Nothing says I want your votes like cash. Passing out bills at the polling place is frowned on, but there are many ways to spread love to the faithful. Any good tax and spend Democrat will tell you that the trick is to keep voters on the hook and to never fix whatever problem afflicts the group you are pandering to. This is why decades of anti-poverty spending, social insurance, safety net upgrades, welfare checks and above all, empty promises only create more reasons to spend money on disadvantaged communities.
Americans are supposed to believe that a massive reparations payout will be different, a one-time apology to make amends for something no one alive is responsible for. In truth, reparations would be the epitome of stupidly irresponsible political pandering, a far-left, quasi-socialist income redistribution scam that will not end with one payout and won’t confine its beneficiaries to Black Americans.
California is a breeding ground for political recklessness. The results are a national disgrace. Homelessness, violence, and drugs permeate once-great cities like San Francisco. The Reparations Tax Force scheme for massive payments larger than the Golden State’s budget is laughable until you consider how quickly irresponsible ideas spread among Democrats. By the time Americans suffer the consequences of political stupidity like sanctuary city policies, it’s too late. The damage is done and won’t be reversed because that would be an admission that the party’s values are reckless and wrongheaded.
Bush: reparations for Black Americans are our obligation.
The Squad’s Cori Bush (D-MO) put herself in the headlines when she introduced H.Res. 414 on Wednesday. The resolution admits guilt on our behalf for a daunting list of crimes against Black Americans that seethes with hate for our country and its people. To that end, H.Res. 414 extracts an apology on our behalf:
Recognizing that the United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people in the United States.
Her resolution nails all the left-wing talking points: domestic terrorism, white supremacy, and every conceivable form of discrimination. What she left out is an acknowledgement of the money already spent which, if we take the argument for reparations seriously, was a massive waste of taxpayer resources that did little or nothing for Black Americans.
Press release betrays the real reparations plan.
The press release that accompanied H.Res. 414 admits why reparations are a scam:
Yet our federal government refuses to acknowledge the lasting harms of slavery and the unjust world it created for Black people. We know this injustice because we experience it every day. This resolution will move us closer to a federal government that acknowledges its responsibility for this injustice and enacts a holistic and comprehensive reparations package that begins to address the harm it has caused, the wealth it has extracted, and the lives it has stolen.1
Whether Bush, who is known for hiring private security and pushing police defunding while people are shot dead in her city experiences injustice every day is up for grabs. What matters are three words in the resolution: “begins to address.” No matter how much we pay, reparations will never stop because a one-time payout would end a legacy Democrats will not let go of. Like the War on Poverty, this is a spending vehicle that will keep on giving to their party in perpetuity.
When the reparations cash is gone the pain will remain, but anger and resentment is a silver living.
Payouts for slavery and the peculiar institution’s aftermath are a bribe disguised as a financial apology for something that can’t be apologized for. That’s the problem with reparations. Paying someone for a hurt that will never go away and can’t be erased means that once the money is gone, the pain remains.
Punishing taxpayers for a crime they did not commit will not change this. It will, however, breed anger and resentment that Democrats will use to justify their propaganda that America is a fundamentally hateful, racist hellhole for anyone who isn’t a card-carrying white supremacist.
Stupid takes nothing off the table: 11 reasons reparations are a foolish scam.
Here are 11 reasons why reparations for slavery are a foolish scam we can’t ignore because in Washington stupid takes nothing off the table.
Let’s start with Democrat Party special interests who are not black.
1. Illegals and migrants come next.
After we spend hundreds of billions and more likely trillions on reparations for Black Americans, Democrats have played their hand. Who comes next? I’d place my bet on illegal immigrants who they will argue were denied all the advantages enjoyed by American citizens. We never asked them to show up with their hands out, but taxpayers will bear the blame for not making their lives as good as ours.

2. Native Americans.
With the exception of Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), we don’t hear much about Native Americans from Democrats. Perhaps their numbers don’t make them as appealing to the left as Black and Latino voters. If Washington goes the reparations route I guarantee you they will move up the list when the political boost from the first payout dies down.
3. LGBTQwhatever Americans.
This identity politics heavy hitter is a no-brainer. The types of discrimination Democrats will dream up are practically endless. They can even pay off children who will suffer a lifetime of agony because they weren’t allowed to castrate themselves due to draconian Republican restrictions on genital mutilation.
When America wises up and realizes that advocating for this butchery was a bad idea we can pay to fix that wrong, too.
4. Women?
Scratch that. Democrats can’t pay reparations to a group that doesn’t exist, though I wouldn’t put it past them to reinstate women allegedly denied “reproductive health care” or better yet, payouts to people whose lives are miserable because they weren’t aborted and ended up homeless or hopelessly addicted to drugs.
Reparations are a Big Lie from America-hating Democrat extremists.
The idea that Americans owe reparations doesn’t come from the political left’s determination to do the right thing for anyone except its own extremist politicians. This is an outrageously cynical calculation based on selling hate for America to justify extracting cash from good people who have done nothing wrong but who will pay the reparations tab to support the political advancement of radical Democrat politicians.
5. Language inserted in any reparations legislation will confirm that America is a fundamentally racist, discriminatory nation infested with white supremacists.
By doing so, Democrats will codify their fiction and make it true. If you do not believe this will be the case, reread Cori Bush’s reparations resolution.
6. Reparations puts a price on the heads of Black Americans.
The notion that a one-time bribe can make up for America’s peculiar institution is offensive in the extreme. Like slavery, it puts a fixed price on the heads of Black Americans for lives that America affords endless opportunity. This is why the payouts can never end. If they do, we know precisely what black lives are worth and that returns us to one of the precepts of slavery.
7. Slavery is just the beginning.
Democrat cities awash in killing, violent crime, drugs, homelessness, and expensive public schools for illiterate children will become bastions of lost opportunity. Democrats know there is only one way to make amends for what they have done to the people they claim to care about. They have been doing it for years. The spending will never stop and will never accomplish what they promise. This has nothing to do with slavery, but lost opportunity payments are as good an excuse as any to keep the cash flowing.
8. There isn’t a Democrat alive capable of explaining how reparations fixes systemic racism or social injustice.
Systemic racism and injustice is the Democrat Party’s stock-in-trade for Black voters. When poverty and all the consequences of slavery we’ve heard about don’t go away, we’ll be reminded what Bush’s resolution threatens. Reparations only begin to address America’s guilt. Time for another payout.
9. Deciding who is impacted by slavery and who is not is impossible, so guess what?
If you think that Democrats will tell Black Americans that they don’t qualify because their family lineage doesn’t add up, guess again. Every Black American will qualify, unless Dems decide to exclude those who vote for the Republican Party in violation of Joe Biden’s racist “you ain’t black” maxim.
10. Black Americans are political capital. They are not meant to thrive.
Bush’s resolution defines reparations as a “victim-centered process.” This is how Democrats view and treat Black Americans and why they quickly slap the Uncle Tom label on successful Black Republicans. Black Americans are not supposed to thrive. When they do well, their value as political capital sinks.
Paying a group of Americans based on a fundamental belief in their inability to advance in our society without Democrat Party handouts is racist. Democrats make this fiction come true by suppressing black and brown people in their big cities with crime, drugs, and other social scourges that destroy lives while they spread propaganda that blames America and their political opponents.
This is not a slavery problem. This is a racist Democrat Party problem that reparations cannot and will not address.
11. Every American who pays taxes regardless of skin color, gender identity, or sexual preference deserves reparations from the Democrat Party.
Democrats have lied, cheated, and stolen more money in the name of erasing what they argue reparations will fix than we will ever be able to account for. The results are painful and obvious. Now there is a new push to do more of the same to bring in votes and keep these destructive ideologues in office.
If Democrats won’t fix what we’ve already paid for, taxpayers deserve to have our money returned. There is only one way to make this happen: get a tax break from the GOP. Stop voting for Democrats and especially those like Cori Bush trying to scam us into spending more money – preferably a lot more money – to fix their favorite politically-motivated fiction about racism and opportunity in America.
1“Congresswoman Bush Introduces Legislation Urging Federal Reparations.” May 18, 2023., retrieved May 18, 2023.
2“U.S. Border Patrol agents working in El Paso, Texas, apprehend 1,036 illegal aliens, the largest single group ever caught, May 29. CBP photo.”, retrieved May 19, 2023.
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