It doesn’t matter how they got here. It’s a good bet many foreigners will make better Americans than we do. Why? Because they appreciate what we have. Too many of us forget to do that. It’s easier to take what government offers and ignore where we came from.
While pandering words spew from the mouths of candidates eager to bag enough votes to be their party’s 2016 nominee (see: Change America? Pander to the Bottom), we might ask if we are proud to be the objects of this embarrassing public simpering. Then we should ask how we managed to bring this on ourselves in a country founded on freedom from government, not enslavement to its selfish wants.
Wanted: better Americans
Slothful lifestyles that will kill many of us also infect our political and economic lives. Some of us are proud to say that we don’t pay attention to politics. We don’t vote or we expect things in return that are entirely outside of what government should provide, like a legally-mandated, middle class lifestyle in exchange for having no skills or education (see: Protesting is for Idiots. These Things Pay Better.).
As detestable as illegal immigration is, we can give illegals credit for one thing: determination. Say what you will about Democrats, they are smart enough to recognize that these people and their legal friends and relatives are where their future lies. They just need to keep them here and indoctrinate them as quickly as possible.
The same and more can be said for legal permanent residents. Unlike Americans born here, they had to make an effort. They slashed through reams of red tape to come to our country the right way. Many of us are too lazy to even drive down the street to cast a ballot. Some of these foreigners are good people. Some will prove to be bad, but one way or the other many will show qualities we lack, like determination and drive.
Where should we start?
Foreigners haven’t been conditioned to expect something for nothing
I’m not talking about foreigners from tax-happy Western European nations or Canada, but foreigners from places where life is difficult and offers scant opportunity compared to what is available in the U.S. The countries that contribute the most to our illegal foreign population are some of the same countries that bring us green card holding lawful permanent residents: Mexico and Central America, China, and India, among others.1,2
The riches this country has to offer must be absolutely staggering to someone lucky enough to live here with little to fear because they did it the right way. These people don’t expect something for nothing because they haven’t been taught what that means. They have to learn it.
Foreigners will value the vote, even when they don’t have it
Why not let foreigners vote? Americans don’t want to. Our election turnout is worse than embarrassing. It is deplorable, certainly lower than the number of our citizens who whine about corrupt politicians, Republican unfairness, and Democratic big bad government.
Foreigners who come from places where they could not vote, where elections are rigged, or where their decisions might get them killed must be amazed at how little we value our opportunity to have a say. Make no mistake: when they get their chance, they will vote. Some will even vote before that chance arrives and our lax voting laws will let them do it.
Foreigners are willing to work, even for less
This is where determination and drive enter the picture. Yes, illegals can be exploited in the workplace, not that we should care because it gives them a reason to leave. The point is they don’t leave. They stay. They know they have it good here. Americans, on the other hand, want more money for the same effort or expect to be paid in lieu of working. That’s not determination or the drive that made this nation a superpower. It’s liberal American brainwashing that eschews responsibility for anything but paying taxes.
Foreigners will respect a heritage we are giving up
The Founding Fathers be damned. We’ve got Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to look up to, three standouts in a sea of politicians determined to wipe the last vestige of the founders from our national memory. They exemplify how little America’s heritage means to Americans and how much we want in return for giving up our limited government roots.
Foreigners coming from nations ruled by oppressive regimes or escaping from destitute economies won’t have that problem. They will be thankful just to be here. Some will try to take advantage, just like we do. Others will wonder why we don’t honor where we came from. They will be better Americans than we are. Will foreigners ultimately be the ones who will save America from us? It all depends on who seizes their hearts and minds first.
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