Conservatives pounced on President Biden for his International Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation. The activist anti-gender celebration is March 31 every year. This year it fell on the same day as Easter.
I’m taking a contrarian position on the newest example of White House tone deafness. The timing was not a Biden decision, though it certainly stinks like one. This was an anger-inducing coincidence better ignored instead of giving the left more fodder to use in its messaging about hate, which was also on the Biden playlist over the Easter weekend.
Biden did issue an Easter message that called for “peace, security, and dignity for all people.”1 If all people includes Americans, we’re not seeing it in administration policies.
Our president is a figurehead incapable of leadership who takes his marching orders from whoever is running our country from the shadows. Can you think of any leader of any nation who is silenced by staff during public appearances?
Biden freely admits he does what he is told. Trans Day was likely no different and if it angers Christians the left denounces for nationalism, that’s just icing on a cake for a White House that thrives on opposition pushback to prove that America seethes with hate.
This is where conservative commentators missed the boat and the real outrage. The day before Easter, the White House announced a Roundtable Discussion on Countering Hate-Fueled Violence so the president can take credit for addressing a dire national problem created by and for Democrats:
All of these efforts advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to work with partners to prevent, respond to, and recover from hate-fueled violence. Hate must have no safe harbor in America.2
And yet it does. Hate’s safe harbor is the Biden White House.

Hate finds a safe harbor in America
The Biden-Harris clown show gets more hilarious by the day, even when the topic is far from amusing.
Last week, our president glad-handed the well-heeled faithful at a New York fundraiser alongside former presidents Obama and Clinton. He raked in millions the same day as the wake for slain NYC police officer Jonathan Diller.
Donald Trump attended the wake. Biden did not. There was no political payoff and Diller’s killing only adds fuel to the fire of Democrat criminal justice that keeps violent offenders on the street.
Rest assured if the situation were reversed and an officer had shot and killed a Black, Hispanic, migrant, or transgender offender, the president would have been first in line for a consoling photo op and angry denunciation of hate in America.
The same applies to the murder of Laken Riley. Had an American citizen killed an illegal, it would be a national tragedy proving we are hateful, racist xenophobes under the influence of Trump’s violent MAGA extremism. Instead, Riley’s death was hardly worthy of White House comment. When Biden finally mentioned Laken during the State of the Union, he mispronounced her name.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Hate is safe and secure in Joe Biden’s White House
While Biden filled his war chest with tens of millions last Thursday, pro-Palestinian activists protested outside his NYC fundraising venue. The White House betrayal of our trusted ally Israel has no parallel in the president’s unquestioning support for Ukraine, but it didn’t stop the administration from patting itself on the back for allegedly clamping down on antisemitism as part of the Easter Eve laundry list of anti-hate initiatives:
From the day President Biden was sworn into office, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken numerous steps to counter hate-fueled violence, from signing the bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, to releasing the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. In December 2022, the Administration established an interagency policy committee to counter Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Related Forms of Bias and Discrimination. In May 2023, the Administration released the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, which it is implementing. The Administration is also drafting the first-ever National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia and Related Forms of Bias and Discrimination.3
The campaign-ready recital ignores where hate in America is safe, protected, and thriving.
Biden fuels his hateful base by turning America against Americans
On the heels of the FBI surveilling Catholics, “Christian Nationalism” joined thinly veiled pro-Palestinian antisemitism as a rallying cry for the left.
Upon taking office Biden immediately claimed white nationalism was the greatest domestic terror threat:
You know, as a result, our very own intelligence agencies — our own intelligence agencies in the United States of America have determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat to our Homeland today.4
Millions of unvetted illegals, gotaways we can’t count, suspects on the terror watch list, and Americans robbed, hurt, and killed by migrants Biden welcomed to America are propagandized as not only being less of a threat than our own citizens, but worthy of taxpayer money for their care and feeding.
Opposition is proof positive of hate, racism, and xenophobia:
An important part of our commitment is recognizing that, too often, immigrants face discrimination, xenophobia, and violence. Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America but do not understand America. To confront the dangerous ideology of hate requires caring about all people — including our Nation’s immigrants.5
The White House promotes Biden’s illegal immigrant invasion and denies the massive threat posed in favor of targeting Donald Trump and the enemies of the state he calls MAGA Republicans. The presumptive GOP nominee was mentioned 21 times in a joint Biden-Harris appearance in Raleigh, North Carolina last week where Harris asked a question we already know the answer to:
What kind of country do we want to live in? A country of liberty, freedom, and rule of law or a country of disorder, fear, and hate?6
Cackles left out “a government of weaponized justice and security agencies in service to a one-party state.”
If there is hate, rejection of the rule of law, and denial of freedom in America, look no further than the president’s vitriolic war against anyone who disagrees with a radical wish list he confuses with protecting democracy:
And there is something dangerous happening in America now. There is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy: the MAGA Movement.7
This kind of hate-ridden, us and them enemies propaganda dominates White House harangues:
My friends, they’re not hiding their attacks. They’re openly promoting them — attacking the free press as the enemy of the people, attacking the rule of law as an impediment, fomenting voter suppression and election subversion.8
If America still had a rule of law, there would be no Biden mass illegal immigrant invasion, cash bail policies would keep violent offenders off our streets, and Diller and Riley would probably still be alive.
Democrat criminal justice is hate for America in disguise
The Biden administration is waging a war of hate again America and our people. Biden and Harris blame their opposition for policies the left enforces that hurt us while they benefit those with no right to be advantaged.
On the streets, blue city criminal justice murders Americans and yet we are told the problem is brutal, racist policing. Biden skipped Diller’s wake because the murder of a police officer is a glaring contradiction of Democrat orthodoxy that criminal justice, not criminals are the problem.
The president celebrates his order to crack down on law enforcement officers who, like Diller lose their lives because dangerous criminals are set free:
One year ago, I stood alongside the family of George Floyd, civil rights leaders, and law enforcement to sign a historic Executive Order to advance effective, accountable policing and criminal justice practices that will limit racial profiling, build public trust and strengthen public safety.9
After the May 17, 2022 mass shooting in Buffalo, the president and First Lady hurriedly traveled to New York. Biden repeatedly assailed us for hate, domestic terrorism, and racism he attributed to:
a vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people being inherently inferior to any other group.”10
The president’s speechwriters probably never considered that while he spoke of white supremacy, Biden’s remarks also apply to the arrogant, radical liberalism of his administration and the Democrat Party:
I and all of you reject the lie. I call on all Americans to reject the lie. And I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit. (Applause.) Because that’s what it is.
We have now seen too many times the deadly and destructive violence this ideology unleashes.11
That deadly and destructive, violence-inspiring ideology is radical Democrat Party liberalism, not conservative white supremacy or Christian nationalism or even old-fashioned American racism.
Antisemitism, violent crime, denial of the rule of law, restricting our freedoms, and sowing hate for political gain are the province of America’s left. The Biden White House should be denounced for using the joy and hope of Easter to spread fear and threats:
When Americans cannot freely participate in the basic activities of life—like going to school, shopping at the grocery store, or attending their house of worship—without fear of being targeted based on who they are or what they believe, the very fabric of our society is at risk.12
We know that the FBI on Biden’s watch targeted Catholics “attending their house of worship.” We know that conservatives are targeted, censored, and in Trump’s case, threatened with massive fines and prison because our voice and votes threaten the Biden autocracy and hegemony of the radical Democrat Party.
Above all, we know that “the very fabric of our society is at risk.” We also know who is responsible and where hate in America finds a safe harbor: the Biden White House.
1“Statement from President Joe Biden on Easter.” March 31, 2024., retrieved March 31, 2024.
2“Readout of White House Roundtable Discussion on Countering Hate-fueled Violence.” March 30, 2024., retrieved March 31, 2024.
4“Remarks by President Biden at the United We Stand Summit.” September 15, 2022., retrieved April 1, 2024.
5“A Proclamation on National Immigrant Heritage Month, 2022.” May 31, 2022., retrieved April 1, 2024.
6“Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris at a Campaign Reception | Raleigh, NC.” March 26, 2024., retrieved April 1, 2024.
7“Remarks by President Biden Honoring the Legacy of Senator John McCain and the Work We Must Do Together to Strengthen Our Democracy.” September 28, 2023., retrieved March 31, 2024.
9“Statement from President Biden on Justice Department Findings on the Minneapolis Police Department.” June 16, 2023., retrieved April 1, 2024.
10“Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Biden Honoring the Lives Lost in Buffalo, New York, and Calling on All Americans to Condemn White Supremacy.” May 17, 2022., retrieved April 1, 2024.
12“Readout of White House Roundtable Discussion on Countering Hate-fueled Violence.” March 30, 2024., retrieved March 31, 2024.
*Image: White House/Adam Schultz. “Support the Asian American Community by Defending our Values at Home and Abroad.” U.S. Department of State. March 29, 2021., retrieved April 1, 2024.
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