a stoic security guard. Waters verbally abused and berated the man on camera. He didn’t budge.
The video footage spread like a California wildfire. I doubt the congresswoman’s plans included creating a new national hero and symbol of resistance against the waste, bloat, fraud, and taxpayer abuse she and those in her war party represent, but that is precisely what she did.
Waters’ incredible arrogance makes me curious how she would respond to a traffic stop. How long would it take her to threaten the officer’s job, ask if they are aware of who she is, and inform them that she pays their salary? Not long, I’d wager.
Gluttonous Democrats gorge on your tax dollars but they never get full
Thomas Jefferson spoke of limited government in his 1801 inaugural address:
Still one thing more, fellow citizens, a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government; and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.1
As we’ve learned every day since Trump took over, in Democrat hands the bread we hand over at tax time is slops and offal that funds their priorities whether or not they represent ours. This is not the sum of good government for the people. This is the sum of good government for Democrats who suck on the taxpayer teat and never get full no matter how much they consume.

Photo courtesy of USDA ARS2
We’ve heard every half-bright argument in the book why Elon Musk must be stopped before he can do more damage. Instead of feeble attempts to excuse the inexcusable abuses uncovered by DOGE, Democrats whine that he wasn’t elected.
Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland were the most destructive partisans in the Biden administration. They were not elected, either. Nevertheless, Rep. Diana Degette (D-CO) ignored this obvious contradiction and added another for good measure:
The American people did not elect Elon Musk, but every day we are seeing how the Trump administration is truly a government for billionaires, by billionaires. Instead of lowering costs, he is letting Elon Musk run rampant.3
Radical Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, who was sued by the Trump DOJ on Thursday for obstructing federal immigration enforcement, is also a billionaire and a party darling. Dems tend to disregard this sort of rhetorical inconvenience in favor of ranting and raving for attention that, considering the party’s minority congressional status, deserve as much attention as your two-year-old’s screaming tantrums.
Democrats might also do well to remember their July 2024 coup that denied the will of primary voters and swapped loser candidate Kamala Harris for incumbent Biden even though she didn’t receive a single vote.
No matter. Democrats and especially the party’s progressive fringe don’t agree that we the people own our government. They don’t care that we know our trust has been violated or that we are furious about the enormous potential lost by a bureaucracy that plays us for fools.
Instead, we face threats of fines and imprisonment for not handing over our hard-earned money. In return we get patted on the back for funding transgender priorities in Third World countries that hate us.
A diversionary narrative about human suffering that’s eerily similar to Dems justification for their invasion of alleged “asylum seekers” doesn’t pass muster when DOGE puts the numbers in front of us:
The situation at USAID alone is shocking. They are attacking programs that save millions of lives around the world, including monitoring and stopping deadly disease outbreaks.4
Yes, the USAID situation is shocking. We hear about the millions of lives it purports to save and whether or not this is true, it’s time to repair the damage done by Biden and Harris here at home. After we have addressed the needs of Americans in North Carolina, California, and the streets of our cities who go wanting while we fund LGBTQ propaganda campaigns abroad we can have a look at all the good the agency does and what it gets us.
Dense Dems don’t understand or care how limited government works
The big problem with so many of our elected representatives at every level of government is that they aren’t very smart. In fact, some are jaw-droppingly stupid (no offense to Congresswoman Degette).
Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono stepped in it while searching her big, liberal brain for an intelligent reason to not confirm Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense:
At a time of global instability, with national security challenges in multiple regions across the globe, the American people are counting on us to confirm a trustworthy and qualified Secretary of Defense to lead the Department of Defense. Mr. Hegseth is not that leader.5
It’s always possible that the senator was asleep for the past four years or more likely that brain death set in long ago. Joe Biden, not Trump or Hegseth or Musk or anyone else in the new administration is responsible for the national security challenges we face.
When Trump left office, the world was a pretty peaceful place. America was still a sovereign nation. Iran was hamstrung. China had backed off on plans to take over Taiwan. Americans weren’t funding a war in Ukraine and North Korea wasn’t sending troops to Russia.
When Biden took over, all hell broke loose.
Trump’s lightning-fast restoration of our sovereignty and the release of hostages in Israel and Venezuela shows just how little the former Democrat administration did to place our nation and our people first. Perhaps running the world’s greatest superpower from a beach chair was harder than we thought.
The same goes for the rampant abuse of our money and the Democrat delusion that our taxes go into a gigantic liberal slush fund for their party’s exclusive use.
Amnesia epidemic sweeps through Democrat ranks
Amnesia afflicts more than Democrats’ memories about the 2024 election. Hirono joined 37 of her colleagues in a letter to Secretary of State Marco Rubio demanding information about Elon Musk’s collaboration with China:
The Department of State’s assessment of Mr. Elon Musk’s financial ties to China and the impact of these ties to the decision-making process of Mr. Musk and his employees.6
Funny how career politician, former vice president, and President Joe Biden and his family’s financial ties to the People’s Republic weren’t worthy of notice or discussion despite ample evidence of influence peddling, but now Musk’s affairs are something to lose sleep over. Rest assured that Trump won’t be far behind. With Trump-Russia debunked for the time being, is it time for Trump-China?
Like other Democrats, Hirono is pants soiling terrified that the big, bloated pig stye they claim for their own might be dismantled in favor of a responsible and responsive government taxpayers can afford. They can lie their faces off about all the good done with our money in Third World hellholes we’ve never heard of, but the fact is most of us can read at least as well as the congressional dimwits who got themselves into this mess.
By now anyone exposed to non-legacy media has heard about the egregious spending on radical progressive lifesavers like an Iraqi Sesame Street and a transgender comic book in Peru. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Brian Mast detailed some of the other life-saving programs Democrats are incensed over that include $14 million for cash vouchers to illegals, $15 million for the Taliban, and $3.2 million for migrants deported to Tunisia so they can get back on their feet.7
We are going to hear a lot more shrieking and wailing and moaning over the global damage done by Trump administration cost-cutting as well as the cuts proposed here at home.
The huffing, puffing, and fits of pique are only going to escalate as Democrats see their piggy bank drained for our benefit. They hate limited government for one stupidly simple reason: it’s harder for them to own and we can see what they are doing with our money. A smaller, more accountable federal bureaucracy means fewer places to hide spending on priorities they know most Americans will disagree with.
Democrats got caught with their pants down and they aren’t happy about it. Now it’s time to pull their drawers back up and get with the program because Americans are fed up. Thanks to Trump, Musk, and federal workers who will place our needs first, we don’t have to take it anymore. Maxine Waters deserves our thanks for a new symbol of resistance every taxpaying American can celebrate.
1“III. First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1801.” National Archives., retrieved February 8, 2025.
2“Sow nursing her piglets.” Courtesy of USDA Agricultural Inspection Service. graphics/photos/300dpi/kesa/k1681-15.jpg, retrieved February 8, 2025.
3“DeGette Statement on Alarming Actions by Elon Musk and Trump Administration.” Diana DeGette. February 3, 2025., retrieved February 7, 2025.
5“Hirono Statement on Hegseth Confirmation Vote.” Mazie Hirono. January 24, 2025., retrieved February 7, 2025.
6“Hirono, Colleagues Press. Trump Administration for Answers Following Chaos at Critical National Security Agencies.” Mazie Hirono. February 4, 2025., retrieved February 7, 2025.
7“Chairman Mast Exposes Outrageous USAID and State Department Grants.’ Foreign Affairs Committee. February 4, 2025., retrieved February 7, 2025.
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