Democrats have a habit of showing their backsides. For example, the president likes to accuse Donald Trump of being a dictator, threat to democracy and the rule of law. After nearly four years of the Biden autocracy, the real dictator might as well stand up. We know who he is.
Democrats have repeatedly accused Trump of election interference and are using their network of party-controlled courts to eliminate him from the 2024 contest. Our pandering media, a veritable state moderated travesty of what used to be journalism, has been rubbing its hands together for weeks hoping the former president will end up behind bars. A mug shot is the best they have so far. Even that played into Trump’s hands.
All hopes are pinned on Alvin Bragg’s ludicrous hush money circus in New York. If that fails, then what?
The chairman of the Democrat Party’s January 6th Kangaroo Court has a plan.
It sure sounds like Thompson proposed capital punishment as the final solution to Democrats’ Trump problem

Library of Congress.*
No matter how hard they try, Democrats can’t put Trump down. He keeps coming back stronger than ever because Americans know their lives were better when he was president. The country has been in turmoil from the moment Biden stepped into the Oval Office. As you read this unprecedented anti-Semitic protests rage across the country. America is relentlessly invaded across our open, lawless, uncontrolled border. The global meltdown is so bad that Biden warns about the potential for nuclear Armageddon.
Democrats don’t care about these trivialities. They want power in perpetuity. Trump’s candidacy stands in their way.
Bennie Thompson (D-MS) just proposed what sounds like the final solution to his party’s Trump problem. He calls his new bill:
H.R. 8081: the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act – or the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act.1
The emphasis on “disgraced” is his, not mine. The capital letters convey Thompson’s message, but he can’t resist mentioning the “unprecedented 91 felony charges in Federal and State courts across the country”2 that his party leveraged against the former president, just to alleviate any doubt about the bill’s target.
Thompson makes a very disturbing historical reference in his H.R. 8081 Fact Sheet:
For example, protection was expanded to major party presidential nominees following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.3
If Kennedy’s lack of protection resulted in his assassination, what exactly is Thompson implying? Does he really believe Americans are so obtuse that we can’t figure it out or more likely, is he reassuring the Democrat base that there is a final solution to the Trump problem, election interference of the very highest order?
It seems that Thompson and Reps. Troy A. Carter Sr., Barbara Lee, Frederica Wilson, Yvette D. Clarke, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, and Steve Cohen,4 who to their everlasting shame agreed to cosponsor this extraordinarily vile and dangerous idea, have been watching too many prison shows.
Thompson assures Americans that:
prison authorities would be responsible for the protection of all inmates regardless of previous Secret Service protection.5
Most of us are familiar with what happens in the movies when the phone rings and the guards suddenly disappear. The people standing behind this legislation are neither bright nor clever and worse, they don’t care. They are rabid partisans who stupidly believe their ends are justified by any means necessary. After proposing this legislation, they no longer deserve to be called Americans.
Threat of political retribution does not apply to Trump
After the January 6th “insurrection,” Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) introduced the Protecting Vice Presidents Act:
Every American heard the chants threatening Vice President Pence’s life on cell phone videos from the January 6th attack on our Capitol,” Rep. Torres said. “Vice Presidents serve every American, regardless of their party affiliation or political ideology. They must be free to conduct their official duties without fear of violence or retribution, whether it comes while they are in office or later as a private citizen. The bill I will introduce removes that concern, and ensures the threat of violence will never prevail over the oath these public servants swear.6
Her words are long forgotten. Stripping former presidents and any other candidate eligible for protection if they are convicted of a felony is a threat Democrats want to turn into federal law. They already tested their no-protection strategy on a Supreme Court Justice during the Dobbs protests. Brett Kavanaugh almost paid the price.
Capital punishment is the ultimate election interference
Running for office as a Republican should not bring down the full force of the Democrat Party’s weaponized government and state and local system of unfair, unequal, politicized justice on the head of the candidate. Nor should that threat of unfair, partisan justice carry with it a potential death sentence akin to legislative capital punishment, but this is dangerously close to where the party’s hatred for our former president has brought our system of free and fair elections.
It’s time for Republicans and any remaining patriotic Democrats in the House, Senate, state houses and legislatures across America who still care about the integrity of our democracy to step up and call Thompson’s plan precisely what it is: the ultimate election interference and final solution to the left’s Trump problem.
This is a stain on the Democrat Party from which there is no return. The threat of imprisonment and the risk of assassination for threatening the absolute power of the Democrat Party guarantees that any former Republican official eligible for protection and considering a run for political office will reconsider what is now a very foolish decision thanks to a party of extremists who hate anything about America that stands in their way.
1“H.R. 8081: the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act – or the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act. Fact Sheet.” Committee on Homeland Security. Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson., retrieved April 24, 2024.
4“Ranking Member Thompson Introduces Legislation to Ensure No Secret Service Protection for Convicted Felons Sentenced to Prison.” Committee on Homeland Security, Democrats. April 19, 2024., retrieved April 23, 2024.
6“Torres Introduces Legislation Protecting Vice Presidents for Life.” January 15, 2021., retrieved April 24, 2024.
*Image: The electric chair in Auburn State Prison. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,, retrieved April 24, 2024.
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