When you think about the fear and pain President Biden heedlessly inflicts on America you have to wonder whether the massive social spending demanded by the White House is just a straw man with no more substance than the president. The phony paternal act is long gone. We are in the grip of an autocrat who uses fear to oppress his subjects. People who are afraid are easy to control.

Biden wants Americans to live in fear because fearful people are easy to control
Fear is pervasive in how the Biden administration communicates with Americans. Sometimes this is overt, like raising doubts about our financial security:
In the days ahead, even before the default date, people may see the value of their retirement accounts shrink. They may see interest rates go up, which will ultimately raise their mortgage payments and car payments.
And the American people — look, I just say it this way: As soon as this week, your savings and your pocket — your pocketbook could be directly impacted by this Republican stunt. It’s as simple as that.1
The debt ceiling fiasco only distracted for a moment from the fact that our pocketbooks are already impacted by the Biden economy, but it was still useful for ramping up uncertainty before Mitch McConnell surrendered to Democrats. With an American default in the background again our attention returns to some very real, very scary Biden agenda items that are tightening their grip on a nation that has every reason to be fearful about the future.
Fearful, submissive people are critical to the radical Democrat agenda
Fearful and submissive is how Democrats prefer us. Fear is easy to spread and enforce when you control the White House, media, both houses of Congress, and a newly-weaponized Department of Justice.
Biden promises that his administration will protect his party’s sacred cows from the myriad cruelties America dishes out. Affirming that “my administration always has your back,” he warns:
Bullying and harassment — particularly of young transgender Americans and LGBTQ+ people of color — still abounds, diminishing our national character. We must continue to stand together against these acts of hate, and stand up to protect the rights, opportunities, physical safety, and mental health of LGBTQ+ people everywhere.2
The president never qualified his remarks. When Democrats engage in this sort of fear-mongering they rarely do.
How much fear can Americans take?
There’s much to fear in our new, radical left America. Everything from climate Armageddon to constitutionally-guaranteed free speech to the return of Donald Trump threaten the survival of our democracy, or at least that’s what our ruling elite want us to believe while they disassemble that democracy piece by piece.
Here are eight reasons Biden gives Americans to live in fear thanks to his radical big government agenda.
Suddenly, free speech has frightening consequences
Whether it’s a social media ban that hurts your livelihood or being labeled a terrorist by Attorney General Merrick Garland because you voiced your opinion at a school board meeting, there are scary new consequences to exercising the free speech rights guaranteed by our Constitution.
Most of us can work around social media even though culture gurus assure us it is mandatory, but how do you respond when your daughter comes home and tells you she feels bad because her whiteness hurts people or she is afraid because boys come into her school bathroom? Do you go to the next school board meeting or shut up and submit because you worry about a knock at your door from the Biden-Garland domestic terror squad?
Fear that the COVID threat will never go away no matter what we do
It’s time to put it in print: f*** Tony Fauci. Our public health Rasputin learned far too much about how to control us. Biden and his acquiescent media are more than happy to go along with this ancient bureaucrat’s sweeping pronouncements no matter how they contradict and conflict.
COVID is a fertile testing ground for learning how far government can go without massive resistance from the people. So far America’s autocrats learned they can get away with more than we ever thought possible. They forced us to cover our faces, closed our businesses, drove us apart, denied our kids the education we paid for, and confined us to our homes. Now they threaten our livelihoods if we don’t agree to accept a government-mandated vaccine despite public health’s tarnished record on protecting us from this virus. This is something every one of us, no matter our political affiliation or vaccination status, should fear.
Fear grows for those at the bottom
The debt ceiling is a mere sideshow to rising prices and growing inflation that most impact those least able to afford Biden’s deteriorating economy.
Under Trump Americans enjoyed the prosperity and employment opportunities of free market capitalism. Now we’re ruled by an autocrat who says he’s a capitalist while demanding trillions in spending that stink of socialism.
Tax the rich is a lie. Most of us understand that. Biden is on track to destroy our economy and those at the bottom will be punished the most. The need for gas, food, housing, and heat in the winter is blind to income. So are the regressive taxes and fees levied by Democrats who control cities and states they have ruined.
Fear for your safety
Our border is open. Joe Biden refuses to protect it. The flow of illegals is not going to stop any more than the rampant crime in our liberal cities will come to an end.
News stories about crime growing nationwide spread fear. In this case the fear is justified. For example, carjackings in Democrat-run Cook County, Illinois have reached a 20-year high according to WGN News. Likewise, the murder of children in Democrat-run Chicago is ubiquitous. We hardly even notice. The solution for those of us who can is to stay away, though as urban crime seeks new victims in the suburbs this is becoming increasingly difficult. Americans who can’t leave our most violent cities are placed in harm’s way by policing policies that favor progressive ideology over keeping people alive.
The refusal to step up law enforcement and even deny police protection while crime rages seem like a coordinated effort. Will chaos and a rising body count justify federal control of policing to deal with the few criminals Democrats deem worthy of prosecution while shielding those that fall under their equity umbrella? This is the only explanation that makes sense.
Fear for your family’s legacy
Progressives insist they only want to divest the wealthiest American families of their assets. “Wealthiest” is a relative term. Biden repeatedly tells us that trillions in spending has no cost. If he gets his way families that worked hard to accumulate wealth and who are not Bezos-rich are going to watch what they worked hard for go to sacred cows like illegal foreign nationals, green energy companies, and sky-high prevailing union wages for government-funded projects that will inevitably create massive graft and corruption.
This is a national tragedy in the making. If you watched your parents toil for years while saving every dime and against all odds building enough family wealth to come within the sights of Biden’s tax proposals you have every reason to fear and resent what he’s planning. There will be no escape from progressive taxation designed to strip families of their legacies and plenty of incentive for those living at the bottom to vote for wealthy Democrats who advocate the financial rape of America.
Fear for your children’s education
You probably saw the stomach-turning video of Kamala Harris rhapsodizing about space to child actors. Harris has the temerity to advocate STEM learning while her party turns a blind eye to the growth of CRT and promotion of alternative lifestyles in public schools that distract from education and have nothing to do with science or math.
Parents pay for real schools, not communist re-education camps. Threatening the taxpayers who pay for public education with domestic terror charges so union-controlled teachers can indoctrinate our kids with a progressive-approved, woke curriculum will not help America compete against countries like China that know better. It will not help our future workers get good jobs. Instead, we’ll have lots of Democrat voters who can recite a list of preferred pronouns, who know that America is a hateful place and that the government is our moral arbiter and means of support.
Fear for your job
Biden’s message is get vaccinated or be unemployed. The vaccine mandate is a historic government overreach, but it’s far from our only employment problem. If you work in the fossil fuel sector your job is at risk. If the Build Back Better agenda sees the president’s signature all of our jobs are at risk because companies will seek to recover the damages from progressive tax rates and regulation.
For Americans at the low end of the wage scale the damage is already here. The workers Democrats pretend to protect face a massive influx of new employees that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas just assured us have nothing to fear from worksite immigration raids. Instead, they will compete with our service and other workers for jobs on a level playing field thanks to a White House that favors illegal immigrants over American citizens who already vote for Democrats and have no other value to the party.
Fear that Democrats will rule America forever
Democrats deserve dubious credit for being a vast, amoral political machine with no viable opposition from a feckless, weak-willed, and indecisive GOP destined to fade into obscurity. This is a thought too awful contemplate and a very real possibility given the determination to strip our elections of every safeguard while liberal states redistrict to ensure conservatives have no voice.
It hurts to hear older Americans say that the best days are behind us, though this may be true. As the Greatest Generation takes its place in history we will begin to forget what being a great country means. It doesn’t mean woke progressivism, exploiting our differences, reinventing our history to fit a political agenda, indoctrinating our kids instead of teaching them, relying on the government for everything from health care to a guaranteed income to retirement security, or being another example of a prosperous nation that foolishly set aside free market capitalism for socialism.
Most important, a great nation doesn’t require that its citizens live in fear of their government so they will accept policies that entrench the ruling class. This is the Biden agenda pure and simple. Americans will live in fear of the consequences until we rise up and say no.
1“Remarks by President Biden on the Need to Raise the Debt Ceiling.” whitehouse.gov. October 7, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/10/04/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-need-to-raise-the-debt-ceiling/, retrieved October 7, 2021.
2“Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on National Coming Out Day.” whitehouse.gov. October 11, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/11/statement-by-president-joseph-r-biden-jr-on-national-coming-out-day/, retrieved October 11, 2021.
Author’s note: content edited for clarity October 16, 2021.
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