September 1, 2014: Deportation Relief or War? Obama’s Crisis of Indecision.
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September 6, 2014: World-Class Education Costs $11 Million More
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September 7, 2014: Obama Promises an American Life He Won’t Deliver
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September 11, 2014: Terror Threat Less Scary Than Washington Politics
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September 14, 2014: Genocide Before Plague? Ebola Fights for Attention.
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September 18, 2014: Domestic Abuse and Diversity: Too Easy to Exploit?
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September 21, 2014: Taunting Conservatives or Blaming Democrats?
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September 21, 2014: How Does a Powerful Nation Deny Responsibility?
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September 26, 2014: Encouraging Crime: Bad Public Policy or Partisan Politics?
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September 27, 2014: Flight Delay Chaos: Did FAA Modernization Forget O’Hare?
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September 28, 2014: Electronic Records: Federal Systems Still Work for Crooks
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2. Ibid. p. 14.
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