October 4, 2014: No Confidence in Obama, but Should He Care?
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October 5, 2014: People Are Stupid, but They Can Still Vote in Illinois
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October 9, 2014: Best and Worst Thing About America is Freedom
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October 11, 2014: Needy Ignored by Illinois Democratic Party
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October 12, 2014: Fair Share Means You Will Never Pay Enough Taxes
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October 16, 2014: Bureaucracy Fails and Puts You in Danger
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October 18, 2014: New Presidential Appointment is More Political Posturing
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October 23, 2014: Dignity is Important Because It’s Cheap and Easy to Sell
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October 26, 2014: An Amnesty Bill Republicans Can Agree To Now
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October 30, 2014: Free Speech: How to Misuse it for Maximum Impact
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