The November 2, 2021 election was a hopeful sign that Americans are fed up with the hateful, racist politics of the far left, but a sign is all it was. Democrats still run Washington. They control far too many of our cities and states and are more than willing to destroy the country if that is what it takes to hold power. This means the Democratic Party is our enemy.
The Democratic Party is our enemy. The madness must stop now.
Democrats are still testing the waters to find out how much they can get away with. It started with state mask mandates and business and school shutdowns while prominent party elites like California Governor Gavin Newsome and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer violated their restrictions on our freedom and enjoyed their entitled lives.
The COVID lockdowns opened the door for Joe Biden to find out how far he can extend big government where it does not belong. His federal vaccine mandate, which a federal court has halted for the moment, put businesses on the hook not only for enforcement, but for paying the cost of replacing vaccine-hesitant employees.
It speaks to the overweening arrogance of the Democratic Party that Biden chose the stick over the carrot. He threatened penalties for freedom-loving Americans and jeopardized their livelihoods. The president could have offered tax incentives to workers or their employers. Instead he attacked good people, many of whom suffered under draconian COVID rules for many months. His pro-vaccine campaign makes the unvaccinated our enemies for the crime of refusing to bow to his autocratic demands.
This stupid, reckless power play is a prima facie example how the Democratic Party weaponizes our government and uses it against us. There are many more. Here are nine reasons we must stop the insanity now, or face living out our lives under the thumb of progressive terrorism.

You don’t think the Democratic Party is our enemy?
You might want to reconsider. This is what progressive terrorism looks like.
1. The Democratic Party wants to turn our children against each other.
CRT is racism. The left wants to get an early start on turning kids into card-carrying little Democratic Socialists who hate themselves, their parents, their country, and most important, each other.
Allowing the Democratic Party to pollute the hearts and minds of our children with the left’s racial hatred fantasy is incredibly destructive. Lying about it is even worse.
Despite the denials we heard last week about CRT in schools, the new Democratic Party depends on racism to advance its agenda. There is nowhere better to start than our schools.
Can the federal government enforce the teaching of CRT? Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Squad member Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) introduced a bill to create a “National Center for Anti-Racism.” For justification they turned to CRT activist Ibram X. Kendi.1
Another Squad member, Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) demands “an equitable education in an intentionally anti-racist environment”2 On Day One Joe Biden immediately cancelled Donald Trump’s anti-CRT order banning “blame-focused training such as race or sex scapegoating or stereotyping” for federal agencies, contractors, and grant beneficiaries.3
The Biden administration wasted no time with efforts to insinuate CRT into our schools. As Rep. Mike Gallagher pointed out in a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, school grant criteria that back a “culturally responsive education” rely on teaching kids that equality is dangerous:
Your proposed rule lauds “identity-safe” practices, citing a book by Becki Cohn-Vargas and Dorothy Steele. Those authors have argued that colorblindness makes students unsafe. Presumably, the Department of Education prides itself on evidence-based policymaking. Is the Department of Education aware of any studies that suggest treating students equally, regardless of race, endangers them?4
Inciting racial conflict is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If there is not enough racial animus in America to prove Democratic Party members’ insistence that America is a hotbed of hate, then they will constructive a narrative that makes it true and pits American against American, child against child.
That brings us to the next reason the Democratic Party is our enemy: Democrats are habitual liars.
2. The Democratic Party lies and lies and lies.
Lies permeate everything that comes from the Democratic Party. At the top of the pyramid liar-in-Chief Biden seems incapable of telling the truth about anything. As we work our way down through party leaders, lackeys, hacks, acolytes, and functionaries lying infests the party like some sort of horrible rhetorical parasite. Is this because the truth about what the party is doing to America is so terrible that lies are the only option?
Need examples? Here are four.
This was from Southern Border Ambassador Roberta Jacobson in March 2021:
The border is not open.5
In September 2021 DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeated her lie:
We have reiterated that our borders are not open, and people should not make the dangerous journey.6
So did CBP Acting Commissioner Troy Miller:
Our borders are not open. 7
And so did U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz:
Our borders are not open and people should not make the journey. 8
For the record, I don’t blame Jacobson, Miller, or Ortiz. They are too far down on the food chain to make up their own lies. Mayorkas? Guilty as charged.
3. What the Democratic Party wants becomes what the people need.
Democrats live in opposite land. Phony slogans like “For the People” send the false, populist message that the people count. We don’t. Activist special interests who keep the party fat and happy count.
How many working class Americans who are the number one Democratic Party priority will benefit from the influx of illegal immigrants and Afghan refugees? How many are offered $450,000 payments when they break the law? How many benefit from rising gas and food prices that are a direct result of the Biden administration’s focus on radical progressivism instead of the nuts and bolts necessities of running the country so everything works?
Fixating on climate change hysteria does not advance the working class. Neither does Biden’s endorsement of woke priorities like his order “advancing the use of non-binary gender markers and pronouns in Federal employment processes.”9
Gas prices make a much larger difference to working class households than preferred pronouns. To fix that problem America’s president refers us to Russia and OPEC.
4. The Democratic Party bets on inequality because that’s where the money is.
Those who point their fingers the most are often the guiltiest. Democrats are no exception. The Democratic Party is a racist organization that purposely creates racism where it does not exist and colludes with activists to persuade Americans to adopt its dark, hateful vision for America. Why? Racism means spending on everything from health care disparities to slavery reparations to all manner of equity-based programs. Equality offers no benefit to Democrats. The money is in inequality and the endless ways the party can exploit it.
5. The Democratic Party separates its elites from the people.
One of the great things about being an autocrat is you can impose whatever rules you want and not have to worry about following them. We saw examples throughout the pandemic from Democratic Party elites who got caught with their pants down. You know the phrase: rules for thee but not for me.
This gets really scary when we hear socialist demands to overhaul the economy knowing full well that Democrats will prosper while we the peoples’ quality of life will deteriorate. History has taught us over and over again that this is how it works. Party elites live their privileged lives while the people they oppress scrabble in the dirt.
6. Democratic Party governance endangers public safety.
Few card-carrying Democratic Party members will admit the truth about violent crime. It’s easy to push nonsense like defunding the police and swapping law enforcement with health-centric public safety departments if you don’t live where people are shot dead in the street on a daily, if not hourly basis.
Democrats have an incredibly high tolerance for the bloodbaths in their cities. They always have an excuse for why they can’t stop the killing. It usually boils down to needing more money which never makes any difference. Meanwhile, their liberal law enforcement policies open jails, eliminate cash bail, and advocate for unvetted illegal immigrants.
Activists like to push their claim that violence is a public health crisis. While this is certainly true, they never add that the Democratic Party is, too.
7. Democrats punish Americans least able to pay for their higher cost of living.
“No American will pay more” if they aren’t rich is another popular Democratic Party lie. We’re already paying more and those least able to pay are hit the hardest. Money-hungry Democrats pass regressive revenue vehicles that don’t impact the wealthy at all and inflict financial harm on the working class. Do they think that no one notices?
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker doubled the state gas tax in 2019. It went up again in 2020 and rose a third time this year. I’ve yet to have anyone ask me how much money I make when I pump gas.
8. Democrats will turn America into a police state if they feel their power is threatened.
January 6 protesters were locked up like September 11 terrorists. This makes sense to a Democratic narrative that draws no distinction between ISIS and American citizens, including parents who speak up about their schools. Not only did Merrick Garland threaten them directly, he used parents to threaten the nation as if we had just discovered a new terrorist cell.
9. The Democratic Party doesn’t like America because it doesn’t suit its needs.
Have you ever wondered why Democrats are inevitably in charge of the worst cities in the nation? It’s because sickness, poverty, and death suit their needs best. An America where we live in harmony and have the means to support ourselves is of absolutely no use to the party.
Donald Trump gave Americans an economy that worked for everyone, even the working and middle classes the Democratic Party claims for its own in hopes of creating more federal dependents. Party members condemned every stellar jobs report. They turned tax breaks into giveaways to billionaires. They lied, cheated, and stole to create a treasonous Russiagate narrative based on even more lies. This is why the Democratic Party is our enemy. It is not in the party’s interest for Americans to succeed or for America’s incredible success story to continue. No matter how they make us suffer or what they do to ravage the country, liberal political elites will not share the same fate as the people, so why should they care?
UPDATE November 9, 2021:
10. Democratic Party members tried to destroy a president who was duly elected by the people and we have every reason to believe they will do the same thing again.
The Democratic Party’s loss in Virginia last week took center stage despite a more damaging blow from Special Counsel John Durham’s new indictment in the Russiagate probe and the arrest of Igor Danchenko.
The indictment focused on the Steele dossier. To refresh everyone’s memory, the information it contained is where the Trump-Russia collusion hoax began. Democrats treated the Steele dossier with great reverence, for surely this was what they needed to take down President Trump:
The President, his family members, his campaign staff, and his close associates have repeatedly lied about their multiple contacts with Russian officials and close associates of Putin,” said Rep. [Bill] Pascrell [D-NJ]. “To ensure the American people and future Congresses know how we got here, today I will read parts of the Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Christopher Steele dossier, and enter its entirety into the Congressional Record.”10
Democrats put an incalculable amount of time and taxpayer resources and did immeasurable damage undermining America’s faith in the presidency with an investigation based on a story that never made much sense. Why would a president who is in the clutches of Vladimir Putin bring unprecedented economic success, record low unemployment, bolster our military, create energy independence, and do everything to advance America that our current president seems dedicated to undoing? Their tale would have been much more believable was it applied to Joe Biden and not Donald Trump.
Pascrell was correct about one thing. Congress needs to know how we got here. What was behind the Democratic Party spending years trying to destroy Donald Trump? If the Steele dossier was based on a fabrication, then this has enormous implications for Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 select committee because everything we hear and whatever evidence Democrats produce during this partisan investigation is now suspect.
Every American hears the word “insurrection” at least once every day. There is no way to avoid it. The Democratic Party and the media have insinuated the term into our everyday lives just like we heard the words “collude” and “Russia” time and again during the Trump presidency.
“Insurrection” usually implies violence, so what is a concerted yet non-violent attempt to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States and defy the will of the people? That depends on where Durham’s investigation leads us. Meanwhile, this is just more proof that the Democratic Party is our enemy. The phony nods to democracy and the Constitution and the pontificating about the importance of the vote mean absolutely nothing. The only thing that matters to party leaders is that they never lose power no matter what it takes. Their actions during the Trump presidency and a slowly unfolding probe into Russiagate are a pretty good indication how far they are willing to go.
1“Pressley, Warren, Lee Introduce Legislation to Confront the Public Health Impacts of Structural Racism.” September 3, 2020., retrieved November 7, 2021.
2Congresswoman Cori Bush Floor Speech in Support of H.Res. 72 – Removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. February 4, 2021., retrieved November 5, 2021.
3Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Block Federal Funding for Critical Race Theory Training.” June 24, 2021., retrieved November 7, 2021.
4“Gallagher Slams New Funding Criteria that Supports Critical Race Theory.” May 4, 2021., retrieved November 7, 2021.
5“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator for the Southern Border Ambassador Roberta Jacobson, March 10, 2021.” March 10, 2021., retrieved November 6, 2021.
9“FACT SHEET: Biden-?Harris Administration Advances Equality for Transgender Americans.” June 30, 2021., retrieved November 7, 2021.
10“Pascrell Reads Steele Dossier into Congressional Record.” July 13, 2018., retrieved November 9, 2021.
Image: Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from on November 7, 2021.
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