Being American Means You are Not Special
I’ve got some bad news. Being American means our country owes you nothing. No matter what your mother says, you are not special. Don’t point your finger at America if you are in your thirties, unemployed, and living in your old bedroom wondering why life in our country is so unfair. You don’t deserve anything just for being here. America does not thrive on whatever excuse makes you a special case.
Being special is not how America works. Being special is how politicians like Kamala Harris pander for the vote of the lazy left.
This is important, so let’s be clear.
Pretending to be a member of the opposite sex does not make you special, even if you go the extra mile and find a doctor willing to cut things off.
Protesting on behalf of Middle East terrorists on a weekday afternoon because you have nothing better to do does not make you special. It makes you a tool for activists whose goals you probably don’t even understand and demonstrates your fundamental rejection of the values that define what being American means.
Not paying your student loan debt because the papers you signed are unfair and you have better things to spend your money on does not make you a special case deserving of a taxpayer-paid bailout. It makes you a scofflaw.
Loving who you want, a Democrat buzz phrase akin to “reproductive health care” and “undocumented immigrant” does not make you special. You can love who you want now. Just be sure they are of legal age and give consent.
Decorating your face with metal, dying your hair pink and green, demanding others adhere to your special pronouns and wondering why no one will hire you does not make you special, just unemployable.
Living in America illegally does not make you special or entitled or deserving of the benefits of citizenship. If we had real leaders in the White House and on Capitol Hill, it would make you deportable.
Voting for Harris-Walz will not make you special, either. Like protesting for terrorists, it’s a complete and total denial of the values left wing special people depend on to get them through life.

Being American is not easy. The left is too lazy for the challenge.
Trusting that a New Way Forward will bring a better life by replacing American capitalism with neo-socialism does not make you part of something special. It makes you gullible prey to Kamala Harris, who lies to audiences of adoring leftist dupes who believe what she tells them because they are desperate to escape the responsibility of being American.
Lying is how Kamala Harris communicates with America.
She lied that her border was secure. Now she blames Trump for goading congressional Republicans into refusing border security legislation to deal with the millions of undocumented, unvetted illegals she welcomed and even flew into our Homeland without any action whatsoever by Congress. All it took was a few strokes of Biden’s pen on his first day in office and a Border Czar who did nothing to stop the invasion of our homeland.
Harris still lies about a Democrat Party “Inflation Reduction Act” that was really a downpayment on AOC’s Green New Deal, a transition to socialism that parallels the vice president’s announced intention to swap America’s best in the world health system for government-controlled Medicare for All.
Yesterday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee confirmed what we already suspected after 13 American service members were killed at Abbey Gate during Harris and Biden’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan:
The Biden-Harris administration misled and, in some instances, directly lied to the American people at every stage of the withdrawal, from before the go-to-zero order until today. This coverup included mid-level administration officials all the way up to the Oval Office.1
Lying is how Vice President Harris governs and yet she expects Americans to believe her when she claims:
We love our country, and we believe in the promise of America. That’s so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon. We believe in the promise of America, and that includes a topic we’re going to discuss today, which is what I call an “opportunity economy” — building an opportunity economy. (Applause.)2
The promise of America is not about governing by deceiving the people about your actions, policies, and values.
Understanding the obligations being American imposes on the individual is fundamental to what makes our country great. The kind of opportunity Harris is hawking is something entirely different, akin to the discord between equality and equity.
Her message to voters describes the economy we already have:
And my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed; where everyone, regardless of who they are or where they start, can build wealth, including intergenerational wealth; where workers are treated with dignity, and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose — (applause); where we remove barriers to opportunity, so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that.3
The pandering to unions aside, Harris must think a fancy term like “intergenerational wealth” obscures plans to take it away with the estate tax. In April, the White House condemned the inheritance tax provisions in the Republican “extreme budget that sides with the wealthy and large corporations:”
Cutting taxes for billionaires and worsening wealth inequality by eliminating the estate tax, which currently applies to only the wealthiest 0.1% of Americans, those with assets over $13.6 million per person ($27.2 million per couple).4
She also wants voters to believe that raising taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans won’t trickle down to punish the middle and working class with job losses and higher prices.
No matter what she promises, her two-faced values, lies, and history of support for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, open border illegal immigration, and finally the selection of extreme leftist Tim Walz as her running mate betray the truth she doesn’t want Americans to know until after November 5. She will manipulate the demands of her party’s special people all the way to the ballot box because she knows that after she takes the oath she can work with radical congressional Democrats to do whatever she wants and then lie about that, too, just like she did as vice president.
Too lazy to be an American? Voting for radical leftists sounds like a good idea, but there is a catch.
If you still think your pronouns or inability to hold a job or pay your obligations makes you special and you are not too lazy to climb your mom’s basement stairs to vote, you are the perfect Harris-Walz supporter. They appeal to unity while manipulating their hatred of traditional American values like the opportunity implicit in hard work and personal responsibility.
When Joe Biden took to the airwaves on September 1, 2022 to save America’s soul by venting his hatred for good, patriotic Americans he crossed a red line. Those of us who value what being American means were shocked and appalled that a president would follow in the tradition of fascistic foreign dictators who create enemies of the people to consolidate their power:
But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.5
While the president denounced Americans and warned about Trump, criminals and terror suspects streamed across the wide-open border Czar Harris assured us was secure.
The anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-terror protests that spread across our country after the October 7, 2023 genocide in Israel speaks to the Biden-Harris message that hate and division are essential to being American. With Joe out of the running, Harris and Walz are now spreading his threat that Making America Great will “take this country backwards:”
What direction are we going in?
You know it. We’ve said it. Donald Trump is going to take it backwards.6
Taking us backwards means stopping the invasion of our homeland and the murder and rape of good Americans, refusing to weaponize the tax code and impose crushing new tax rates, and handing over our capitalist opportunity economy to a radical, leftist, big government-controlled socialist behemoth ruled by partisan elites complete with price controls that will hurt Americans more than Harris already has.
If you are a lazy leftist with your hand out, the wanton destruction of our nation and wholesale rejection of our values probably sounds appealing. You are special. Our country is unfair. You deserve more and better from greedy people and businesses with too much money. Harris-Walz is your ticket to an economic Shangri-La where effort, merit, and reward have nothing in common.
Being American is special and offers limitless opportunity for those willing to do the work it takes to succeed. There are no guarantees, but if you love your country and the values America stands for you understand this. If you do not, you’re probably spending your days surfing porn in your parents’ basement while you wait for Kamala to rescue you.
Those of us who believe in the real promise of America know that being American is hard, but being American also makes us part of something very special. Our common identity binds us, strengthens our republic, and brings out the best in our people who compete and contribute to the economy and society and rise to the challenge when tragedy strikes. This is the promise of America the world reveres. The Harris-Walz promise is what our adversaries and those too lazy to be American exploit for their own selfish reasons.
1“Getting Answers on the Afghanistan Withdrawal.” Foreign Affairs Committee., retrieved September 10, 2024.
2“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event| North Hampton, NH.” The White House. September 4, 2024., retrieved September 8, 2024.
4“FACT SHEET: This Tax Day, the Tax Contrast Couldn’t Be Clearer.” The White House. April 15, 2024., retrieved September 9, 2024.
5“Remarks by President Biden on the Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation.” The White House. September 1, 2022., retrieved September 8, 2024.
6“Remarks by Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz at a Campaign Event in Wayne, MI.” The White House. August 8, 2024., retrieved September 9, 2024.
*“75 Years of ‘Flags In’ at Arlington National Cemetery.” U.S. Department of Defense. May 25, 2023., retrieved September 8, 2024.
Content revised on September 11, 2024.
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