It’s about time Democrats handed America a new crisis that we can really invest in even if it means divesting ourselves of our retirement accounts. After the endless tedium over removing Trump, liberal America needs something different, something to sink its teeth into. Wouldn’t you know it, just as we’re about to get bored with divisive politics and contentious Democratic debates, a really great opportunity comes along. I don’t have to name it. You know what I’m talking about.

CDC Image by James Gathany
COVID-19. Coronavirus. Scary words spell opportunity.
This sounds like the stuff of apocalyptic horror. A scary virus we don’t know much about has spread from a country we are always suspicious of and don’t trust very much. A scary word – pandemic! – keeps popping up. It sounds absolutely terrifying, even though it only means widespread.
Americans have repeatedly been reassured that the risk at the moment is low. This is not a crisis just yet. Do Democrats agree? It doesn’t seem like it. When we most need to draw together and trust our federal agencies to do their jobs, the party is determined to scare the bejeesus out of the country.
America’s new crisis is great for Democrats
Speaking of horror, there is a downside to this new crisis. We have to listen to Democrats reenergized by this new excuse to demonize Trump. They didn’t waste a second taking advantage. Coronavirus is the best thing that’s happened to the party since Nancy Pelosi declared that Trump was impeached forever and ever.
These people know how to politicize a crisis even if it isn’t one quite yet. Who better than Pelosi to get the word out that Trump is failing and Democrats need money to save us?
Americans need a coordinated, fully-funded, whole-of-government response to keep them and their loved ones safe. The President’s request for coronavirus response funding is long overdue and completely inadequate to the scale of this emergency.1
I plan to keep my loved ones safe by keeping them away from Democrats and their counterproductive, anti-Trump fear-mongering. There is no emergency. It’s arguable whether we should even call the coronavirus scare a crisis, except for the tremendous risk that Pelosi & Company will collude with the media to continue frightening investors while they demand we do what Democrats do best: spend billions and billions of taxpayer dollars.
Rep. Steve Scalise warned about politicizing this public health crisis in the making. He mentioned Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) with good reason.
Senator Schumer called for us to “let the science and facts guide us.”2 The “science” reference is popular for politicizing climate change, but one global catastrophe is as good as another even if isn’t a catastrophe just yet.
The fact is there is no coronavirus crisis here in America. The CDC made two important points during a February 28, 2020 update:
At this time, this virus is NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States.3
For the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.4
Yes, we now have cases where we don’t know how the virus was acquired. The agency warns that the virus could spread and disrupt businesses and schools and the health care system could become flooded. The updates sound a lot like what we hear during flu season when schools are closed and outbreaks occur in nursing facilities. The take home message is that we don’t know what will happen. Nevertheless,
the immediate risk of this new virus to the American public is believed to be low at this time …5
This is a time where a little faith in our leadership and the refusal to turn this situation into an opportunity to score partisan points can make a big difference. Vice President Mike Pence joined President Trump in a Saturday briefing to reiterate that the threat remains low. That’s the news Americans needed to hear, but the virus still puts us at great risk for something that has nothing to do with our health.
The immediate risk from Democrats is very high
Virginia Democratic Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger warned that:
My constituents have already experienced the incredible fear and anxiety of a Coronavirus scare in Central Virginia.6
All that fear and anxiety might not be necessary if so much effort wasn’t being directed at terrifying the public.
The public health crisis hasn’t happened but the political crisis is well underway. This is an election year. Democrats embarrassed themselves badly with impeachment and are now stuck with a slate of possible presidential candidates they know are unelectable. The one thing they agree on is that defeating Trump is priority number one. If scaring the public witless is what it takes to get the job done, that’s what they will do. If they can get their hands on billions in the process, so much the better.
Every new crisis has the same solution
Democrats will use the coronavirus to extract as much money from taxpayer coffers as possible. We’ve been here many times with many different crises, so most of us know how this works.
Schumer wants to start us out at $8.5 billion to “combat this deadly virus”7 which by all accounts is dangerous but not all that deadly for most people:*
As of February 23, 2020, there were 76,936 reported cases in mainland China and 1,875 cases in locations outside mainland China (1). There have been 2,462 associated deaths worldwide; no deaths have been reported in the United States.8
That’s about 3.1% mortality and most of it is in China. The scenario may change, but if you just received a cancer diagnosis with a 3.1% chance of dying you would probably be ecstatic.
We don’t give our health care system or the CDC credit due. People are dying, though, and that makes this disease deadly.
Words like “deadly” play really well with the public whether or not they match science and facts. Yes, we have to be prepared. No, we shouldn’t scare Americans so badly that they discard common sense and dump the assets they have spent years investing. That may work for Democrats who will gleefully compare the stock market plunge to the Obama recession years, but for most Americans it’s not a good thing at all.
Schumer pleads for China
Bombastic Schumer is good at politicizing just about anything that has to do with Republicans. Fortunately, we can read his words so we don’t have to listen to him drone on:
Where is President Trump’s voice? The videos emerging from behind the Chinese Communist Party’s internet wall show Chinese people pleading—pleading—with the international community to expose the scope and scale of this epidemic.9
Does the senator mean pandemic? If this is only an epidemic in China then we don’t have to worry yet. Schumer is on another anti-Trump roll though, so perhaps it’s best to just let him rant even though we already know where this is headed:
President Trump has not only failed to marshal a capable domestic response to the coronavirus, he has been slow to take action to confront the virus abroad. We all know that the best thing to do is to stop it from spreading abroad before it spreads to these United States.10
We offered to send our medical experts to China. China said no. At least Democrats can’t accuse the president of colluding with the Chinese.
Remember the Zika virus? The senator was agitated about that crisis, too:
With the Senate set to recess for the summer months, and with many women and families across New York State begging for action before this deadly virus spreads further, it is critical now more than ever that Congress work together to green-light this $1.9 billion in emergency funding.11
The Zika crisis lasted until something better came along.
This is what the new Democratic Party crisis is really about
At the end of the day America’s new crisis is about the Democratic Party trying to revive hatred for Trump. While party members implore the president to stop dividing the nation, they do their best to use him to drive us apart and onto their ballots.
Minnesota Congresswoman Betty McCollum made that pretty obvious in a disrespectful February 26, 2020 press release in which she called the president “willfully ignorant” and pulled the tiresome suggestion that science is being ignored from her partisan trick bag:
The coronavirus is a [sic] such a threat, and lives are at risk. President Trump is willfully ignorant as to what America’s public health experts are telling him, and is incapable of taking the steps necessary to address a potential crisis. What Americans need and deserve is an all-of-government, science-based emergency response.12
These comments aren’t very helpful for a public terrified by a crisis exaggerated by McCollum’s party and the media. Her remarks after the State of the Union shed light on the real nature of the coronavirus threat:
There is no polite way to say it: It’s been documented that President Trump has explicitly lied more than 16,200 times over the course of his presidency, as compiled by the Washington Post.
The president’s chronic inability to tell the truth and be honest with the American people appears to be both a pre-existing and permanent condition.13
If you need any more evidence, we can turn to Trump Hater-in-Chief Jerry Nadler:
Faced with the threat of a growing global pandemic, Americans deserve better than a White House totally unprepared and demonstrating no urgency to address coronavirus. Over 80,000 people in 37 countries have been infected with coronavirus and more than 2,500 have already died.14
His conclusion?
Unfortunately, all evidence indicates that the Trump Administration’s preparation is dangerously inadequate.15
Scare big so we can spend big and win this election
Scaring Americans so Democrats can spend big and take credit for the public health response is only part of this picture. America’s new crisis is rife with opportunity. Consider the possibilities if the coronavirus does spread. Trump will be accused of withholding public health assistance from immigrant communities. There will be accusations of neglecting the most vulnerable. Perhaps Bernie Sanders can weigh in and show the nation how Medicare for All would better handle the crisis than the health care system his party put in place and now prefers to forget.
Best of all, the coronavirus gives Democrats what they want more than anything: new blame for a president they hate. No matter what happens in the U.S., rest assured they would not trade America’s new crisis and its impact on the 2020 election for anything.
This is what you should do to protect yourself from America’s new crisis
What is the best way to protect yourself from this joint Democratic Party-media apocalypse?
I recommend a two-part approach:
1. Stop reading the news updates every five minutes. Like Googling symptoms, it will only scare you.
2. For God’s sake, don’t dump your stocks. This will pass but assuming most of us survive America’s new Democratic Party crisis, you’re still going to need something to retire on.
UPDATE February 29, 2019: if there was a coronavirus vaccine, how many would bother?
A few minutes ago we got news from Washington state of the first U.S. coronavirus death. That’s a tragedy for the person who died and for their family. It is not a reason to dump the rest of your portfolio on Monday morning. Before you go that route, ask yourself a question. If there was a coronavirus vaccine, how many Americans would get in line?
Most of us know that influenza is a deadly virus. The CDC estimates that there were at least 18,000 and as many as 46,000 deaths in the U.S. from seasonal flu from October 1, 2019 – February 22, 2020. Those are scary numbers, even from a population of 27 million people.16
Apparently the threat of death isn’t scary enough, because only 45.3% of adults bothered to get their flu shot during the 2018-2019 flu season.17
Remember measles? It’s still around. We’ve had problems in recent years because people refuse to get vaccinated for this very dangerous disease that we thought was eradicated in 2000:18
Among the 1,249 measles cases reported in 2019, 1,163 (93%) were associated with the 22 outbreaks, 1,107 (89%) were in patients who were unvaccinated or had an unknown vaccination status, and 119 (10%) measles patients were hospitalized.19
If we had a coronavirus vaccine tomorrow, how many would get vaccinated and how many would decline? Anti-vaxxers would pounce on the opportunity to get the word out to stay away. Other, more sensible folks would simply not take the time or make the effort to keep themselves and others safe.
Many Americans made rash financial decisions last week thanks to a crisis that hasn’t really happened in America except in politics and the media, but when we have the opportunity to not die by getting a simple flu shot over half of us say no.
That’s an appalling crisis of intelligence that should help put the coronavirus threat in perspective. We like to be scared. The horror movie industry makes lots of money every year because of it, but when we are faced with a real threat and a simple way to avoid it the majority of Americans choose to do nothing.
UPDATE March 2, 2020: is Warren’s open border the cure for COVID-19?
Was the stress of a failing presidential campaign too much, or is this Senator Elizabeth Warren’s last-ditch effort before Super Tuesday?
The senator dreamed up the Pandemic Prevention Act to seize $10 billion to fight coronavirus from funding for President Trump’s border wall. The bill would transfer all border wall funding to Health and Human Services and the U .S. Agency for International Development.21
It either never occurred to the senator or perhaps in her party’s zeal to attack the administration she simply doesn’t care that viruses don’t respect national borders any more than would-be illegal immigrants do. Viruses travel with people. Mexico has confirmed that coronavirus has arrived, so there is no reason not to expect an influx of illegals seeking medical care in the U.S. in the event they become sick.
Not only should we not pull all funding from Trump’s border wall, we should blame Democrats for any cases that come across the Southwest border and strain our health care system.
Warren and 29 Democrats sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Azar asking for information “on the steps being taken to keep families safe.”22 They should explain to the American people how their open border will stop infected individuals from crossing into the U.S.
UPDATE March 2, 2020: Schumer says we must spend to protect seniors with a vaccine that doesn’t exist
This guy never lets up. Chuck Schumer elevated his harangues against the Trump administration to the extremes of absurdity over the weekend by demanding that Medicare cover coronavirus vaccines for seniors.
There is no vaccine, of course. There likely will not be for a very long time. This is a cash grab. The senator doesn’t try to hide the fact that this is about billions:
As he negotiates the multi-billion dollar bipartisan deal to fund the federal response to the Novel Coronavirus, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer announced a new push to make the now-in-the-works coronavirus vaccination fully covered by Medicare so seniors who want it and need it the most do not have to choose between shelling out and going without.23
It’s obvious where this is headed. If Schumer doesn’t get the many billions he demands it will be the Republican Party’s fault for endangering vulnerable senior citizens:
Schumer said this effort can—and should—garner bipartisan support as he explained his plan and detailed how he’ll work to add it to the final deal.24
Schumer wants $6 billion more than the initial Trump administration request for $2.5 billion. The senator’s figure includes $2 billion for “state and local reimbursement”25 because:
Many cities, like New York, have already spent millions on personnel, lab equipment, and supplies.26
If those cities turn out not to need the appropriated billions Democrats will find another way to spend it. Just don’t expect any of the money Warren wants to swipe from the border wall to go back where it came from.
UPDATE March 8, 2020: Democrats hate Trump more than COVID-19
America the Brave becomes America the fearful
States of emergency. A plunging Dow. Shore shelves stripped. Internet instructions for making your own hand sanitizer.
Seriously, folks.
Democrats make “deadly coronavirus” even more deadly
Let’s put the blame where it belongs: Democrats. They have turned deadly coronavirus into a reality just like they turned illegal immigrants into “immigrants.” One simple word changes the impact and obscures the truth.
This is about politics, not public health. Democrats’ coronavirus agenda is about hating Trump and scaring you and your family all the way to the voting booth. If the situation eventually turns into a crisis, they have already placed the blame, so
no matter what happens this is a partisan election year win-win.
Whose public relations problem is this?
Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) accused the president of treating the virus “like a public relations problem, instead of a public health crisis.”27 In a sense he’s right. Kildee’s party is trying to back the administration into a corner and Trump’s best defense is to spread the truth.
Democrats are manipulating the public’s COVID-19 fears to turn this into a 2020 election opportunity. Coronavirus offers limitless excuses to attack the White House and spread hatred for the Trump administration.
From Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA):
The level of chaos with which the administration has greeted the spread of coronavirus is unacceptable and frankly frightening.28
This isn’t just about stopping a disease. According to Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth “amid the deadly coronavirus outbreak” we need to attack the Trump budget’s stance pm work for welfare, a concept his party despises:
The Administration’s real goal here is to create yet another barrier so that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans lose their Medicaid coverage – and now at the worst possible time.29
Never mind that this is the 2021 budget and we just passed $8.3 billion in new coronavirus spending. Yarmuth’s party has a deadly virus to frighten the public with. It’s critical to undermine America’s confidence in the federal response.
From Nancy Pelosi:
the Trump Administration has mounted an opaque and often chaotic response to this outbreak.30
In pushing for the $8.3 billion coronavirus spending package, Steny Hoyer (D-MD) promised:
The Democratic-led House will continue to do its job and govern responsibly to meet the challenges facing our nation and its public health.31
How does Hoyer’s party govern responsibly?
U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight and Investigations panel – which oversees the agencies responsible for responding to the spread of the coronavirus – blasted the Trump administration today for failing to appoint a coronavirus czar to coordinate the federal government’s overall response to the virus.32
It’s surprising that a party so averse to everything Russian wants a czar to manage the American response, but given their current totalitarian approach to governing the country I suppose this makes sense.
So much for the House. What do we hear from the other side of the aisle?
Let’s start with alleged Trump administration sabotage:
Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), joined 38 Democratic Senators in demanding that Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar take immediate action to address the many ways the Trump Administration’s health care sabotage has undermined our preparedness for and ability to respond to the novel coronavirus outbreak.33
Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and a host of Democrats including Bernie Sanders, a senator with much to gain or lose this year, turned their deadly coronavirus into another reason to excuse illegal immigration:
We request an immediate moratorium on any enforcement-related actions at sensitive medical locations. We hope that you will agree that prioritizing medical care for people without fear of coming forward will be critical to slowing the spread of a deadly virus.34
It probably never occurred to them that state laws giving illegals the right to drive may also help spread this virus as family members arrive from Mexico and Central America, but this is a crisis so anything that gains a little political ground is fair game.
Chuck Schumer understands this. He continues to attack the Trump administration even though he got all but $0.2 billion of the money he wanted:
We have an emergency in this country and it calls for steady and competent leadership from our government. While the president dithers and tells mistruths about the coronavirus outbreak, the House and Senate have come together in a bipartisan way on an important first step to deal with this crisis.35
Tiptoeing around calling the president a liar doesn’t further the public health response, it doesn’t help a fearful public, and it doesn’t help bring the nation together to deal with this situation. It only helps Schumer and his fellow Democrats.
And by the way. Stop stockpiling hand sanitizer. Don’t try to make your own. Soap works better for most bugs including the flu. It’s cheaper and depending on where you live probably more available, too.
UPDATE March 9, 2020: great jobs report an opportunity for Pelosi to spread fear
This is what we got from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after a very good February employment report showed 273,000 jobs added:
February’s jobs report comes as families across America face an uncertain economic future as a result of the worsening coronavirus outbreak.36
It’s comments like these that help to endanger that future, but instead of offering hope thanks to a very low unemployment rate and expanding opportunity the speaker ignored the good news and spread more fear:
The coronavirus epidemic endangers both the health and financial security of our communities.37
Then she gave her party credit for spending billions.
This is not how a responsible public official responds to a national crisis. It’s how a prominent Democrat responds to a national crisis.
*During President Trump’s February 29, 2020 news conference Dr. Tony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease at the National Institutes of Health, reported that 75 to 80 percent of cases, including those in China, “do really quite well.” He continued:
You get anywhere from 15 to 20, 20-some-odd percent who are going to go on to require advanced medical care — hospitalization, possibly intensive care.20
1. “Pelosi Statement on President Trump’s Budget Request on Coronavirus Response.” Nancy Pelosi. February 24, 2020., retrieved February 27, 2020.
2. “Schumer Floor Remarks Calling on President Trump To Get His Act Together On Coronavirus.” Senate Democrats. February 27, 2020., retrieved February 27, 2020.
3. “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 28, 2020., retrieved February 29, 2020.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. As Coronavirus Fears Grow, Spanberger Calls for Administration to Appoint Point-Person to Coordinate U.S. Coronavirus Response.” Abigail Spanberger. February 26, 2020., retrieved February 29, 2020.
7. “Schumer Blasts President Trump For Lack Of Leadership & Lack Of Plan To Address Spread Of Coronavirus.” Senate Democrats. February 24, 2020., retrieved February 27, 2020.
8. “Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak — United States, February 24, 2020.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 28, 2020., retrieved February 29, 2020.
9. “Schumer Blasts President Trump For Lack Of Leadership & Lack Of Plan To Address Spread Of Coronavirus.” Op. cit.
10. Ibid.
11. “Schumer: Zika has a Bullseye on LI with Confirmed Cases Now in the Dozens; Despite Real Health Threat, Senate About to Break – This Week – For Rest of Summer Without Taking Action; Schumer Pushes $1.9 Billion Emergency Bill to Help LI & NYC Stop Latest Spread.” Charles E. Schumer. July 11, 2016., retrieved February 27, 2020.
12. “McCollum Statement on Trump Administration Response to Coronavirus Outbreak.” Betty McCollum. February 26, 2020., retrieved February 27, 2020.
13. “McCollum News: the State of the Union.” Betty McCollum. February 4, 2020., retrieved February 27, 2020.
14. “Rep. Nadler Statement on the Trump Administration’s Inadequate Coronavirus Response.” Jerry Nadler. February 25, 2020., retrieved February 29, 2020.
15. Ibid.
16. “2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., retrieved February 29, 2020.
17. “Flu Vaccination Coverage, United States, 2018-19 Influenza Season.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September 26, 2019., retrieved February 29, 2020.
18. “National Update on Measles Cases and Outbreaks – United States, January 1 – October 1, 2019.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. October 11, 2019., retrieved February 29, 2020.
19. Ibid.
20. “Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference.” February 29, 2020., retrieved March 1, 2020.
21. “Senator Warren Unveils Legislation to De-Fund President’s Border Wall, Use Funds to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak.” Elizabeth Warren. February 27, 2020., retrieved March 2, 2020.
22. Ibid.
23. “Schumer Pushes to Make Coronavirus Vaccine Fully Covered by Medicare; Seniors Who Will Need Vaccine the Most Should Not Have to Choose Between Shelling Out or Going Without.” Charles E. Schumer. March 1, 2020., retrieved March 2, 2020.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. “Congressman Dan Kildee: Congress to Act to Combat Coronavirus.” Dan Kildee. February 28, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
28. “60 House Dems Demand Improved Coronavirus Response From Trump Administration.” Don Beyer. March 4, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
29. “Chairman Yarmuth Opening Statement at Hearing on the President’s 20201 HHS Budget Request.” House Committee on the Budget. March 4, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
30. “Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” Nancy Pelosi. February 28, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
31. “Hoyer Statement on the Emergency Supplemental Funding Bill to Address Coronavirus.” Steny Hoyer March 4, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
32. “DeGette blasts Trump administration for lacking a clear chain-of-command in response to coronavirus.” Diana DeGette. February 26, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
33. “Brown, Democrats to Azar: Trump Administration’s Health Care Sabotage Undermines Coronavirus Response.” Sherrod Brown. March 4, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
34. “Merkley Leads Senate Colleagues in Urging President Trump, Coronavirus Task Force to Halt Immigration Policies That Risk Accelerating Spread of Illness.” Jeff Merkley. March 4, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
35. “Schumer Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Funding Agreement to Combat Coronavirus.” Senate Democrats. March 5, 2020., retrieved March 8, 2020.
36. “Pelosi Statement on the February Jobs Report.” Nancy Pelosi. March 6, 2020., retrieved March 9, 2020.
37. Ibid.
Image retrieved from on February 29, 2020.
Author’s note: this post was edited and updated for content after the original February 29, 2020 publish date.
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