President Biden opened a campaign appearance in Chicago with an unintentional truth:
Look, it’s awful- — always special to be back in Chicago.1
Awful would have sufficed. Violent, woke, and broke Chicago is a sad example of what happens when voters submit to radicals like Mayor Brandon Johnson who impose an extreme progressive agenda for its own sake instead of protecting the people he was elected to serve.
The president embraces the same downward death spiral at the national level. His 2024 reelection campaign sells an Agenda of Death that kills Americans and threatens a treasured ally in exchange for radical votes.
Death is the final destination for Biden White House policies. An agenda that kills Americans is as extreme as it gets, unless the president’s disastrous foreign policy makes good on his warning about nuclear Armageddon and takes the whole of humanity with us.

Middletown, Virginia
National Park Service Photo
Biden Agenda of Death is dark, chaotic, and kills with impunity
Chaos is a popular leftist buzzword that perfectly describes the Biden presidency. Joe likes to use it when he’s threatening his vanishing base with Donald Trump:
And, folks, look, chaos is nothing new to Trump. His presidency was chaos. Trump is trying to make the country forget how dark and unsettling things were when he was president.2
He recited a nearly identical message during an appearance in New York:
But, look, folks, chaos is nothing new to Trump. His presidency was chaos. Not a joke. Trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark and unsettling it was when he was President, but we’ll never forget.3
And in radical Seattle, Washington:
But, look, chaos is nothing new to Trump. His presidency was a chaos. Trump is trying to make the country forget how dark and unsettling things were when he was president.4
It’s not clear whether the repetition is borrowed from Goebbels or if it makes Biden’s senility easier to manage during public appearances.
Death is “no joke,” to borrow a Biden favorite that signals the president is lying. Few things are darker or more unsettling, but death and chaos are where the Biden agenda stakes its claim for four more years.
Biden’s border invasion kills Americans so Democrats can welcome their new voters
On Wednesday the White House criticized Nicaragua’s leaders for “systemic violations of human rights:”
Today, the United States is taking coordinated action in response to the Ortega-Murillo regime’s continued repression of the people of Nicaragua and ongoing exploitation of vulnerable migrants, including via the facilitation – and profiting off of – irregular migration to the United States.5
Like blaming Putin for the Biden Gas Price Crisis after vowing to end the fossil fuel industry, the president pins the Biden Border Crisis on everyone but himself and the radical stupidity behind his decision to stamp out every vestige of Trump administration policies that worked.
Democrats at every level of government incentivize Biden’s illegal immigrant invasion while he lies to Americans that the border is safe and secure despite abundant reports of murder, rape, robbery, drug dealing, child abuse, sex crimes, human trafficking, crimes committed by illegals, and a growing fentanyl death toll.
Homan: unimaginable suffering and death for Americans and migrants
Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan warns:
President Biden is the first President to ever un-secure a border on purpose. The current administration’s failure to enforce and uphold the laws as written by Congress are not just matters of legal debate but have led to unimaginable suffering and death for Americans and migrants alike…6
The president cares so little about American deaths from his open border that he didn’t even bother to pronounce Laken Riley’s name correctly at the 2024 State of the Union despite having her blood all over his hands. His party backed him by voting against the Laken Riley Act 170-37 in the House. Republicans who value American lives unanimously supported the legislation, passed the bill, and sent it to certain death in Chuck Schumer’s Senate.
In a National Review op-ed, House Homeland Security Chair Mark E. Green (R-TN) laid Biden’s numbers on the table: over 617,000 criminal illegals let loose into America and a growing list of gang crimes, murders, and sexual assaults while two million gotaways with unknown identities and intentions roam our country.7
Dead Americans and migrants are collateral damage from a Biden Agenda of Death that doesn’t care. They are ignored by a party and president more concerned with placing “new arrivals” on a path to citizenship so they can start counting the votes. As reports of new tragedies roll in, propaganda covers up the lives lost on both sides of our border.
Legal abortion is not the same as marketing baby killing
Biden’s willingness to eschew truth, integrity, ethics, morality, and his duty to serve the people makes it easy for his campaign to sell death to a nation that values life above all things.
State laws that prohibit abortion under any circumstance are unjust and immoral. On the other hand, turning abortion into the Democrat Party’s raison d’etre is also immoral and unethical. The reality of what the procedure accomplishes takes a back seat to a marketing campaign for baby killing focused on constitutional rights.
Why is killing babies so fundamental to the Biden campaign? Unless you are a hardcore Democrat demanding the freedom to kill up to the very first cry, there are other issues like inflation that common sense dictates should come first and yet abortion is at the top of Biden’s Agenda of Death policy list.
The president pins the Dobbs decision on Trump:
Look, Trump is in trouble, and he knows it. Just today, he released a video where he’s scrambling on the abortion issue — scrambling on the issue. He’s worried voters are going to hold him accountable for the — overturning Roe v. Wade and for the cruelty and chaos that it’s created.8
Biden has even less regard for the intelligence of Americans than the Supreme Court he ignores so he can trade a student loan bailout for votes:
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States expressly took away a constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized.9
This is a bald-faced lie. Dobbs did not ban abortion and neither did Trump. SCOTUS’ pro-democracy decision left the question to voters who are the guardrails against the autocratic overreach Biden relies on to accomplish his dirty work.
If the issue incites chaos, it’s coming from radical pro-abortion proselytizers like Vice President Kamala Harris. She warned a Jacksonville, Florida audience:
And I have seen firsthand, then, that this truly is a healthcare crisis. And Donald Trump is the architect.
And, by the way, that is not a fact he hides. In fact, he brags about it. He has said the collection of abortion bans in the state is, quote, “working the way it’s supposed to.”10
Yes, this is how our Constitution works. The Supreme Court rules and now the people get to decide even if democracy gets in the way of mass baby killing.
Curiously, the administration doesn’t have the same reverence for Second Amendment rights which are also part of the Constitution and arguably a much stronger mandate that the right to kill babies endorsed by Roe.
I’ll be the first to argue that bans on terminating pregnancies from rape, incest, or to save a mother’s life are driven by wrongheaded zealotry. So is marketing the wholesale slaughter of babies and refusal to acknowledge the truth about partial birth abortions, the radicals who promote the procedure or deny it happens, and the House Democrats who with one exception voted unanimously against H.R. 26, which sought to protect infants born alive during an abortion procedure.
When executions fail, we treat convicted killers better than America’s most innocent and vulnerable.
There are times when abortion is justified. There is no time when America’s president should cheer the shameful disregard for human life hiding behind the Biden-Harris marketing campaign for mass baby killing.
Democrat mayors asked not to attend funerals for murdered cops
Like the inevitable scene in a Mafia movie where the bosses who order a hit show up at the funeral to express their condolences, radical left politicians show up at the funerals for police officers killed in the line of duty as if their policies have nothing to do with the body in the casket.
According to NBC 5 Chicago, the family of slain Chicago Police Officer Luis Huesca requested that Mayor Brandon Johnson not attend his funeral.11
The New York Post reported that NY Mayor Eric Adams was also told to stay away from the funeral for Office Jonathan Diller, another cop killed in the line of duty by a repeat criminal.12
Liberal policies like no cash bail laws, refusing to prosecute crime, and restricting the ability of law enforcement to do its job are radical priorities that cherry pick anecdotal incidents like the death of Tyre Nichols and turn them into sweeping political mandates like this remark from VP Harris:
The persistent issue of police misconduct and use of excessive force in America must end now.13
The issue is persistent because the White House wishes it. Democrats successfully turned their liberal vision of racist police brutality into violent protest reality during the 2020 election campaign season. Now the left employs the same strategy for its antisemitic, pro-Hamas protests.
From innocents like Laken Riley who lost her life to one of the president’s illegal invaders to police officers killed in lawless blue cities, the value of life cannot compete with the liberal priorities of the Biden Agenda of Death.
The White House claims:
The President inherited a violent crime rate that surged under the prior administration.14
If violent crime was so bad when Trump was in office, is it better now?
That’s not what we see from Chicago’s violent crime numbers or reports from cities like Washington, D.C.:15

House Budget Committee
Biden claims that Republicans are the ones who want to defund the police.16 We heard the same thing about securing the border. As for his allegation that violent crime surged under Trump, here is Joe’s track record:

House Budget Committee
Pandering to terrorism kills, but it keeps progressives engaged
Radical left-wingers like Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) quickly turned against Israel after the genocidal October 7, 2023 attack:
I am grateful to students nationwide and across the Massachusetts 7th — at Emerson, Northeastern, MIT, Tufts, Boston University, Harvard, and more — who are raising their voices and putting their bodies on the line to press for action to save lives in Gaza. That is what this movement is about. We cannot lose sight of the horrific injustices that Palestinians in Gaza are facing and I am proud to stand in solidarity with peaceful protestors.18
In the hands of progressive Democrats peaceful protest has nothing to do with the First Amendment and everything to do with using coercion and the threat of violence instilled by the George Floyd riots to achieve their goals.
The 2020 BLM riots were so successful the left decided to add antisemitism, genocide, and terrorism to its protest menu.
Radical lawmakers shamelessly insult the intelligence of voters:
Peaceful protest is a central tenet of our democracy and students standing for justice have often been a catalyst for much-needed change. From the 1960s civil rights movement, the Vietnam War protests, the struggle for gender equality, and the movement for Black lives, to the global movement for peace in Israel and Palestine, many of the rights we tout today were earned thanks to the sweat equity of students demonstrating on college campuses across the nation.19
I can’t recall any American civil rights movement that promoted ethnic hate and antisemitism, genocide, the destruction of Israel, or tore down our flag in favor of a banner promoting Middle East terrorism. Radical Democrats who marginalize Christians as a nationalist threat are determined to turn America into a Third World, Marxist Shangri-La. They found a willing dupe in Joe Biden, who will say and do whatever he’s told as long as he can remain president no matter how many people are hurt or killed as a result.
Biden’s covertly pro-Hamas, anti-Israel policy is so conflicted even John Kirby can’t make sense of it:
The President said yesterday that if Israel in fact proceeds with a major ground operation in Rafah, he will not provide certain categories of weapons to support such an operation. The Israeli government has understood this for some time now.20
He [Biden] also said yesterday that he will continue to ensure that Israel has all of the military means it needs to defend itself against all of its enemies, including Hamas.21
Keep in mind:
As the President said, Israel has not yet launched such an operation. So, he was talking about what would happen in the future if they did. That’s a choice that Israel will have to make, and it’s one we hope they don’t.22
That’s a line in the sand for an ally who suffered a massive terror attack and now faces global antisemitic condemnation and an International Criminal Court threatening to arrest its prime minister who, unlike our president, is determined to protect his people at any cost.
Predictably, the president bowed to antisemitic, pro-terror protesters using the same rhetoric that justified the BLM riots:
In moments like this, there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn’t a moment for politics. It’s a moment for clarity.
So, let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America — violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is. It’s against the law when violence occurs.23
Violence did occur. Police were attacked. Jewish students were threatened.
Biden’s reply when asked if the National Guard should intervene?
Our soulless, morally corrupt president values nothing except votes and power. If that means a foreign policy that opens the door to killing more Jews to placate radical voters in Michigan and elsewhere, then that is what he will do while his confusing, conflicted hypocrisy promises the opposite.
Where will the Biden Agenda of Death lead America?

National Park Service photo
Leftists believe it’s entirely appropriate to make jokes about Donald Trump’s death. The same banter directed at Biden would not be tolerated. The knock at the door from his weaponized justice and security agencies would be sudden and swift with guns drawn.
Words have an impact. They have consequences. How many times have we heard this from Democrats trying to blame Trump for the January 6th “insurrection?”
After our White House controlled judicial network fails to destroy Biden’s opponent and likely replacement, what comes next? According to Fox News, leftist late night hack Jimmy Kimmel joked about whether things would improve if Trump died.24 He’s not alone. The speculation and outright incitement will only get worse when the court cases fall like dominos.
The left places no limit on its determination to get rid of the man destined to be our next president. Americans are warned that democracy and our very survival are at stake and another four years of Trump must be stopped at any cost.
When the court efforts collapse, don’t look for the president to insist that democracy and voters instead of mob rule, violent riots, our Trump-hating media, and whatever else the radical left cooks up decide where our nation is headed. That’s not going to happen. We’ve already been down that road with the Dobbs protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices that led to a would-be assassin targeting Brett Kavanaugh.
The consequences of the most powerful man on earth’s cognitive decline are not explored by Democrats or their complicit media, either. Volumes will be written about Biden’s disastrous foreign policy failures starting with the Afghanistan retreat and continuing with the Chinese spy balloon incident, his Ukraine proxy war, and now the decision to side with pro-Hamas voters instead of supporting an ally in need.
Joe Biden’s Agenda of Death has many destinations: Americans murdered by his illegal invaders, babies lost because it’s our right to kill them, Jews threatened with genocide, and a frightening possibility when the left’s justice network fails to put Trump in prison and take him out of the presidential race.
Will the Agenda of Death end with a second Civil War if the unthinkable happens to a massively popular presidential candidate Biden, administration officials, the Democrat Party, left-wing media, and radical left voters hate more than anything on earth, or the annihilation of humanity thanks to the foreign policies of the most powerful, cognitively impaired man on the planet who has already warned about atomic doomsday?
Take your pick. This is not a political agenda or campaign platform any sane American who cares about our nation’s future would choose.
1“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Chicago, IL.” The White House. April 8, 2024., retrieved May 2, 2024.
3“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Irvington, NY.” The White House. April 25, 2024., retrieved May 2, 2024.
4“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Seattle, WA.” The White House. May 12, 2024., retrieved May 17, 2024.
5“Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on Actions Against the Ortega-Murillo Regime Repressing People and Preying on Migrants in Nicaragua.” The White House. May 15, 2024., retrieved May 15, 2024.
6”Wrap Up: Biden Administration’s Policies Have Fueled Worst Border Crisis in U.S. History.” House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.” January 17, 2024., retrieved May 16, 2024.
7“A New Crime Wave is Sweeping the Nation”: Chairman Green Pens New Op-Ed on Border Crisis-Crime Connection.” House Homeland Security Committee Republicans. March 18, 2024., retrieved May 18, 2024.
8“Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Chicago, IL.” The White House. Op. cit.
9“Remarks by President Biden on the Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade.” The White House. June 24, 2022., retrieved May 3, 2024.
10Remarks by Vice President Harris on the Fight for Reproductive Freedoms.” May 1, 2024., retrieved May 2, 2024.
11“Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson not attending funeral for Officer Luis Huesca.” NBC 5 Chicago. April 29, 2024., retrieved May 2, 2024.
12Larry Celona, Craig McCarthy, and Olivia Land. “NYPD sergeants’ union warns anti-police NY pols to stay away from slain cop Jonathan Diller’s funeral — including Council Speaker Adams, Public Advocate Williams.” New York Post. March 27, 2024., retrieved May 3, 2024.
13“Statement from Vice President Harris on Tyre Nichols.” The White House. January 27, 2023., retrieved May 3, 2024.
14“FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Propose Defunding COPS as President Biden Insists on Funding the Police.” The White House. March 25, 2024., retrieved May 16, 2024.
15“The Cost of … DEMOCRATS’ SOFT-ON-CRIME POLICIES.” House Budget Committee., retrieved May 18, 2024.
16“FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Propose Defunding COPS as President Biden Insists on Funding the Police.” Op. cit.
18“Rep. Pressley’s Statement on Peaceful Student Protests.” April 25, 2024., retrieved May 20, 2024.
20“On-the-Record Press Gaggle by White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby.” The White House. May 9, 2024., retrieved May 19, 2024.
23“Remarks by President Biden on Recent Events on College Campuses.” The White House. May 2, 2024., retrieved May 2, 2024.
25Hays, Gabriel. “Jimmy Kimmel ponders ‘once Trump is dead’ will ‘things get better?’” Fox News. January 19, 2024.
“Presidio of San Francisco. San Francisco National Cemetery.” National Park Service., retrieved May 17, 2024.
“Mount Carmel Cemetery.” National Park Service. May 17, 2024., retrieved May 17, 2024.
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